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Application of Deep Learning in Back-End

Simulation: Challenges and Opportunities

Yufei Chen1 , Haojie Pei2 , Xiao Dong1 , Zhou Jin2 , Cheng Zhuo1∗
1 College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
2 College of Information Science and Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
∗ Email:

Abstract—Relentless semiconductor scaling and ever increasing to replicate the exact model of circuit behavior, the nonlinear
device integration have resulted in the exponentially growing circuit simulation, along with large parasitics network, may
size of the back-end design, which makes back-end simulation take days to complete and have become a bottleneck to the
very time- and resource-consuming. With the success in the
computer vision community, deep learning seems a promising verification [7]. To address the inefficiency issues in back-end
alternative to assist the back-end simulation. However, unlike simulators, researchers have proposed many physical-law or
computer vision tasks, most back-end simulation problems are heuristics based strategies from different modeling, ordering,
mathematically and physically well-defined, e.g., power delivery factorization, to solver, so as to handle the huge size of back-
network sign off and post-layout circuit simulation. It then brings end problems [7]–[9]. However, as the device non-linearity
broad interests in the community where and how to deploy deep
learning in the back-end simulation flows. This paper discusses continues grows and the number of parasitics exponentially
a few challenges that the deployment of deep learning models increases, the gains from many prior heuristics quickly fall
in back-end simulation have to confront and the corresponding behind the demands of the back-end simulations [10].
opportunities for future research.
On the other hand, the success of artificial intelligence (AI),
I. I NTRODUCTION especially deep learning, in the computer vision tasks, has
brought broad interests in applying AI to back-end problems.
Relentless semiconductor scaling and ever increasing SoC A recent example is Google’s Placer [11] using deep reinforce-
integration have imposed various challenges to the back- ment learning followed by heated discussions in both academia
end design from problem size to complexity [1]. In order and industry. It should be noted that, unlike many computer
to understand how the design behaves when implemented vision problems, most back-end simulation problems already
in physical layout, designers have to perform a back-end have a theoretically sound mathematical and physical law-
simulation from the extracted view. With the smaller geometry based formulations [6]. This then brings a natural question on
and increased number of transistors, back-end simulation has the scope and effectiveness that deep learning techniques may
observed fast growing circuit size and the exponential increase bring to the back-end simulations. Unlike many deep learning
in interconnect parasitics, which makes back-end simulation based works on back-end physical design, e.g., placement and
extremely time- and resource-consuming [2]. routing, which are found to a promising alternative, there
As an essential step to validate system performance or are actually limited deep learning based back-end simulation
ensure chip sign off, back-end simulations can be roughly that can achieve both efficiency and generality [12]–[17]. For
categorized into linear and nonlinear simulations. For example, example, a few prior works treated the power delivery noise
power delivery network (PDN) sign off is to solve a huge map as an image and used the convolutional neural network
sparse linear system in the end, i.e., Ax = b, where A (CNN) to estimate the IR drop [5], [12], [18]. While the
is the system matrix with a significantly large portion of execution of CNN is faster than the linear system solver,
zeros, b is the excitation vector, and x is the node voltage the training cost and generality are concerning and usually
vector to be solved [3]. In modern VLSI designs, such a limited to a particular scenario. Thus, although deep learning
linear system can easily have billions of nodes with various is effective in addressing the large scale and non-linearity in
sparsity patterns [4], incurring significant computational and back-end simulations, the existing challenges from training,
memory overheads. Moreover, due to the varying test vectors, model to generality still prevent its wide deployment in the
i.e., excitations, the power delivery linear system needs to be back-end simulation:
repeatedly simulated tens to even hundreds of times to ensure
power integrity, which makes power delivery sign off very • Training: The deep learning model can be dedicated to
time consuming [4], [5]. Post-layout circuit simulation is a a particular design and scenario. The underlying training
common nonlinear simulation example for mixed-signal and cost from data collection to setup is often non-negligible.
analog circuit verification [6]. Thanks to the growing parasitics Designers have to evaluate the implicit cost before the
impact, it has become a huge risk to simply simulate the deployment.
schematic design without the layout parasitics. However, as • Model: The back-end circuit or layout can be huge and
the SPICE simulation needs to go down to the transistor level redundant. Domain knowledge is highly desired to select
to compute the response to a time-varying input [5], [27]–
[29]. Thus, the network models have to rely on the regional
local model by dividing the global grids to smaller clips
and compute the dynamic noise of a clip within a particular
timing window [5], [27]. In addition to the analysis speed-
up, there are also a few papers that apply machine learning
to help power grid design and optimization [24], [30]–[34].
However, many of the prior works have to incorporate design-
dependent features such as location and timing information of
cells into power maps and hence make the solution dedicated
to a particular design.

