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Group Analysis North and Manchester Organisational Dynamics Network

Creativity in a Time of Upheaval

An experiential workshop on organisational dynamics
Saturday 12 November 2011, 9.00 a.m. 6.30 p.m. In todays climate of financial, political and social upheaval in the workplace, it is easy to lose sight of the values that drove us to work in the first place.
These upheavals affect us all, whether we are self-employed or work for large organisations. The workshop is an opportunity to experience and explore the complex dynamics that take place at work. We will explore issues of hierarchy, authority, leadership and self-management. Design and Aim of the workshop The workshop is based on two events: the resource management event and the marketplace event. The aim of these events is to give you an opportunity to explore your relationship to work to gain insight into your risk-taking, enterprise and creativity and to learn how you respond to change and uncertainty. Experiential Learning Participants will learn from their personal experience during the events and from the spaces afterwards for review and reflection. There are no lectures given. Staff will be present to support your learning and to bring into focus what is happening as the workshop unfolds.
Staff William Halton (workshop director) is an organisational consultant and coach; he is visiting tutor, Developing Leaders experiential programme at Henley Business School; a former member of the Tavistock Consultancy Service. He has extensive experience of directing experiential learning conferences in the UK and abroad. He has a background in psychotherapy. Clare Allen (consultant) is a clinical and organisational psychologist in the NHS, and currently works in a large acute NHS Trust providing support for staff and organisational interventions aimed at reducing the causes of stress. She has worked as a staff member on various group relations conferences and has an independent consultancy practice in both public and private sectors. Antony Froggett (consultant) is an organisational consultant and director of Thinking Space Consultancy. He is a training analyst with the Institute of Group Analysis (London), and convenes the IGA training in group analysis in Manchester. He is a graduate of the Tavistock Masters training Consultation and the Organisation and leads the NSCAP (formerly Tavistock) CPD seminars on the systems and psychodynamics of work in Manchester and Leeds.

Venue, enquiries and bookings to: Bethan Marreiros, Administrator Group Analysis North, The Red House 78 Manchester Road, Swinton Manchester, M27 5FG Phone: 0161 728 1633 Fax: 0161 728 1633

Fee: 110 (GAN members 99)

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