The Composite Immediate Adverse Maternal Outcomes Among Women in Labor Referred To Kampala International University Teaching Hospita

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Ahmed et al www.iaajournals.

IAA Journal of Scientific Research 8(1):149-156, 2022. ISSN: 2736-7319
The composite immediate adverse maternal outcomes among women in
labor referred to Kampala International University Teaching Hospital.

Hussein Osman Ahmed, Joy Muhumuza and Musiime James Nabaasa

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kampala International

University Teaching Hospital, Uganda.
Contemporary evidence expresses that access to skilled care during the period of
pregnancy and childbirth can alleviate adverse maternal outcomes. In this respect,
carrying out risk profiling in the course of antenatal care and using a partogram to do
intrapartum maternal-fetal surveillance are fundamental interventions that could help
in early detection and management. Therefore, this study assessed composite
immediate adverse maternal outcomes among women in labor referred to Kampala
International University Teaching Hospital. This was a cohort study conducted among
215 pregnant women above 28 weeks in labor referred from other facilities to Kampala
International University Teaching hospital with referral notes who were followed up for
72 hours after delivery. The study excluded selfreferrals and was done from September
to January 2021. Data were obtained from all the participants using a questionnaire and
analyzed using Stata 14.0. The analyzed data was then presented in form of frequency
tables and barchart. Composite Immediate adverse Maternal outcomes among Referred
women in Labor In this study APH/PPH and Anemia were the commonest outcomes seen
in 9 and 8 women respectively, Followed by Hysterectomy and ICU admission Only 1
maternal death was registered during the study period. The common composite
immediate adverse maternal outcomes were APH, PPH, Anemia, and Cesarean
hysterectomy. Women with a compromised/unstable condition and those with
gestational age less than 34 weeks ie between 28-34 weeks were likely to have maternal
adverse outcomes among referred women in labor.
Keywords: Composite, adverse maternal, outcomes and labor.

According to [1], it reported that only the referred cases, and Abruption
one patient had undergone an obstetric placenta in 1% of cases [4]. In Uganda, a
hysterectomy for control of post-partum prospective cohort in two referral
hemorrhage. In addition, an audit at hospitals revealed that the minority
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital showed that had maternal deaths and the majority
during the period 3(50%) referred were near-miss cases. Severe pre-
mothers experienced APH [2]. A eclampsia was the commonest
prospective cross-sectional study done morbidity followed by postpartum
in Jimma University teaching hospital, hemorrhage, uterine rupture caused the
South-West Ethiopia showed that the highest case fatality rate followed by
three leading obstetric complications eclampsia [5]. In addition, a prospective
identified were: hypertensive disorders, observational study that reviewed 780
obstetric hemorrhage, and pregnancy- eligible obstetric referrals found 0.6%
related infections [3]. While a (04) got Caesarean hysterectomy, and
descriptive retrospective study done on 0.5% (04) had postpartum hemorrhage
53662 referred deliveries managed at [6]. According to a study done by [7],
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Anemia was the most prevalent. While
(KCMC) tertiary hospital in northern the results of a study on the pattern of
Tanzania between the years 2000 and obstetrical emergencies and fetal
2015 found the most common maternal outcomes in a tertiary care center
outcomes were PPH in 10.6% of the revealed that a good number of the
referred cases, Episiotomy in 5.82% of patients were transfused blood
the referred cases, eclampsia in 2.77% of meanwhile a small percentage had

