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Revelo 1

Kisha Revelo

Judith R. McCann

English 1301-129

09 November 2022

Three Down, None to Go

With the completion of the final essay of this course, the unbearable feeling of my feet

cramping up is what springs to my head. The keyboard is seemingly a ticking time bomb as I

fight the deadline trickling closer and closer. Exhaustion is truly what enveloped me as I

celebrated in a tiny burst of joy, closing every single tab that was labeled in a window group

called “esaay 3” in my dying Chromebook. Admittedly, this rhetorical analysis essay was a

challenge I definitely did not prepare enough for, and the overwhelming to edit my work is

looming over me. With the completion of essay 3, I learned more about how to write in the MLA

format, analyze rhetorical strategies, and accept the writing process as how it is.

After every writing assignment completed throughout the entire span of the English 1301

course, I have gained many useful skills that are beneficial to my writing journey. Although

some may not be applicable to certain situations, most of them will remain as helpful as I

progress as a student and in the future to succeed in my career. Analyzing the peer-review article

undoubtedly contributed to my view on rhetorical strategies used by authors. I realized there was

a reason behind how the words on a paper are presented, and how aspects that may seem

minuscule can have the power to appeal to an audience.

As a writer, feedback will be continuously given and received, but I tend to never dwell

too much on what is given, either positive or negative. This mindset heavily contributes to my

identity as a writer, as I accept that I will continue to grow in my writing journey. What I deem as
Revelo 2

strengths usually remain as my strengths, and my weaknesses are what I attempt to improve and

use effectively if possible. However, procrastination was a neverending struggle in this rhetorical

analysis essay, as the workload began to stack in my courses. In my case, procrastination

prompts writer’s block, which receives the sole reason why I continue to rush through the

reflection essay four minutes before the deadline. Overall, there is never any time to spare to

dwell on what has been done, so instead, I will strive to improve my writing habits to become a

better writer in the future.

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