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Text 1 reviewing your experience, we consider that you

would likely be unable to take that

WARNING: Dangerous cliffs responsibility.
Needless to say, I feel very badly about this
Watch your children situation. As your achievement is in science
Stay in your car during lighting storms competition, I suggest that you join the science
No pets or bicycles on trails club instead.
Do not leave valuables in your car
Thanks for Understanding
1. What does the text mean? Sukarman
a. It tells us about the cliffs, children, and
trails. 4. What does Sukarman mean in his statement
b. It asks us to stay in our car with our
children. a. Sulaiman is weak.
c. It forbids us to do bring pets and money. b. Scout leader is a hard job.
d. It reminds us about safety in the cliffs c. Sulaiman is too smart.
Text 2 d. Sulaiman.

Congratulations on the big win in the Tour de 5. What is the application about?
Java race! Enjoy your success today, and look a. Science club.
forward to a future success. b. Scout leader.
c. Science competition.
d. Our program manager.
Text 4
2. What has Wawan won?
a. Race. Public Service Announcement: Temporary
b. Tour. Closure of Parks Due to Forest Fires
c. Success. Lady Evelyn Falls Campground will be
d. Big win. temporarily closed due to forest fires in the area.
This is a precautionary measure. Individuals with
3. What is purpose for writing the text? reservations at Lady Evelyn Falls Campground
will receive refunds. These parks will remain
a. To celebrate the win.
closed until such time as it is safe for campers and
b. To congratulate Wawan.
visitors to return to the area.
c. To wish for success. The Department of Industry, Tourism and
d. To look forward to winning. Investment thanks you for your cooperation.
For more information, please contact the South
Text 3
Slave Regional Superintendent at 0867- 872-643.
Dear Sulaiman,
I feel bad to tell you this, but I need to let you 6. Why is the text written?
know that that your scout leader application has a. To promote Lady Evelyn Falls
been denied. We currently need somebody who Campground.
is strong enough to carry out our program. Upon b. To close Lady Evelyn Falls
Campground. we will also invite Mr. Jaelani, the vice school
c. To announce closure of Lady Evelyn principal on academic matters.
Falls Campground. If you have any questions about this letter or the
meeting, please give me a call at 0812345678 or
d. To thank the individuals with
stop by my class (Grade 9D).
reservations at Lady Evelyn Falls
We look forward to having the meeting with you
and other students.

7. What will happen to the booking of the Sincerely, Siti Aminah

reservations? Student Association President
a. It will be closed.
b. It will be refunded. 8. who will be in-
c. It will be announced. charge- to?
d. It will be contacted. a. Purposes.
b. Students.
Text 5 c. You and other students.
20 September 2014 Dear Jamilah, d. Programs.
You are invited to attend a meeting to plan our
school anniversary programs. The meeting will 9. Where can Jamilah meet Siti Aminah?
be held on Monday, 22 September 2014 in a. In Student center.
Student Center.
One of the purposes of the meeting is to b. In 9D classroom.
brainstorm programs for celebrating our school c. In the meeting.
anniversary and to decide who will be in-charge- d. In the anniversary.
of them. Along with students of Grades 8 and 9,

Text 6


Wednesday, 20th : Grade 7-8 House Athletics Davies Reserve

Thursday, 21st : Grade 9 Melbourne Rebels Clinic

Monday, 25th : Grade 7 Excursion to Melbourne Museum, Melbourne Writers Festival

excursion for selected Grade 8 students

Tuesday, 26th : Grade 7 depart for camp at Phillip Island

Wednesday, 27th : Grade 8 on camp

Thursday, 28th : Grade 9 on camp

Friday, 29th
10. Who will camp at Philip Island? 12. purpose of the text?
a. Grade 7. a. To greet Ismawati.
b. Grade 8. b. To send a photograph.
c. Grade 9. c. To introduce the writer.
d. Grades 7-8. d. To describe a country.

11. Who is the busiest class? 13. Who is Hab sister?

a. Grade 7. a. Ismawati.
b. Grade 8. b. Yousef.
c. Grade 9. c. Maryam.
d. Grades 7-8. d. Raysa.

Text 7 14. are

Subject : Hello Ismawati a. Enclosed.

