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Man “WK Autobiography gis Chey Working_in the Warehouse Text 7 — tort reading here. There might be important information in the introduction. Charles Dickens is famous for hie novels such as A Christmas Carol times. When he was twelve years old, Dickens was sent fo work in @ vmerehouse for fen hours a day assembling jars of choo polish. In this piece of eutobiographicel writing, Dickens recalls his time working there. and Oliver Twist, however in his childhood his family faced hard | vA ‘The blacking-warehouse was the last house on the lefichand side of the way, at old Hungerford Stairs, nee ot ble-down old house, abutting of a course on the siver, and literally overrun with rats > e aan 62h som, a ming down in the cellars, God the sound of their squeaingane scuffing 1 Tewas a crazy and its pa floors and me eS the old grey rats ©ea coming up the stairs at all oe and the dit and decay of the place, rise up visibly before me, as if L were Q Sere agsin, The counting-house was 07 the first floor, looking over the coal-barges and the river. ‘There was a recess in it, in @ar which Iwas to sit and work. My work was to covet pots of paste-blackings frst witha pice of oilpapes and then and then with a piece of clip the paper close and net all rounds until it looked Tice sop, ds smart as a pot of ointment from an apothectry’s eamty's ‘ shop. When a certain number of grosses of pots had @s axtained this pitch of perfection, Twas paste on each a printed label, and then go on again with more pots. Two or three other boys were kepr at similar duty down-stars on similar wages. One of them carne up, in a ragged apron and pmpecap on tn fist Nomar masta, show) me the trick of using the string.and tying. — Tie and I took the Hberty of using his name, long afterwards, in @* ot ‘No words can Sxpress the secret agony of my soulas I sunk into the ° a 3 2p. companionship of common men and boys. ‘The deep remembrance of the sense yc) ie OL @* nad of being utterly neglected and hopeless: of the shame I felt in my position; os y® of the misery it was to my young heart to believe that, day by day, what I had W ve ieamned, and thought, and delighted in, was passing away from me, never to be brought back, cannot be written. [know I do not exaggerate, unconsciously and Srpska O* unintentionally the seantiness Of my resources and the difficulties of my life. Lknow that if 2 shilling or so were given me by anyone, Lspentit in adinnet or a tea, Lknow that I worked, from in and boys, know that I tried, but ineffectually, not to anticipate my @s* by puting it away in a drawer Thad sn the counting house, wrapped into si litle parcels, each parcel containing the same amount, and labelled with a different day. 1 know that I have lounged about oF ene 1, insufficiently and unsatisfactorily fed. 1 know that, but the mercy ‘of God, I might easily have been, for any cate that was taken of me, a little robb “ora little vagabond. @2 L ‘an adapted extract from The Life of Charles Dickens by John Forster. Discuss In this text, Charles Dickens thinks back to the time in his life when he was poor. However, he went on to become a famous author. What do you think could have happened for him to change from working in @ warehouse to being a famous novelist? Discuss your ideas with a partner. 6 Working in the Warehouse — Question Set 1 | @ Which person is this autobiographical text written in? Tick one box va First person Third person ® Why was the warehouse where Dickens worked called the blacking-warehouse? ae For this question, you will need to make links with | what happens at the warehouse and what itis called. (B) Put these stages of Dickens's job info the correct order. Cover the pots with a piece of blue paper. Zz Tie the papers round with string. 3 Paste a printed label onto each pot. ¢ Cover the pots with oil-paper. | Clip the paper close ond neat all round. 