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Rise of Nationalism

In Europe

Best Handwritten Notes

Made With

FÉgTe.7 Padhai Ak Mazza

Introduction FI.FI
Padhai Ak Mazza

In this very beautiful chapter we are

going to Discuss the Rise of Nationalism in


This notes help you to

will study this whole chapter very smoothly and You Will Understand
Each Let's start
Every thing very Easily So .

Nation State
What is a Nation State ?

Ernest Renan gives the Definition of Nation state as

citizens of A nation State Enjoys the sense of collective

belonging and common Identity

A nation state Evolved
from common
history struggles and the common

Actions of Leaders of that nation state

French Revolution And Idea Of Nation

During the 19th Century nationalism Emerge as a force which lead to the
of the of
Emergence nation state in the place of Empires and
King Europe

French Revolution paved the for modern Nation State the political and
constitutional Changes

And French Revolution led to the

transfer of
monarchy to the body Govern by
French citizens and the nation United
emphasising as a •

French Revolution also introduce some new ideas Let's discuss about them

Ideas introduce by French Revolution


- .

There were various steps taken by French Revolutionaries to Promote idea of


" "
The ideas of La patrie
(The Fatherland ] and La
[The Citizen ) Emphasised

2 it new French flag the tricolour

was chosen to replace the former royal standard

E:÷£% Padhai Ak Mazza

3 The Estate General citizens
was elected
by the body of Active and renamed as the

national assembly
4 New hymns were composed Oaths - taken and
martyrs commemorated all in the name

of the nation

5 A Centralised Administrative System was put in place and uniform laws were formulated for all


6 Internal Customs duties and dues uniform of and

were abloished and a system weights
measures was Adopted .

> French was promoted as a national


Jacobin clubs E:i¥J Padhai Ak Mazza

When the news of events in France reached the different cities of europe students

and of educated began Jacobin clubs

other members middle classes
setting up .

Their activities and

Campaigns paved the For French Armies which
way move

into Switzerland in the

Holland , Belgium ,
and much of Italy 1790s

Napoleonic Code OR Civil Code Of 1804

Through a return to
monarchy Napoleon had ,
no doubt Destroyed
Democracy in France

But in the had

Administrative field he Incorporated Revolutionary
Principles in Order to make the whole system more rational and

efficient .

The Civil Code of 1804 -

usually known as the Napoleonic Code

has the
following Rules

privileges based
away with all on Birth . B

2 Established the
before Law
equality L


3 Secured P
right to property .

This code was Exported to the regions under French Control

In the Dutch Republic Italy Napoleon Simplified

in Switzerland
in and
Administrative Divisions
abolished the feudal system and free peasants
from manorial Duties

EEI÷≠ʰ¥ Padhai Ak Mazza

Transport and Communication Systems Were Improved
Peasants artisans workers and new businessmen enjoyed a new -
found freedom
, ,

However in the areas

conquered the reactions of the local population to french rule

was mixed

In such Cities Brussels

many places
as Holland and Switzerland as well as in certain like

Mainz welcomed
Milan and Warsaw
the French armies were as
harbingers of
But the initial enthusiasm soon turned into
hostility C Against ) as it become clear that

the arrangements did not freedom

new administrative
go hand in hand with political

Increased taxation censorship ,

forced conscription into the French armies required to conquer
the rest of Europe

Making of Nationalism in Europe

Have You wondered
ever what we know
today the countries like Germany Italy
Switzerland as
they were like as we see
today the answer is No in mid -

Century these were divided into

kingdoms whose rulers as their autonomous territories .

They did not Share Collective

Identity OR Common Culture Some important factors are

there which Led to the rise of nationalism in Europe

1 Disc of the new middle class

E :oIJ
2 The Spread Of
Ideology Of Liberalism

3 The rise of revolutionaries

Padhai Ak Mazza
4 Liberal Nationalism

Liberalism oR Liberal Nationalism


The term Liberalism Derived from Latin root Liber Free


It Has Different Meaning For Different Society’s


The of for
Liberalism new middle class is individual
freedom and Equality
before Law

Politically Liberalism Emphasizes the concept of Government by people



In 1834 at of Persia

a custom union Zollverein was the imitative and

joined by the most of the German State this union abloishcd tariff barriers

and reduce the no of currencies from 30 to 2

to o o o
Padhai Ak Mazza
A New Conservatism After 1815
ÉÉ After the defeat of napoleon in 1815 European government were driven by the spirit of
conservatism .

¥É Conservatism : instead
A philosophy that preferred gradual development of quick

ÉÉ Conservatives Institution of
believe that
establishing a traditional state and

¥É The defeat
European powers like Britain ,
Russia Prussia and Austria who had collectively

Napoleon met at Vienna for Europe drew treaty of

to drop settlement as
they Vienna

Treaty of vienna
¥É Let's Discuss Vienna
major points
of treaty of

The Bourbon
dynasty which has been disposed during the French revolution was restored


2 France Lost the territories which he gain the

under Napoleon .

3 A series of State was setup boundaries of France prevented for Expansion in Future .

German Confederation of 39 State that had been set up by Napoleon was left Untouched .

Greek war of independence

ÉÉ An event that the
mobilized Nationalist
feeling among Educated Elite across

Europe was Greek War of Independence

Greek has been the part of the Ottoman Emperor since the 15th Century the
Of for
Revolutionary Nationalism in Europe is part of Our struggle independence
the Greek began in 1821
among which

ÉÉ The
struggle for independence started in 1821 and the
Treaty of Constantinople of

1832 recognized Greece as an Independent Nation .


