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Student ID: - 13658392___________

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Analyse and Interpret Client’s information
Client’s Name Karan Patil
Instructor’s Name Samiunna Reur
Date 7-12-2021

1. Consider the factors, based on client screening, which may affect safe exercise participate.
(2 marks)

Based on client screening, following factor may affect exercise participate.

1.Blood pressure
3.Client past medical history
8.Like and dislike

2. Consider a range of different opportunities for exercise and physical activity other than gym-based
exercise. (2 marks)

Different opportunities for exercise and physical activity other than gym-based exercise are listed
2.Community hall
3.Sports complex
4.Home gym
5.Play ground

3. Provide relevant information on the benefits of exercise and the impact of poor lifestyle behaviors
on health and fitness to your client. (2 marks)

Exercise has infinite benefit on health and fitness ,there are listed below

Make stronger and denser bones and joints

Blood pressure can be reduced
Endurance and strength can improve

4. Identify the joint movements and muscles that client needs to target or strengthen based on the
screening information collected. (2 marks)

Based on health screening, the performance of a client is poor in doing endurance test of push-up so a
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clients suggested more mobility drills for upper body shoulder joints. This will improve upper body

5. Identify clients’ fitness requirements and provide clear information about appropriate exercise
programmes to help them meet their goals; discuss the benefits of a range of suitable activities for
them. (2 marks)
Client goal is to improve endurance as he wants to complete in table tennis. So the workout plan is
designed according to his goal. 3day endurance training and weight training exercise are also included
concentrating lower body which increases lower body strength as required in playing games.

Assessor feedback
Criteria No Assessor Feedback

PASS/REFER (100% criteria must be met to pass) 10/10

Learner’s Name Samiunna Reur Date 7-12-2021
Assessor’s Name Date
IQA’s name Date

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Analyse the fitness assessments results
Client’s Name Karan Patil
Instructor’s Name Samiunna Reur
Date 9-12-2021

Analysis the results of the assessments against standard benchmarks



Digital Blood pressure 110/80 Normal

Anthropometric data:

BMI (Body Mass Index) 24.5 Overweight

Waist Measurement 35.5 High risk
WHR (Waist to Hip Ratio) 0.96 High risk
Body Composition

BIA (Bio-electrical
33% Obese
Impedance Analysis)
Cardiorespiratory fitness testing:

3 Minute step test 99bpm Above average

Muscular endurance tests:

Needs improvement
Push up / Press ups 3

Needs improvement
Curl up / Sit ups 4

Flexibility testing (visual assessments)

Quadriceps L: P, R: P
Hamstrings L: F, R: F
Hip flexors L: P, R: P
Posture Alignment Observation

Highlight areas of strength Highlight areas to work on

• Quadriceps and hip flexor flexibility • BMI, WC, WHR

• CV fitness • Hamstrings flexibility
• Press ups
• Curl ups
• Body fat
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Write a summary of the assessments results for the client

• Client understood the importance of the Fitness Assessments and showed willingness to participate
in the tests.
• Client has no health problems; measured parameter was within the norms specified.
• BMI, Waist and WHR - on a higher range due to food choices and/or lifestyle

Recommendations for the client’s exercise programme

• Include exercises that improve strength via Structural/Unsupported Compound Movements – 3

times a week
• Work towards improvement in Posture with appropriate Stretching modalities – Each Session.

Assessor feedback
Criteria No Assessor Feedback

PASS/REFER (100% criteria must be met to pass)

Learner’s Name Samiunna Reur Date 9-12-2021
Assessor’s Name Date
IQA’s name Date

Fitness Assessments Worksheets

Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 9-12-2021

1. Describe how you determined which methods of collecting information were appropriate according
to your client. (4 marks)

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1. Clients body composition
2. Clients past exercise history
3. Clients flexibility
4. Client age and medical history
5. Cardiovascular fitness.

2. List 2 alternatives to physical fitness assessments. (2 marks)

1. Society Park
2. Football / cricket
3. Public garden tracks
4. Roadways

3. Describe the Principles of informed consent.(2 marks)


● improved BMI, waist circumference and WHR.

● improved Endurance.

Impact of poor lifestyle behaviour:

● Obesity due to poor body composition

● medical emergencies related to health issues and disorders.

4. Explain clients’ rights to take part in fitness assessments. (2 marks)

All clients are advised to get themselves assessed

• For them to be able to understand their current status on health & fitness parameters
• To minimize the risks and maximize the benefits of exercise participation
• For them to know their strengths and areas of improvement.

5. Describe Fitness industry standards and practices for the conduct of safe fitness assessments. (4

• During test administration PTs must stay vigilant at all times.

• The highest levels of professional service should be demonstrated at all times throughout the
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appraisal process.
• Informing the client of the sensations and feelings to be felt with each test and making sure the
client is comfortable at all times.

• Tests should be stopped immediately & clients referred in the following circumstances:
- Onset of angina-like symptoms
- Significant drop in blood pressure.

6. Explain the results of the fitness assessments you have completed and the implications for exercise
programme design. (6 marks)

• Client’s stiff posterior chain will be worked through downward dog stretches. Front squat is a
good movement to add to the leg workout.
• Poor development of middle and posterior deltoids: Comprehensive training to the shoulders is
actioned by inclusion of lateral raises and prone high rows.
• The client also showed poor endurance: The client will be put on 3 times a week cardio program
along with his regular strength training.

7. Explain the impact of reliability and validity on the value of exercise testing to clients. (6 marks)

• Helps compare client’s fitness levels to Test Norm sheets and establish a fitness category.
• Helps to establish client’s strengths and weakness. Contribute to setting goals
• Helps in charting performance-oriented results.
• How well the goals & targets have been achieved can be measured any time.
• Carries the potential to increase motivation.

8. List 3 errors that could occur during exercise testing.(3 marks)

• Administration of an inappropriate test or unsafe environment in the testing room

• Poorly maintained equipment
• Errors occurring due to lack of in-depth knowledge of the tests

9. Identify 2 actions that could improve the validity and reliability of testing for exercise clients. (2

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• Chosen equipment should be ergonomically designed and well maintained.

• Ambient temperature to be maintained and humidity to be controlled.
• Timing of the day for testing– not too early nor too late in the day.

10. Consider the impact of poor validity and reliability on exercise testing results in relation to exercise
client motivation and programme design. (4 marks)

• Tests of poor validity and reliability will bring results that are biased and distorted.
• Results will be inconsistent.
• Result will not be representative of the client and hence can lead to decline in motivation.
• Program design will be inappropriate to the client

11. Identify professional limitations relating to safe operation and scope of practice. (2 marks)

• Have medical patients as their clients

• Diagnose or treat injury, disease or illness in a client
• Prescribe medication, treatments or other therapies
• Prescribe diets

Assessor feedback
Criteria No Assessor Feedback

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PASS/REFER (100% criteria must be met to pass) 37/37
Learner’s Name Samiunna Reur Date 9-12-2021
Assessor’s Name Date
IQA’s name Date

Provide motivation and support as part of exercise instruction

Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 11-12-2021

1. Based on relevant guidelines (please specify guidelines used/researched), describe the amount of
physical activity required to achieve health benefits. (2 marks)

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In that 3day strength training with flexibility training and 3day cardio training is ideal required to
achieve health benefits.

2. Describe the stages of change model (add reference) a person may go through when considering
taking part in regular exercise. (2 marks)

Health belief model - The health belief model (HBM) is a psychological health behavior change model
developed to explain and predict health-related behaviours, particularly in regard to the uptake of
health services.

Trans-theoretical model (TTM) - The TTM is an integrative model to conceptualize the process of
intentional behavior change.

3. Describe two different behaviour change approaches that can be used to encourage adherence to
exercise. (2 marks)

Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation

• Satisfaction gained in the activity itself • Is related to rewards and punishment

• Reward: taking part in the activity itself • Examples: Wanting to shape up due to peer

4. List two different incentives and rewards that can strengthen clients’ motivation and adherence
that can be specific to different clients. (2 marks)

- Provide free personal training session, nutritional consultation or workout clothes.

- Gamification: Earning points and stars.
-Have special competitions: Award prizes. Each member’s progress can be displayed prominently

5. Describe how to interpret client responses to exercise and instruction, including body language and
other forms of behavior when undertaking exercise. (2 marks)

• Observe client’s body language (facial expressions, hand and body movements, etc.)
• Interpret pitch, volume and tone of voice.
• Listen to the words spoken.

6. Explain why it is important to form effective working relationships with clients. (2 marks)

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• This is critical to client adherence.
• Present a positive image of self to clients
• Clearly define own role and responsibilities
• Communicate clearly with clients in a way that makes them feel valued

7. Describe 2 different communication skills and explain how each can be used to assist clients with
motivation. (2 marks)

Effective verbal communication Effective non-verbal communication

• Be direct, be clear • Pay attention to your non-verbal signals

• Repeat when needed • Use good eye contact

8. Explain the importance of valuing equality and diversity when working with clients. (2 marks)

• Equality means that all clients are treated equally & none are discriminated against.
• Diversity means that people from a variety of backgrounds are welcome.

9. Why is it important to be positive, sensitive and polite in responding to a client’s complaint?

(2 marks)

- Provide better service experience to the Client

- Customer feedback helps to improve service quality
- Enhanced belongingness

10. Describe a standard complaint handling procedure that generally operates within the fitness
industry. (2 marks)

• Recognize Client dissatisfaction.

• Listen and take ownership of the complaint.
• Be positive, sensitive and polite in responding to the Client complaint.

Assessor feedback
Criteria No Assessor Feedback

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PASS/REFER (100% criteria must be met to pass) 20/20
Learner’s Name Samiunna Reur Date 11-12-2021
Assessor’s Name Date
IQA’s name Date

Support behaviours change and adherence Worksheets

Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 19-12-2021

1. Describe behavioural strategies and principles to enhance exercise, health behaviour change and
lifestyle modifications to include: (5 marks)
 cognitive processes

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 behavioural processes
 changes to exercise behaviour
 changes to dietary intake
 lifestyles changes

• Cognitive processes: Appealing to the logic, reason and judgment of the individual by explaining the
benefits of exercise and by highlighting the ill effects of being sedentary.

