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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Career Plan
Section 1: Creating your BHAG

1) What is your BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world-changing goal***)?

To create a functioning model which cultivates a work environment where people are not
only highly competent at their jobs but also enjoy and look forward to working.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

Many employed people spend an equal amount or more time at work than they will at
home with their families. Due to this, their colleagues are often like a second family and
should be enjoyed the same way. Through personal experience, a higher level of
competency creates confidence and provides the potential for a more significant positive
experience within the work environment. In juxtaposition, the lower competency of three
more frustrating tasks can create a negative personal or public emotion attached to work.

Mark Anthony said people never work a day if they do what they love (n.d.). Many
people can accomplish this if competency in the workforce is increased. Upon deeper
inspection, it is a cyclical set of events because the more competent a person becomes,
the more they can enjoy their work, encouraging them to be more proficient in their job.
Although creating such a work environment is a monumental task, I know it works
because I am living proof that it does.

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Module 4?

The two parts of my vision statement are all about being able to lead others toward a
common goal and being the vessel that supports other people where they want to go. This has
a relatively strong tie-in with my BHAG because it is about leading people to a more
mentally and emotionally conducive environment and providing the necessary tools to reach
these goals.

4) How does your BHAG align with your mission statement from Module 4?

My mission statement is about teaching others and aiding their growth toward their goals
despite the personal cost. If dissected, there are connections between my mission
statement and my BHAG because I am not yet proficient in illuminating the positive

Last Update: May 2021
possibilities of the proficiency enjoyment equation to others, which will throw off my
balance in the hopes of aiding others to find the proficiency and job enjoyment equation.

5) List your top five (5) obstacles in order, from number 5 being the least complicated
and number 1 being the most difficult you need to overcome to obtain your BHAG,
and explain the relevance of each one.

a. The most challenging obstacle with my BHAG will be personal buy-in by those
dissatisfied or disgruntled with work. This attitude tends to lead people to do the
bare minimum required to maintain their jobs rather than seek opportunities to
improve themselves or their work environment.

b. The second difficulty will be to get organizational I’ll buy-in. This is because
organizations generally focus more on the bottom line than the contentment of
their employees. Convincing them to spend more on all employee training beyond
the minimal requirements can decrease profits initially.

c. A medium-level obstacle would be to alter the collaborative work environment.

This is partially due to how a department operates, and the attitude people bring to
work. Making minor alterations encourages the other to progress in a positive

d. The second least difficult obstacle to achieving my BHAG is convincing

businesses looking for opportunities to increase employee satisfaction. This is not
about altering the organization’s mindset but rather making minor adjustments to
maximize the efforts already being made.

e. The easiest obstacle to implementing my BHAG is convincing those eager to

improve themselves and their work environment. This is less about giving them
direction and more about supporting them to grow and cultivate a positive
personal and work environment.

Section 2: Career Vision

1) Analyze the type of career you want, in terms of an organizational or a protean

career, and make sure you understand the concepts outlined in the textbook. Why?

The career I want is one where I can train others in the jobs and duties they will perform
for the organization we work for. Organizationally speaking, this would be a career with
a solid foundation, but a fluid job description as policies and practices change and evolve.

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This would be a good fit for me because of my social nature and my strong desire to lead
through example and aid in people’s processes to improve themselves and their work
environments Which is the underlying goal of my BHAG.

2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization
or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an
alternative career path, which one(s) sounds the most likely? Why?

I have chosen such a career where learning and teaching are the cornerstones; it allows
me to start with those who are just entering the organization and help to create a positive
first impression which will, in theory, encourage them to seek out more significant
competencies and collectively harmonize with coworkers resulting in a more enjoyable
work environment from. As aye progress in these abilities, I will be able to influence not
only a more significant number of people but also multiple levels of the organizational
hierarchy. With luck, this career would ascend to the highest level of the tall archival
structure. Creating this conducive environment and eagerness to improve oneself will
flow from the upper echelon to entry-level positions.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work
schedule/arrangement. If so, which ones and why?

(Insert Answer Here). An alternate and flexible work schedule for this career path will be
necessary. Unless it is an organization that works strictly from 9 to 5, people will need
training at different times of the day. Because of the business need, a flexible schedule
will be required to provide a conducive and comfortable environment for those partaking
in the learning process. When people have at least a semblance of control, they are more
eager to learn and adapt to the ever-changing environment within most organizational
structures. Due to their sense of pseudo control, they are more willing to learn blood and
have a more positive attitude, creating a more conducive work environment and
increasing productivity, making the business happy.