B. Post-Layout Circuit Simulation

SPICE-like transistor-level circuit simulation plays an im-
Fig. 1. Traditional PDN sign off flow.
portant role in verifying the core design indicators such as
accuracy, delay, power consumption, etc. Especially under
the proper learning architecture as a trade off between advanced processes, post-layout circuit simulation has become
efficiency and accuracy. one of the most time-consuming parts in the design flow
• Generality: Since the training and model design may [35]. Given the exponentially increasing process complexity
consume non-trivial efforts, the model generality is pre- and design integration density, machine learning, esp., deep
ferred but challenging in order to support different de- learning, has been considered as a promising alternative to
signs, scenarios and even technologies. speed up circuit simulation [10], [15], [36].
In the following, we will first give a background review, and Unlike the PDN sign off, which deals with one linear
then go into details with examples for the above challenges. system, post-layout circuit simulation needs to account for
After that, we will conclude the paper and discuss the potential both linear components from the parasitics and nonlinear
research opportunities. components from the transistors. The main task of post-layout
circuit simulation is to solve differential algebraic equations
(DAEs) established from the modified nodal analysis.Implicit
A. PDN Sign Off integration methods are then used to convert the differential
Traditional PDN sign off involves multiple steps, from equations into difference equations [7]. After numerical dis-
parasitics extraction, timing analysis, power estimation, to cretization, a system of nonlinear algebraic equations needs to
sparse linear system solve, as shown in Fig. 1 [4], [19]. be solved to obtain circuit state quantity at each time point.
The core problem of PDN sign off is to solve a sparse and Newton Raphson (NR) is a powerful approach to find solutions
symmetric positive-definite matrix, which can be obtained of these nonlinear equations through linear approximation
from the modified nodal analysis. In general, the complexity due to its quadratic convergence property [37]. Therefore,
of direct matrix solve is O(n3 ), where n is the number of the main simulation problem is transferred to solve a series
unknowns. Obviously, with the exponential increase in PDN of linear equations Ax = b at each NR iteration point.
size with unknowns up to billions, even one direct matrix The computational bottleneck of the entire simulation is the
solve is very time- and resource- consuming. Thus, both solution of the Newton equation in the above iterative process,
academia and industry have spent significant efforts to reduce which is to solve a series of large-scale sparse linear systems.
the simulation cost of PDN sign off [3], [4], [20]–[23]. In the post-layout simulation, due to the increasingly serious
Recently, with the popularity of machine learning, there parasitic effects, the execution of sparse linear solvers may
were a few works that deployed various machine learning account for 60-90% of the total simulation time [38]. Thus,
techniques to accelerate the computation of L dt noise and it is highly desired to develop machine learning techniques to
IR drop without actually invoking the sparse linear system accurately predict and control the requested time-step size so
simulator [24]. For example, the work in [25] utilized deep as to reduce the number of NR iterations [8] and accelerate
neural network (DNN) models, e.g., fully connected network the sparse LU factorization [9] at each iteration, e.g. provide
(FCN) and convolutional neural network (CNN), to predict selection of reordering algorithms to reduce fill-ins, etc.
on-chip supply noise. In [18], the CNN model explicitly Figure 2 shows the flow of transient analysis for post-layout
used power map, layout, and power bump pattern as input circuit simulation. Before solving the equations, RC reduction
features to compute the full-chip static IR drop. The XGBoost [39] and circuit partitioning [40] are the two powerful tech-
model was also considered as a promising alternative for niques to decrease the order of linear system to be solved.
static IR drop prediction using structural and electrical features Hypergraph partitioning, such as patoh [41], hmetis [42], et al.,
extracted from PDN [13], [14], [17], [26]. On the other hand, is commonly used to partition a large-scale circuit into small-
the dynamic noise can be more challenging as it needs to or medium-scale sub-circuits to facilitate parallel simulation
incorporate more fine-grained local information, e.g., decap, [8]. However, it is difficult to guarantee the load balance for
Netlist MNA RCR/ ķ Nonlinear NR Linear
Parser KCL
Partition equations equations
Sparse LU
ĸ False decomposition Ĺ
ķTime discretization˄BE,Gear,etc˅
ĸDifferential equation iteration TRAN NR
True True False
ĹNewton-Raphson iteration Converge
converge? converge?