Padhai Ak Mazza

The Revolutionaries
During the 1815 the fear of repression drove
nationalists underground . The secret

states to train spread their ideas

sprang up in
many european revolutionaries and

TO be
revolutionary that time mcnt a commitment to oppose monarchial forms that

had been established After Vienna Congress

One Such Individual was Italian Revolutionary

Giuseppe Mazzini

Mazzini was born in Genoa in 1807 he became the

member of
society of the Carbonari

As of 24 he sent to Exile in 1831 for

a man was

attempting a revolution in Liguria

He founded two more

underground societies , first Young , Italy
in Marseilles and then
Young Europe in Boinc whose
members were Like minded
Young men
from Poland ,
France and Italy and the German states ◦ Mazzini bellied

that God had Intended nations to be the natural units of mankind

GABBAR Metternich describe him as

The most dangerous Enemy Of Our Social Order "

The Age Of Revolutions 1830-1848

The first upheaval took place in France in
July 1830

The Bourbon
kings who had been restored to
power during the conservative reaction

after 1815
were now overthrown by Liberal revolutionaries who installed a Constitutional

monarchy with Louis Philippe at its head

' '
when France sneezes Metternich Once remarked The rest of Europe Catches Cold
, ,

Emergence of Nationalist Feelings E¥*Ñ Padhai Ak Mazza



the Development territorial

of nationalism did not come about
only by wars and

Expansions important of
Culture plays an role in
creating idea nation .

Art and
poetry ,
stories and music helped to express and shape the nationalist feelings

Romantic artists and poets criticised the glorification of reason and science .

Focussing on emotions
intuition and
mystical feelings they tried to a sense of

collective heritage Ex : Frederic sorrier John



Hunger Hardship And Revolt
The the hardship
1830s were
years of great economic in Europe .
Because of <

first half of the 19th century saw an enormous increase in population all over the

Europe Population from rural Areas migrate to cities to live in Overcrowded


The of the workers in town was extreme in 184s weavers of Silesia village had
misery ,

led contractors them material and

a revolt against who supplied raw
gave them

Order for finished textiles but drastically reduce their payments

In 1848 ,
shortage and widespread unemployment brought the population of Paris
Out on roads

1848: The Revolution of Liberals

€[*Iwr Padhai Ak Mazza

In parts of Europe like Germany , Italy , Poland ,

Austro-Hungarian Empire ,

men and woman of the liberal middle class combine their demands for creation

of a nation State

May Revolution
On 18th 1848,831 elected representatives marched festive to take
May ,
in a procession
their places in the frankfurt Parliament convinced in the church of St Paul .

They drafted a Constitution for a German nation to be headed by a monarchy subjected

to a parliament

when the deputies offered the Crown these terms to Friedrich of Prussia
on Wilhelm IV
he Joined monarchs
rejected it and Other to oppose the elected assembly

The Parliament was dominated by middle class

who resist the demands of workers and

artisans and
Consequently lost their support In the end
troops were called in and the

forced to disband
assembly was

Issue of Political Rights to Woman


The Of Liberal
Extending political rights to woman was a controversial one within the movement

in the Years
which large no of woman had participated actively Over .

Woman formed their own political associations

founded newspapers and take part in political movements

In 1848 the conservative forces Able to Suprcss liberal moments but could not restore the old Order
Unification of Germany

The first attempt was made

by the middle class who in 1848 try to Unite the different regions
of the President
configuration into A Nation state
governed by an Elected

But they are not able to do this ,

After the defeat of Liberal middle class The process of

German unification was continued

by Persia it's Chief minister Otto Von Bismark

Bismark carried out this

process with the help of persian and Bureaucracy

The events that time of of Germany

during the unification were

⑦ The with Austria Denmark and France Over 7 Years Ended With Prussian
, running
Victory and completed the process of Unification

② On 18th
January 1871 of German representatives
assembly having princes States ,

of Otto Bismark proclaimed the Empire by


German headed
Army von new

Kaiser William I of Prussia

③ The the
new state placed a
strong emphasis on
modernising currency , legal
and Judicial systems in

Unification of Italy

During the mid 19th

Century Italy was divided Into Seven States Out Of Which Only
one state Sardinia Piedoment was ruled by an Italian Princely House

Contribution of Famous Personalities

of Mazzini

He the leader of republican in exile in

party while 1831

he founded a new Opposition Called

Young Italy
It was a Secrcat society .

But Both
revolutionary uprisings in 1831 and 1848 failed


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Padhai Ak Mazza
Role of Cavour
Cavour became the chief minister of piedmont in 1852

He was neither
Revolutionary not a democratic but he is

real maker
known as the of
Italy through His tactful

and diplomatic Alliance with france he succeeded in

Defeating Austrian
forces in 1859

Role of Giuseppe Garibaldi

figure of Unification of Italy

In 1833 he met movement

Mazzini and join the revolutionary young Italy

He was the hero of Red Shirt Revolutionary movement in 1860 he March

into South Italy and
Kingdom of two slices and

support of the to
winning the local
agents in Order

drive out the Spanish rulers .

In 1861 the first parliament representing the whole Italy

assemble which pomade formulae upon Victor Emmanuel

2nd title of of
King Italy .

Visualising the Nation

The personification ( tenderly ) of the Nation is called
Ucsualismg of the Nation

female form that was chosen to
personify the nation

did not stand for in real life

any particular woman

female become the allegory of the Nation

In france the female allegory was Marianne and Germania

became the of German nation

Germania wears the Crown of Oak leaves as it stands for


Padhai Ak Mazza

Balkans : The source of tension

Balkans was a
Region comprising of modern
day 11 Countries

There inhabitants
bnoddy known

were as slaves

large part
A of Balkan was under the Control of Ottoman Empire

The Balkan area became the orca of intense conflict each powerful country was keen
on control over the area

This led to the series of wars in the region and finally First World War

Thank you For

Brought to You By

Di7 Padhai Ak Mazza

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