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Rahajeng Gianata Amalina, Anggito Khayru Nafis, Annisa Alifia Zahra,
Satria Ibtibhawira, Nezar Natalegawa

Advisor: Sri Lestari, S.Pd., M.Pd, Nur Ulfah Maulida, S.Pd,

dr. Risky Ika Riani, Sp.GK,
SD Hj. Isriati Baiturrahman 1 Semarang, Indonesia

The level of stress that occurs in the community is increasing, along with
the incidence and death rates due to COVID-19 disease, especially those
that occur in COVID-19 patients who are undergoing self-isolation. Stress
can weaken the immune system by reducing the fighting disease cells
mechanism so that the body's resistance will decrease and slow healing.
One of the stress management that can be done easily, affordable, and can
be done alone at home during self-isolation is relaxation by inhaling
aromatherapy. This research uses fermented fruit peels and vegetable
residues that we develop into E-Rainbow-Zyme and used as organic
aromatherapy with a characteristic fermented lemon acid aroma. E-
Rainbow-Zyme Aromatherapy have been tested on 15 respondents, namely
COVID-19 patients in the government's integrated self-isolation house
Semarang. We examined the respondent's preference for E-Rainbow-Zyme
aromatherapy compared to manufacturer aromatherapy. Afterwards,
respondents were given treatment, namely relaxation by inhaling E-
Rainbow-Zyme aromatherapy for 15 minutes/day for 3 consecutive days,
then measured stress levels using the DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress
Scale) questionnaire before and after treatment. The data showed 53.3%
prefer E-Rainbow-Zyme aromatherapy to manufacturer aromatherapy
which about 46.7%. The statistical results show a decrease in stress levels
as assessed by a decrease in DASS scores for all respondents. Evaluation
on the last day showed that the number of patients in the normal category
was increasing from only 20% patients to 53.3% patients. Based on the test,
it concluded that E-Rainbow-Zyme can be used as an effective natural
aromatherapy to reduce the stress level of COVID-19 patients. This product
is also safe, affordable, easy to use, smells fresh, no expiration date, and
helps to raise awareness of love for the environment in the community.

Key words: eco-enzyme, fermentation, an organic aromatherapy, isolation.

