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Case study Answer Writing Checklist


Understand Question / Requirements

● Do you fully understand what you’re being asked to do? What is expected and how much
depth is required to answer the question.
● Failing to understand the question is one of the most common reasons behind a disappointing
mark in essay writing.
● Common phrases used in essay questions can indicate different expectations.

What Type of Essay

● Know what kind of essay you want to write?
● There are many different ways to write an essay. For example, narrative, persuasive or even
argumentative. Different essay styles referenced below.

Planning and Scheduling

● Start planning the moment you receive the essay question.
● Make efficient use of the time available.
● Set deadlines don’t leave too much work right before the hand-in date.

● Think of ideas. What will you write about in the essay?
● What is your intention behind the piece?

Brainstorming can make you look at the topic and develop a deeper understanding.
Also, enable you to recognise the connections between various parts of the subject.

Introduction Statement
A sentence that explains the main idea behind the essay.
● What are you writing?
● How are you writing (structure)

Research and Resources

● What do you need to find out? Gather relevant material.
● What existing knowledge do you possess to help?
● Read everything … Articles, online research using websites, notes, course material, interview
experts, library and books, to name a few.
● Keep track of research for referencing and citing sources.
● Google Scholar is a brilliant tool to search by keywords related to your research.
● Note theories, information, research and quotes that will be key to answering the question.
● Outline your plan and what you intend to include in your writing.
● Make notes of roughly what logical sequence your points and ideas will appear.
● Introduction and conclusion – Know where you are starting and how you will finish, excluding
anything that doesn’t fit in.
● Know precisely what each paragraph will be about before writing them.
● Create a list, diagram or mind map to group all your ideas and thoughts in one place.

Present fact from the case

● Make sure you bring fact from the case when analysis the situation.

Critical Thinking
● Dont just quote but offer critique of research or gaps you see.
● Incorporate multiple theories to support you answer

Present Argument
● Make sure everything flows together by fleshing out the basic skeleton structure of the essay
to ensure a cohesive and clear piece.
● Imperative, the essay follows a logical structure to ensure that you stay focused and don’t
● Continually revise for clarity, consistency, and planned structure.

Quoting, Summarising and Paraphrasing

● Essays need quotes or to show you have made yourself familiar with available information
and facts that are already published.
· Quoting – Identical text from an original piece of work.
· Paraphrasing – Convey someone else’s work in your own words.
· Summarising – Main points into your own words.
● Detailed referencing to source when making a statement of fact, or drawing on arguments or
theories presented by others.
● Paraphrase wherever possible, and quote if necessary.

● You mustn’t try and present someone else’s work, finding or ideas as your own.
● Check citations and references.
● Plagiarism checker tools are available to help you make sure you are creating 100% unique

● Check for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.
● Look for mistakes and typos.
● Make use of an online tool like Grammarly, spell checking on your computer or even ask a
friend to read through for mistakes. (second set of eyes)

Language and Wording

● Academic writing should be clear, concise and avoiding non-academic language.
● Academic writing in the forms of essay, dissertation, a thesis should use more formal,
unbiased, and include rhetoric.

Evaluate what you’ve written
● Is the argument clear?
● Is the structure organised in a logical and easy-to-follow way?
● Enough examples for your case?
● Cohesive argument? More cohesive?
● Conclusion

Service Diary Example

Exerperince 01

The (CN) team represents among the highest levels of customer service I have experienced.
Information was accurate, responses to queries were turned around very fast when I went to open the
bank account at CN Bank last month. Answers were clear and where necessary detailed enough for
us to make informed decisions quickly, minimising the end to end time to process complex
transactions among a number of parties.

It appears frontline employees were well trained and happy to serve to customers. This reflect the
situation of cycle of success in term of the employee and customer relation.

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