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For this part, you need to do the following tasks:

1. Observe a class or two. Take note of the different strategies, utilized by the teacher. Describe
how he or she actively engaged the learners in the lesson. List down the opening,
developmental, and closing activities employed by the teacher. (provide pictures for
I was observing two classes of third-graders. I adore the ways the teachers used to involve
their kids in their lessons and make it more enjoyable for them. To provide the pupils a
happy and fruitful day, they really work hard. There is no dead air since all of the pupils
participate, and Teacher Nuevo of Grade 3 rewards them with a snack. The teacher gives
them assignments to show how well they comprehend the subject.

2. Look for at least two sample detailed lesson plans. Describe how the teacher organized the
learning experiences of the learners. Would you consider the strategies as learner centered?

This is how, in my opinion, the teacher structured the students' educational experiences. First

and foremost, it is a teacher's responsibility to decide on practices that will help them and the

students in their classrooms reach a variety of goals. It is the responsibility of a teacher to

decide how to support students' learning in the contexts in which they teach. In addition, the
teacher instills in the kids knowledge, good values, tradition, modern obstacles, and solutions
to overcome them, as I've noted from a semi-detailed lesson plan sample. For the students, the
teacher is a benefit. He or she must be fair to all students and neutral. Yes, since, based on my
study, learner-centered education aids students in acquiring skills that will better prepare them
for vocations in the workplace. Teachers can receive training in this method so they can put
the ideas into practice and give their pupils a better educational experience. And based on
what I’ve seen in the semi-detailed lesson plan sample, the instructor is highly effective at
applying the concepts and improving the learning opportunities for their students.


1. This time, you are now ready to write your lesson plan for learner-centered teaching based on
your expertise or field of specialization.
2. Choose a topic from the Curriculum Guide.

3. Prepare a draft of the lesson plan using the prescribed format set by the latest issuance from
the Department of Education on the policy guidelines on daily lesson preparation.

4. Make the details in the lesson plan thorough and relevant to the objectives. You may include
or consider the following format:

a. Objectives (Content/Performance Standards/Learning Competencies or Objectives)

b. Content

c. Procedure (Before the Lesson, During the Lesson and After the Lesson)

d. Assessment

e. Assignment

f. Remarks

g. Reflections

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:

A. Learn to identify context clues.

B. Appreciate the important of context Clues
C. Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words.
II. Subject Matter
• Topic: Vocabulary Enhancement
• Lesson: Context Clues
• Materials: PowerPoint Projector. Laptop/Net book, Pictures
• References: English for All Times Reading 6
III. Learning Procedures
A. Review
• Ask the class about the previous lesson What they learn in the previous
• Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson?
B. Motivation
• Introduce the game “Guess the Word” game by giving a sample.
• Play the “Guess the Word” game.
• Let the students guess the word.
• Ask someone from the class to guess the word.
C. Activities
• Divide the class into two groups. Each group will follow the instruction
given in the activity. The teacher will check the work of each group.
D. Abstraction
• Proceed to the next lesson which is Vocabulary Enhancement. Ask the
learners about their ideas in Vocabulary Enhancement Introduce the
meaning of Vocabulary Enhancement Introduce the Vocabulary in
Context or Context Clues.
• Discuss the context cues and its type.

E. Application

• The teacher let the students read the question on the screen and let them answer
each number.

IV. Assessment
Lesson Plan Rubric

4 3 2 1
Category (Exemplary) (Proficient) (Developing) (Beginning)

Objectives All the objectives At least two of At least one of Objectives lack
are clear, the objectives are the objectives is clarity and or
measurable, and clear, measurable, clear, measurable, measurability;
specific. and specific to and specific to they lack
the standard. the standard. connection to the

Introduction Introduces the Introduces the The attempt to Little or no

and Preliminary lesson by sharing lesson by sharing get the learners’ attempt to gather
Activities the purpose and the purpose and attentions and/ or the learners’
relevance in relevance in set the lesson and attentions and/or
simple language; simple language; its purpose was set the purpose
easy for the easy for the inadequate. for the lesson
learners to learners to
understand; fully understand, but
states what the the plan only
teacher will say partially states
what the teacher
will say

Strategies and All the learning At least two of At least one Lesson does not
Learning activities, the learning activity/strategy match the
Activities strategies, and activities and is aligned with strategies,
objectives are strategies are the objectives; at activities, and
clearly aligned aligned with the least one objectives; there
and are learner objectives; at opportunity for was no evidence
centered; three or least two guided and for guided and
more opportunities for independent independent
opportunities guided and

Assignment Formative and Formative and Assessment No assessment

Tasks summative summative provided but provided;
assessments are assessments inaccurately assessment task
well defined. match with measures the does not measure
Objectives match assessment objectives. objectives.
with assessment tools/techniques.

Spelling and No spelling or With 1-6 errors in With 7-10 errors With 10 or more
Grammar grammatical spelling and in spelling and errors in spelling
errors grammar grammar and grammar

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