Introduction with the number of incidences and

deaths, especially in COVID-19
During pandemic COVID-19, patients who are undergoing
the level of stress that occurs in independent isolation both at
the community increases along
home and in government isolation over fruit and vegetable. One of
center. According to data, people the multipurpose organic solutions
in 8 islands in Indonesia as many that is currently produced is the
as 664 respondents experienced eco-enzyme which found by Dr.
stress due to the COVID-19 Rosukon Poompanvong the
outbreak as much as 65.8%.1 founder of the Thai Organic
Humans as social beings, always Agriculture Association, who has
need the support of other people conducted research since the
in their lives. Social distancing and 1980s. Eco-enzyme is solution
self-isolation by patients bring made from fermented organic
about certain responses that wastes, especially fruit and
affect the comfort and mentality of vegetable peels, with the
the patient, feelings of anxiety will additional ingredients such as
arise and cause stress and even palm sugar or molasses and water
depression.2 in a ratio of 3:1:10.5. By using Eco-
Research proves that stress enzyme we can reduce organic
can weaken the immune system waste. Since Indonesians landfill
by decreasing fighting disease sites exist about 70% was organic
cells or cells that fight disease so waste. We are interested in
that a person will be more making organic aromatherapy
susceptible to disease and if he is using the fermented fruit peels
already sick, it will slow down his especially lemon peels and
healing. Excessive and prolonged colourful vegetable residues that
stress will also make the body looks like as a rainbow colour,
tired and eventually weaken the which developed into E-Rainbow-
supply of adrenaline hormones Zyme and we use it as an
and lower the immune system. alternative to natural
One of the stress management aromatherapy to help reduce
that easy, affordable, and can be stress in COVID-19 patients who
done alone at home during self- are undergoing self-isolation.
isolation is relaxation by inhaling
aromatherapy.3 Materials, Tools and Method
Aromatherapy is a therapy or 1. The Process of Making E-
treatment using odors derived Rainbow-Zyme
from plants, flowers, trees that The E-Rainbow-Zyme product
smell good and pleasent. is an eco-friendly product that is
Aromatherapy is beneficial for very easy to manufacture and use.
holistic healing, soothing a healing The materials and tools used are
touch with therapeutic properties simple and available around us,
and providing emotional comfort in namely fruit and vegetable waste,
restoring body balance.4 sugar, water, containers,
Various aromatherapy products diffusers, gloves, scales, cutting
have been available on the boards, plates, cutting knives,
market, but not many have stickers/labels for making E-
produced aromatherapy with Rainbow-Zyme, pH meters and
natural and organic ingredients in tubes. pH test, stationery, bottle
their manufacture. Moreover E- packaging, observation table of
Rainbow-Zyme use the waste left- organoleptic.
E-Rainbow-Zyme made of
organic ingredients using lemon
peels, orange peels, as well as
vegetable waste such as spinach
stems, eggplant skins, and other
organic materials such as telang
flowers. However, we use lemon
peels more than ingredients. The Picture 2. The Process of
conditions for the rest of the fruit Making E-Rainbow-Zyme
and vegetables used are fresh, not Aromatherapy
rotten/wormy/moldy, not cooked
(boiled/fried/sauteed). We use
2. E-Rainbow-Zyme as
more lemon rind, in order to get a
fresh lemon scent in the product
after fermentation. E-Rainbow- The E-Rainbow-Zyme product
Zyme Aromatherapy should be is applied as aromatherapy and
use palm sugar and mineral water. tested on 15 respondents of
However, water utility company COVID-19 patients who are
PDAM should be stand for at least undergoing self-isolation in an
24 hours (so that the chlorine integrated independent house of
settles and can be separated).6 the government Semarang city,
The formula that used to make which located at Kembangarum,
E-Rainbow-Zyme is 10 parts of Kec. Semarang Bar, Kota
water in a container (60% of the Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50183.
contents of the container). Then 1
part palm sugar (10% of the total
water), 3 parts of fruit and
vegetable waste to reach 80% of
the container. Afterwards, close
the container for 3 months and
open it every day for seconds to
release gas for 7 days. When
there is still gas left, remove it for Picture 3. An Integrated