4 For this type of question, first find each of the stages in the text and underline them. Then number them in the order they appear in the text. Finally, mateh each stage in the question to your numbered stages in the text. > Draw lines 4o match the words on the left (found in the text) with = G5) 8 the most appropriate definition (on the right) for their context. Jocen! When you don't know what a word means, find i in the text and read around i to see what makes sense in the context. abutting = shortage wainscoted freedom apothecary panelled in wood liberty next to person who prepares scantiness |” drugsImedicines If you're not sure what the word ‘disrepair’ means, think about the root word and the prefix. Find three words and phrases in the fext which show the warehouse was in a state of disrepein. PEK. FARR. BAe SEAM AMC. Olot (s ieee Meee SWarmin. ALE and Adtay Of the Ploce in your own words, summarise the final paragraph ¥0 what life was like for Charles Dickens as a . boy. The first sentence has been written for you. &® Asa child, Charles Dickens had very little and life was tough. hid, QA. ARO Kg. ASR. ODM CEL Yn a. he tele anol h cy ble, mera 1 @ Not to be photocopied~ 2 8 | Working in the Warehouse — Question Set 2 Which phrase in the paragraph beginning The blacking-warehouse shows that Charles Dickens is recalling memories from his childhood? as in Ti tel en Den a GR. . ‘EZ took te Gbedy of W! a5 inamet 199 ofteucaell, WW Ouves T Use the text fo work ut which of the folowing statements re frue. co as! 2 AK rots) True False There were only a few rats that lived in the warehouse. 4 Before applying labels, Charles Dickens had to cover a large number of pots with paper first. Charles Dickens tried to ration out his wages \ AA wort be cor Charles Dickens became a robber. - @® Why do you think Bob Fagin was a name which Charles Dickens remembered such a long fime after working in the warehouse? Bok eis Monat AAAN, Dickens PEALE A ENE Bleckng Hevehouse Shorel ww Aget. fag! Canuierad (4) Which one of the following statements best summarises . the paragraph beginning No words can express...? ‘Summarising means looking at ‘the whole section and putting it into just a few words. Tick one box It is about the boredom Charles Dickens {felt working at the warehouse tis explaining the order of stages Charles Dickens had to follow to prepare the pots of polish. It describes how he felt about his childhood and life. It describes how he felt about working at the warehouse. \ @) a) How do you think Charles Dickens felt about working in the warehouse? SACS SARK. AGIA Ph. ang. At be 1. 2G A A Gel lng. OG ICELEA. AOA, LAAPCNEAS B.A SPARS IEARI HE MAD ED MAY Yourg heart ing in been peid well if he worked all day can't have been that bad! Explain fo the bird why he's wrong. Use evidence from the fext fo support your answer. Why the bird is wrong Evidence Cho MG Rickenwhoreccl thkaag s.r neato] Shacatcteal.aas fern... ach. AE EMEO, Poi enough ~o« t> eat wel! even t He norkeot lo1g b= 10 Text 2 — Persuasive Text Waste Wattiors i] A ometimes @ piece of writing can help persuade people to change their behaviour. In this online article, the author describes the environmental impact of waste plastic, and urges the reader to join a movement called ‘Waste Warriors’. WANTED: WASTE WARRIORS Are you horrified at the “% Do you care about the environment in whi amount of plastic and waste that litters our planet and harms wildlife around the world? If so, we need you to be part of our Waste Warrior campaign! Invasion of the Plastisphere When plastic was invented, everyone was delighted to find a versatile material that didn't ~ decompose. As a result of this, plastic has become a huge part of modern life, yet while this plastic revolution was taking place, no one stopped to think about what would happen when we disposed of it — until now, that is, Did you know that approximately 150 million tons of plastic waste are currently floating around in at our oceans, es untold Roi. anid death to matif’sea creatures? Since the 1950s, the use Qt Pees enone of plastic in the UR has grown and grown: we are now producing 5 million tons of plastic waste. “a al per year. All too much of this waste has been littered ote beautiful countryside, causing @! a massive blight on our surroundings and immense danger to animals, birds and plants , do you ever stop to consider the miles and miles of floating plastic. iM aXS pieces that engulf our amazing