● Behavioural processes: By making the clients aware of their potential and ability to succeed, the
trainer can boost his self-belief and confidence to execute and adhere to exercise 63 | P a g e
routines. (Self-efficacy is the individual’s personal judgment of his or her ability to succeed in
reaching a specific goal)

● Changes to exercise behaviour: Changes to exercise behavior can be caused by constant monitoring
of the fitness and health parameters, and by providing positive reinforcements.

●Changes to dietary intake: Dietary intake needs to be tracked constantly. Any new habits or changes
to the current pattern should be picked up in order to avoid relapse

●lifestyles changes: Incorporating lifestyle changes is of paramount importance and can be realized by
self-monitoring of goals and also through the support of peer and other groups.

2. Describe stages of motivational readiness and processes of change. (6 marks)

Stage Description

Pre-contemplation(I won’t) The individual does not intend to take any

action in the short term.(within about six
Preparation (I will) The individual has taken steps towards action
and is planning to act, usually within one
Action (I am) The individual has taken action and changed
his behaviour in the short term
Preparation (I will) The individual has taken steps towards action
and is planning to act, usually within one
Maintenance (I have) Behavioural change has lasted more than six
months and the individual is committed to the
Relapse This can happen at any stage and many times

3. List 3 different models/techniques used to understand and enhance motivation and achievement.
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(3 marks)

Health belief model - The health belief model (HBM) is a psychological health behavior change model
developed to explain and predict health-related behaviors, particularly in regard to the uptake of
health services.
Trans-theoretical model (TTM) - The TTM is an integrative model to conceptualize the process of
intentional behavior change.
Social cognitive model:- states that learning occurs in a social context with a dynamic and reciprocal
interaction of the person, environment, & behavior.

4. Describe two different strategies to improve exercise adherence. (2 marks)

• Group training
• Progress charts
• Self-monitoring
• Goals setting

5. List 2 personal and environmental factors which can affect exercise adherence. (2 marks)

• Smoking
• Age
• Income
• Level of education
• Body – weight and image

6. Describe the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in exercise behaviour. (2 marks)

Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation

• Satisfaction gained in the activity itself • Is related to rewards and punishment

• Reward: taking part in the activity itself • Examples: Wanting to shape up due to peer

7. List a method for each of the following: (3 marks)

 evaluating self-motivation
 evaluating self-efficacy
 evaluating readiness for behaviour change

• Evaluate Self-Motivation: Identifying the stage, the client is currently placed in the Trans-theoretical
model of readiness to change (e.g. contemplation, preparation, relapse, etc.)
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• Evaluate Self-Efficacy: By assessing the confidence level of the client: On a scale of 1-100%, if their
confidence level is 70% or greater, individuals are more likely to be successful in their behavior
• Evaluate Readiness for Behavior Change: Readiness for behavior range is supported by goal setting,
action steps, support systems, etc. In a goal setting worksheet, these parameters are graded for
certainty of reaching the goal on a scale of 1-100% by the client. The client should be at least 70%
confident that she can meet the goal within the time frame

8. Describe the arousal and anxiety theory, and its relationship to exercise performance, adherence
and behaviour change. (3 marks)

• At low levels of arousal, performance will be below par, the athlete is not psyched up.
• As arousal increases so does performance, up to an optimal point. After this point, further increases
in arousal lead to declines in performance.
• If the athlete perceives the demand as a challenge, the result will be an increase in motivation and

9. List 5 different barriers to exercise. (5 marks)

• Insufficient time
• Lack of self-motivation, Boredom
• Lack of confidence and self-esteem
• Fear of being injured or having been injured recently
• Lack of self-management skills
• Lack of encouragement, support or companionship
• Lack of Fitness Facility

Assessor feedback
Criteria No Assessor Feedback

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PASS/REFER (100% criteria must be met to pass) 31/31
Learner’s Name Samiunna Reur Date 19-12-2021
Assessor’s Name Date
IQA’s name Date

Promote health and safety in a fitness environment worksheet

Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 14-12-2021

1. What is meant by health and safety in a fitness environment? (2 marks)

• Fitness instructors need to address many health and safety issues due to the emerging litigation
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environment that they work in and, more importantly, for the safety of their clients.
• The main areas for concern are health and safety at work, equipment management, risk
assessment, emergency first aid, potential accidents/incidents and managing special population

2. Identify 5 potential risks that could be found within a health and fitness environment.
(5 marks)

• A risk in the workplace could cause harm to people. The aim is to make sure that nobody gets
hurt or becomes ill.
• Potential Risks: Fire and Electricity related Risks Moving Parts of Machinery or Faulty Machinery
• Certain exercises can also constitute a risk depending on the individual concerned in terms of
injury or disability (handled by special population Instructor)
• Although risks cannot be eradicated completely, they can be recognized, addressed and
• When planning an exercise session, it is advisable to complete and document a risk assessment.
This acts as a written reminder for the instructor as well as providing evidence that preventative
steps were taken, should an accident occur

3. Who is the most important person when you are delivering a fitness session to a client?
(1 mark)

Our client is most important parson when, I was delivering a fitness session.

4. Name 2 emergencies that could occur within a fitness environment and how you would deal with
them? Consider what procedures you would follow, including which individuals you would contact
and why. (4 marks)

Emergencies :- • Slipping/Tripping Hazards

• Fire

Deal with them :- • Remain CALM and avoid any panic among facility users or workers
• Escalate or report the situation to the concerned person.
• Contact emergency services – to minimize any further risks

Why:- • Helps to handle situation effectively as per Emergency Procedures laid down
• Remaining calm helps to provide required help or take appropriate decisions as per the
• (When faced with an emergency, we are biologically created to be reactive, rather than
thoughtful or critical in our thinking. Panic, therefore, makes us behave in an emotional manner
rather than a thoughtful manner; we react emotionally to the danger facing us).

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5. List a consideration for each of the following group when dealing with an emergency:
(3 marks)
 children
 older adults
 disabled users

• Children: - Words and concepts clear and familiar to the children should be used - Give simple,
direct, short and truthful answers to children’s specific questions.

• Older Adults: - Consider mobility restrictions and take the nearest exit route and help elders reach
the safe place

• Disabled Users: - Emergency Procedure similar to older adults

- Arrange required modalities to help disabled users reach to safe place

6. Why is it important to follow emergency procedures calmly and correctly? (1 mark)

• Helps to handle situation effectively as per Emergency Procedures laid down

• Remaining calm helps to provide required help or take appropriate decisions as per the situation

7. List 4 precautions you might take as an instructor to ensure the health and safety of your client and
other users of a fitness facility? (4 marks)

• Do not interfere with or misuse anything provided for safety.

• Coach bio-mechanically correct form and technique of exercises.
• Conduct health screening and fitness assessment of the client
• Share any safety concerns with the client, be it exercise related or usage of the gym facility

8. Give 2 considerations you need to evaluate before deciding whether an exercise was appropriate
for a client. (2 marks)

• Weigh potential risks against the potential benefits of the activity/exercise.

• The starting point for the risk assessment must be the written screening carried out using a
physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q).

9. What kind of procedures may be in place for accident and illness reporting? (2 marks)

• Calm yourself and Assess situation

• Report concerned authorities
• Immediately escalate the situation to the internal staff
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10. Describe a procedure for checking equipment and dealing with any items that are unsafe.
(2 marks)

• Regular check-up of equipment, using a service contractor for routine equipment inspections,
repairs, and maintenance
• Daily checking of the entire fitness facility, informing floor manager for any discrepancy noted to
take appropriate action.

11. Give 2 reasons why you should leave the environment in a condition acceptable for future use by
yourself and others. (2 marks)

• It is important to show courtesy to the next user/client and trainer.

• For your and other’s safety, leave the area suitable for future use.
• Ensure that the: - Space is left clean, hygienic and tidy.

12. Who could you refer any health, safety or welfare issues to, in accordance with legal and
organisational procedures? (1 mark)

• For any health, safety or welfare issues, in accordance with legal and organizational procedures,
refer the person to a Safety and Health Advisor.
• Based on Client Counselling, Health Screening and Fitness Assessments
- Special Population Client to be referred to a Physiotherapist or a Doctor

13. List 5 items that are required to be kept in a first aid kit/first aid area. (5 marks)

• Sterile gauze pads of different sizes.

• Adhesive bandages (Band-Aids) in several sizes.
• Elastic bandage. Antibiotic Ointment
• Antiseptic wipes/solution
• Muscle Relaxant Spray

14. Describe a fitness instructors’ duty of care. (2 marks)

Take responsible care for their own safety and that of others. Co-operate with employers in matters
of safety.
• Do not interfere with or misuse anything provided for safety.
• Coach bio-mechanically correct form and technique of exercises

15. Give two reasons why hygiene is important in a fitness environment. (2 marks)

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• Makes a positive impression on visitors, members and prospective members
• Safeguards the health of all who use or work in the establishment

16. Give two examples of how you can help to manage hygiene in a fitness environment. (2 marks)

• Create a cleaning schedule and adhere to it strictly

• Educate your staff (particularly cleaning staff) about the importance of cleanliness, show them the
correct way to clean and maintain gym equipment

17. Why is it important to check all equipment regularly? (2 marks)

• Helps to identify faulty equipment

• Safeguards users from any potential hazards
• Minimizes equipment downtime

18. Describe 3 points from the code of conduct or code of ethical practice relevant to your practice. (3

• Maintain professional boundaries, client confidentiality, avoid any conflict of interest, treat all clients
with dignity and respect, respect for individual difference and diversity.
• Identify core values of the profession
• Be respectful towards the clients, their needs and demands.