up to a month.7 Keep the container Independent House of The
in a warm place. Do not expose to Government Semarang City
direct sunlight and away from
This study uses the pre-
disposal, sewer, and water closet.
experimental pre and post-test of
one group design. The research
conducted by analyze the
respondents' preference for E-
Rainbow-Zyme aromatherapy
compared to manufacturer
aromatherapy. Afterwards the
patient was given treatment with
relaxation with E-Rainbow-Zyme
aromatherapy which placed in a
Picture 1. The Composition
of making E-Rainbow-Zyme diffuser for 15 minutes/day for 3
consecutive days in the afternoon
(between 3-5 PM). Evaluation of Discussion
the effectiveness of the product to
reduce stress in patients is carried E-Rainbow-Zyme
out by measuring the respondent's aromatherapy is made by
stress level using the Depression composition of 1 part brown sugar,
Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) 3 parts vegetable and fruit waste,
questionnaire before and after 3 and 10 parts water. Before
days of inhaling E-Rainbow-Zyme applying as aromatherapy, E-
aromatherapy. Rainbow-Zyme was tested for pH,
color and odor before and after
fermentation for 3.5 months.
Fermentation is said to be
successful when a brownish
solution is formed and has a fruit-
like odor and has a pH below 4 or
acidic pH. Before fermentation,
the pH of E-Rainbow-Zyme was
6.8. After the solution E-Rainbow-
Zyme is fermented for 3.5 months
the pH of the solution becomes 3.8
which means having an acidic pH.
This is in accordance with the
experiments conducted, where
Table 1. DASS (Depression the resulting E-Rainbow-Zyme
Anxiety Stress Scale) has a pH below 4. that is 3.8 and
Questionnaire has a brownish color and the smell
The DASS questionnaire of fresh lemon acid typical of
consists of 14 points of statement fermentation. 7
and has 5 assessment indicators On this research, E-Rainbow-
namely, normal (score 0 – 14), low Zyme use more lemon peels as
stress (score 15 -18), medium the ingredients. According to
stress (score 19 – 25), serious research conducted by Lapsia,
stress (score 26 – 33), and Makarand in 2020 proves that
extreme stress (score >34). 8 Eco-enzym, especially those
made with more lemon kluit has
good microbial killing power. The
Preparation and Cutting and shorting
Mixing the ingredients
same goes for E-Rainbow-Zyme.
Process E-Rainbow fruit and vegetable
Zyme Aromatherapy waste leftover
based on composition
it has a pH below 4, so this product
can be used as a disinfectant, and
can be used as an air purifier, It
(3,5 months)
Completed product Packaging product
cleans and kills bacteria and
viruses in the air.9
The Effectiveness test
In addition, lemon peel also
Comparison test of Product applied in of E Rainbow Zyme
preference level diffuser/ vaporizer through Covid-19 contains lots of Flavonoids,
Alkaloids, Quinones, Saponins so
that the aroma formed will be more
Diagram 1. Procedures fragrant and besides that it has an
antimicrobial effect.9 Research by
Dinda et al, 2017 stated that
aromatherapy given for 5-20 preference test was conducted
minutes by inhalation, duration of using a questionnaire to 15
2 days to 4 weeks showed respondents (the patients of
potential effects that can be used COVID-19) on E-Rainbow-Zyme
as an effective therapeutic option aromatherapy compared to the
to reduce stress in patients who manufacturer's aromatherapy.
have various medical symptoms. The manufacturer's aromatherapy
In his research, respondents also that we use to have preference
said that the scent of lemon was test is the same scent, namely
chosen more by the respondents, lemon.
compared to the aroma of roses
and lavender. The smell caused
by aromatherapy will stimulate the
hypothalamus area in the brain to
produce the hormone serotonin,
which can improve mood. Not only
that, aromatherapy is also able to
stimulate the nervous system that
regulates heart rate, blood
pressure, response to stress, and Picture 5. E-Rainbow-Zyme
breathing.11 Aromatherapy Compared to
Based on the literature, lemon Factory Aromatherapy
aroma is a type of aromatherapy
The results of the respondents’
that can be used to treat pain and
test showed that 53.3% of
anxiety. One of the substances
respondents preferred E-
contained in lemon is linalool,
Rainbow-Zyme aromatherapy to
which is useful for stabilizing the
manufacturer aromatherapy,
nervous system, causing a
namely 46.7% of respondents. As
calming effect for anyone who
shown in the following diagram 2.
inhales it. Therefore, we use more
lemon peel in the manufacture of
this E-Rainbow-Zyme
aromatherapy.12 Preference Test

