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Faculty: Applied Science

Department: Computer Science

Name of course: Structured Systems Analysis

Lecturer: Mrs S.S. Dube

1) Roles played by each member of the systems development team :

a) Product Owner – refers to an individual who has the knowledge of how a

terminal product or the outcome should look like. They have an enormous
idea about the project and its users. Moreover, they understand the client’s
requirements, therefore they are in the predominant position to lead the
development towards an adequate terminal product.

b) Project Manager – is accountable for knowing the “who, what, where, and
why of the software plan. Duties include:

 Making a software plan.

 Developing a schedule.
 Planning a budget.
 Executing it in a proper manner.
 Lastly, develop the project.
 Lead the team
 Motivate the team member
 Tracking the progress
 Liaison
 Documenting the project report
 Project planning
 Project monitoring and control

c) Team Leads – takes measures as a mentor to help the whole team in

keeping the task-focused, to deliver work on time, and meeting the project
aim. Also, they have to conduct the team for a better outcome. The leader
should have the leadership qualities for maintaining good communication
between development teams and clients. Also, they are liable for conflicts,
prevention and resolution.
d) Software Developer – responsible for utilizing the technical requirements
from the technical leads to form cost and deadline estimates. They write
code and evolve the software products. Developers are the actual members
who write code to make the software function. The team members have to
communicate the technical requirements to the developers to reduce
project risk give ideas and achieve great success.

e) Testers – Testers are in charge of ensuring the software solution meets the
demands and complies with the qualities level. They need to understand
feature requirements. Also, they form and execute test cases to detect
bugs or deficiencies.

f) User Interface Designer – to prepare or design the user affiliate. They

transfer content, graphics, style affix with a client. They prepare templates
using prototyping tools. With a UX designer and front-end developers, they
work on providing solutions to meet expectations and needs. Some tools
which are used are adobe, xd, axure, figma, sketch, visual studio code, etc

g) UX Designer – means user experience. It is characterized by a less digital

perspective to a user affix. They have to assure that end-user has the best
experience while working on the application. They have to be in contact
with the continuous human-computer interaction method.

h) Business Analyst – is accountable for comprehending business needs into

requirements and making sure they are documented perfectly before a
compound is formed and implemented. They describe, analyze and control
technology and business needs throughout the cycle. They accompany the
consumer so that they don’t have any doubt about the project. They make
decisions and carry out meetings of the project’s methodology.

i) Software Architect – is a person liable for describing the complete

architecture system of a project. They do high-level designing based on
non-frictional needs and dictate coding standards with tools and platforms.
They define the technical and functional architecture of the entire system.
They guide developers to make critical components of the system. They
give ideas about the best alternatives given the engineering and business

j) Quality Assurance Engineer – liable for making equipment that allows

automating processes that identify and verify the software quality. They
shorten stability verification time. They check if the work on new features
didn’t cause errors in the already existing and functioning system.

2) Problems that affect the development team during the development of

the system:

 Frequent project scope expansion.

 Insufficient resources.
 Conflict between tasks and employees.
 Less number of skilled people.
 Rapid development of market.
 Running out of fund.
 Changes in Government rules/policy.
 Unusual Hardware.

Staff turnover - Experienced staff will leave the project before it is finished.

Management change - Project There will be a change of organizational

management with different priorities.

Hardware unavailability - Hardware that is essential for the project will not be
delivered on schedule.

 Unclear Requirements - Very often clients themselves are not sure exactly what
they want to see, and as a result, the project cannot move forward.
Communicating with your clients and asking them for their detailed vision of the
future of the product is the key to ensuring that the project will not fail.
Not Starting With The End Customer - Sometimes software projects begin with a
great idea that is implemented (on time or late) and delivered only for
developers to discover that the problem they solved wasn’t actually the problem
their customer needed to be solved. Doing the hard work of deeply
understanding your customers, what they need and what they’re willing to pay
for sets the ceiling on project performance and can help refocus a team when
things derail.
Requirements change - There will be a larger number of changes to the
requirements than anticipated.

Specification delays - Specifications of essential interfaces are not available on


Size underestimate - The size of the system has been underestimated.

CASE tool underperformance Product CASE tools, which support the project, do
not perform as anticipated.

Technology change - The underlying technology on which the system is built is

superseded by new technology.

Product competition - A competitive product is marketed before the system is


Challenges in eliciting requirements – Understanding large and complex system

requirements is difficult (in terms of security and a large number of functions to
be implemented), undefined system boundaries, stakeholders are not clear about
their needs, conflicting requirements, changing requirements.

Inability To Reach Consensus On Priorities - There are various reasons why

software development projects fail, but a common one that has a big impact is
when the project sponsors and project teams are not clearly aligned on top
priorities for the project. Decomposing these priorities into “must-haves,”
“should-haves” and “could-haves” can provide a solid framework for the iteration
and delivery of particular feature.


 types of risks in Software Project

Development article contributed by Satyabrata_Jena
 Crucial Team Roles in a Software Development
Team article contributed by Satyabrata_Jena

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