PASS/REFER (100% criteria must be met to pass) 31/31

Learner’s Name Samiunna Reur Date 14-12-2021
Assessor’s Name Date
IQA’s name Date

Nutrition worksheets
Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 2-12-2021

1. Describe the structure and function of the digestive system and the effect of healthy eating on
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other major body systems. (2 marks)

Structure of Digestive System –

Oral Cavity – Beginning of Digestive track
Esophagus – Delivers food to stomach
Stomach – Breaks down food further
Small Intestine – Breaks down food further using enzymes released by pancreas and bile from
Large Intestine – Processes the waste and empties the bowels
Pancreas – Enzymes break protein, fats and carbs
Gall Bladder – Stores and releases bile, responsible for fat digestion
Liver – Processes nutrients absorbed from the small intestine
Rectum and Anus – Responsible for evacuation of Stools

Effect of healthy eating on other major body systems

The consumption of healthy food promotes the correct and optimal operational of all the human body
structures and systems

2. Describe the dietary role of: (4 marks)

 Carbohydrates
 Fat
 Protein
 Water
Carbohydrates – They are either simple or complex and are one of the sources of energy in all
human diets. They provide 4kcal/g. Glucose is essential to provide energy to certain cells in
the human body like liver, RBC’s as well as formation of glycogen which serves as the source
of energy during physical activities.

Fat – Oils and fats such as butter, ghee, vegetable oil constitutes visible fats. They are a
concentrated form of energy supplying 9kcal/g and are made up of fatty acids in different
proportion. Fats are important for absorption of fat soluble vitamins. They also play an
important role in formation of cell membrane, sex hormones.

Protein – They are primary structural and functional components of every living cell. Almost
half the protein in our body is in the form of muscle and the rest is in the form of bone, skin,
and cartilage. Proteins are complex molecules composed of amino acids, they also can
provide energy of 4kcal/g. More protein is required by infants, children, pregnant women and
individuals performing physical activities.

Water- It is the most essential macronutrient to life but provides no calories or nutrition. Water
is the universal solvent that all life on earth depends on and is medium for transporting
nutrients inside the body. A person can survive for several weeks without food but not without
water. Maintaining optimum hydration levels is optimum sports performance.

3. Describe the dietary role of: (4 marks)

 water soluble vitamins C and B
 fat soluble vitamins A, D, K and E
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Vitamin C – It is the major water- soluble antioxidant in the cell. It can also help recycle vitamin E.
Vitamin C also plays a major role in increasing immunity and protection against common cold and
other respiratory tract infections.
It also has a protective effect in the prevention and management of diabetes, heart disease, cancer.

Vitamin B – B-complex vitamins are a group of 8 water-soluble vitamins performing many key
functions in metabolism and energy usage.

Vitamin A – Antioxidant – Maintains cell integrity in skin, eyes, lining of respiration tract, digestive
system, reproductive system and urinary system.

Vitamin D – Functions more like a hormone like a Vitamin. It helps maintain calcium in bones and

Vitamin K – Vitamin K2 is essential for the function of several proteins, involved in the maintenance of
the normal structure of arterial wall.

Vitamin E – It is the most important fat soluble antioxidant in the cell. It is found in the cell membrane
itself and thus directly protects the fatty acids and cell membrane from free radical damage.

4. Describe the meaning of key nutritional terms including: (4 marks)

 diet
 healthy eating
 nutrition
 balanced diet
 body composition
 the calorific value of nutrients

Diet – It is the diet that implies to use of specific food intake for overall wellbeing.

Healthy eating – The food intake that promotes the right and optimal functioning of the
structures and systems of the human body.

Nutrition – Nutrition is a basic human need and a prerequisite to a healthy life. A proper diet is
essential from the very early stages of life for proper growth, development and to remain

Balanced diet – A balanced diet requires adequate water intake, along with nutrients chosen
form five nutrient groups in different quantities. These groups are divided into macro and micro

Body Composition – It is deeper understanding about body weight. What is total body weight
comprising of – Fat, muscle, bones, fluids, organs. Targeting ideal body composition helps in
achieving correct fitness goal as compared to achieving ideal body weight.

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The calorific value of nutrients – The amount of energy produced by the complete combustion of a
material or fuel. Measured in units of energy per amount of material. The amount of energy available
from an item of food when digested. It is the amount of energy the human body gains through
metabolism of those nutrients.

5. Describe the general principles of healthy eating and balanced nutrition to include: (5 marks)
 A range of food groups
 National dietary guidelines
 Essential Nutrients
 Food preparation
 Food labelling
 Fuel for exercise
 Energy balance
A range of food groups – A balanced diet is one which provides all the nutrients in required
amounts and proper proportion. It can easily be achieved through a blend of four basic groups.
Foods are conventionally grouped as 1. Cereals, millets and pulses 2. Vegetables and fruits 3.
Milk and milk products, eggs, meat and fish 4. Oils and fats and nuts and oilseeds.

National dietary guidelines – Right nutritional behavior and dietary choices are needed to
achieve dietary goals. Dietary guidelines provide a broad framework for an appropriate action
that are being set by the National Institute of nutrition for wellbeing of every individual.

Essential Nutrients – Nutrients that are not metabolized by our body and are a must to be
supplied through our diet to avoid deficiency.

Food preparation – It is crucial to learn the right techniques of cooking. Safe and good quality
foods are essential for maintaining good health. Naturally occurring toxins, environmental
contaminants and adulterants in foods constitute a health hazard. Consumption of unsafe food
can lead to food borne diseases.

Food labeling – Food labelling contains information provided by food businesses about their
products. It educates the consumer about the food they buy. It helps consumers to make
informed choices. It helps consumers to store and use the food safely.

Fuel for exercise – All 3 macronutrients provide energy differently. It is important to understand
the energy systems that work inside our body to achieve optimum performance and prevent drop
in energy levels. This is the source of energy for various types of exercise and intensity. Nutrients
are the source for energy where 1 gram of carbohydrates provides 4Kcal, 1 gram of protein
provides 4Kcal and 1 gram of fat provides 9Kcal.

Energy balance – Difference between the energy input that we do through food and the energy output
that we burn in our day to day activities. It is also termed by some people as Calorie surplus.

6. Describe how cultural and religious dietary practices can influence nutritional advice. (2 marks)

Countries have a diverse cultural and ethnic population – This adds to the complexity of
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providing nutritional advice.

There is so much to Indian cuisine – Each region offers their own distinctive characteristics and
numerous traditional dishes.

Social differences – They are mostly based on accident of birth, at the same time, some of the differences
are based on our choices, religion and economic status.

7. Describe the safety, effectiveness and contraindications relating to protein and vitamin
supplementation. (3 marks)
There are no studies that link any quantum of protein intake to organ damage. This is one of the
longest standing myths in modern nutritional science.

Bodybuilders are known for high protein intakes, but most bodybuilders through the major part of
the year, in a bid to bulk up, wrongly end up consuming carbs to the tune of twice or thrice the
amount of protein. For instance, in the off season bodybuilders are known to consume 200 gram
of Protein with 600 grams of Carbohydrates. The bodybuilders who end up gaining a lot of body
fat during the offseason are also insulin resistant. The problem is that when it comes to
bodybuilders, their protein intake is spoken off but no one pays attention to the ridiculous amount
of carbs they consume during off season.
A combination of the major part of the year on extremely high carbs, while being insulin resistant
causing hyperglycemia and anabolic steroid induced hypertension dooms some misguided
bodybuilders to compromised renal function. It has nothing to do with their high protein intake.

Vitamin supplementation needs to be done aster proper dietary recall, PARQ of the client for
effective application and to avoid hypervitaminosis.

8. Describe the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, body composition and health.
(4 marks)

Nutrition is a basic human need and a prerequisite to a healthy life. Health is a state of being
away from diseases or illness.

Body composition includes adipose tissue, muscle mass, bone, fluids, organs and essential fat.

Intense weight training causes muscle micro trauma. During weight training our body goes
through metabolic changes.
Post Exercise -> body starts recovery process -> during the recovery process -> Repairing
damage muscle tissue and body brings back to normalizing functions such as Heart Rate, Body
Temperature increases.

This becomes extra work. Body spends more Energy even at rest after exercise.

During this time the oxygen consumption of the body increases. This is a transient rise in BMR.

Thus, the above sequence of events leads to loss to loss of adipose tissue, increased in muscle
mass if the human body is provided with the correct nutrition.

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9. List 2 reliable sources of nutritional information. (2 marks)

World Health Organization (WHO)

Food Standards Agency (FSA)

10. Explain a range of dietary trends which may include: (3 marks)

 ‘fad’ or popular diets
 nutritional supplementation
 healthy eating ergogenic aids

Fad or popular diets – Explaining the importance of communicating health risks associated with
weight loss popular fad diets to clients. A fad diet is a diet that is popular for a time, similar to
fads in fashion. Fad diets usually promise rapid weight loss or other health advantages, such as
longer life. They are often promoted as requiring little effort and producing a quick fix. In many
cases, the diet is characterized by highly restrictive or unusual food choices, which can cause
serious health problems. For example – SAD diet, GM diet, fruit diet.

Nutritional Supplementation – Importance of taking supplementation details along with dietary

recall. A supplement is an addition to food to complete nutrient profile or enhance it. A
supplement may be a basic requirement such as a nutrient - Protein, carbohydrate and fat,
Vitamins and minerals such as antioxidants. These supplements are a necessity when they meet
the body’s requirement and prevent deficiency.

Healthy eating ergogenic aids – Explaining the role of ergogenic aids in optimum performance at
the same time creating awareness about the need for sound nutrition before application of
ergogenic. An additional ergogenic boosts to body performance. They are present in the body in
lower sub optimal quantity. Supplementing increases the levels in the body. They improve body’s
physiological and metabolic functioning hence called ergogenic

11. Describe the potential heath and performance implications of severe energy restriction, weight loss
and weight gain. (3 marks)

Severe energy restriction can lead to low energy levels, impaired growth and exercise
performance. It can also lead to severe nutrient deficiencies which ultimately lead to more harm
than benefit. Weight loss will be observed but mainly as muscle loss and small amounts of fat
loss. severe energy restriction is practiced in an attempt to lose weight within a short span of

Weight gain is usually as fat gain commonly seen in non-exercising individuals and when correct
nutrition guidelines are not followed. Excess fat usually affects most of the organ systems of the

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human body ultimately leading to decline in health and increase of medical conditions. Excess fat
negatively impacts not only health but also makes it difficult to attain fitness.