7 8
(46,7 %) (53,3%)

Aromatheraphy E-Rainbow-Zyme
Picture 4. E-Rainbow-Zyme Aromatherapy Non Organic
Aromatherapy After
Diagram 2. Preference Test
In this study, we developed E- between E-Rainbow-Zyme and
Rainbow-zyme as a natural Non-Organic Aromatherapy
organic aromatherapy. A
In this study, E-Rainbow-Zyme carried out with the help of medical
aromatherapy was applied using a personnel who are responsible for
diffuser, this method is fast, safe patient care at the government-
and comfortable. The process of owned centralized self-isolation
smelling is a very fast and house.
effective way to deal with
emotional problems. The nasal
cavity has a direct relationship
with the central nervous system
which is responsible for the work
of aromatherapy.10

Picture 7. The Interview

Process and Filling Out
Questionnaires And E-
Rainbow-Zyme Aromatherapy
Application in Patients

Statistically, the stress level of

patients calculated using scores
Picture 6. Aromaterapi E- from the DASS questionnaire
Rainbow-Zyme Applied in showed a decrease in all studied
Diffuser patients who were undergoing
self-isolation. As shown in
The effectiveness test of E- diagram 3 below.
Rainbow-Zyme aromatherapy
was carried out on 15 respondents
of COVID-19 patients who were
self-isolating at the self-isolation
center owned by the Semarang
city government. Respondents
were treated with relaxation by
inhaling E-Rainbow-Zyme
aromatherapy which had been
placed in a diffuser for 15
minutes/day for 3 consecutive
days in the afternoon (between 3-
5 P.M.). The treatment time for 3
consecutive days must be Diagram 3. Effectiveness
ensured that it is always carried Test in Respondent's Stress
out at the same time, this is Level
intended to maintain a consistent
mood at a certain time to avoid Based on the data diagram 3, it
bias. The interview process and was concluded that on the first day
our aromatherapy application are (before being treated), only 20% of
respondents had normal stress helpful for COVID-19 patients in
levels, while the highest stress the recovery period, it will also
level was in the medium category, have an impact in reducing
namely 40%, after being given environmental pollution. This is
relaxation treatment by inhaling E- because E-Rainbow-Zyme
Rainbow-Zyme aromatherapy for aromatherapy comes from organic
15 minutes / day for 3 consecutive waste from household activities.
days found a decrease in the This product is cheaper, easy to
patient's stress level. ` use, and safe because it is made
The evaluation on the last day from natural ingredients and helps
obtained significant data save the environment.
regarding the effectiveness of this
product in reducing patient stress Conclusion
levels by increasing the number of Based on observations and
patients in the normal category, research analysis regarding E-
from 20% to 53.3%. Respondents Rainbow-Zyme products as
with mild stress on day 1 before aromatherapy, it can be
being treated were 26.6%, after concluded as follows:
treatment decreased to 20%, 1. Aromatherapy E-Rainbow-
while moderate stress on day 1 Zyme is made with lemon peel
before being treated was 40%, material so that it produces a
after treatment decreased to 20%, lemon aroma that can be used
and respondents who to treat pain and anxiety
experienced severe stress because it contains linalool
decreased from 13.4% to 6.7%. which is useful for stabilizing
As shown in the following diagram the nervous system so that it
4. causes a calming effect for
anyone who inhales it, so it is in
accordance with the purpose of
Classification Depression Anxiety
Stress Scale
this study namely reducing
Before Vs After (%) stress levels, especially in
53.3 COVID-19 patients who are
40 undergoing self-isolation.
20 20 2. Questionnaire data shows that
20 6.7 respondents' preference for E-
0 Rainbow-Zyme aromatherapy
Normal Low Medium Severe is higher than that of the
Before After manufacturer, namely 53.3%
preferring E-Rainbow-Zyme
aromatherapy to 46.7%.
Diagram 4. Comparison of 3. The test of 15 respondents after
Classification DASS Before being given relaxation
and After Treatment treatment by inhaling E-
Rainbow-Zyme aromatherapy
If E-Rainbow-Zyme for 15 minutes/day for 3
aromatherapy is widely produced consecutive days between 3-5
and can be used for the P.M. found a decrease in the
community, besides being very respondent's stress level. The
evaluation on the last day COVID-19 patients who are
obtained significant data recovering. Besides being
regarding the effectiveness of effective for reducing stress
this product in reducing patient levels, it is also safe, cheap,
stress levels with the increase easy to use, smells fresh, does
in the number of patients in the not have an expiration date,
normal category, which was and helps raise awareness of
initially only 20%, to 53.3%. love for the environment in the
4. E-Rainbow-Zyme can be used community
as a natural aromatherapy for

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