CSC4305 Slides Part1

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‘What is Machine Learning ? BBB C8043 05-cecsincnnine + Automieg automation Introduction to Machine Learning + Getting computers to program themselves + Writing software is the bottleneck + Letthe data do the work instead! “Machine Loaring the fl of std hat gos camouters the capatity flea without boing exp programmed. Source psa gekaongoks ogntrdcton machine earn ‘Traditional Programming ‘Types of Machine Learning nex Data — a neni —| Sei == win =a Data —J ‘Computer| —* Program wredetnen ans Sen as ‘aa aa aa, 18 ‘Output —+ ‘Types of Machine Learning & Applications Supervised learning is classified into two categories of algorithms: + Classification: A classification problem is when the output variable is a category, suchas “Red” or blue” or “disease” and "no disease" + Regression: A regression problem is when the output variable is areal valu, suchas “dollars or “weight. 1. Supervised Learning + Input datas called training data and hasa known label ‘or esule suchas spam/not-spam ora stock price ata + A models prepared through a training process in which itis tequired to make predictions and is corrected when ‘those predictions are wrong. The training process «continues until the model achieves a desited level of accuracy onthe training data. Supervised learning is ‘lassitied into two categories of algorithms: © Examples + Classification * Naive Bayes Classifiers + KANN (nearest neighbors) + Decision Tees Suppor Vector Machine + Logistic Reresion + Regression ige regression, Lasso regression 2. Unsupervised Learning + Input data isnot labeled and doesnot havea known resale + A.mnodel is prepared by deducing structure present inthe {Input dat. The maybe to extract general rules, femay be Unough mathematical proces to systematically rede redindaney, or maybe to organize data by saan nample problemsare clustering, dimensionality reduction and atsoiatio role learning Example algorithms include: the Aptiri algorithm and K- Means 3. Semi-Supervised Learning + Input data isa mixture of labeled and unlabelled examples + There isa desired predietion problem but the model must Tear the structures to organize the data aswell as make predictions + Example problems are clasfication and regression. + Example algorithms re extensions to other flexible methods that make assumptions about how to model the Unlabeled data Unsupervised learning is classified into two categories of algorithms: + Clustering: A clustering problem is where you want to discover the inherent groupings in the data, such as frouping customers by purchasing behaviour, Example algorithms include : Means + Association: An association rule learning problem is where ‘youwant to discover rules that descr large portions of {our data, such as people that buy Xals tend to buy Y Example algorithms inlude + Aprior algorithm 4. Reinforcement learning + Reinforcement Leaning is defined asa Machine earning method that, ‘Neoncered with bow software agets should take ations han ‘vironment inorder to maximize the notion of cumulative reward + li Reinforcement Leaming, the agent leas automatically using Feedbacks witout any labeled dts unlike spervised leasing + Since there i no labeled data, so the agents ound to learn by ies ‘experience on. RL solves a specific type of problem where decision making is sequential, and the goal I long-term, such as gameplaying, robotics, Algorithms Grouped By Similarity + Algorithms are often grouped by similarity in terms oftheir function (how they work). For example, tree-based ‘methods, and neufl network inspired methods. + Inthis section, we lst many ofthe popular machine learning algorithms grouped the way we think isthe most intuitive The ist sot exhaustive in either the groups or thealgorithms, but think tis represencativeand will be ‘useful to you to get an idea ofthe lay ofthe land. ‘Source: Mater Machine Learning by Jason Brownie Bayesian Algoritims Decision Tee Algorithms. 1 asian Nae Bes on Algorithme is + Rome Rages Seen 1 Lena Ault tniage a Seton pear 1 Lette Regen U8) ‘Clustering Algorithms Association Rule Learning Algorithms ‘anirig beragnce, ect Deca pen Se ae eters scone ani mets tl es ae ‘olan observe retenshps eee vais nda, ‘nosing snares sin cen “These es can dscovermpotart ard comme Siectstecimemnte dente pre Rect es sional, ote an omet ‘Themes pander tra atin ‘We os ppl aso de kang abs ‘Gang as ps ee 1 alga 1 pean axmeton ) 1 kta Ttoenalcumary ruil Neural Network Algorithms Deep Learing Algorithms ot a oe onan) Been 1B Learning Resources/Source Materials + Brownlee, (a6), Master Machine Learning Alger: discover Fomthcy workandimpement them rom serach Machine Ling ier, + Milles AC, & Guo, S, (201), Introduction to machine learning ‘Wh Python’ guide or data Scientists." Oey Media, Ine” + A Tourof Machine Lesmning Algorithms Famingalgonthns + Machine Learning - GeeksorGeeks (URL: hups:/wwn.geesforgeeks.orgmachine-learning/tefsh

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