From : To b. Glued.
c. Sent.
Date : Fri, 22 August, 2014
d. Seen.
Dear Ismawati, Text 8
Hello! My name is Habibah and I am your new Aircruise Australia in Style
friend. I am fourteen years old and I am a 12-Day Great Australian Aircruise
Spanish. I live in Granada in Spain. Attached are Departs May-September 2014
photographs of the people in my family. My
name is Yousef. a chemist. My Highlights and inclusions:
name is Maryam. name is Fully inclusive, all meals, all accommodation, all
Fauzan and my name is Raysa. I am the touring and travel by private chartered Dash 8
girl with short brown hair. My name is aircraft
Pluto. in the photograph with me. Explore the Australian outback-flying directly
into Longreach, Katherine, Darwin, the
favourite subject is Geography, Kimberly, Uluru and Kakadu
math because difficult. I love pop music but I Experience the spectacular aerial sightseeing of
the Bunge Bungle Range and the Mitchel falls
My favourite singer is Westlife. They are and exclusive ground touring throughout
fantastic. Fully inclusive special offer price from
What about you? What does Indonesia look like? Melbourne $12,995 per person twin share. Single
supplement $1,629
Please write email soon and tell me about
15. Where is the text possibly printed?
a. Longreach.
Best wishes,
b. Katherine.
(Reading and Writing Targets 2: Student Book, c. Darwin.
1999, p. 4) d. Melbourne.
16. What is the text written for? c. To give ways to reduce hay fever
a. To describe aircruise. symptoms.
b. To offer an aircruise tour. d. To cure hay fever by medicines.
c. To inform the beauty of outback.
d. To charter an aircraft.
17. Where will be ground touring held?
a. Taking anti-histamine.
a. Uluru and Kakadu.
b. Using nasal sprays.
b. Darwin and the Kimberly.
c. Applying eye drops.
c. The Mitchel falls and the Bunge
d. Alleviating symptoms.
Bungle Range.
d. Longreach and Katherine.
20. - mean?
Text 9 a. Pollen from flowers.
b. Pollen taken by air.
Hay fever can occur all year round but it is c. Pollen produced by air.
traditionally worse in the spring months when the d. Pollen in the air.
pollen count in the air is high. Hay fever is a
common name for allergic rhinitis meaning an Text 10
allergy in the nose. The allergic reaction causes the My favorite book is Matilda, a book written by
nasal passages to become inflamed and produce Ronald Dahl, which was published in 1988 in
more mucous. Some of the common symptoms London by Jonathan Cape. It is about a girl who
are : sneezing; runny or stuffy nose; itchy ears lives with a foster family who abuse her and do
,nose and throat; red, itchy and watery eyes and not give her affection.
sometimes headaches. The girl goes to a school where a teacher is rude to
Tips to try and reduce hay fever symptoms: children. But in that school she meets a very good
1) Stay indoors where possible on windy and teacher that is great. Professor and girl are slowly
stormy days. holding his affection and spending more time
2) Smear Vaseline on the inside of your nose to
As they spend more time together, they realize
help stop the air-borne pollen touching the
they have much in common. At the end,
lining of your nose.
parents are leaving the city because of problems
3) Splash your eyes often with cold water as this with the law and they let her in custody of the
tries to flush out any pollen. teacher. Matilda is very happy.
4) Try and reduce contact with known allergens. (
For example pet fur, flowers, dust etc. my-favourite-book/)
5) Anti-histamine medications in the form of
tablets, nasal sprays and eye drops may help 21. What is the text about?
alleviate symptoms but you need to discuss a. A girl named Matilda.
this with your doctor or pharmacist. b. Matilda, a favourite book.
c. The story of Matilda.
18. What is the purpose of the text? d. A book titled Matilda.
a. To explain what hay fever is.
b. To describe the cure of hay fever. 22. What does paragraph 2 tell?
a. Name of the book and why b. spectacular
favourite. c. new
b. The professor in school. d. amazing
c. school experience.
d. Hard life of Matilda. Text 12
23. Why did the family leave Matilda?
An Ass and a Fox went into partnership
a. They disliked her.
and went out to search for food together. They
b. She hated them.
c. The professor asked them. their way, at which they were both extremely
d. They had law problem. frightened.
But the Fox thought he saw a way of
24. saving his own skin, and went boldly up to the
Lion and whis
a. A foster family. you shall get hold of the Ass without any trouble,
b. Matilda and Professor.
c. A teacher and children. agreed to this, and the Fox then rejoined his
d. parents. companion.
Before long it managed to lead him by a
Text 11 hidden pit, which some hunter had dug as a trap
Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the first
for wild animals, and into which he fell. When the
Orville took their plane, name Lion saw that the Ass was safely caught and
get away, it was to the Fox that he first
turned his attention, and he soon finished him off,
plane. He balanced it by moving his hips.
and then at his leisure proceeded to feast upon the
Wilbur took the plane up on the fourth flight
of the day. It stayed in the air for 59 seconds. But
a gust of wind knocked it over and wrecked it after
landing. It was the flight of But the two
28. Where did the Fox lead the Ass to?
25. a. telephone a. The Lion.
b. car b. The trouble.
c. airplane c. The pit.
d. helicopter d. The death.

