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October 13, 2022
✓ To be able to Identify hazards and risk
o Explain hazards and risks in the workplace.
o Identify hazards and risks indicators in the workplace.
o Apply contingency measures in accordance with the OHS
✓ To be able evaluate hazards and risk
o Determine the effects of hazards and risks.
o Classify the types of hazards and risks in the workplace.
✓ To be able control hazards and risk
o Follow OHS procedures for controlling hazards and risks.
o Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
o Follow and observe organizational protocol when providing
emergency assistance.

Occupational Health promotes and maintains the

highest degree of physical, mental, and social
wellbeing of workers. It maintains the worker in an
environment suitable to his physiological and
psychological capabilities.
◦ Protect workers from risk and prevent workers from
resignation due to health problem.
o Moral- an employee should not have risk injury
at work.
o Economic- government realize that poor
occupation and health per result incost to
the state.
o Legal- Occupation safety and health
requirements may be reinforced in civil and/or
criminal law.
Hazards and Risks
Hazard is the source of potential injury or threat, while
Risk is a measure of the possibility of a specific harmful
effect in given circumstances.
◦ is commonly caused by spills on the floor leaving it with
water, chemicals, presence of scattered small objects.
◦ accidents are usually caused by improper use of office
furnishing, tools and equipment. On the other hand,
somebody may cause of being hit by a falling objects.

◦ cause by wires running down near or through the aisle;

presence of some obstructions left unattended along
the walkways.

◦ The kind of hazard is the most dreaded because of

its potential cause heavy to catastrophic damage, or
even total loss to properties and lives.This is also the
reason why fire safety is strict requirement in the building
Japanese Productivity Philosophy

1. Seiri (Sorting) – Take out unnecessary items and dispose. Keep

only the items you need and discard or store everything else.
2. Seiton (Set in Order) – means that there’s a place for
everything, and everything should be in its place. Arrange
necessary items in good order for use.
3. Seiso (Sweeping) – At the end of each working day, take time to
clean up your office space. Remove any mess you make.
Seiketsu (Standardizing) – Maintain high standard of

5. Shitsuke (Sustaining) – Do things spontaneously without being

told or ordered.
Ergonomic Injuries

◦ The risk involved in this kind of hazard develop

overtime . The kind of hazard that is often ignored but
develop overtime. For example injuries on hips, wrist or
back due to bad posture.
Work-related musculoskeletal
disorder (WMSDs)
o Repetitive motion injuries
o Repetitive strain injuries
o Cumulative trauma disorders
o Occupational cervicobrachial disorders
o Overuse syndrome
o Regional musculoskeletal disorders
o Soft-tissue disorders
Lets do some exercise
◦ For arms and shoulder.
Eye Strain

◦ This cause dry eyes and irritated due to over exposure

to computers. To minimize this we can apply the following
o Reduce glare in monitors by lowering light levels or by
closing blinds on windows
o Adjust the monitor position slightly below eye levelat
appropriate angle
o Take 5-10 minute break for every hour spent staring at the
monitor, focusing your eyes at varying distances.
o Increase computer font size.
Indoor Air quality

◦ Common risk involved in this kind of hazards ranges

from allergies, chemical sensitivity to occupational
asthma and other respiratory disorders. Good
housekeeping an maintenance is the most important in
controlling it. Use of various equipment like
airconditioners heaters and other ventilating machines.

Types of Hazards in a workplace
▪ Safety Hazards- Inadequate and insufficient machine guards, unsafe
workplace conditions and practices.
▪ Biological Hazards- Caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria,
◦ Fungi and parasites.
▪ Chemical Hazards- Solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous chemicals, dust fume
◦ or mist.
▪ Ergonomic Hazards- Anatomical, physiological, and psychological
◦ demands on the worker, such as repetitive and forceful
movements, vibration, extreme temperatures, and awkward
postures arising from improper work methods and improperly
designed workstations, tools, and equipment.
▪ Physical Hazards-
electricity, Noise, vibration, energy, weather,
◦ and pressure.
▪ Psychological Hazards- Those that are basically causing
stress to a
◦ worker that his general well-being is affected.

Table 1 of Hazards and their Effects

Workplace Hazards Hazards Effects/Harm Caused

Thing Knife Cut
Substance Benzene Leukemia
Material Asbestos Mesothelioma
Source of Energy Electricity Shock, Electrocution
Condition Wet Floor Slips, Falls
Process Welding Metal Fume Fever
Practice Hard Rock Mining Silicosis
Workplace hazards also include practices or
conditions that release uncontrolled energy like:

✓ Potential Energy or Gravitational Energy- An object that could

fall from a height
✓ Chemical Energy – A run-away chemical reaction
✓ Pressure; High Temperature – The release of compressed gas or
Kinetic Energy – Entanglement of hair or clothing in rotating

✓ Electrical Energy – Contact with electrodes of a battery or


Control Hazards and Risks

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and

the Occupational Health and Safety Standards (OHSS)
issued D.O. 13, s. 1998, known as the Guidelines
Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the
Industry. It requires employers and establishments to use
a safety sign where there is a significant risk to health
and safety that has not been avoided or controlled by
the methods required under other relevant law. Provided
the use of a sign can help reduce the risk.
◦ Danger Signs- it shall be used only where an
immediate hazard exists. It should be read as the
predominating color for the upper panel; outline on
the borders; and a white lower panel for additional
sign wording.

Caution Signs- it shall be used only to warn against or
caution against practices. Caution sign shall have yellow
as the predominating color; black upper panel and
borders; yellow lettering of “caution” and yellow panel
for the additional sign wording.
Exit Signs- a sign used for exit only. It should be lettered in
legible red letters, not less than 6 inches high, on white
field and the principal stroke of the letters shall be at
least three fourths in width.
◦ Safety Instructions Signs- this sign when used, shall have
a green upper panel with white letters to conveys the
principal message. Black in additional wording in a
white background.
◦ Do not use in any
specified places. It
may interfere in
the operations of
other electronic
gadgets in the
Warning. It warns
everybody of
potential dangers
around the
◦When you see this
symbol, picking,
smoking, or
touching is
◦Do not perform
any activity
when your eyes
◦Danger of
Do not ignore
this sign in the
◦Avoid getting into
contact to
equipment or
tools with this sign.
◦Avoid getting into
contact to
equipment or
tools with this sign.
◦ In all offices, workplaces, and
establishments, it is
mandatory to have this sign
for first aid displayed on
conspicuous places. This is
where you should run to if
accidents happen.
◦ For good housekeeping,
these symbols indicate
“recycling” materials. This
means that the material is
recyclable or where you
should plce recyclable
objects/ wastes in the work
◦Be careful with falling
objects and from
being pressed from
lathe and other
moving machines
Personal Protective Equipment
◦ Using personal protective equipment (PPE) helps to
prevent the transmission of communicable disease
between patients and health care providers. It can also
help to prevent the contamination of exposed wounds
or sores from germs or bacteria that can travel from a
health care provider to the patient. Knowing how to
properly use PPE can help to ensure the safety and well-
being of health care providers and emergency

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