12. List 2 signs and symptoms of disordered eating and healthy eating patterns. (4 marks)

Signs and Symptoms of disordered eating –

Rough dry skin

Signs and Symptoms of Healthy eating patterns –

Regular bowel movements
Sustained energy levels

13. Describe the management of body composition management in terms of: (4 marks)
 metabolism
 energy expenditure
 energy intake
 balance between energy intake and energy expenditure
 changes to body composition
 muscle gain

Metabolism – Body composition improves as loss of adipose tissue when metabolism increases
due to increase in physical activity.

Energy Expenditure – It is the amount of energy utilized in various physical activities for
metabolism of nutrients to provide energy. Being in negative energy balance helps to lose weight
and being in positive energy balance helps to gain weight.

Balance between energy intake and energy expenditure - The energy balance equation is a very
simple concept - calories in versus calories out. In order to maintain weight, a person must be in
stable balance.

Changes to body composition – If loss of body weight is mainly as adipose tissue then
maintaining body composition for long term is feasible. However, if loss of body weight as muscle
mass then there are likely chances of gain weight in weight as adipose tissue.

Muscle gain – Muscle gain always is preferred to improved body composition which also helps in
long term maintenance of body composition. Muscle gain can be obtained through consistent
progressive exercise and correct nutrition guidelines.

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14. Give 2 guidelines for developing exercise plans to change body composition, including fat loss. (2

Resistance Exercise programs –

Include Structural movements and compound movements with effective programming
Intensity to depend upon readiness and clients experience.

Aerobic Exercise Programs-

Include various modalities of Exercise programs depending on the health screening and fitness
assessment of the client
Aim to drop at least 5 to 10 percent of initial body weight over a 3-6-month period.
Make changes to both nutrition and exercise plans

15. Describe the function and metabolism of: (2 marks)

 Macro nutrients
 Micro nutrients

Macronutrients –
Macronutrients are nutrients needed by the body in large quantities per day (>10grams).
Carbohydrates, protein, fats and water are macronutrients.

They give energy to the body to perform body’s basal metabolism plus all physical activity.

Energy is measured in calories. In theory 1kilocalorie (Kcal) = 1000calories. But in daily

language, kilocalorie is called “calorie” in short.
1 gram of carbohydrate gives 4 Kcal.
1 gram of protein gives 4 Kcal.
1 gram of fat gives 9 Kcal.
Water is a macronutrient that does not give us energy but still is essential to life.

Micronutrients –
Micronutrients are needed by the body in smaller quantities per day (<10grams), usually in mg or
Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients.
They do not provide energy or calories, but our body cannot work without them.
They are needed for smooth working of the body, to maintain the function of many vital systems

16. Describe the components of energy expenditure and the energy balance equation. (2 marks)

The energy balance equation is a very simple concept – calories in versus calories out.
More specifically, if a person wants to lose weight, he/she must be in negative energy balance.
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If a person wants to gain weight, he/she must be in a positive energy balance.

And if a person wants to maintain weight, they must be in stable energy balance.

TEF – Thermic Effect of Feeding. The thermal effect of food refers to the amount of energy
expended by the body through the ingestion, digestion, absorption, utilization and storage of

Physical Activity – Resistance and Aerobic exercise

BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the sum total of all the reactions that occur in the body when at
complete rest and no digestion is occurring.

17. Identify energy expenditure for 2 different physical activities. (1 mark)

Male – 600Kcal/Hr
Female – 520Kcal/Hr

Weight Lifting –
Male- 850Kcal/Hr
Female – 770Kcal/Hr

18. Describe how to estimate energy requirements based on physical activity levels and other relevant
factors. (3 marks)

Identify Exercise Performers

- Exercise History
- Medical History
- Exercise Experience
- Lifestyle – Sedentary, Light, Moderate, Intense

Identify Exercise Mode

- Aerobic Exercise
- Resistance Exercise

Decide upon Exercise intensity, frequency and volume

Do effective programming to achieve desired result

More the demand put on the body with the help of exercise, more will be the estimated energy

Calculate energy requirement based on Henry Benedict Equation and give extra caloric
requirement based on the physical demand imposed.

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Keep varying the caloric needs based on the client’s feedback or increase/decrease in activity

Constant record keeping and feedback from the client helps to achieve the estimate energy requirement
of caloric need of the client

19. Describe the nutritional requirements and hydration needs of clients engaged in physical activity. (2

Nutritional Requirements
Proteins main role is muscle repair and can suitably provide energy too.
Protein is only macronutrient that can repair muscle. If carbohydrate is short protein can give
energy in its place. But if Protein is short, carbohydrates cannot repair muscle in its place.
Carbohydrates have no specific function except providing energy.
Fats function as an energy dense macronutrient providing more energy per gram consumed.

Hydration Requirements
Requirements of water depends on:
- Lean Body Mass
- Intensity of exercise

Based on above:
Beginner – 3-4 litres per day
Intermediate – 4-6 litres per day
Advance – 6-8 litres per day

20. Describe your professional boundaries and the role and limitations of exercise professionals in
providing healthy eating. (2 marks)

Personal Trainers cannot perform individualized dietary assessments, or giving specific diets to
individuals if the skills or qualifications of trainer in providing nutritional support is inadequate.
Hence the client should be referred to a health care professional or a Registered Dietician under
following circumstances based on health evaluation:
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Type1 or 2 diabetes mellitus
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Depression
- Dementia
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Principles of exercise worksheets
Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 14-12-2021

1. Describe the specific structure and roles of: (6 marks)

 the central nervous system (CNS)
 the peripheral nervous system (PNS) including
o somatic and autonomic systems
o nervous control and transmission of a nervous impulse
o a neuron

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The Central Nervous System is responsible for integrating sensory information & responding accordingly.
It consists of 2 main components: brain and spinal cord. The brain is protected by the cranium, while
the spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae.
Peripheral Nervous System contains nerves and connects the brain and spinal cord (CNS) to the rest of the

2 subdivisions of the PNS are: (a) Somatic: voluntary movement of the muscles and organs and reflex
movements. (b) Autonomic: Acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the
heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, etc.

Neurons are specialized cells of the nervous system that transmit signals throughout the body. Dendrites
are extensions of neurons that receive signals and conduct them toward the cell body. Axons are
extensions of neurons that conduct signals away from the cell body to other cells.

2. Describe structure and function of muscles to include: (10 marks)

 cellular structure of muscle fibres
 sliding filament theory
 effects of different types of exercises on muscle fibre type
 muscle attachment sites for the major muscles of the body
 structure, range of motion and function of muscles, muscle groups and directional terms
 location and function of skeletal muscle involved in physical activity
 a motor unit
 muscle proprioceptors
 the stretch reflex

Each cell consists of a structure including the sarcolemma, nuclei, sarcoplasm, motor nerve
endings, myofibrils, sarcomeres and mitochondria. The sarcolemma is the membrane surrounding
the muscle fibres.
According to the sliding filament theory, the myosin (thick) filaments of muscle fibres slide past
the actin (thin) filaments during muscle contraction.

Different types of exercises affect the 2 muscle fibres types as under: Slow twitch: As the duration
of training lengthens, slow twitch (endurance) fibres become increasingly dominant. Aerobic
Training improves the function of slow twitch fibres. Fast twitch: Anaerobic training improves
strength, hypertrophy, power and speed.

Skeletal muscles are attached to bones on each end by tendons. The origin is the fixed
attachment, while the insertion moves with contraction.

Some of the directional terms used are superior, inferior, proximal, distal, anterior, posterior,
medial, lateral.
Muscles are referred by the following names according to the function they are involved during
physical activity: Agonist, antagonist, synergist and stabilizer

A Motor Unit, the basic functional unit of the neuromuscular system is a motor neuron and the
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muscle fibres it innervates. Muscle proprioceptors are specialized sensory receptors on nerve
endings; they relay information about motion or position and make us aware of our body position
and movement in space.

The stretch reflex (myotatic reflex) is a pre-programmed muscle contraction by the body to a
stretch stimulus in a muscle. This reflex provides automatic regulation of skeletal muscle length. It
is a protective measure for the muscles, to prevent over stretching.

3. Describe reciprocal inhibition and its relevance to exercise. (2 marks)

- The process of muscles on one side of a joint relaxing to accommodate contraction on the other side
of that joint is known as Reciprocal Inhibition.
- A common example of this is running. The action of striking the ground will send impulses from the
central nervous system to contract and relax opposing muscles (hamstrings and quadriceps) to
ensure a fluid and safe motion.

4. Describe the neuromuscular adaptations associated with exercise/ training. (2 marks)

• Improved slow and fast twitch motor unit recruitment

• Improved force production through recruitment of synergist muscles
• Improved timing of neural stimuli resulting in better co-ordination

5. Give 2 benefits of improved neuromuscular coordination/ efficiency to exercise performance

(2 marks

• Apply greater force in less time.

• Apply force in the proper direction through the proper range of motion. (performance of dumbbell
chest press in the beginner v/s advanced

6. Give examples of 2 forces which act on the body during exercise. (2 marks)

• Most of the mechanical forces that act on the skeleton during physical activities are generated either
• Impact with the ground (Gravitational or ground-reaction forces) or
• Through skeletal muscle contractions i.e., muscular forces

7. List 3 common biomechanical terms used to qualify the basic principles of biomechanics.
(3 marks)

• Centre of Gravity
• Levers
• Muscle Force
• Inertia

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• Ground reaction force

8. Describe the effect of changes in lever length on muscle force output in both anatomical and
mechanical lever when instructing fitness activities. (4 marks)

• A lever length is characterized by the location of the 3 components of the lever system namely:
fulcrum, effort and load. Any change in lever length impacts the efficiency of the lever making it
mechanically advantageous or disadvantageous. Assessing efficiency of lever system is based on
the calculated distance between the fulcrum and where the load acts- this is called the load arm.
• An activity is perceived easy with a short load arm making the lever mechanically advantageous.
• For example, machine lateral raise is perceived easy when compared to standing lateral raises as
the lever is shortened (load arm reduced). This makes machine lateral raise mechanically
advantageous over standing lateral raises

• Hence, it can be concluded that shorter load arm reduces the net muscular force output and
vice versa.

