Understanding Course Concepts and Theories Student's Name Student's Number

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Understanding Course Concepts and Theories

Student’s Name

Student’s Number

Understanding Course Concepts and Theories

Social capital is the general value that an individual attains from social networks and

communities. Social capital is key to an individual life because it is a gate pass for easing the

impossible things. A clear illustration of social capital is explained in the following experience.

There was this time that life was not a walk in the park on my side. However, I managed to

create a good raptor with a few people I interacted with within the school and other social places.

Through this social networking, I became guaranteed significant merits. For example, social

networking bridged gaps that were already existing between friends and me of higher social

statuses. We interacted freely, regardless of my low social strata.

Besides, we shared information and resources easily because we had established full

trusts among us. Nonetheless, the connection ensured equal financial growth and development

between us because friends from higher statuses gave support to reach their levels. The typical

way I benefitted from this interaction was when my friends offered to subsidize my college fee,

which I could not have done by myself. Additionally, this social networking became a stepping

stone to other connections such as business opportunities. Ultimately, the social capital elevated

by social class to match that of the friends we closely interacted with.

The example above is a typical demonstration of social capital because, through

networking, the impossible became possible. In analyzing my experience, two theories come into

play. Structural functionalism and symbolic interactionism are the basic theories that directly

relate to my personal experience. Structural functionalism explains the way members of a society

function for mutual benefits and improves society as a whole. This theory relates to my example

because it explains the benefits derived from the good raptor created by some community

members. Besides, symbolic interaction explains the benefits of one-to-one connections and

communication. After realizing that I could not do certain things by myself, I initiated effective

interactions and communication with some society members to expand my social network and


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