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Fill in the comparative form of the adjective of the first sentence.

1. Sue's car isn't very big. She wants a   car. 

2. This house isn't very modern. I like   houses. 

3. You're not very tall. Your brother is  . 

4. Bill doesn't work very hard. I work  . 

5. My chair isn't very comfortable. Your chair is  . 

6. Jill's idea wasn't very good. My idea was  . 

7. These flowers aren't very nice. The blue one is  . 

8. My case isn't very heavy. Your case is  . 

9. I'm not very interested in sports. I'm   in reading. 

10. It isn't very warm today. Yesterday it was  . 

11. These tomatoes aren't very good. The other ones taste  . 

12. Ireland isn't very big. France is  . 

13. Liverpool isn't very beautiful. London is  . 

14. This knife isn't very sharp. Have you got a   one? 

15. People today aren't very polite. In the past they were  .

Complete the sentences, using the positive, comparative and superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Dad's car is much   than mine. (fast)

2. I think scuba diving is   than climbing. (fascinating) 

3. His thirst grew   and  . (big / big)

4. He thinks this test was   than the last one. (difficult)

5. They live in a really   house. (beautiful)

6. She is the   tennis player of the world. (good)

7. Susan is a   girl. She's much   than her sister. (nice / nice)

8. This suitcase is   than the others. (heavy)

9. Hotels in London are   than in Vienna. (expensive)

10. Bob is   than Keith but Phil is the  . (tall / tall)

11. Doris reads   books than Peter but Frank reads the  . (many / many)

12. France is as   as Spain. (beautiful)

13. They live in a   house but Fred lives in a   one. (big / big))

14. My sister is three years   than me. (young)

15. This was the   film I have ever seen. (bad)

16. I think tennis is   than cycling. (interesting)

17. I talked to Claire and she is a really   girl. (smart)

18. His company earned   money than the years before. (little)

19. She was the   girl at college. (popular)

20. They didn't stay out as   as last Saturday. (late)

Fill in the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets.

1. The moon is the   planet to earth. (close)
2. Jupiter is the   planet in our solar system. (large)
3. Sirius is the   star we can see from earth. (brilliant)
4. Venus is the   planet in our solar system. (hot)
5. Ceres is the   asteroid in our solar system. (big)
6. The Energya is the   rocket. (powerful)
7. Karl Henize was the   man in space. He was 58 years old. (old)
8. Saturn is the   planet. (beautiful)
9. Venus is the   planet in our solar system. (bright)
10. The Apollo project was the   space programme. It cost 25 541 400 000 dollars. (expensive)
11. Mercury is the   planet in our solar system. (small)
12. Romenko is the   man in space. He spent over 420 days in space. (experienced)
13. Pluto is the   planet in our solar system. (cold)
14. Venus is the second   object in the solar system. (bright)
15. Jupiter has the   day of all planets. (short)
16. Uranus hits the   temperatures of any planet. (cold)
17. Mercury is the   planet in the solar system. (cratered)
18. Saturn has the   rings in the solar system. (extensive)
19. The   Uranian moon is Miranda. It has ice canyons and terraces. (interesting)
20. With winds up to 1500 mph, Neptune has the   winds recorded in the solar system. (strong)

Complete the sentences, using the positive, comparative and superlative of the adjectives in brackets.
1. A cheetah is   than a horse. (fast)

2. Susan’s hair is   than Betty’s. (short)

3. The Mt Blanc is   than the Großglockner, the Mt Everest is the   mountain. (high)

4. June is   than May, but July is the  . (hot)

5. Table tennis is   than tennis, but badminton is the  . (easy)

6. French is   than English, but Chinese is the   language. (difficult)

7. "Airforce One" is the   film I have ever seen. (interesting)

8. No, I don’t think so. "Contact" is   than "Airforce One". (interesting)

9. Hot dogs are   than hamburgers. (good)

10. This is the   chocolate cake I have ever eaten. (good)

11. Skiing is as   as riding a bike. (easy)

12. Carol sings as   as Mary, but Cindy sings the  . (beautiful)

13. Tennis is   than skiing, but football is the   sport. (popular)

14. Detective films are as   as western films. (boring)

15. No, I don’t think so! Romantic films are   than western films, but nature films are the   films I
have ever seen. (boring)

16. The United States are   than Mexico, but Russia is the  .country (large)

17. A mouse is as   as a hamster, but a rat is   than a mouse. (clever)

18. A canary is   than an eagle, but a parrot is the   bird. (colourful)

19. Peter is as   as George. (clever)

20. January is as   as February. (cold)

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