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Name: Aqsa Hafeez

Roll no: 1925131015

1. Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan of .......... gave the suggestion for Muslim League

Ans. Dhaka bengladesh

2. Muslim League was formed in......

Ans. 1906

3. War of Independence was fought in.......

Ans. 1857

4. Delhi-Muslim suggestion were presented in......

Ans. 1927

5. 14 points of Quaid e Azam were presented in.......

Ans. March 1929

6. In .......Sir Syed Ahmed khan established a Persian School in Muradabad.

Ans . 1859

7. In 1962 Sir Syed was posed to ....

Ans. Ghazipur

8. M.A.O college was established in....

Ans. 1933

9. Annulment of Division of Bangal was made in......

Ans. 1911

10. Mustafa Kamal Ataturk announced the ending office of Caliphate in....

Ans.3 March 1924

11. Explain two reason of Division of Bengal.

Ans. 1. Bengal was the largest province with a population of 78 million. Due to the vast area the
whole province was under one lieutenant governor who could not look after the administrative
requirements properly so it’s the basic need of Bengal to divided in two parts

2. Due to the worse condition of economy of Bengal they felt to be separated.

12. Discuss any two clauses of Minto Marley Reforms of 1909.

Ans. 1. The long- standing demand of Muslims for a separate electorate was conceded and included
in Minto- merely reforms.

2. The preparation of separate electoral rolls was ordered and formation of administration
council in small provinces.

13. Discuss the important clauses of Act of 1919.

1. Bicameral legislature was established in the center. The upper house was known as the council of
state and lower house was named as central legislative assembly. The membership of the upper was
fixed at 60 members.

2. Separate electorate was retained for the Muslims.

14. Explain any 2 points of Quid e Adam’s 14 points.

Ans.1. Sindh should be separated from the Bombay presidency.

2. Muslims should be given adequate share along with other Indians in the services of the state.

15. Why Khilafat movement initiated. Explain the background , results and effects of movement.

Ans. Before the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919 could be introduced the subcontinent
experienced a political storm which leave its mark on all subsequent events in the history of the
Muslim india. The institution of khilafat, which the muslims all over the world and particularly in
india. Khilafat is the name of a muslim institution handed over to the followers and friends of the
Holy Prophet S.A.W and the rulers or administrators of Islamic State, who are called and know as
khalifas. The person who occupied the khilafat was regarded as a highly respectable and venerated
person by the entire muslim millat.


When the first world war broke out in 1914, the circumstances compelled the Ottoman Empire to
fight against the Allies. Turkey the seat of khilafat therefore fought by the side of Germany. The
Indian Muslims naturally attached their sympathies with their Turkish brothers. The government
adopted a stern policy to keep the Muslims of India. The First war ended in 1918 with the Allies
emerging as conquerors. The victorious Allies were bent upon demolishing the Ottoman Cliphate of
Turkey which had fought by the side of Germany. The indian muslims were greatly perturbed over
the fate of turkey and desired that a repectable reapproachement be concluded between the British
and Turkey. During the war the indian muslims had extended maximum support to the turks. In
order to put pressure on the government for the protection of the khilafat, the muslims organized
theselves under the leadership of Hakim ajmal khan and Dr.M.A.Ansari and formed khilafat


The khilafat movement was a great muslim struggle which provided dynamic leadership to the
Muslims and established foundations to launch further muslim freedom movement on stable and
firm basis. The whole of the khilafat movement was erected on the Hindu-Muslim unity which
proved to be a fake idea when Gandhi unilaterally ended his non-cooperational movement at the
time when the government was to keel down before the demands. The khilafat movement left a far-
reaching impact on the indian politics. It created political awareness amongst the muslims and
taught them how to protect their rights. The khilafat movement added much to the economic
miseries of the Muslims who resigned their jobs. The khilafat movement end up without achieving
its goals.


The Khilafat movement was started to safeguard the Khilafat in Turkey, an issue which essentially
belonged to the Muslims. By the involvement of Hindus the Movement grew forceful and there was
possibility of meeting the movement with success. The British Government was the common enemy
of the Muslims and Hindus. That is why, both the nations continued united efforts against it. But the
difference between the Hindus and Muslims became even more pronounced and many other events
showed that the opposition of Hindus to British Government was not lasting. When Khilafat
Movement reached at its success, the Hindus especially Mr. Gandhi gave up from movement and
leaved the Muslims alone and caused the failure of Movement.The Khilafat movement proved that
Hindus and Muslims were two different nations as they could not continue the unity and could not
live together. The Khilafat Movement created political consciousness among the Indian Muslims,
which inspired them to constitute another movement for then Independence. Thus, they started
Pakistan Movement.

