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Top 5 Books 

for Aspiring 

Data Analysts

We are living in the age of information, and data analytics is a hot topic. This is the
science of analyzing raw data to make some conclusions. Being data-driven is very
relevant, especially after the pandemic when businesses had to go online. Nowadays,
every major company wants to make smart decisions that will keep it ahead of its
competitors. Data analysts find trends, draw conclusions, and report insights from
data to help leaders make the right move for their companies.

Becoming a talented data analyst will make you very valuable and well-paid. In this
guide, we will cover the top 5 books for aspiring data analysts. Check them out!

#1 Big Data: A Revolution That Will
Transform How We Live, Work, and Think
By Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier

We advise you to start with this book. This is the first major book about the power
of data. Two leading experts explain what big data is, how it will change our lives,
and what we can do to protect ourselves from its dangers.
Although this book may have been a little outdated, many of its ideas are still very

Although this book may have been 

a little outdated, many of its ideas 

are still very helpful.
By Annalyn Ng and Kenneth Soo

You don’t have any technical background? It’s absolutely OK! This book provides a
gentle immersion into the world of data science. The authors guide you through
the algorithms using clear language and visual explanations, so that you don't get
stuck in complex mathematics.

Data Science for Business: What You 

Need to Know about Data Mining 

and Data-Analytic Thinking
by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett

The last but not least book in our selection is about business analytics. This book
thoroughly explores the importance of data for business decision making. If you
wanna have a career as a business analyst, this book is perfect as an introduction
to how data science and business work together.

Data Analytics Made Accessible
by Dr. Anil Maheshwari

This book is a brilliant introduction if you wanna know what data analytics is all
about. Besides high-level overviews of key data concepts, you’ll also find in this
manual real-world examples of data analysis in practice, case study exercises,
review questions, and tutorials for beginners.

The book was published in 2014, but has been updated several times to cover
topics of increasing importance such as data privacy, big data, AI, and career
advice in data science.

How Smart Machines Think
by Sean Gerrish, Kevin Scott

The ideal introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning for beginners.
The book explores the theory and practice of creating machine learning
algorithms, explaining how they work. The authors describe the software
architecture that allows self-driving cars to stay on the road and navigate
crowded urban environments; the million-dollar Netflix competition for a better
recommendation engine etc.

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