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Student learning outcomes

2.1. General outcomes

Compulsory Secondary Education will contribute to the development of skills

established by Article 11 of the Royal Decree 1105/2014 that will allow students to:

• Responsibly assume their duties, know and exercise their rights respecting others, practice

tolerance, cooperation and solidarity among people and groups, exercise dialogue,

strengthening human rights and equal treatment and opportunities between women and

men, as common values of a plural society and prepare for the exercise of democratic


• Develop and consolidate habits of discipline, study and individual and team work as a

necessary condition for an effective performance of learning tasks and as a means of

personal development.

• Value and respect the difference of sexes and the equality of rights and opportunities

between them. Reject discrimination against people based on sex or any other condition

or personal or social circumstance. Reject stereotypes that imply discrimination between

men and women, as well as any manifestation of violence against women.

• Strengthen their affective capacities in all areas of the personality and in their relationships

with others, as well as reject violence, prejudice of any kind, sexist behavior and peacefully

resolve conflicts.

• Develop basic skills in the use of information sources to critically acquire new knowledge.

Acquire basic training in the field of technologies, especially information and


• Conceive scientific knowledge as an integrated knowledge, which is structured in different

disciplines, as well as to know and apply the methods to identify problems in the different

fields of knowledge and experience.

• Develop an entrepreneurial spirit and self-confidence, participation, critical sense, personal

initiative and the ability to learn to learn, plan, make decisions and assume responsibilities.

• Understand and express correctly, orally and in writing, in the Spanish language and, if

there is one, in the co-official language of the Autonomous Community, complex texts and

messages, and begin to know, read and study the literature.

• Understand and express themselves in one or more foreign languages in an appropriate


• Know, value and respect the basic aspects of their own culture and history and of others,

as well as the artistic and cultural heritage.

• Know and accept the functioning of one's own body and that of others, respect differences,

strengthen body care and health habits and incorporate physical education and sports to

promote personal and social development. Know and value the human dimension of

sexuality in all its diversity. Critically assess social habits related to health, consumption,

care of living beings and the environment, contributing to their conservation and


• Appreciate the artistic creation and understand the language of the different artistic

manifestations, using different means of expression and representation.

2.2. Subject Content Outcomes

In what follows, the general outcomes of the syllabus design based on the curriculum in

force (Decree 48/2015) will be presented. The outcomes are divided into five different criterion,

related to five different skills. The first two criteria are related to the four basic linguistic skills:

listening and reading and speaking and writing. The third criterion is related to vocabulary

acquisition and pronunciation, whereas the fourth criterion refers to strategy skills. Finally, the fifth

criterion encompasses those aspects related to culture and society of the English language.

Criterion 1: Interpretation of oral and written texts

1. Read and listen to identify different text types.

2. Read and listen to infer general and specific meaning from a wide range of text types.

3. Attain autonomy by acquiring a wide range of listening and reading strategies.

Criterion 2: Oral and written expression

4. Apply speaking and writing to express and discuss ideas with others.

5. Use the appropriate register when speaking and writing.

6. Enhance fluency and accuracy by taking part in controlled and guided oral and written tasks.

Criterion 3: Appropriate lexical choice and correct English pronunciation

7. Control word stress and intonation in order to convey meaning effectively.

8. Identify and interpret the meaning of spoken words in conversation.

9. Relate the spelling of newly learnt words to their pronunciation.

Criterion 4: Information organization and studying strategies

10. Cultivate analytical and problem-solving skills using abstract thinking.

11. Raise awareness of the use of technology for searching information on the Internet.

12. Use comprehension of experience to prompt critical thinking.

Criterion 5: Perception of the FL and cultural aspects

13. Build sensitivity towards different cultures by carrying out projects.

14. Underline the importance of communicative skills in a foreign language.

15. Apply cultural aspects in communicative contexts.

2.3. The curricular integration of Competences

According to the standing legislation and the curriculum in force (Decree 48/2015 and

Order ECD/65/2015) we are required to help our students develop seven different competences.

Each of these competences are necessary in the development of our students as citizens and it

is our duty to include them in our teaching practice. Therefore, in what follows, what each

competence is and how they are used within this syllabus design is explained.
1. Competence in Linguistic Communication

This competence refers to the communicative act through different communication formats and

contexts, as well as the use of language as a socialization tool. Language works as a key to

knowledge in and out of the school environment. Besides, communicating in a foreign language

leads to the development of this competence by making students aware of the power behind

language. In order to do so, various activities simulating real life situations will be carried out.

2. Mathematical Competence and basic competence in Science and Technology

This competence allows the use of mathematical reasoning alongside its tools in order to

describe, interpret and predict phenomena within their context, as well as the development of

scientific thinking through the application of scientific rationales and technological skills to acquire

knowledge and contrast ideas. Thus, these two competences will be present in the lessons when

students will have to apply critical thinking to carry out research and learn how to judge and

criticize information.