Ahmed et al
septicemia & wound infection [8]. [9] In Justification of the Study
their study reported more than half of Women can come across several health-
the deaths that occurred during the related problems during pregnancy as
study period were referred from various well as become a victim of death during
peripheral centers. While an audit at this process [12]. An efficient referral
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital showed that system provides access to treatment and
6(2.5%) maternal deaths were reported skills by linking different levels of care
during the period [10]. A study through appropriate referrals [12]. The
conducted in a tertiary teaching hospital referral system is an essential
of Nepal revealed that there were 2 component of any health system which
mortalities during the study period. The is particularly important in pregnancy
low number of mortalities could have and childbirth for providing access to
come about due to the low number of essential obstetric care. In developing
referrals or due to the highly skilled countries like Uganda, the majority of
health professionals who happened to the population live in rural areas lacking
manage the referrals appropriately. access to essential obstetric facilities
While a study done in India found only and in such areas, timely referral and
two maternal mortality occurred during interventions to high-risk and
the study period giving a low maternal complicated obstetric cases can reduce
mortality ratio. A retrospective study maternal morbidity and avoid maternal
conducted on 5215 obstetric cases deaths. However, lack of a structured
referred to the Department of Obstetrics referral system is a major hurdle that
and Gynaecology, Kamla Raja Hospital delays proper management of such
from January 2015 to April 2017 found cases. Kampala International University
maternal deaths were in 114 cases (2.2%) Teaching Hospital is a tertiary care
out of total referred cases [11]. hospital, located in western Uganda,
Therefore, according to [1], there is a which receives and manages a wide
need to develop a new concept of day spectrum of complicated obstetric cases
care management of referral cases at that are referred from different centers
tertiary care institutes which might help all over the neighboring districts. This
reduce the burden of tertiary care study was done as there existed
institutes. minimum or no data available
Objective concerning the immediate adverse
To determine the composite immediate outcomes and associated factors among
adverse maternal outcomes among pregnant women in labor referred from
women in labor referred to Kampala other care centers and managed at KIU-
International University Teaching TH. This study has contributed to
Hospital. efforts to reduce maternal mortality
Research Question rates which may occur as a result of the
1. What are the immediate composite adverse pregnancy outcomes thus the
adverse maternal outcomes among realization of SDG 3. For this goal to be
women in labor referred to Kampala attained, a substantial reduction in
international university teaching perinatal and maternal deaths is
hospital? required [13].It also helps in improving
maternal and child health based on the
factors identified during the study.
Study Design hysterectomy and Maternal death with
This was a cohort study that was ultimate description of incidence,
hospital-based. The design allowed for composite outcomes and factors
describing of the independent variables associated with immediate adverse
which were social demographic factors, maternal outcomes among women in
obstetric and referral factors, maternal labor referred to Kampala International
conditions and how they associated with University teaching hospital.
the dependent variables that included Study Site
outcomes such as Admission to ICU, The study was conducted at Kampala
development of anemia with International university teaching
transfusion, APH,PPH, Caeserian hospital. KIU-TH has a bed capacity of

Ahmed et al
700, providing specialized services to Sample Size Determination
both outpatient and inpatients. The Daniel’s formula [14] was used
study was specifically conducted at the to determine the Sample size for
department of obstetrics and the different specific objectives
gynecology at KIU-TH in the maternity
unit. The unit offers specialized care (Zα+Zβ) 2∗ ௉ (1−௉)
and has a 24-hour functioning theatre. n=
Has a team of health workers that ௗ 2
comprises of nurses, interns doctors, Where,
senior residents, and Specialists. At the
study site, several nurses are working in n = Minimum sample size
shifts, 1 intern doctor and senior Zα = Z-statistic at α=1.96; 95% level of
housing officers of up to 35. On average confidence
there are about 45 patients admitted at Zβ = Z-statistic at β = 0.84
any one time in the ward. Averagely 7 to P = Prevalence of characteristic being
10 admissions per day depending on the estimated
season. It receives an average of 2-3 d = Margin error, set at 0.05
referrals per day from facilities such as Objective One: The sample size of
Kitagata, Mitooma, and Kabowhe objective one of this study was
amongst other facilities found within calculated using the estimated
Bushenyi district and neighboring incidence based on a study done in
districts. Tanzania by [15] and the value used for
Study Area P was 6.68%.Which was the incidence of
The study was conducted at Kampala referred obstetric cases.
International University Teaching ݊ = (1.96 + 0.84)2 0.0668(1 − 0.0668)
Hospital found in Ishaka Bushenyi
Municipality at approximately 60km (0.05)2
from Mbarara town along Mbarara Selection Criteria
Kasese highway. The study population
Inclusion Criteria
were from the districts of Bushenyi,
Rubirizi, Sheema, and Mitooma as well All pregnant women above 28 weeks in
as from the nearby districts. labor referred from other facilities to
Target Population Kampala International University
The study targetted pregnant women Teaching hospital with referral notes and
who stayed around KIU-TH and who consented were included in this
neighboring districts study.
Exclusion Criteria
Accessible Population Self-referrals
All pregnant women in labor admitted to Data Collection
the labor ward at KIU-TH.
Study Population Training of Research Assistants
All pregnant women in labor admitted at The data collection was conducted by
the maternity unit of Kampala the principal investigator under
International Teaching Hospital who had supervision with the help of research
been referred from other facilities during assistants.
the time of the study. Data collecting tools
Sampling Technique Data from this study came from the
Consecutive sampling technique was questionnaires with close-ended
used to enrol all pregnant women in questions.
labor referred from other facilities. Both
adults and emancipated minors who met Pre-testing
the inclusion criteria were enrolled in The questionnaire interview checklist
the study. This technique was essential and other data collection tools were
because participants were selected pretested in the Ishaka Adventist
based on availability and willingness to Hospital in a similar study population
take part. for 2 weeks and necessary adjustments
were made before it is used to collect
the final data.