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Section 3: Long-Term Strategy

1) Critically think about and then list out (not in a narrative format) the interim steps
or milestones you have laid out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your
BHAG (you should have at least 10 to earn a rating of excellent and be referenced
by time)

a. Get promoted to manager position (March 2023)

b. Get promoted to senior manager position (December 2024)
c. Lateral move to Academy Instructor [New manager trainer] (December 2026)
d. Cultivate a reputation as a good Academy Instructor (December 2030)
e. Draw and present for additional approval training to include BHAG basics
(December 2031).
f. Implement approved plan into training (May 2032)
g. Monitor the program and make alterations as needed (May 2032-December 2035)
h. Draw up and present for approval a nationwide campaign to include BHAG in
training (December 2036)
i. Make alterations to the BHAG training plan and resubmit for approval (December
j. Implement the BHAG training plan and train other Academy Instructors to do the
same (December 2040)
k. See my BHAG realized nationwide (December 2045)

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to your
career goals. What are the three most precious things you are willing to sacrifice,
besides time, to achieve your BHAG? Why?

a. One of the most significant sacrifices I will have to make is losing the alternate
opportunities presented to me. I had to turn down other career opportunities that
crossed my path to reach where I currently am. I cannot say whether they would
have been better for my career, as those paths are now closed to me. This is called
an opportunity cost, which is only known so far as the positions I did not take, but
the actual cost can never be realized.

b. The opportunities to strengthen my family ponds are a foreseeable sacrifice I may

make to achieve my goal. As I progress into higher, more expansive positions
with my goal in mind, it will remove the number of opportunities to gather with
my relatives without conflicting with my work schedule, thus throwing off any
potential work-life balance I previously had. An additional consequence of this
may be the distance, both physically and emotionally, that is placed between
myself and the ones that I love.

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c. By pursuing my goals, I sacrifice the opportunity to meet new people unrelated to
work. This throws a stream on creating and cultivating meaningful connections
outside work, including meeting new friends, acquaintances, karma, or even love
interests. Putting this much dedication into work detracts from any social life that
could blossom if I were to take a different career/ life path. The question that will
eventually come up is if the sacrifices I have made are worth the financial and
emotional gains I have received.

Section 4: The one to two-year plan

1) What is your #1 Goal? (at least one of the following must be related to your BHAG)

Goal #1: I aim to become a senior manager within my current organization.

a. Specific: a senior man nature runs their department, including setting down
measurable goals, creating projects, and holding the team responsible for meeting
deliverable expectations.

b. Measurable: this goal can be measured in two ways: by ascending to a manager

position and then again to the senior manager position, and secondly, by the job
ability scores I receive during my reviews with my superiors.

c. Attainable: on my current path of ascension through my organization, this is an

achievable goal through hard work and perseverance buried

d. Relevant: this is relevant to my goals because senior management is one step

away from the Academy instructor. An Academy instructor is the person who
helps train new leaders in the company and thereby can cultivate and encourage
positive change within the workspace (i.e., my BHAG).

e. Time-Based: This goal is achievable within the next 24 months.

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7/23/2021 2/8/2022 8/27/2022 3/15/2023 10/1/2023 4/18/2024

Process Assistant Nov-21

Manager Academy Training Mar-23

Manager (Leadership 4) May-23

Manager Review Apr-24

Transition (Leadership 4 to 5) Jun-24

2) What is your #2 Goal? (at least one of these must be related to your BHAG)

Goal #2: my second goal is to increase my professional network.

a. S: My current professional network consists of approximately five people. I want

to increase this number twofold to include ten or more people.

b. M: Measuring may appear complicated, but I count it by those willing to write me

a letter of reference.

c. A: This goal is obtainable because, with each new connection I make, I open the
opportunity to connect with those to whom the previous person is also attached.

d. R: This is realistic because I created these five reliable network connections in the
first year of leadership.

e. T: Although potentially problematic, this call should be able to be obtained within

18 months.

Last Update: May 2021
Marc Anthony Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2022, from Web site:

Last Update: May 2021

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