16. Explain in detail the points of Nehru Report?

Ans. When the recommendations of simon commission were presented in the parliament in
October,1927, for approval, india was passing through a political turmoil of unprecedented
intensity. The congress and muslim league had rejected the recommendations of the Simon
commission and stood face to face with regard to the future constitutional pattern of India. When
the indian politics parties rejected the recommendations of the Simon commission he declared in
the parliament, “The Indians are so divided, opoosed and fed up of each other that they are unable
to produce a unanimously accepted constition”. In february 1928 all parties conference prepare a
draft for the constitutional reforms. The conference appointed a Committee to determine the
Nehru, the leader of Swarajya party the representation of the muslims on the committee was of an
insignificant nature. The report submitted by the committee is known as Nehru report which
contained the following points:

1. Full responsible government on the model of the constitution of the self governing dominions to
be introduced in the subcontinent.
2. Separate electorate should be replaced by the joint electorate with reservation of seats for the
minorities in proportion to their population.
3. The foreign affairs defence and army should be placed under the control of parliament and
4. Sindh should be separated from Bombay to a new province if it were capable of bearing its
5. Hindi should be made official language.
The Nehru report was published in August 1928. It had failed to make an impact on the public as
it aired the Hindu-Muslim rift. The report clearly reflected the hindu prejudicial approach and
was based on anti-muslim sentiments. An All parties National convection was held in Calcutta,in
December ,1928 to consider the Nehru report. The quaid e azam proposed three amendments
in the Nehru report which were as follows.
1. 1/3 representation for the muslims in the central legislature.
2. Muslim representations in the Punjab and Bengal on the basis of population.
All these amendments proposed by the Quaid-i-Azam when put to vote, were rejected by
the hindus. The qaid-i-azam declared, “ The Nehru committee has adopted a narrow-minded
policy to ruin the political future of Muslims.”

17. Explain the background of Lucknow pact of 1916, its conditions and results of the pact?

Ans. Background:

Indian politics took a new turn with the change in muslim league political creed. Quaid I azam
inclusion in the muslim league was a historic event which gave new dimensions to muslim league
political struggle. The muslim league had already demanded self rule for india which brought muslim
league and congress closer. Lucknow Pact, (December 1916), agreement made by the Indian National
Congress headed by Maratha leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak and the All-India Muslim League led by
Muhammad Ali Jinnah; it was adopted by the Congress at its Lucknow session on December 29 and by
the league on Dec. 31, 1916. The meeting at Lucknow marked the reunion of the moderate and radical
wings of the Congress. The pact dealt both with the structure of the government of India and with the
relation of the Hindu and Muslim communities.

Condition :

The relations between the British government and Muslims were tensed due to aggressive and
unilateral policies of the British. The annulment of the partition of Bengal in 1911 was a jolt for the
Muslims of India; consequently it shattered their confidence in British and brought Muslims closer to
Hindus against the British. Similarly the Kanpur mosque incident and the British policies in the
international system had caused deep anguish among the Muslims. Thus the Muslims leaderships
decided to change the strategy of the Muslim league after the annulment of Bengal in 1911. In
December 1912, Muslim league change its aim from loyalty to form self-government suitable to India.
However, the league retained the right to modify self-rule in accordance with their needs and

Importance of the Pact:

The Lucknow pact was a great achievement of Hindu and Muslim leaders, who were successful in
offering for the first and the only time, a mutually acceptable solution of the Hindu Muslim problem. It
appeared as a special significance in the history of India. It was the Quaid-e-Azam, who had always been
a staunch supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity. The scheme provided for a substantial step taken halfway
towards the establishment of self-rule in India which was main core of the jointly sponsored scheme of
Lucknow pact. The Congress first time accepted the demand of separate electorate for Muslims. The
pact ensured the protection of political rights of Muslims. Muslim league separate status was also being
accepted. Through the pact the both parties were able to put a joint demand before the British.
Congress got strength in term of political and masses because it had got All India Muslim League


The agreement was very outstanding and its dreams were fulfilled the whole political scenario of Indian
subcontinent were different. But, it was impossible to the parties to make a united India. The Hindus
and Muslims are two different nation and they have different culture and civilization. Therefore the
Lucknow Pact failed to make a long lasting cooperation in India among the Muslims and Hindus.

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