9. Describe the structure and function of the stabilising ligaments and muscles of the spine.
(4 marks)

• Ligaments are strong, fibrous bands that have some but not much elasticity.
• Long ligaments secure the spinal column from the front and back; smaller ligaments attach and
secure portions of the vertebra together.
• Specifically, the anterior longitudinal ligament attaches along the front of the vertebrae and limits
how much we can bend backward.
• The posterior longitudinal ligament runs along the back of the vertebrae, and the supraspinous
ligament attaches to the tips of the spinous processes. In combination, these two limits how far
forward we can bend.
• Overstretched ligaments can be cause of back pain.

10. Describe the local muscle changes that can take place due to insufficient stabilisation .
(4 marks)

• Muscular imbalances are caused by many conditions like stiff hamstrings, weak abdominals, upper,
lower body adiposity, etc.
• This leads to insufficient stabilization.
• Insufficient stabilization results in postural dysfunctions like: -
- Hyperlordosis
- Scoliosis
- Flat back syndrome

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11. List four potential effects of poor posture on movement efficiency. (4 marks)

• Effects of poor posture:

• The spine is designed around 3 basic curves that maximize the mechanical advantages for weight
bearing and distribution. These curves act like arches in bridge construction, transferring the loads and
distributing the stress very efficiently.

1. Secondary deformities and compensatory postural defects.

2. Easy fatigability and high energy expenditure
3. Decrease both respiratory and circulatory efficiency.
4. Pain, bad cosmetic appearance and psychological disturbances.

12. Analyse the benefits, risks and applications of the following types of stretching: (3 marks)
 static (passive and active)
 dynamic
 Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)

Type Advantage Disadvantage/Risk Applications

Static Safest form of Will decrease power/force At the end of workout.
stretching if performed in between 2 Beneficial to
weight training sets. everyone

PNF Allows for greater Need for trained personnel At the end of workout.
stretch. Increases Beneficial for everyone
Dynami Increased output in Does not improve flexibility At the beginning of
c exercise. Best form of workout.
warm up. Decreased Critical part of any
risk of Injury workout
13. List four different exercises that can improve posture. (4 marks)

• Squats
• Deadlifts
• Good morning
• Bent over rows

14. Describe the function and structure of the following: (4 marks)

 the heart valves

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 coronary circulation

• The heart has 4 valves: - The mitral valve (Bicuspid) and tricuspid valve, which control blood
flow from the atria to the ventricles. - The aortic valve and pulmonary valve, separate the ventricles
from the great arteries, which control blood flow out of the ventricles.

• Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. The coronary arteries wrap around the outside
of the heart

15. Give 2 short and 2 long term effects of exercise on blood pressure, including the Valsalva effect. (4

Short term effect of exercise on blood pressure:

1. Increase in blood pressure; systolic up to 160-200 mm HG; diastolic does not change significantly.

2. The blood vessels of the working skeletal muscles dilate enabling increased blood flow without putting
excess pressure on blood vessel walls.

Long term effect of exercise on blood pressure:

1. lowers blood pressure

2. Decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressures during rest and during sub-maximal exercise

16. Describe the cardiovascular benefits and risks of endurance/aerobic training. (4 marks)

Benefits Risks
• Decrease in resting heart rate Training too much or too hard:

• Increase in stroke volume • The body can enter a catabolic state, in which the
tissues break down
• Increase in cardiac output
• Excess cortisol (stress hormone) can be released,
• Increases VO2 Max which not only contributes to catabolism but also
to chronic disease
17. List the blood pressure classifications and associated health risks. (4 marks)

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- Damage to arteries and heart leading to heart failure

- Brain: Stroke, Dementia

- Kidneys and eyes: eye blood vessel and nerve damage

- Bone loss due to excretion of calcium in urine

18. Explain the contribution of energy according to: (6 marks)

 duration of exercise/activity being performed
 type of exercise/activity being performed
 intensity of exercise/activity being performed

Energy system Duration Intensity Type of activity

ATP-CP 10-12 Sec Very High Sprint, 1 RM
Anaerobic Weight Training, Running 400Metres+
Glycolysis Up to 1-3mins High

Marathon run, Activities of daily life

Aerobic Glycolysis 3 minutes Onwards Low

19. Describe the by-products of the three energy systems and their significance in muscle fatigue. (3

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20. Give 2 examples of the effects of exercise on bones and joints including the significance of weight
bearing exercise. (2 marks)

• Weight-bearing exercise:
Increases the strength of the bones.
Induces mechanical loading on the bones causing longitudinal stress, which the body repairs by making
the bone denser and stronger than before.
Stronger and denser bones are less likely to break and help support the body overall.

21. Describe delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS). (2 marks)

• Results primarily from eccentric contractions and/or from doing unaccustomed activity or workload

• Typically occurs 12-48 hours after strenuous bout of exercise

• Is caused by inflammatory reactions inside the damaged muscles.

• Absence of muscle soreness does not mean that the workout was unproductive

22. List 2 exercises or techniques likely to cause delayed onset of muscle soreness. (2 marks)

• Isometric contractions

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• Eccentric contractions – Microtrauma to muscle fibres causes localized inflammation and muscle pain.

23. Identify the short and long-term effects of different types of exercise on muscle. (4 marks)

Long term effects Short term effects

• Hypertrophy
● Increased blood supply

• Increased strength & power ● Increased muscle pliability and range of movement
• Increased utilization and coordination of ● Micro trauma
motor units
● Lactic acid concentrations increase in the blood
• Increased storage of fuel in the muscles

• Low intensity training will increase

muscular endurance. Increased number of
mitochondria and myoglobin stores
(protein that carries and stores oxygen in
muscle cells)

24. Analyse the benefits and limitations of different methods of monitoring exercise intensity including: (4
 the talk test
 Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

The Talk Test:

Benefits Limitations
• It is simple • It’s not specific.

• Works in all environments – outdoors, indoors, etc. • It is hard to determine gradations in intensity,
e.g. low, moderate.
• Works on all population – cardiac patients, pregnant
women, beginners or noncompetitive exercisers and
during fitness testing.

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Rating of Perceived Exertion:

Benefits Limitations

• Quantitative measure of perceived exertion • State of mind and environment may influence
• Usable by all age groups. accurate reporting.
• Especially useful for - people who don’t have • It measures intensity level subjectively
heart rate monitors - Cardiac patients and pregnant

Assessor feedback
Criteria No Assessor Feedback

PASS/REFER (100% criteria must be met to pass) 99/99

Learner’s Name Samiunna Reur Date 14-12-2021
Assessor’s Name Date
IQA’s name Date

Gym Instructor programme card no: - 1

Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 16-12-2021

Client’s Name
Karan Patil

Page | 107
Warm up
Cardiovascular Machine (CV1) Mode & Level Duration Notes
Jumping Jack Low intensity 5min He can work

Warm up Exercises & Stretches Duration Sets/reps

Neck- multidirectional 3-5min 8-10 He can move
Shoulder rolls and swings - -
Torso twists - -
Windmill - -
Warrior lunges - -
Main CV Workout
Cardiovascular Machine (CV2) Mode & Level Duration Notes
Brisk walk on the walking track 50-60%MHR 15min -Attention to
Cycling on the track of park - - -spine tall
-chest lifted

Resistance Workout
Exercises Technique Duration Sets/reps
1.squats Giant set 30sec 2/15
2.front squats
4.step ups arm row - 2/15
6.overhead press Tri set 30sec 2/15
7.lateral raises
8.dumbbell curls
Core Stability Exercises
Exercises Sets Reps Equipment

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Crunch-come-sit up 2 20 Body weight
Plank 2 Hold for 20sec -

Cool down
Cardiovascular Machine (CV3) Mode & Level Duration
Pace walk Low intensity 5min -
Exercise & Stretches (Dynamic/Static) Equipment Duration/Sets/reps Notes
Anterior fascia line - 30sec/2-3 -be sure to
relax as you
Posterior fascia line - -not excessive
Spiral fascia line -
Arm line fascia -

Equipment Available: - 1. Elastic resistance tubing 2.Dumbbells 3. Mat

Additional Comments: - -

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Gym Instructor programme card no:-2
Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 16-12-2021

Client’s Name
Usha Tripathi

Warm up
Cardiovascular Machine (CV1) Mode & Level Duration Notes
Jogging Low intensity 3-5min chest lifted

Warm up Exercises & Stretches Duration Sets/reps

Neck rotation 3-5min 1-2/8
Shoulder rotation
Retract protract
Wriest rotation

Main CV Workout
Cardiovascular Machine (CV2) Mode & Level Duration Notes
Burpees x10 70-75%MHR 20-30min/ They could
not be fully
fatigued .
30 seconds
KB Swings x50
Mountain climbers x50
Resistance Workout
Exercises Technique Duration Sets/reps
1.jump squats - 7-8 RPE 3/5
2.pistol squats - 3/10
3.banded pull through - 2/20
4.banded leg curls - 2/20
5.push-ups Pyramid 1/15,10,5

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6.renegade rows Tri-set 1/10
7.banded row 1/15
8.straight arm pull down 1/20
Core Stability Exercises
Exercises Sets Reps Equipment
Crunch-come-sit up 2-3 12-15 -
Plank 2 2min -

Cool down
Cardiovascular Machine (CV3) Mode & Level Duration
Pace cycle Low intensity 5min
Exercise & Stretches (Dynamic/Static) Equipment Duration/Sets/reps Notes
Anterior fascia line - 30sec/1-2 -be sure to
relax as you
Posterior fascia line -
Spiral fascia line -
Lateral fascia line -

Equipment Available:- 1.skipping rope 2.kettal bell 3.resistance band

Additional Comments:-

Page | 111
Gym Instructor programme card no:-3
Learner’s Name Date
Samiunna Reur 16-12-2021

Client’s Name
Sushant Tambe

Warm up
Cardiovascular Machine (CV1) Mode & Level Duration Notes
Brisk walk on treadmill Low intensity 3-5min Walk with neutral spine,
don’t round it.