oceans? There \ @° is now even a nome for these floating islands nd the creatures that live on them — the Plastisphere, This word has had to be invented 2 Is this how you see our future? A land by scientists as it is only in our lifetimes that we submerged in perilous plastic and debris? have become aware of the shocking effect that plastic is having on our planet. Not only do sea creatures get poisoned, injured or die from eating this unnatural substance, but the Plastisphere then ends up on our shores and unsuspecting land animals eat the plastic too. Do you think they deserve this demise? Or are you willing to do something to prevent it happening in the future? @ Be War We are calling upon concerned children with a conscience across the world to unite in our fight ‘against the damage caused by irresponsible disposal of plastics, Do you have what it takes to be a Waste Warrior? Do you care enough about your environment and your future to educate ‘ond inspire others to follow our mission to eradicate plastic waste from our planet? croltenge @ar @ The first thing that you can do to save our planet is to reduce the amount of single-use plastic {you use — things like plastic water bottles, plastic utensils, plastic a a\ straws and disposable food containers that you will only use once Coen lange Your an encourage your friends and family to do the some,but if {you really want to make a difference, you can become part of 0 chelienge {fast-growing organisation that is determined to have a positive impact on the fight agoinst plastic pollution Waste Warriors has been set up by like-minded individuals who can no longer just sit back and observe the dangers of plastic waste and the horrific blemish on our environment. Waste Warriors will be tralblazers in the battle to eradicate plastic waste from our oceans, cities, towns and countryside. We need children who willfully commit to our cause and join us in our worthwhile crusade. ot oe @ + Visit our website here and register your interest. It will give you full details of what we have already achieved, and how you can be a part of the crusade help us to make our world a better place | ‘against a plastic planet. Plea ea consider Think about how feelings have changed towards plastio since it was first invented. How would you try to persuade a company that produces plastic to think about the environment? Written by Maxine Petrie ree 12 Waste Warriors — Question Set 1 @ Why did plastic make people happy when it was first invented? =. ad. dC. ANCA SCH aE Draw lines to match each sentence (on the left) fo the correct final word (on the right). Use the text fo help you. The Plastisphere is the name given to the miles es and miles of plastic, and the creatures that live 7 on it, which appear like floating _ | Eating plastic can poison, injure and kill containers. both sea and land — The Waste Warriors movement aims to Ne islands. encourage children to join their —_— This text encourages you to use less single-use |“ eee plastic, like water bottles, utensils and disposable | __ A link to their website is provided so a that children can register their ___— ' (@) Read the paragraph beginning Did you know. Find and copy two words which show that plastic is spoiling the environment. ee) | The question asks for two words. Don't ae be tempted to write any more than that Which of the following phrases beet explain what is weitfen about in the three paragraphs entitled Be a Warrior? Tick one box how plastic has transformed the way that we live what can be done to help save the Earth from further damage a what should have been done to remove plastics from the ocean this. Read all you make your decision. ‘G) What three things could a child do to become a Warrior after reading this article? 