Ahmed et al
Data Collection Procedure and local language (copy attached at
A hospital-based prospective cohort Appendices III and IV). There was no
study design was conducted. A total of coercion of any sort. Emancipated
215 consecutively selected pregnant minors did not require the presence of
women in labor referred from other their guardians to consent. Participants
facilities took part in this study. were not forced to enroll themselves if
Relevant information from the pregnant they did not want to. Participants were
women was filled in the questionnaires free to withdraw from the study at any
after consent. Those who could not fill time they wished without coercion or
the questionnaire in the labor suite compromise of care they were entitled
could do it after delivery within the to.
stipulated time. A structured pre-tested Risk and Adverse Events to Study
investigator-administered questionnaire Participants.
was used. Through physical general Being an observational prospective
and obstetric examinations conducted cohort study, the study participants
and baseline characteristics of blood were only exposed to minimal risks.
pressure, respiratory rate, pulse, The expected risk included slight pain
temperature, and Glascow coma scale that occurred during the drawing of a
were recorded. Blood sample for blood sample for laboratory
complete blood count taken between 48- investigations but the entire procedure
72 hours in case the clinical diagnosis of was done gently and very cautiously to
APH/PPH and anemia was established. minimize the risks. Infections could
Quality Control have arisen from the site where blood
The Questionnaires were pretested the was drawn from but this was curbed by
pre-tested questionnaires were used to observing aseptic technique during the
enhance the quality of data and their process of blood sample collection.
results were not included in the final Benefits of the Research.
data analysis. The inclusion and There was no direct benefit from this
exclusion criteria were strictly followed. study. However, the participants
The same questionnaire was applied to benefitted from close monitoring and
all participants. The consent form in appropriate management during the
both English and Runyakole languages study. Upon completion of the study,
were used. The completeness of the the findings are expected to guide
questionnaire was checked before data stakeholders in formulating guidelines
were exported to Microsoft excel. Each and policies basing on the evidence
filled questionnaire was cross-checked and recommendations from the study.
for inconsistencies and incompleteness These will benefit the community,
before the interview was closed. department, the hospital, and the
Data Presentation and Analysis country in general.
Objective One: The incidence rates of Privacy and Confidentiality.
immediate adverse maternal among the Respondents’ names were not included
pregnant women in labor were anywhere in the Data that was collected
calculated as the total number of and; they were instead referred to using
mothers who had immediate adverse codes. The participants were
maternal outcomes divided by the total interviewed separately from other
number of mothers referred. Results clients, to maintain privacy and
were presented using a bar graph. confidentiality.
Ethical Considerations
Informed Consent and Autonomy for Selection of Participants.
Participants. A consecutive sampling method was
In this research, autonomy was used to recruit for the study. Eligibility
protected by ensuring that any consent criteria were strictly adhered to. No bias
to participate in the study is informed was given in terms of tribe, interest
or real. Voluntary recruitment was done group, race, or religion.
and informed consent was signed. Incentives and Reimbursement.
Informed consent from participants was Those who consented to take part in the
obtained after fully explaining the study were neither paid nor given any
details of the study to them in English

Ahmed et al
form of compensation for participating also availed with one copy each and
in the study. another copy was taken to the library.
Approval Procedure. For the rest of the world to access the
The study was carried out only after study results, the paper was submitted
approval by the Research and Ethics for publication in one of the peer review
Committee of KIU. Approval was also journals.
sought from the administration of Study limitations and delimitations
Kampala International University The study was done in only one facility,
teaching hospital where the research but results can be generalized to other
was conducted. Approval to carry out health facilities found in the region or to
the study was acquired from the the inhabitants in the geographical area
department of obstetrics and of the facility where the study was
gynecology, the faculty and post conducted .Not all the factors which are
graduate directorate and finally the associated with immediate adverse
KIU University Research Ethics maternal outcomes were addressed by
Committee via REC NO: UG-REC- 023 the study. Notwithstanding these
/202009 as attached. limitations, reliable data and
Respect for Community appropriate scientifically sound
The procedures involved in this study methods were used during the study
did not go against the local henceforth the study findings make an
community's beliefs, traditions, and accurate reflection on immediate
culture. adverse maternal outcomes among
Dissemination pregnant women in labor referred to
Within the study area, the results were tertiary facilities.
disseminated as follows; one copy Composite Immediate Adverse Maternal
remained with the principal Outcomes among Referred women in
investigator, one copy was given to labor at Kampala International
the directorate of research and post- University Teaching Hospital
graduate training, the supervisors were