Warm up Exercises & Stretches Duration Sets/reps

Shoulder rotation 3-5min 1-2/8-10
Elevate depress
Leg swing
Alternat toe touches

Main CV Workout
Cardiovascular Machine (CV2) Mode & Level Duration Notes
Combo of different cardio 65-70%MHR 20min/ steady Maintain intensity
equipment state throughout session

Resistance Workout
Exercises Technique Duration Sets/reps
1.squats 1-2min rest interval 2/65kg*6
2.setp-up 2/20kg*6
3.low cable row 2/50lbs*6
4.wide grip lat pulldown pyramid 70lbs*10/80lbs*8/90lbs*6
5.decline dumbbell press 40lbs*8

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5.incline dumbbell press 20lbs*2
7.calf raises 130lbs*6
8.leg curls Drop set 6rep
Core Stability Exercises
Exercises Sets Reps Equipment
Crunch-come-sit up 2-3 12-15 -
Plank 2 2min -

Cool down
Cardiovascular Machine (CV3) Mode & Level Duration
Pace walk Low intensity 5min
Exercise & Stretches Equipment Duration/Sets/reps Notes
Anterior fascia line - 30sec -be sure to relax as you
Posterior fascia line -
Spiral fascia line -
Lateral fascia line -

Equipment Available:- commercial gym

Additional Comments:-

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Assessor feedback
Criteria No Assessor Feedback

PASS/REFER (100% criteria must be met to pass) 99/99

Learner’s Name Samiunna Reur Date 16-12-2021
Assessor’s Name Date
IQA’s name Date

Page | 114
6-Week progression plan

Client Name - Aditya Singh

Age – 32
Goal – Want to be fit
PARQ – Clear

• Warm up: All workout days

3-5 minutes of Cardio (walking on Treadmill or “march in place”)
● Full Body Mobility Drills: 1-2 sets of 5-10 reps
- Neck rotations in multiple planes
- Shoulder Rotations
- Retract Protract
- Elevate Depress
- Seated Spine flexion extension

• Cool down and Stretches: All workout days

- 5 minutes easy pace walk/cycle
- Isolated Stretch for Upper Trapezius-Maintenance stretch

Stretches Muscles Sets Holding time

Anterior fascia line Muscles in front of the body including 2-3 30 seconds
quadriceps, rectus abdominus

Posterior fascia line Muscles in the posterior of the 2-3 30 seconds

body including calves,
hamstrings, gluteals, etc.

Spiral fascia line Muscles running across the body 2-3 30 seconds
including obliques, rectus abdominus,
latissimus dorsi, etc.

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Lateral fascia line Muscles to the sides of the body 2-3 30 seconds
including tensor fascia latae, oblique’s,

Arm line fascia Muscles including forearms, biceps, 2-3 30 seconds

pectorals, etc.

Week 1 & 2
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Monday & Thursday
(Full Body Workout)
• Cardio: Combo of different Cardio equipment for a total of 20 minutes, using

Specific instructions: -
- Maintain intensity throughout session
- Continuous/Steady state training
- Use safety clip on the treadmill technique
- Co-ordinated upper and lower body
- RPE 6-7 movement on the rower and elliptical
- MHR: 55%- 65% trainer.
- No rest while changing cardio equipment

• Resistance training:

Sr. no. Exercise I. Technique Sets Repetitions

1 Squats 2 65kg*6
2 Step up 2 20kg*5
3 Low cable row 2 50lbs*6
4 Lat pulldown wide Pyramid 1 70lbs*10, 80lbs*8,90lbs*5
5 Decline D/B press 2 40lbs*8
6 Incline D/B press 2 20lbs*8
7 Calf raises 2 130lbs*5
8 Leg curl Drop set 1 100lbs*6, 90lbs*6, 80lbs*6,
70lbs*6, 60lbs*6

RPE – 7-10; Rest

Interval between sets: 1-2 mins
Specific instructions:
- Maintain neutral spine throughout the set.

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- Hold the neck steady
- Grip the resistance firmly

o Crunches on machine: 2-3 sets 12-15 reps
o Plank – hold for 20 sec * 2 times

Week 3 & 4
Monday (UB) & Thursday (LB)

• Cardio: Monday and Thursday

- MIIT (Moderate Intensity Interval

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Training) on Treadmill
- RPE 6-8
- % MHR: 65%- 75%

Specific instructions:
• 4 min walk 2 min jog * 3 times; Total time
is 20 min.
• Co-ordinated upper and lower body
movement on the treadmill

• Resistance training:
Monday: upper body
RPE: 7-10

Sr. no. Exercise I. Technique Sets Repetitions

1 Deadlift 2 80kg*6
2 Low cable row 2 60lbs*6
3 Narrow grip lat pull 2 70*6
4 Wide grip lat pull Pyramid 1 70lbs*10, 80lbs*8,
down 90lbs*5
5 Decline D/b press 3 45lbs*8
6 Incline D/b press 3 50lbs*5
7 B/B puss press 3 45kg*/5
8 Cable push down Drop set 1 50lbs*5, 40lbs*5,

Specific instructions:
- Maintain neutral spine throughout the set.
- Hold the neck steady
- Grip the resistance firmly, no slacking.

Thursday: lower body

RPE: 7-10

Sr. no. Exercise I. Technique Sets Reputation

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1 Squats 2 75kg*6
2 Front squats 2 50kg*5
3 Step up 2 30kg*5
4 Unilateral leg Pyramid 1 90lbs*15,
press 135lbs*10,180lbs*6,220lbs*4
5 Standing calf 3 140lbs*6
6 Seated calf 3 125lbs*6
7 Seated leg curl Drop set 1 100lbs*6, 90lbs*6, 80lbs*6,
70lbs*6, 60lbs*6
8 Tow raises 3 15lbs*8

Specific instructions:
- Maintain neutral spine throughout the set.
- Hold the neck steady
- Grip the resistance firmly, no slacking.

• Core:
- Crunches on machine: 2-3 sets 10-12 reps (increase the weight)
- Plank – hold for 20 sec * 3 times

Week 5 & 6
Monday (UB) & Thursday (LB)

• Cardio: Monday and Thursday

- Steady state training
- RPE 6-8
- % MHR: 70%- 80%
- Combo of different Cardio
equipment for a total of 20 minutes

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Specific instructions:
• Maintain intensity throughout session
• Use safety clip on the treadmill
• Co-ordinated upper and lower body movement
on the rower and elliptical trainer.
• No rest while changing cardio equipment

• Resistance training:
Monday: upper body
RPE: 7-10

Sr. no. Exercise I. Technique Sets Reputation

1 Deadlift 2 90kg*6
2 Low cable row 2 70lbs*6
3 Narrow grip lat 2 80kg*6
pull down
4 Wide grip lat pull Forced reps 2 95lbs*5
5 Decline D/B 3 50lbs*9
6 Incline D/B press 3 30kg*8
7 B/B push press 3 50kg*8
8 Cable push down Drop set 1 50lbs*5, 40lbs*5,
30lbs*5, 20lbs*5

Specific instructions:
- Maintain neutral spine throughout the set.
- Hold the neck steady
- Grip the resistance firmly, no slacking

Page | 121
lower body
RPE: 7-10

Sr. no. Exercise I. Technique Sets Reputation

1 Squats 2 80kg*6
2 Front squats 2 60kg*5
3 Step up 2 30kg*5
4 Unilateral leg Pyramid 1 90lbs*15,
press 135lbs*10,180lbs*6,220lbs*4
5 Standing calf Tri set 2 110lbs*6
6 Seated calf 105lbs*6
7 Seated leg curl 110lbs*6
8 Tow raises 3 15lbs*8

Specific instructions:
- Maintain neutral spine throughout the set.
- Hold the neck steady
- Grip the resistance firmly, no slacking.
• Core:
- Crunches on machine: 2-3 sets 8-10 reps (increase the weight)
- Plank – hold for 25 sec * 3 times

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Reassessment & Report of fitness tests of Karan Patil

Test Results Category Post 6 weeks Category

Digital Blood 110/80 Normal 110/80 Norma
Anthropometrics: 24.5 Overweight 23.5 Overweigh
1. BMI
2. Waist 35.5 High Risk 33.5 Low risk
3. Waist to Hip 0.96 High Risk 0.91 Low risk
Body 33% Obese 30% Obese
Composition: BIA
Cardiovascular 99 bpm Above Average 89bpm Good
Fitness: 3-minute
step test
Muscular 3 Needs 8 Needs
Endurance: 1. improvement Improvement
Press ups/Push
2. Curl Ups 4 Needs 8 Needs
improvement improvement
Flexibility: 1. L: P; R: P L: P; R: P
2. Hamstrings L: F; R:P L: P; R: P
3. Hip Flexor L: P; R: P L: P; R: P
Posture alignment Bow legs -
• Client has improved his BMI, Waist circumference and WHR.
• Client has dropped good amount of body fat. He is feeling very good about himself and
is energetic through the day.
• CV test: Recovery heart rate has significantly improved.
• The performance in push-ups and curl ups have doubled.
• Hamstring Test is also pass.

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Business Plan



SECTION THREE: Products and services

SECTION FOUR: The market

SECTION FIVE: Market research

SECTION SIX: Marketing strategy

SECTION SEVEN: Competitor analysis

SECTION EIGHT: Operations and logistics

SECTION NINE: Financial forecasts

SECTION TEN: Back-up Plan

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Business Plan
Business name: Olympia Gym

Owner(s) name: Samir Reur

Business email address:

1.1 Business summary:
Olympia Gym wishes to provide top notch training services to the corporate sector employees working in
its vicinity. The facility targets to improve performance of its clients with effective coaching and
with improvement in client’s performance as it core value

1.2 Business aims:

To target or provide services to corporate sector employees over a specific income bracket.