1. ECE, Pin ttl SIG Hr beh Be PII € they une Read the following statements and decide if they are a fact or an opinion. Fact Opinion ae Approximately 8 million pieces of plastic - waste are floating around our oceans The author believes that plastic waste has A caused a massive blight on our surroundings Everyone should do something to help fight against the damage caused by plastic. Floating islands of plastic waste and the creatures that live on them are called the Plastisphere._ 14 Waste Warriors — Question wera! | etaces Use the section entitled Invasion of the Plastisphere to give two feelings the author has about plastic. Find evidence to eupport your answers. Author's feelings: Evidence from the text: + OAS 1; 2... GA LLP, Abstract nouns like ‘anger’, ‘excitement and ‘loneliness’ are examples of words that show feelings. Find and copy two phrases from the text which show the admiration the author has for planet Earth. ———————— ff When it says ‘Find and copy’, don't write any words that aren't in the text. Make cure you copy the phrases carefully. In the caption undemeath the picture of the seashore, the word this is underlined, Why has the author underlined that word? = 7 Se EA A a AKO of Dr PEK EAI STAI hreng bbe LO ARE AA han bed & conte! be ACh hs DE nmokes you & Look at the words that are written in bold within the main text. Which of the following statements explains how they are linked? Tick one box All of the words are metaphors. All of the words describe the plastic, All of the words show how bad the problem is. qT neger suk LD ord§ All of the words explain what pollution means. Challenge | don’t think the euthor should be ai too dangerous! Children Do you think the octopus is right? Say what you think, why you think i, and give evidence from the text fo support your answer. What I think: Why I think it: rae: “Evidence from text: The following extract is taken from the novel Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson, which was first published in 1886. This story is about a boy called David who has been sent to live with his Uncle Ebenezer after his parents have both died. Here, David's uncle has asked him to fetch a chest from the top of a ut doesn’? give David a candle to help light the way. * tower in the house, Out I went into the night. The wind was still moaning in the distance. It had and I was glad to feel along the wall, till I came the fallen blacker than eve length of the stairtower door at the far end of the unfinished wing. I had got the key into the keyhole and had just turned it, when all upon a sudden, without sound of wind or thunder, the whole sky lighted up with wild fire and went black again. had to put my hand over my eyes to get back to the colour of the darkness; and indeed I was already half blinded when I stepped into the tower. It was so dark inside, it seemed a body could scarce breathe; but I pushed out with foot gad hand, and presently struck the wall with the one, and the lowFinost round of the stair with the other. The wall, by the touch, was of fine hewn stone; the steps too, though somewhat steep and narrow, were of polished masonwork, and regular and solid underfoot. Minding my uncle's word about the bannisters, I kept close to the tower side, and felt my way in the pitch darkness with a beating heart. Well, as I advanced, it seemed to me the stair grew airier and Iwas wondering what might be the cause of this change, when a second blink of the summer lightning came and went. If I did not ery out, it was because fear had me by the throat; and if I did not fall, it was more by Heaven's mercy than my own strength It was not only that the flash shone in on every side > through breaches in the walll,so that I seemed Q® to be clambering aloft upon an open scaffold — ae OU die, Lswore Lwould setle that "perhaps," if I should break my This was the grand stair! I thought; and with the ae B cnelienge. thought, a gust of a kind of angry courage came intormy heart. My uncle had sent me here, certainly to run great risks, perhaps to neck for it; got me down upon my hands and knees; and | as slowly as a snail, feeling before me every inch, and testing the solidity of every stone, I continued to ascend the stair. The darkness, by contrast with the flash, appeared to have redoubled; nor was I Gar that all, for my ears were now troubled and my mind confounded by a great stir of bats in the top part of the tower, and the foul, @©' beasts, fying dowmwards, sometimes beat about my face and bod. (2) «5 The tower, I should have said, was square; and in every corner the step was made of a great stone of a different shape to join the flights. Well, I had come close to one of these turns, when, feeling forward as usual, my hand slipped upon an edge and found nothing but emptiness beyond it. ®er af ‘An extract from Kidnapped ese by Robert Louis Stevenson. Consider Throughout this extract, we are made aware of David's feelings. The author doesn't use adjectives (e.g. ‘afrai feolings in a more vieuel way. Find and underline any examples of this that you can find in this extract. ): he describes the 78 Kidnapped — Question Set 1 @ Why was David heading fo the top of the tower? 