Table 1: Composite Immediate Adverse Maternal Outcomes among women

Referred in labor at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital (N = 16)

Immediate Adverse Frequency (n) Percent (%)

Maternal Outcomes
Anemia 8 50.0
Hypovolemic Shock 4 25.0
Hysterectomy 5 31.2
ICU admission 3 18.8
Death 1 6.3

Table 1 shows that of the 16 women conducted by [16] in a tertiary teaching

with Immediate Adverse Maternal hospital of Nepal revealed that there
Outcomes referred to KIUmaternity were 2 mortalities during the study
ward, enrolled, the majority had period. The findings of this study were
APH/PPH, 9/16(56.2%), anemia contrary to a study by [2] at Abbasi
8/16(53.3%), and hysterectomy Shaheed Hospital which found that 6
5/16(33.3%). (2.5%) maternal deaths were reported.
Composite Immediate adverse Maternal The low number of mortalities could be
outcomes among Referred women in as a result of the low number of
Labor In this study APH/PPH and Anemia referrals or due to the highly skilled
were the commonest outcomes seen in 9 health professionals who happened to
and 8 women respectively, Followed by manage the referrals appropriately. To
Hysterectomy and ICU admission Only 1 reduce the incidence of adverse
maternal death was registered during maternal outcomes, it is indispensable
the study period, a similar study to have healthcare professionals who

Ahmed et al
are well trained and skilled in in the study settings and the
emergency obstetric and newborn care geographical areas where the studies
(EmONC) services most especially in were conducted. Contrary to this study,
countries like Uganda burdened with [21] found out that anemia was the most
maternal and newborn mortality. During prevalent adverse maternal outcome. If
the study period the commonest cause not conducted by a competent health
of morbidity were due to APH/PPH care provider, cesarean delivery on its
(56.2%), meanwhile, [16] reported severe own could lead to anemia thus it calls
pre-eclampsia as the commonest cause for institutions providing obstetric care
of morbidity followed by postpartum to have back up of blood bank.
hemorrhage. In addition, a prospective However, a prospective cross-sectional
observational study that reviewed 780 study done from Jimma University
eligible obstetric referrals found 0.6% teaching hospital, south-West Ethiopia
(04) got Caesarean hysterectomy, and showed that the three leading obstetric
0.5% (04) had postpartum hemorrhage. complications identified were:
The difference in the study findings hypertensive disorders, obstetric
could have come about due to the hemorrhage, and pregnancy-related
different levels of expertise among the infections [22]. This was different from
healthcare providers and different study that in Uganda in a study done in
settings. The findings of the present selected facilities in Uganda where
study was in agreement with the results obstructed labor was the 2nd leading
of a study conducted by [18] found that cause of maternal Mortality and it was
the majority of study participants had responsible for approximately 60% of
a vaginal delivery (either spontaneous the causes of birth asphyxia in Northern
or induced), as well as the results of a Uganda [23]. Thus, it is imperative to
study conducted by [19] reported that implement and uphold
most of the study participants had a recommendations of the World Health
vaginal delivery (either spontaneous or Organization and country-specific ones
induced). The large number of study to minimize maternal adverse outcomes
participants giving birth through vaginal among women in labor, particularly
delivery can be attributed to the high referred women.
level of expertise of the midwives who Prevention is always better than cure
did their best to make the women and therefore prevention of adverse
deliver normally without being taken for maternal outcomes saves both the
cesarean section. mother and the unborn baby from
The results of the present study were in suffering. The ministry of health
disagreement with the results of a study recommends the use of a partograph for
conducted by [20] which showed that all mothers in active labor with no
the cesarean delivery rate was 52% in contraindication for vaginal delivery
the referred cases. Forty-three cases had since a partograph is an inexpensive,
a vaginal delivery out of which 3 were relatively simple tool that provides a
instrumental, they also established that continuous pictorial overview on the
Pre-eclampsia accounted for the major progress of labor [13]. At the same time
reason for referral which was 16% of the it’s generally agreed worldwide that the
total followed by previous cesarean triad of death contributing to Morbidity
delivery and fetal distress comprising and mortality are obstetric hemorrage,
13% each. The discrepancy in the study hypertensive diseases in pregnancy and
findings could be due to the difference sepsis.
The incidence of adverse maternal compromised/unstable condition and
outcome among referred women in labor those with gestational age less than 34
at KIU-TH was relatively high. The weeks ie between 28-34 weeks were
common composite adverse maternal likely to have maternal adverse
outcomes were APH/PPH, Anemia, and outcomes among referred women in
Hysterectomy. Women with a labor.
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