1.3 Financial summary:

We have following financial capital:
3- Saving of 2 Cr. INR.
4- Bank loan of 1 Cr. INR.

1.5 Strapline or Mission Statement:

Our goal is Improving our clients’ life, hence making them fit.

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2.1 Why do you want to run your own business?
• Building a Brand in the Field of Fitness
• To bring forth correct education and provide real results to people
• More Money
• Entrepreneurship
• Professional Scalability
• Achieve something bigger in life

2.2 Previous work experience:

-Involved in ABC Company as a Manager.
- Worked as a Personal trainer in Gold’s Gym (1 Years).

2.3 Qualifications and education:

• Bachelor in Engineering
• Management Graduate
• Diploma in Personal Training
• Sports Nutritionist

2.4 Details of future training courses you want to complete:

• Certified Personal Trainer ( Special Population)

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SECTION THREE: Products and services
3.1 What are you going to sell?
☐ a product
☐ a service
☑ both
3.2 Describe the services and products you are going to sell, detail the packages etc
Product- Yoga Classes, Personal Training, Diet consultations, Boot Camps, Seminars, workshops etc.

SECTION FOUR: The market

4.1 Are your customers:
☐ individuals
☐ businesses
☑ both
4.2 Describe your typical customer:
Top Executives working for corporates in the vicinity of the facility.

4.3 Where are your customers based?

Gurgaon City

4.4 What prompts your customers to buy your product/service?

• Service Quality – Customer Centric Approach
• Our well trained and qualified Human Resource
• Premium Facility
• Our Product Placement
• Word of Mouth
• Results given to the clients

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4.5 What factors help your customers choose which business to buy from?
• Compassion for Customer Services – willingness to go one step ahead for the customer
• Location
• Comfort
• Logical decision making and execution in terms of training
• Customer centric approach

4.6 Have you sold products/services to customers already?

☑ yes
☐ no
If you answered ‘yes’, give details:
• Personal Training Packages – Yearly and Half yearly

4.7 Have you got customers waiting to buy your product/service?

☑ yes
☐ no
If you answered ‘yes’, give details:
Enquiry from 4 corporates, this month 20 more clients will be added.

SECTION FIVE: Market research

5.1 Key findings from ‘desk research’:
Based upon:
6. Target Area
7. Providing the quality product for the right client (paying capacity and willingness to make a
tangible change in life)
8. Identifying Customer needs and fulfilling the demand gap
9. Premium Health Clubs in that area, if any
10. Latest Industry trends and projection of one’s USP for product differentiation
11. Demographics

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SECTION SIX: Marketing strategy
Why have you chosen this marketing How much will it
What are you going to do?
method? cost?
To tell prospects:
• Who you are
• What specific (or special)
Setting a USP – Unique Selling
services you provide Nil
• How you do fitness and
health BETTER
• And why you’re in business
• Enticing prospects to try out
your gym or services 50,000
Ongoing monthly campaign
• Rewarding current customers INR/Month
and ensuring future loyalty
• To meet revenue targets
• To attract more customer base 1,00,000
Consistent Marketing throughout the year
• Reaching prospects first and INR/Month

• To target accurate
Social Media Targeted Advertisements – 10,000
Facebook & Instagram INR/Month
• Better way to show one’s USP

So gym’s website clearly communicate

the following:
• Who you are
• Which
Website advertisements through Google
services/classes/perks you 10,000
Pay Ads and approaching Corporates with
provide INR/Month
the service offers
• That you’re not just a gym but a
place to get Fit
And how to contact you (and make this
1,70,000 per

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SECTION SEVEN: Competitor analysis
7.1 Table of competitors

Name, location and

Product/service Price Strengths Weaknesses
business size

Gym Fit, Mumbai 40,000 INR Youth is attracted

CrossFit Less Space
Medium Sized Yearly more.

Shape Gym ,Mumbai Zumba, Bollywood, 25,000 INR Well organized or No tangible results
Small Sized Aerobics Yearly systematic to the clients

Attracts medium Poor service

YPT Gym, Mumbai. 1,00,000 INR
Personal Training to top level quality with no
Big Player Yearly
executives tangible results

7.2 SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
• Great Location • Not keeping pace with emerging trends
• Top Class Facilities • Lack of Competitive Analysis
• Qualified Trainers • Average Financial Management and
• Scientific based workouts Forecasting
• Result oriented deliverables

Opportunities Threats
• Growing demand for Fitness • Attrition
• Growing Health Concerns • Improvement in knowledge base of
• Dearth of result oriented Service Providers in Trainers
the Industry • Clients’ influence towards emerging
market trends

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7.3 Unique Selling Point (USP)
Delivering great value for services offered and always exceeding your expectations. Once you join here,
you will never look back.

SECTION EIGHT: Operations and logistics

8.1 Production
• Peak Timings – 5 am to 11 am (Morning), 5 pm to 11 pm (Evening)
• Staff availability based on the volume of crowd or PTs, 1 Manager and 2 Business Development
Executives available during the facility operational hours
• Facility operational from 5 am to 11:30 pm

8.2 Delivery to customers

• Personal Training Sessions
• Well organized and planned sessions
• Logging of client’s performance with each session
• Extreme focus of service quality and customer care along with focused approach towards session

8.3 Payment methods and terms

• Online/Card – One time yearly or half yearly joining fees

• Bank Transfer
• No refund Policy, may subject to change as per management jurisdiction

8.4 Suppliers

Page | 131
Name and location of Items required Payment Reasons for choosing
supplier and prices arrangements supplier

Cybex Equipment’s Fitness Machines Cheque Best in the Industry

Challenge Bars, Racks

Free weights Cheque Best in the Industry
and Plates

Electric, Interior and

ABC Systems Pvt. Ltd. Cheque Best in the Industry
other amenities

OPS AMC Contractor – Yearly AMC Contract

Cheque Best in the Industry
for other services agreement

K11 Academy of Fitness

Manpower (Trainers) Cheque Best in the Industry

8.5 Premises
Rented facility with Gurgaon DLF

8.6 Equipment

If being bought
Item required Already owned?
New or second hand? Purchased from Price

Cardio Machines No New Wood way 5,00,000 INR

Weight Machines No New Cybex 5,00,000 INR

Squat Rack,
No New Hammer Strength 5,00,000 INR
Barbell, Plates

8.7 Transport

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8.8 Legal requirements
• Commercial Paper Ready
• Fire/Water/Electricity clearance certificate
• Pollution Clearance Certificate
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• GST No.

8.9 Insurance requirements

• Equipment Insurance
• Furniture Insurance
• Employee Insurance

8.10 Management and staff

• Personal Trainer Staff – 8-10

• Business Development Staff – 3-4
• Club Manager - 1
• Cleaning Staff – 4-5

Page | 133
SECTION NINE: Financial forecasts
9.1 Sales and costs forecast

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total

20 x 30 x
of clients
300 300
x cost per
0 0
Sales 600
forecast 000

Sales dip during summer break (May-June)

(e.g. Seasonal

Page | 134
9.2 Personal budget
Section Item Estimated monthly cost
Estimated costs Mortgage/rent 2,00,000
Council tax 10,000
Gas, electricity, and oil 1,00,000
Water rates 2,000
All personal and property insurances 5,000
Clothing 10,000
Food and housekeeping 50,000
Telephone 5,000
Hire charges (TV, DVD etc.) NA
Subscriptions (clubs, magazines etc.) NA
Entertainment (meals and drinks) 10,000
Car tax, insurance, service and maintenance 10,000
Children’s expenditure and presents NA
Credit card, loan and other personal debt repayments NA
National Insurance NA
Other NA
Estimated total costs
Estimated income
Estimated profit

SECTION TEN: Back-up Plan

10.1 Short-term plan
• Complementary free Personal Training Sessions
• Free Counseling session with nutrition plan

10.2 Long-term plan

• Open 2 more gyms by 2023

10.3 Plan B
• Introduce low cost personal training package

135 | P a g e
• Group Training

136 | P a g e
I Karan Patil give consent to Samiunna Reur to provide Nutrition Counselling to myself or
the person for whom I am legally responsible. The consult will provide information and
guidance about health factors that are within my control: my diet, nutrition, and lifestyle.

I understand that Samiunna Reur is not a medical physician. Thus, he/she will not
diagnose medical conditions, but will provide nutritional support and nutrition education
for an already diagnosed condition. While nutritional support would be an important
compliment to my health and disease management, I understand these services cannot a
substitute for medical care.

Methods of nutrition evaluation or testing made available to me are not intended to

diagnose disease. Rather, these assessment tests are intended as a guide to developing an
appropriate health-supportive program for me, and to monitor my progress in achieving
my health goals. Medical records, personal information and history divulged in session to
Samiunna Reur will be kept confidential, unless I consent to sharing my medical

I hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Samiunna Reur from all claims, demands,
costs, and expenses and causes of actions, either in law or equity arising out of or in any
way connected to services I receive from Samiunna Reur. I have read this consent form
and terms contained herein carefully. I understand the terms of this form and voluntarily
agree to be bound by them.

Client’s name: Karan Patil Contact number: _8088552418

Client’s signature: ________ ___ Date: 2-12-2021

Client’s Guardian signature: _____________________ Date:
(If under 18)

Counsellor’s signature: ____ CLIENT ASSESSMENT FORM 1

_______ Date: 2-12-2021

Personal Goals, Motivation and Stage of Readiness

My overall health goals are:

137 | P a g e
Overall wants to look fit and healthy before his wedding.

My physical performance goals are:

_He wants to participate in 10 kms running event.

If I could change three things about my health and nutritional habits, they would be…
1. Avoid junk food.

2. Increase physical activity.


3. Reduce in between meals snacking.


4. ______________________________________________________________________________

The biggest challenge(s) to reaching my nutrition goals is/ are:

_1.Won”t_to able to eat boring diet foods. _
2._Addiction to deserts.
In the past, I have tried the following techniques, diets, behaviours, etc. to reach my nutrition goals…

Do you feel you’ve always had a weight problem? Yes ☑No

If yes, around what age did you first notice that you had gained weight? ____Not applicable. ________

138 | P a g e
What do you feel your weight gain was caused by?
Addiction to deserts.