3. Digital Competence

This competence involves a creative, critical and safe use of communication technologies in order

to obtain knowledge. It is related to the awareness of the rights and liberties people are attained

to in the digital world, and the frequent use of technological resources to solve problems efficiently

as well as evaluate and select new information sources. As a result, students will develop this

competence searching for information using ICT resources and creating different types of digital

formats using such information.

4. Learning to Learn

This competence refers to ability to initiate, organize and persist in one’s learning. This is done

by acknowledging and controlling our own learning process to fix it to the time and the activities’

demand. As a result, students learn more. It encompasses the awareness of the existence of a

broad range of strategies to confront an activity and knowing how to choose among them based
on their own necessities. Accordingly, my students aware of their own learning process by both

self-assessment and brief class discussions, exchanging effective learning strategies.

5. Social and civic competences

These competences entail taking our democratic citizenship into account in our understanding of

social reality in order to contribute to a societal coexistence. These embrace attitudes that range

from an individual to a collective level with the purpose of enabling social harmony within plural

society, as well as the comprehension and analysis of cooperation and troubleshooting.

Consequently, students will be seated in groups and will have to carry out a considerable amount

of teamwork, so as to promote cooperation, tolerance and respect among each other.

6. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

This competence concerns the ability to recognize the possible opportunities for personal,

professional and commercial activities. It is linked to the motivation and determination when

accomplishing objectives, either personal or collective, including the professional context. Thus,

team projects will be prepared for each term in order to enhance my students’ creativity and sense

of entrepreneurship.

7. Cultural awareness and expression

This competence implies using critical thinking for the understanding, appreciation and value of

diverse cultural and artistic demonstrations, alongside their use as a source of personal relish and

enhancement and take them for the cultural heritage of people. As the FL encompasses different

cultures, different ways of life will be shown to the students and promotion of tolerance and open-

mindedness through discussions and cultural immersion lessons.

2.4. Education in values

Cross-curricular elements within the curriculum (Decree 48/2015) are contents of

teaching subjects that must form part of the activities stated in all the areas, subjects or modules.

Their inclusion means formalizing an education in values and attitudes that is not temporary but
constant throughout each grade level. It is important to be conscious in not imposing these values

in an authoritarian way but as a continuous set of attitudes that are self-imposed by one’s own

free will. They are an opportunity to globalize teaching and carry out a truly interdisciplinary


The Community of Madrid will promote the development of values that promote effective

equality between men and women and the prevention of gender-based violence, and the values

inherent in the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination for any personal or social

condition or circumstance.

It will also promote learning about the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts in

all areas of personal, family and social life, as well as the values that sustain freedom, justice,

equality, political pluralism, peace, democracy, respect for human rights and the rejection of

terrorist violence, plurality, respect for the rule of law, respect and consideration for the victims of

terrorism and the prevention of terrorism and of any kind of violence.

Actions and values of respect, sportsmanship and teamwork will be promoted in all

sports activities, with the aim of preventing anti-sport attitudes and behavior in sports events and


In all cases, teacher programming must include the prevention of gender violence,

terrorist violence and any form of violence, racism or xenophobia, including the study of the Jewish

Holocaust as a historical event. Sexist behaviors and content and stereotypes that involve

discrimination will be avoided.

In accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1105/2014, of December 26, the

Compulsory Secondary Education curriculum incorporates curricular elements related to

sustainable development and the environment, the risks of exploitation and sexual abuse, risk

situations derived from the use of information and communication technologies, as well as

protection against emergencies and catastrophes.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2016, of March 29, on Identity and

Expression of Gender and Social Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Community of Madrid,

the syllabus design will include awareness of international standards of human rights and the

principles of equality and non-discrimination, including those concerning sexual orientation and

gender identity. In the same sense, and in accordance with the provisions of Law 3/2016, of July

22, of Integral Protection against LGTBiphobia and Discrimination for Reason of Orientation and

Sexual Identity in the Community of Madrid, the centers will adopt the necessary measures to

avoid and, where appropriate, eliminate educational contents that imply discrimination or physical

or psychological violence or that may induce the commission of hate crimes based on sexual and

gender diversity. The teaching program must contain adequate pedagogies for the recognition

and respect of LGTBI people and their rights.

2.5. Underlying outcomes rationale

In order to develop this section, we have first analyzed the standing legislation and the

curriculum in force (Decree 48/2015). By doing so, we have been able to establish the general

outcomes. The first criterion is related to comprehension as it is the first skill we acquire when

learning a language. Oral and written expression has been chosen as the second criterion,

because it is generally the second language skill we develop learning a language. The third

criterion is also considered to be important when it comes to communicating in another language.

Finally, the last two criteria are considered as external factors that influence language learning,

and, for this reason, are located at the end of the list of criteria. In addition to the general

outcomes, we have analyzed the seven competences established by the standing legislation

(Decree 48/2015 and Order ECD/65/2015). Lastly, we examined the cross-curricular elements

that should be included within our subject. In this way, we have been able to apply them to the

syllabus design.

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