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EDSA (South) Campus, City of Caloocan, Metro Manila

Graduate School
MAED 308
FIRST SEMESTER S.Y. 2022 - 2023


MAED 2A Student #: 20218298
DATE: September 4, 2022

Introduction to Educational Leadership

- Principles of Leadership
- Theories of Leadership
- Leadership Styles

Educational administrators have a significant impact on the culture, outlook, and

reputation of their institutions. They serve as the foundation for the growth and operation of
learning communities. Schools that have strong leadership transform into learning
environments where students are not just educated but also challenged, nourished, and

The principles are:

(1) Structural Democracy -Being the first principle of educational administration in the modern era it
puts stress on democracy in structural perspective. It implies “the exercise of control” in democracy.
(2) Operational Democracy This principle of educational administration gives priority on the practical
aspect of democracy as a way of life and form of governance. 
(3) Justice- justice is one of the basic hallmarks of democratic administration, it is regarded as an
essential principle of educational administrating which is democratic in form and practice.
(4) Equality of Opportunity-One of the important social objective of education is to equalize
opportunity or facility for enabling the backward or under privileged classes and individuals to use
education as a means for improvement of their condition.

(5) Prudence -This principle “Prudence” is closely related to intelligent economy which implies quality
control. In order to ensure quality control in the field of education, educational administration has to make
expenditure on education by accepting it as an investment on human resource.

(6) Adaptability, Flexibility and Stability- is concerned with acts of change and flexibility to a great
extent to counteract with uniformity and stability is mainly the counterweight to adaptability. Thus on the
whole, adaptability is the capacity of an enterprise to change, to develop and to improve. Flexibility is the
capacity of an institution to react in variance with persons and situations affected and to warn against the
dangers of uniformity.

Theories of Leadership
1. "Great Man" Theory
2. Trait Theory
3. Contingency Theories
4. Situational Theory
5. Behavioural Theory
6.Participative Theory

Leadership Styles
Leadership styles are the approaches used to motivate followers. Leadership is not a “one size fits all”
phenomenon. Leadership styles should be selected and adapted to fit organizations, situations, groups,
and individuals. It is thus useful to possess a thorough understanding of the different styles as such
knowledge increases the tools available to lead effectively.

1. Autocratic Leadership Style

Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where leaders have complete power
over staff. Staff and team members have little opportunity to make suggestions, even if these are in the
best interest of the team or organization.
2. Bureaucratic Leadership Style
Bureaucratic leaders follow rules rigorously, and ensure that their staff also follow procedures precisely.
.3. Charismatic Leadership Style
Charismatic leadership theory describes what to expect from both leaders and followers. Charismatic
leadership is a leadership style that is identifiable but may be perceived with less tangibility than other
leadership styles (Bell, 2013). Often called a transformational leadership style, charismatic leaders inspire
eagerness in their teams and are energetic in motivating employees to move forward.

4. Democratic/Participative Leadership Style

Democratic leaders make the final decisions, but include team members in the decision-making process.
They encourage creativity, and team members are often highly engaged in projects and decisions.
5. Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
Laissez-faire leadership may be the best or the worst of leadership styles (Goodnight, 2011). Laissez-
faire, this French phrase for “let it be,” when applied to leadership describes leaders who allow people to
work on their own. Laissez-faire leaders abdicate responsibilities and avoid making decisions, they may
give teams complete freedom to do their work and set their own deadlines.

.6. Transactional Leadership Style

This leadership style starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader when they accept a
job. The transaction usually involves the organization paying team members in return for their effort and

Reflections/ Insights

As a leader, I think it's important to be able to relate to people and recognize that staff
members are at different stages of their learning journeys. I also think it's important to be
able to influence people to achieve shared objectives. Leaders should give others the
chance to lead. They should also recognize that we have creative, innovative, and skilled
people around us who can take on the responsibility.

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