2 SB AL AOL. IA SOAR. so (2) Find two phrases inthe first paragraph which chow how dark i i. @) Draw lines fo match the words from the text (on the left), with a word from the right which could most suitably replace it. lowermost openings Ht helps to replace the words in the text with the synonyms aloft recalling given to see which minding perplexed breaches a confounded skyward 19 ©) a) foar had me by the throat is a phrase written in 4the third paragraph. What is this an example of? Tick one box simile noun phrase personification A alliteration b) What do you think the phrase fear had me by the throat means? i's definitely worth re-reading the part of the text where this phrase appears, so you can be specific about why the author used this phrase. How did David feel about the bats at the top of the tower’? How do you know? How David felt: Howl When you are asked how you know, you need to find evidence in the text. Kidnapped — Question Set 2 | ® What do you think the wild fire was that lit the sky in the first paragraph? SS... Gghkaragan. (2) Giro the word below which best desorbos David's dominant feeling as he ascends the tower? confident secure cowardly optimistic or =in the box to make this number sentence correct. “| can calculate using negative numbers.” ; 4 L Roman Numerals Claudius records the number of cups of tea he makes over three days in the table below. @ Wednesday x Tuesday vil Monday XVI Write the number of cups of tea he made on Monday in digits. a ew, Vv Ss Jb t= ot ——_ Tak lo How many more cups of tea did he make on Wednesday than on Tuesday? Weds: 1X 1o- 14 >, ques - VE SHIEH ET 2 ay 2 "mak @) Find the missing Roman numeral below. L C?l= 151 caso &, , ey ? t. L =o mate @B) ‘Tim finds a scroll from the year MCCLXI. _ jq0O + 1OO F/O + SOF!O We this year as a number. +1 =1261 1900 Ce, Cc: 120 1261 i= SO \) “mark KIO ' 2 / 022 . IDOoO 2092 will turn 90 years old in the year Mme, we In which year was Malik Sstteess Ié your oe wash ee . oe eR 1992 2002 2011 2012 OL “| can read Roman numerals up to M and recognise years written in Roman numerals." | Decimals | H190-45 too Tad @) Look at the number 0.759. Oo 4S Which digit is in the hundredths place? ee, @) Circle the smallest amount of money below. BS £1.95 £1.99 £1.98 £1.89 ia @) Write < or > in the boxes to complete the number sentences. Joos > < lo.03 oe & be > J 0.908 [rae <] lia Q > mark & Trane (@) Ellen's ladder is 4.59 m tall and Clark's ladder is 4.7m tall. Whose ladder is taller? e& 2 : Caves — G) Put these decimals in order from smallest to largest. Ani de | | ni aor’ L034 ogo Loss L043 fo Corpye O 4121 | 64240 | | Oo 4 0.43 Tmets | “1 ean identity the value of each digit to three | decimal places. ean order and compare | numbers with up 40 three decimal places.” 1 0 ©o | 8 - an ne | Rounding | @) Round the number 987) 413: to the nearest ten to the nearest ten thousand & &, A271, $10 940,000 Round each of these numbers to the nearest hundred: fole) & &, 74% —| Joo 4091 | 4/00 Foo mark @) What is 6 31 9 657)rounded to the nearest thousand? Circle the correct answer. & 6 319 700 6 320 000 6 319 000 6 310 000 @ Jona’s house is 8.39 m tall. Round this height to the nearest metre. an ey g-BA J. Sen g a a ° 3 v {mark Which two of these decimals round to the same umber when they are rounded to one decimal place? \A\> 2B) ohh ®&, 2 aj and || 2.52. r “Lean round any whole number. | can round decimal numbers to one decimal place or ® the nearest whole number." L 2 Mixed Practice That's the end of Calculations — test how much you've leamt with these questions. Layton is thinking of a prime number that is @ factor of 22, 44 and 66. What two numbers could his number be? &, Zz and ff — mark ayes @) x 9f6'= 80(%08) What is 8.1 « 9.697 e.rx« 10= Sl a 4.85 « Iso AEN i ica So, Fel A CA = FOIOAt 99° OF 12 = 80.109 wae Aun hat costs £4.59 and an ice cream costs £2.70. Fatima wants to buy a sun hat and three ice creams he has a £10 note. How much more money does she need? @2.72 lg.19 — 444.549 712 Ev-IO [2.69 &, food £12.62 fl2-00 = &2 6a mans cds () ‘Afactory produces 9360 biscuits in one day. Wy Co St . pack. How many biscuits There are 22 biscuits in a k has been filled? 