26. a. drive 29. What does paragraph 2 tell?

b. fly a. The Fox and the Ass.
c. direct b. The evil plan.
d. steer c. The
27. a. great
30. What lesson does the text teach? children?
a. a. Fever, headaches.
yourself. b. Muscle aches and pains.
b. If you have a friend, you have to be c. Vomiting and diarrhea.
d. Headaches and muscle pains.
c. If you have enemy, never trust him/her.
d. If you meet danger, go away. 33.
a. Easily spread.
Text 13
b. Hard to cure.
Influenza or is a serious, painful illness c. Fast growing.
which affects the whole body. Symptoms include d. Long lasting.
fever, headaches, muscle aches and pains. In
children, symptoms may also include nausea, Text 14
vomiting and diarrhea. The infections occur It happened one weekend while I was at
between July-September usually lasting for about the fairground. I was with my friend Sarah and we
five days. Fever and other symptoms usually were both really excited. The flashing lights and
disappear after that time but a cough and bright colours made everything appear magical.
weakness may continue. All symptoms usually We were having a great time and we had been on
gone within a week or two. most of the rides when Sarah pointed to the big
According to the influenza specialist group -minute

chances of catching the flue by up to 80% during

the flu season. Vaccination a guarantee on- a really thrilling A minute
against getting sick but it generally reduces the later we were in the air. It was
symptoms. Vaccination is only good for the Sarah.
current year. Then suddenly, there was a loud crash
Influenza is highly contagious the influenza and everything stopped. I was really frightened!
viruses can survive for an hour or more in the air Sarah held my hand tightly because she was
in enclosed environments, such as child care worried, too. We looked down and saw two
centres and schools; for more than eight hours on
hard surfaces such as stainless steel and plastics;
and up to five minutes on hands after transfer waited! At first we were amused. Everyone was
from other surfaces. (Australian Family, Winter running around below us. After a while though, it
2009, p.21) became scary up there.
Two hours later, the wheel finally started to
31. What is the text about? move again. I was so happy. It had been a long
tiring evening. That two-minute ride had turned
a. The origins of the flu.
into a two-hour nightmare! (Reading and Writing
b. How contagious is the flu.
Targets 2: Student Book, 1999, p. 48)
c. What influenza is.
d. Vaccinations of influenza.

34. How did the writer feel at first?

32. What are some of the symptoms of the flu in a. Happy.
b. Confused. your holiday comfort.
c. Afraid. (Reading and Writing Targets 2: Student Book,
1999, p. 14)
d. Amazed.
38. a. live
35. What does paragraph 3 tell?
b. stay
a. Their feeling in two minutes.
c. sit
b. The beginning of the big wheel accident.
d. are
c. How the writer overcame her fear.
d. How the mechanic fixed the big wheel. 39. a. room
b. floor
36. refer to?
c. rug
a. The writer and Sarah.
d. fireplace
b. Everyone below us.
c. The big wheel passengers. 40. a. in front of
d. Two mechanics. b. behind
c. beside
37. What does the -
d. next to
minute ride
a. It is very quick. Text 16
b. It is very fun. Mars is a planet that is easy to spot in the
c. It will not kill. night sky. It is called the Red Planet because
d. It is expensive. of its fiery red-orange color.
Mars comes closer to earth than any other
planet except venus. At times it comes within 35
Text 15 million miles (56 million km). It is similar to
Earth in some respects. A day on Mars is only
slightly longer than our own day. The planet has
seasons like the Earth, only they are almost twice
as long as ours. It has ice caps at the north and
south poles, like Earth. They shrink in summer
and grow again in winter.
However, Mars is different from Earth in
This is a picture of my living-room. It has
a glass door and three big windows. There is a most other ways. It lies farther from the Sun and
large fireplace between the door and one of the is much colder. Temperatures do not often rise
windows. There are two pictures above the above freezing, even in summer. It has only a
fireplace. Next to it, there is a comfortable very thin atmosphere, made up mainly of canbon
dioxide gas.
winter Some people used to think that there might be
evening. There is a brown rug in front of the
some form of life on Mars, but conditions there
fireplace. There is a brown sofa and a glass table
on the (39) . There are some plants beside the are not suitable for life as we know it to survive.
sofa. the sofa there is a small table with an 41.
antique lamp on it. There is also a television and seasons?
a stereo in the room. It is a perfect living-room for a. They are longer.
b. They are shorter. children in the town were like being hipnotised.
c. They have less seasons. These children followed the Pied Piper wherever
he was playing the flute. When The Pied Piper
d. They have more seasons.
reached the river bank, he stopped walking, but
the children were still walking toward the river.
42. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? Fear of their safety, the mayor begged
a. Mars and the Earth have differences too. The Pied Piper to let the children go and paid the
b. Ther Earth is closer to Sun than Mars money he promised. All of sudden the children
does. awoke and their parents rushed to get their
beloved children.
c. Mars is much colder than the Earth. The Pied Piper was happy to get the
d. The Earth has more atmosphere than money and the mayor finally learned a lesson
Mars does. from
this. (Addison Wesley ESL Student book, 1992,
43. p.39)
a. Salutes.
b. Aspects. 44. What is the text about?
c. Areas. a. The myth of Pied Piper.
d. Factors. b. A story about rats.
c. The legend of rat city.
Text 17 d. The tale of greedy mayor.

