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The Pansit by Adonis Durado is such an interesting peom, especially for a mimesis

interpretation since it can be interpreted in so many different ways, from love to

something that enforces the patriarchy in the ideologies brought on by feminism, but the
main take away in this poem would be the reminiscence of a previous point in time… a
time already gone, relating to poverty, I think. From the line “wa bakay lain mapakaon
nako kung di puros lang pansit?” now the way this relates to filipino culture would be
our crab mentality where the father is unhappy with what he has and his situation which
he then takes it out on the mother. The symbolism here in this poem is right in the title,
which is the pancit. The pansit in our culture symbolizes long life but for the purposes of
this poem specifically it also represents poverty, since it is a common food item
consumed in any household in the Philippines and is usually the most affordable and in
terms of satisfaction it is the most bang for your buck.

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