22 are leftover after every pad a 4215710 Ce 22[aseo Bg [30] —— | 120 Terk Ss x +20 ™ 460/ ——+| 9 |————|40 ark @) Jasmine buys theme park tickets for herself and two friends. She pays £18.99. How much does one ticket cost? 6.33 3 [T9499 = mark : VW [ Multiplying and Dividing @) Jackie has 840 beads. She needs 9 beads to make one bracelet. How many bracelets can she make? Ga we, wey AT so a3 99 7 ms mark x How xeny beads will she have left over? ee we, iG ‘mark Mas orders 27 boxes of bananas to sell in his shop. There are 5 bananas in a bunch and 15 bunches inbox. 7S <(O = 750 5c = 2S0 “How many bananas does he order in total? 3gu 7 7 S28 | box © IS co \ aS 7 ‘ AS XV, Z z ) 7S \ ae 5 a g 2025 —— Tae 1+ @ Gino is filling bottles with ink. He has 2666 ml of ink. 2. 5 Each bottle hold 14 ml of ink. \ ce 42 acl can of ink. How many bottles can he completely fil? 14] 266 So a ws 10 Donk 6 ond 4 wel fpr 98 yo n22dt 2 5&, 126 aa 19° : over! Zmanke “| can multiply and divide numbers mentally and | using standard written methods. | can multiply el ral 1 @ 4 S and divide decimals by whole numbers." Order of Operations ‘Apair of brackets is missing from the calculation below. Write the calculation with the brackets to make it correct. 3x7-2+8 =23 The menu at a bakery is shown on the right. Jesse buys a cream bun for himself and one eclair for each of his 3 friends. How much change does he get from £10? Li pon & = £3.60 eS 6. (9.2) 48 22 on +B =23 mack \S we ee ee @) Keira thinks that 6 +(3 x 5}-9 = 36. 8 Show that she is not correct. D mm “(Cigxs- a. otiS-92 12 A a -A=i12 Ss Nov 36 Tak ©) Draw lines to match up each calculation with the correct answer. § > 4 S ® Pej2=2] [a2-29+2] [42+2-2 4 10 1 mane Cream bun 70p | x | Cupcake £1.10 Eclair £1.20 |x 2, Jro- 440° >, £ES.7° “| can work out what calculations | need to use to solve a problem. | know the order to do things in a caleulation. 1@H OF Checking and Estimating GotT =X @) By estimating, circle the correct answer to 60.27 * 4.9. >, 49.13 (123) 14.23 153 Cioseo* oot @) Sakura caloulates 752 + 47 = 16. Write down a calculation she could do to check her answer. & #7 |* fo. =| 752 13 “mark See (3) Obi thinks that 983 « 79 = 784 657. Use estimation to decide whether his answer looks correct, BS [000 ~ FO = FO,000 Much Smelles than 1¢4, 687 $0 Ob) iF incomeck mark Ms Wills needs to buy workbooks for each pupil in 11 classes of 33 pupils ‘She works out that she needs to buy 11 x 33 = 363 workbooks Use an inverse operation to show that she is correct. ae 33 ise! NS mark “1 can estimate to check the answer fo a calculation. | can use inverse operations to check answers." 1 mark | Multiples, Factors and Primes @) Look at the numbers below. f 2 4 iT 9 1 14 Which of these numbers >, are factors of(287 |) 2% es : ae 1, 2,4, 7 met 14 4,4 mark Which of these numbers are prime? Qa 2 1 7 mark What are the common factors of 12 and 30? 12! 0,@,@, 4+G,!2 4: O.8,85,0, & - 12, 13,30 1,2,3,6 mane What number between 40 and 50 is a multiple of 7 and has a factor of 6? HMul&ples of ) beticen 49 ao TO aoe 42 and gq 42 ony 42 hue faecor of G mark @) Find the common multiple of 6 and 9 that is less than 20. Gi 6, 12,1, 24... &, se es 18 ‘mar Find three prime numbers which multiply together to make 165. IbS= cx 33 - &, Se ax i Ss 1s im 2marks | "1 know how to find common multiples, common [ factors, prime numbers and prime factors." 4H @H © ] ee ee a i al [ Mixed Practice That's the end of Fractions, Decimals & Percentages — test how much you've learnt with these questions. @) The rule for this sequence is add 2 each time. Fill in the missing terms. = 4 cs ! 