Once there was a town called Hamelin. 45.

The only thing wrong was it was full of rats. They tune you will not
destroyed farms, houses and food
supplies. The people went to the mayor to solve a. He wanted to entertain the mayor.
the problem. b. He was happy to play another tune.
One day, a strange man came to town. c. He threatened the mayor.
The stranger offered to get rid off the rats. In
d. He was very patient with the mayor.
return, the mayor would give him money.
The Pied Piper was a strange-looking
man. He wore a tall, pointed hat, and a long, 46. What lesson does the text teach?
flowing cape. He played a long, shiny flute. The a. You have to keep your promise.
piper began to play in the town square. b. You cause your own problem.
Rats came running from everywhere.
c. You should help others willingly.
They came out if the houses and the shops. The
Pied Piper played up and down the streets. d. You can hurt someone if necessary.
Everywhere he went, the rats followed him. The
Pied Piper led the rats to the river. The rats all
jumped into the river and drowned.
The people cheered. They were happy to
be rid of the rats. But the mayor changed his mind
about the money. He refused to give any money
at all to the Pied Piper. 47. Study the following words:

different tune you will independence-- When--

the mayor still refused. The Pied Piper picked up World War II -- Soekarno --the Japanese--
his flute and began to play a new tune. surrendered--- in proclaimed
Once the flute was played, all the
The above words can be written into a good 4) She set before him a pitcher with a long
sentence as follows ... and narrow neck.
a. When Soekarno surrendered in 5) But not long after the Stork invited him
in turn.
Japanese proclaimed World War II.
6) The Fox lapped it up with great relish, but
b. the Stork with her long bill tried in vain
independence when the Japanese to take of the savoury broth.
surrendered World War II.
c. When the Japanese surrendered in The above sentences can be written into a
paragraph as follows ...
proclaimed World War II. a. 2-6-3-5-4-1
d. When the Japanese surrendered in b. 1-6-3-5-4-2
World War II, Soekarno proclaimed
c. 1-6-3-4-5-2
d. 1-5-4-6-3-2
48. Study the following words:

50. Study the following sentences:

If --more --than --3 minutes you-- be--
overcooked -- boil-- the noodle -- it --will
1) When we arrived home last night, we
The above words can be written into a good realised that someone broke into our
sentence as follows ... house.
a. If it boil the noodle more than 3 2) The thieves had stolen our new CD
minutes, you will be overcooked. player.
b. If you boil the noodle more than 3 3) Half an hour later the police arrived.
minutes, it will be overcooked. 4) But, all other electrical equipment was
c. You will be overcooked it if boil the still there.
noodle more than 3 minutes. 5) While my husband called the police I
d. You boil the noodle if it will be looked around the house to see what was
overcooked more than 3 minutes. missing.
6) They asked us a lot of questions and
49. Study the following sentences: write everything down.
The above sentences can be written into a
1) A Fox invited a Stork to dinner, a large paragraph as follows ...
flat dish of soup. a. 1-5-2-4-3-6
2) Thus, while she enjoyed her dinner, the b. 1-2-4-5-3-6
Fox sat by hungry and helpless, for it was
impossible for him to reach the tempting c. 5-2-4-3-6-1
contents of the vessel. d. 1-6-5-2-4-3
3) This caused much amusement for the sly

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