What diets have you tried in the past?


Have you ever had any health problems as a result of dieting? Yes ☑ No

If yes, what problems?

Not applicable.

Please list any surgeries you've had:


On a scale of 1 (not willing) to 5 (very willing), please indicate your readiness/willingness to do the

To improve your health, how ready/willing are you to… 1 2 3 4 5

Significantly modify your diet

Take nutritional supplements each day

Keep a record of everything you eat each day

Practice relaxation techniques

Engage in regular exercise/physical activity

Have periodic fitness tests / anthropometric assessments to assess progress

Wellness Goals:
Indicate which health and fitness goals interest you:

139 | P a g e
☑❐ Weight management
❐ Increased strength and muscle mass

☑❐ Increased endurance
❐ Rehabilitation of muscle or joint injury
❐ Advice on supplementation based on my health and dietary practices
❐ Other: (Please describe) __No._________________________

Client’s name: _Karan Patil Contact number: 8088552418

Client’s signature: ____ __ Date: _2-12-2021 ___________

Client’s Guardian signature: _____-_______________ Date: _____-___________
(If under 18)

Counsellor’s signature: ____ ____ Date: 2-12-2021________________

140 | P a g e

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) and Lifestyle

Taking part in physical activity/exercise is very safe for most people. However, some people should check
with their doctor before they start an exercise session. Before taking part in physical activity and/or
exercise, please answer the questions below. If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, the PAR-Q will
tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start. If you are over 69 years of age, and you are
not used to being very active, check with your doctor.
Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions. Please read the questions carefully
and answer each one honestly: please tick YES or NO.
1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical No
activity/exercise recommended by a doctor?
2. Is there any history of heart disease in your family? No

3. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity/exercise? No

4. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity/exercise? No

5. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness? No

6. Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee or hip) that could be made worse by a change No
in your physical activity? (if so, please give details)
7. Do you suffer from any of the following: asthma; diabetes; epilepsy; high blood pressure? (if so, please give No
8. Do you have any other medical or physical condition (such as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis)? No

9. Do you have any current injuries or conditions, and if so, are they being treated by a doctor or other health No
professional such as a physiotherapist? (if so, please give details)
10. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity/ exercise? No

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, please check with a member of staff before taking part in
the physical activity or exercise session. It may be necessary for you to be referred to your doctor before
taking part in the session.
If you answered NO to all questions, you can be reasonably sure that you can safely take part in the physical
activity or exercise sessions, but please ensure that you begin slowly, warm up appropriately and progress
Assumption of Risk: I declare that I have read, understood, and answered honestly all the questions above. I
am agreeing to participate in the exercise session (which may include aerobic, resistance, power and stretching
exercises) and understand that there may be risks associated with physical activity.
I have read, understood and completed this questionnaire. Any questions I had were answered to my full

141 | P a g e
Age: __25year’s______ Gender: Male _____ Height: 168cm ______ Weight:

Activitys Type/Intensity (low- No. of Days Duration

moderate-high) per week (minutes)

Strength Training

Cardio/Aerobics Low 3 45


Sports or Leisure

Other (specify/describe)

• Indicate daily stressors and rate the level of stress from 1 (extremely low) to 10 (extremely high):

Work_4____ Family__5____ Social_5____ Financial__6___ Health_9____ Other___-___

• On average, how many hours of sleep do you get? _____6hrs___________________

• Do you smoke? ☑Never In the past Currently - Quantity/frequency___-_______

• Alcohol use? ☑Never In the past Currently - Quantity/frequency_______-


Client’s name: _Karan Patil __________ Contact number: __8088552418___

Client’s signature: _______ ____ Date: __2-12-2021______________

Client’s Guardian signature: __________-_____ Date: ____-____________
(If under 18)

Counselor’s signature: ___ ___________ Date: _2-12-2021_______________

142 | P a g e

Medical History
*Health History
Do you suffer from heart condition or have ever had any form of heart disease, No
previously suffered a heart attack or have a family history of heart disease?
Have you had any cardiac procedure like: Angiography No
Angioplasty No
Bypass Surgery No
Do you experience any pain while undertaking physical activity or exercising? No
Have you ever experienced faintness, dizziness, shortness of breath or experienced a No
loss of balance while undertaking physical activity or exercise?
Do you suffer from high blood pressure? No
Do you have diabetes? No
Are you pregnant? No
*Additional Information:

1. If you are presently taking any medication please provide name and the conditions they are taken for:
Not applicable.
2. Please provide your physician’s name and contact details:
__Dr.Krunal Patil ,Contact Number:- 8421287284


3. Please provide the date and details of your most recent health check-up below:
__Not applicable .

143 | P a g e
*Additional Medical Issues (Please tick the relevant options)
Bronchitis Gout Ligament injuries Fainting
Irregular heart beat Spondylosis Psychological/psychiatric disorder
Neurological disorders
Alcoholism/Substance abuse Ankylosing spondylitis Learning disability
Stroke/paralysis attack
Retinal problems Spondylolisthesis / Retrolisthesis Dyslexia
History of surgery Slipped Disc Deep vein thrombosis
Osteoarthritis Sciatica Varicose veins
Osteoporosis Postural problems Thyroid or any other hormonal disorder Hernia
Anaemia Fractures Giddiness
Rheumatoid arthritis Soft tissue injuries Vertigo Glaucoma

Please provide a brief:


Family History of Medical Problems:


Client’s name: Karan Patil______________ Contact number: _8088552418__

Client’s signature: _ ____________ Date: _2-12-2021____________

Client’s Guardian signature: ____-_________________ Date: _____-___________
(If under 18)

Counselor’s signature: _ __________ Date: _2-12-



Diet History , Food Preferences and Supplement Use

144 | P a g e
Diet Recall

Timings What you eat Quantity

Early Morning  Tea  1cup


Breakfast:  1.upma, 2.broun bread with pinut butter


In between:  1scope whey portion

Lunch:  2-roti, rice 1bowl


Snacks:  Tea, sandwich

6:00pm .

Dinner:  Rice 2-bowl , curry 1-bowl


Supplement Type Dosage

None None

Water Intake (per day): _2 liter_______________

Cooking Medium (Choice of dietary fats):___Sunflower oil.________________________
Food Preferences:
• Dietary Restrictions –

145 | P a g e
Health reasons: ___None______________________________
Cultural reasons:___None_____________________________
Religious reasons:__ None____________________________
• Intense dislike towards: None_____________________________

• Highly sensitive to: ____ None____________________________

• Intolerance to:_________None____________________________

• Allergies: _____________None___________________________

Supplement Usage:
Do you take any nutritional supplements or vitamins/minerals? If yes, please list: No

Client’s name: Karan Patil_______ Contact Number:_8088552418_______________

Client’s signature: _____ ____________ Date: _2-12-2021_______________

Client’s Guardian signature: _______-____________ Date: ____-____________
(If under 18)

Counselor’s signature: ___ _______ Date: _2-12-2021______________

146 | P a g e
• Are you currently under a physician’s care for a chronic health problem that requires continuous

Yes ☑No
• If yes, please explain:

Not Applicable.

• Please list your current medications and the health conditions for which you are taking them

Health Conditions Medications

None None

• Antibiotic use:

Less than once a year

More than 2 times per year
☑Hardly ever
• Reason for antibiotic use: ____Viral Infection.__________

147 | P a g e
Medication Dose Frequency Start Date Stop Date

None None None None None

• MEDICATION: Please provide the names of medications that you are currently taking:

• Are you allergic to any medicine? Yes ☑No

• If Yes, please list: ____Not applicable._________________________________

• Client’s name: Karan Patil____________ Contact number: 8088552418___

• Client’s signature: __ _______________ Date: 2-12-2021________________
• Client’s Guardian signature: _______-___________ Date: ________-________
• (If under 18)
• Counselor’s signature: ____ ____ Date: _2-12-2021______________

148 | P a g e

· Analyse the client's nutritional information in relation to their goals

____Client goal is fat loss and wants to be fit to run 10kms ,However his current diet is loaded with very low protein and
water intake. ________________________________________________________________________________________

· Determine clients' daily energy requirements

Men BMR= 66+(13.7* weight in kg ) + (5*height in Cms) – (6.8* age)
Men BMR= 66+(13.7* 90 ) + (5*168) – (6.8*25 )
Men BMR = 1969calories/day_ T.D.E.E.=1969*1.375
T.D.E.E.= 2707calories/day ___________

· Create and record SMART targets for the client in agreement with them
S: Client wants to lose 10kg in 4 months
M: Measure progress by using BIA machine
A: Losing around 2.5kgs per month is achievable with change in nutrition and exercise plan
R: This is realistic goal which can be sustained
T: Time frame 02/12/2021 to 01/04/2022

· Analyse the client's readiness to make dietary modifications

Client is highly motivated for: 1)Significantly modify your diet 2)Take nutritional supplement each day
Client is least motivated for: 1)Keep a record of everything you eat each day 2)Practice relaxation techniques

· Develop and agree strategies to overcome barriers to achieving their goals

Not able to follow boring diet foods
Eating too much sweets

149 | P a g e
Gave delicious diet friendly recipes
Gave stevia based sugar free options ______________________________________

· A comparison of the participant's diet to current healthy eating guidelines, you will need to reference
1)Meals are low in fibrous carbs
2)Quantity of vegetables in meals is very low
3)Client rarely eats fish
4)Client need to cut down on sugars
· Client's current status and nutritional goals
1) All 3 meals are carbs based; need to improve
2)2/3 snacks a day, mostly junk food; give better option
3)Macronutrients: high in carbs and low in protein and fat; needs to improve
· Give advice on referral to other professionals if applicable
Client’s name: _Karan Patil_____________ Contact number: _8088552418________________

Client’s signature: ___ ______________ Date: 2-12-2021________________

Client’s Guardian signature: ______-_______________ Date: _____-___________
(If under 18)

Counselor’s signature: ___ ___ Date: 2-12-2021________________

150 | P a g e

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