7. Z os 4 +2 S23 = Agroup of friends have = of a cake left. What fraction of the full ae cake does each person get if the remaining cake is shared between: 5 Gi ples 5 people’ Bpeople? gg S 1 LN 74 Oy Your answers should have _ihe same denominator. > Zi - lee gra 8 |so| 7 |se 8 x marks a Put these values in order from largest to smallest. ry @) Soe 86n oe 0-€ x) 60 4a 7 oe : 7) 500 8% + 0.65 5 = bP PE - x oO | oO °, a ae 69° a (9! < 0.65 So iS 8% largest —— — smaiiest ‘2 marks Check how well you've done with Fractions, Decimals & Percentages by adding up your marks from this Mixed Practice page. Write your score 18 in the box on the right, then fill in the scoresheet at the ‘end of the book. 1e Section Three — Fractions, Decimals & Percentages | Fractions 1 @) Fill in the missi lumbers to make these sets of fractions ec 6 — 2. Soc 2.14 EI 5 58 8 = 56 Se ZO Y [Ie a «2 Tne 4 = @) Circle all of the fractions below that are equivalent to —. 7 7 co (3) xd) “12 28 z 28 35 4 Te The shapes below are split into equal parts. A fraction of the hexagon has been shaded. Shade the rectangle and triangle so that each has the same fraction shaded as the hexagon. fi & 3 ‘mark @) Draw lines to match each improper fraction to the equivalent mixed number. One has been done for you. ® PB 4 18 3 4 als S| a 3 2 a a 107 25 4 on 54 Oe | a Gc 3.0 Bante "1 oan swap between mixed numbers : and improper fractions. | ean simplify @HM @o |__ fractions and find equivalent fractio Common darom' ne chess ——> t yw qrard) P Ore’? = (4) Put the fractions below in order from smallest to largest. x. x Comparing Fractions 22 3 2 @ we, a2 4 3] fz) [& xe rad 12] |S + smallest largest mar @) Circle the smaller fraction in each pair below. aN ea cma) Bw ier Te 17 ae 28 2 Tne GB) Write <, >,or = in each box to make these number sentences correct. ea eX a 27s) we 2 wz] 3 74 8 24 7 49 7 7 ms Tne x = = @) Circle all of the fractions below that are larger than bo 4 xle mW, g 22 4 ost m4 6 5 3o 40 &° WY ioe SE Bmax 24 Write each of these fractions in the correct pu to make the number foal correct. a a aoe 4 &, [oe 5 2 s 2a ie 2a to S GS S Tra | "1 can compare and order fractions, ® 0 ® a a | including fractions greater than 1." “As ) Pe ) : . @) Joanne ale “> 1a What fraction of the chocolates in the box. > ) are neither milk n jocolate? O28 &s 2 e224 |f 4#o Fy 40 7 © 40 |40 ‘ 2 marks ‘ne wR @) Kiaus walks 12 % Migs to the bus station. Az He gets on a bus afd stays oni for st miles oy v How many miles does he travel in total? Give your answer as a mixed number. g z u “" 7 Ss i 2 65 miles 2mans “I can add and subtract fractions Dm R OH © by finding a common denominator." a : 19 [ Multiplying and Dividing Fractions | @) what is 2 of 280 9? 2H + = 40 Oe, 4ox«? + FO 80 9 Tren @) 3 identical cucumbers weigh 8 kg. How much does 1 cucumber weigh? -) og So 7 S 6 et S| a Tare ~G@) fine missing fractions in the function machines below. eS 4 ‘ 2 a 10 a 2) * q 9 F Tans eS . eS Glo x6 a x2 12 JL 2 |&} ——" —- | 2 | ———— a5 3 Is 5 es q +6 ‘2marks @) Dan fills 24 fish tanks each with 253 itres of water. 7.275 =) ZY xp = aga \ What is the total volume of the water in the tanks? 74 xv = . s 4 2 aS Y WUT im ae hy or = \3 Gig &, (ol & litres Imai — “lean muliply factions by whole numbers and by other I~) @)L] OL | wt — ee fractions. | can divide fractions by whole numbers.” 20 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages | @ oe ¥ OS Which of the values below is equivalent to 0.03? Circle the correct answer... “foo OS 3-3 0-3 O32 0-0 —s Oo Ff FG 10 3 _ 3 a T mar 10 Write <, > or = in each box to make these number sentences correct. : 1.79 4O% 47 } 15% <} 049 aa > | 1.07 10 ia — Oud “ar Hope has completed 12 out of 25 levels in a video game. What percentage of the levels has she completed? “E io te Eps = = 9 2s a2 § % 3, ‘mark Beth gets 36 out of 50 questions correct in a quiz. Jordan gets 75% of the questions correct. Who got the most questions correct? Show your working. & 2 ee y fe" 12-72% < 2S SO lo> x2 Jerelan got Mt quetsou sry COVER mans ). Arlo drinks Pa of a litre of squash. Write this fraction as a decimal. ~< Ws, lo7 . SBS 20.528 O.S3S “mark 200 «xs, 19909

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