Fig. 2. Transient analysis flow for post-layout transistor level circuit simulation.

each thread during the parallel simulation. Moreover, the com-

ponents that may induce matrix singularity are usually placed
in the same sub-circuit, causing large coupling complexity and
hence low parallelism efficiency. Machine learning techniques
can then be utilized to enable more efficient circuit partitioning
and load balancing [43], [44].
A DC solve is always needed to provide an initial solution
to speed up the following transient simulation [45]. There
are several popular numerical iterative algorithms to solve the
system of nonlinear algebraic equations, including the basic
Newton-Raphson (NR) method and continuation methods like
Fig. 3. Network architecture deployed in our experiment.
Gmin stepping, source stepping, pseudo-transient analysis
(PTA), etc [46], [47]. The continuation methods are supposed convergence. However, for back-end design, design houses are
to be slower in speed but more robust than the plain NR. Its usually unwilling to share such training data due to the IP and
convergence performance are determined by: (i) How to form privacy concerns. Then designers have to go through repeated
a continuation function; (ii) How to trace the solution curve; time-consuming simulations to collect sufficient training data,
and (iii) How to determine the initial solution [48]. Domain which can only be used for one particular design. Moreover,
experiences are then highly required to select the appropriate even if the quantity of data is resolved, we still need to resolve
parameters, where machine learning may help replace the the following issues to ensure the quality of the data:
domain experiences and offer adaptive continuation iteration • Insufficient labeled data It can be even more time-
for better convergence [15], [47]. consuming than the simulation to analyze and assign
III. A PPLICATION OF D EEP L EARNING IN BACK -E ND the corresponding labels to each unlabeled data, which
S IMULATION demands both expertise and time.
• Data imbalance For back-end simulation, designers are
Though there are quite a few differences between linear
more concerned with the simulation results under the
and nonlinear back-end simulations as reviewed in the last
worst case, e.g., worst case IR drop, which is however
section, they actually share similar bottlenecks when deploying
very rare to invoke compared to the other regular cases.
machine learning or deep learning techniques for speed up. We
Similar observations exist in post-layout circuit simula-
can roughly divide the deployment of deep learning to three
tion. When using deep learning to adaptively decide the
stages: (i) training; (ii) model architecture; and (iii) model
proper time step, most training data are collected from
generality. In the following, we will discuss the challenges of
the converged phase with larger time steps. However, the
deploying deep learning and the corresponding opportunities
samples representing the smaller time steps in the search
for future work.
phase are more critical to the model but happen to be very
A. Training limited. Thus, the training data appears to be imbalanced
The very first stage of any deep learning or machine learning and possibly result in misleading inference.
technique deployment is to decide the training dataset and In the following we present an experiment on how the data
strategy. Most published deep learning techniques in back- imbalance may affect the inference accuracy. Here we follow
end simulation utilize a supervised strategy, i.e., deep learning a similar strategy in [5] and design the network architecture
models are trained on a labelled dataset. The inference accu- in Fig. 3 to classify whether static IR drop exceeds the
racy and model generality then largely depends on the quality predefined threshold. Our experiment uses with the 2D design-
of annotation and the diversity of training data. In addition, independent power map as the input and decides the hotspots
while a more complicated neural network architectures typi- in the power grid. The case with hotspot is considered as
cally yield to more accurate prediction, its required training positive sample in the training set whereas the negative sample
set size can be also significantly increased to ensure the model refers to the IR drop lower than the threshold. Then, by
Fig. 4. Impact of data imbalance on inference accuracy and model prediction Fig. 5. Impact of feature extraction on prediction accuracy and model
behavior. complexity

maintaining the same positive sample (or hotspot) percentage

in the test set, we change the ratio between the positive and
negative samples in the training set and evaluates its impact
on the inference. As shown in Fig. 4, the model tends to
report more positive cases with an increased positive rate in the
training set, while the inference accuracy is actually decreased
after certain knee point. Thus, when setting up the training set,
it is actually important to balance the positive and negative
samples to ensure a more robust model.

