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How does Science and Technology reveals nature and human’s role in it?

Science and Technology has brought huge impacts into nature and the lives of a human being.
These can be perceived positively or negatively. Moreover, as in quick thinking, we could only
see and focus on the advantages while disregarding its disadvantages. Convenience and survival
are the basic answers for the role of Science and Technology in our lives and the nature we have.
We could not deny that Science and Technology has enlightened and given us knowledge in the
world around us and where we live to. Without Science, we cannot know what is this thing
called, use, purpose of it, or we would not know that it really exist. The same with Technology
that became a part of our human activities and helped us in making our work easier at any
circumstances. Also, it enables us to have deeper thinking and curiosity in every aspect of our
living which leads experts and scientist to discover such things that are unknown to the level of
our knowledge and truth. Especially, in the advances of technology that helped us in convenience
of everyday living, survival, comfort, learning and exploring the past, and also lead us to having
a good life in the future that we all wanted to foresee and to be.
However, as what I have observed, Science and Technology have overpowered our nature. We
are living in the world where we end up depending almost everything on it, even a small thing in
our lives that could be done in just in our simple efforts. Seems like our living would only
revolve around these technologies because of the continuous discoveries, innovations offered,
and marketed in the world. We are all caught up in the advances of technology that we forget the
essence and existence of other things like our wonderful nature. We are starting to view the
world as to being modernized, but there is also life outside it. And yes, through these advances,
we we’re able to connect to the world, as to what the other countries up to, communicating to our
relatives far from us, or seeing and exploring other places through the Internet, and many more
that could attract us. But, there is also other ways to view our life, which could be viewed upon
contemplating with nature. Apparently, we could view nature within science and technology,
nonetheless, it would be more fulfilling if we ourselves, personally take the opportunity to
experience it.
Concisely, Science and Technology has affected us effectively in revealing everything to our
eyes and minds. Since, it helped us basically in our day to day life but also revealed the world
that we are living realistically and enhanced our way of thinking as for ourselves, with what we
perceive in life, and also what we foresee in the future. Though we should never forget that there
is always a life outside this so called “Science and Technology”. We, as a human being, should
be likewise relate to other people and achieve a good life that we wanted around the value of
nature and the one’s we love. And lastly, it also persuaded us on becoming who we view
ourselves today and also for the future we all look forward too.

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