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Common error that should be corrected are before submitting the final report
1. Students are confusing proposal with the report. What u should submit is a report not
proposal (read ur several times reports and make correction where necessary).
2. In the title page at the bottom and the following rubric” A report submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Software
Engineering at the Department of Computer Science, School of Computing and
Information Technology, Murang’a University of Technology.”.
3. Specific objective should be numbered and should be as follows
i. To gather and analyze
ii. To design
iii. To develop and test
iv. To validate

4. The report should be written in past tense eg “there researcher used interviews and
observations to collect data”.
5. In most reports the table of content is not properly generated.
6. In the report Insert list of figures and and tables. (to insert go to references, insert table of
7. In chapter 2 and 3 please cite the source of your literature. . (use journals that are between
2015- 2015).
8. In chapter 4 and 5 label all the diagrams (to label go to references, insert table of figures
and click on insert caption then select whether it is a figure, table, all equation) e.g figure
1:Use case diagram.
9. All diagrams that you are having in the report must be explained briefly.
10. References should be inserted after chapter 6 followed by appendices.
N/B. if I have not replied your email please make above corrections and resend again.

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