B. Model Architecture
Feature extraction is a crucial part of neural network model
architecture. A well-designed model only contains the nec- Fig. 6. Encoding schemes for input switching and netlist used in Primal [16]
(The Figure is from [16]).
essary information to reduce the unnecessary computational
overhead through feature extraction and selection. Thanks to diction with only 4% change. Thus, proper feature extraction
the huge dimension of the netlists in back-end simulation, is critical to the efficiency of the deep learning model, but
the input to the deep learning model can be huge, e.g., always remain a challenging problem for different back-end
millions to billions, which incurs significant memory and time simulations.
consumption. It is then essential to control the input dimension
and only select the necessary features. Many prior works C. Model Generality
rely on the manually selected features to reduce the input The last challenge is the generality of the trained deep
size, which are always design-dependent and demand domain learning model. A robust deep learning model can be trans-
knowledge [13], [14], [17], [26]. Recently, there are also a ferred between different designs or even technologies, which
few works that combine the domain knowledge with encoding is crucial to the deployment of deep learning in the back-end
schemes to more adaptively select the desired features. For simulation. However, it is common in prior works that the
example, to reduce the input dimension while maintaining the learned model is dedicated to a particular set of inputs, design
essential information, PDN sign off can decompose the spatial and technology. If we categorized the learned features from
and temporal information as a pre-processing scheme [5], [12], the training set as specific and general features [49], where
[16]. The underlying PDN layout can be spatially divided into the specific features are design-dependent and the general
clips, the power map of which can then be further encoded features are universal, it is important to ensure the learned
to reduce the redundant information. Zhou, et al., explores model incorporate more general features than the specific
various feature encoding schemes to reduce the dimension features. Researchers have spent various efforts improving
of both input switching and circuit netlist [16]. As shown the learning of general features in back-end simulation. For
in Fig. 6, the input switching can be modelled using 1D or example, GRANNITE [50] adopted a graph neural network
2D encoding to capture the register switching trace, while (GNN) architecture to learn the general features from both
the netlist can be modelled using graph based encoding. RTL simulation trace and input netlist, which is abstracted
Fig. 5 presents the trade-off between the inference accuracy on as a graph to mitigate the design dependency. Chhabria, et
PDN noise prediction and model complexity through different al., proposed a UNet-like structure to learn the universal
feature extractions. It is observed that, even with 36% model relationship between the selected features and IR Drops,
complexity reduction, we can still maintain very accurate pre- instead of directly predicting IR drop [18]. For sparse matrix
TABLE I the underlying mathematical formulation and matrix solve,
C OMPARISON ON MODEL GENERALITY FOR DIFFERENT DESIGNS AND as the overhead of which can be non-trivial in comparison
to the other speed-up techniques, such as parallel execution.
D1 D2 On the other hand, it seems more promising to apply deep
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 learning to the design or metric modeling so as to reduce
Toggle Rate 20% 15% 25% 20% 15% 25% the back-end problem complexity, which demands domain
Accuracy 96.46% 92.74% 93.29% 68.06% 66.85% 64.28% knowledge to achieve an efficient model. Moreover, since
back-end simulation plays a very critical role in chip sign off,
the model fidelity is important to provide designers with high
computation, e.g. sparse LU factorization, sparse matrix-vector confidence in deploying the technique.
multiplication (SpMV), etc., that are used in both PDN sign
off and post-layout circuit simulation [9], [38], [51], references ACKNOWLEDGMENT
[52]–[55] suggested machine learning methods to select the This work was supported in part by Zhejiang Provincial Key
proper storage format and implementation kernels. While the R&D program (Grant No. 2020C01052), NSFC (Grant No.
model is designed for the underlying mathematical formulation 62034007 and 61974133) and Science Foundation of China
without design details, it is not a trivial task to collect sufficient University of Petroleum, Beijing (No. 2462020YXZZ024).
data and train such a model applicable to all the circuits.
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