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Chapter 1: Anti-histaminic/Anti-neoplastic agents

1. Give IUPAC name and synthesis of the following compounds

(A) Promethazine
(B) Diphenhydramine (Dec 2016, June 2017)
(C)Chlorpheniramine (Dec 2010, May 2015)
(D) Triprolidine HCl
(E) Cimetidine
2. What are antihistaminics? How they act? Classify them with examples. (June
2011, Dec 2011, Dec 2010, May 2015, June 2017, May 2018)
3. Define histamine. Discuss its chemistry and pharmacological action.
4. What is histamine? Discuss in detail about histamine receptors
5. Define and classify Hl-antagonists.
6. Write a note on H2-antagonists.
7. Short note on proton pump inhibitors.
8. Explain proton pump inhibitors with its mechanism of action. (Dec 2011, June
2011, May 2012, Dec 2014, May 2015, Dec 2016, June 2017)

Antineoplastic agents
1) What are antineoplastic agents? Classify them with examples. Discuss
mechanism of action alkylating agents. (Dec 2010, Dec 2014, May 2015,
June 2017)
2) Write detail classification and short mechanism of action of anticancer
agents. (Dec 2010, Dec 2016)
3) Synthesis of Mechlorethamine, Mercaptopurine and Methotrexate.
4) Write the structures, mechanism of action and uses of antimetabolite
anticancer agents. (Dec 2010, Dec 2014, May 2015, June 2017)
5) Discuss antimetabolite class of anti-cancer agents in detail. (Dec 2010, Dec
6) Write a note on natural products used as antineoplastic agents. (May
2012, Dec 2011)
7) Give mechanism of Vinca alkaloids. (June 2017)

Chapter 2: Anti-angina// Anti-hypertensive

Antianginal agents
1. Define and classify Antianginal agents with synthesis of Isosorbide
dinitrarte. (Ma y 2 0 1 6, May 2018)
2. Write a note on Anti angina} agents. (Ma y 2013, Ma y 2 0 1 4, Nov 2016)
3. Define and classify Antianginal agents with synthesis of Nitroglycerin.
(Nov 2017, Ma y 2018)
4. Write a note on organic nitrates. (Ma y 2012, Dec 2015)
5. Write a note on organic nitrates and nitrites. (Oct 2012, Nov 2014)
6. Write a note on organic nitrates importance as Antianginal agents with
special emphasis on their mechanism. (May 2015)
Antihypertensive agents

1. Classify Antihypertensive agents and write a note on blockers. (Ma

y 2012, Ma y 2013, Nov 2017, Nov 2018)
2. Write a note on drugs acting on Renin Angiotensin system. (Oct 2012)
3. Classify calcium channel blockers. Discuss dihydropyridine in detail.
(Dec 2015, Ma y 2016)
4. Give synthesis and IUPAC of Methyl DOPA
5. Define and classify Antihypertensive agents with suitable examples. (Dec
2015, May 2018)
6. Write Mechanism of action, side effects uses and SAR of ACE inhibitors.
(Ma y 2 0 1 4, Ma y 2015, Nov 2018)
7. Classify anti-hypertensive agents with one structure in each class. (May
2014, Ma y 2015)

8. Give brief account of - blockers as potential anti-hypertensive agents.
(Nov 2014)
9. Discuss sympatholytic antihypertensive agents. (Oct 2012)
10.Write Angiotensin II receptor antagonists with examples. (May 2012,
Dec 2015)
1. Classify diuretics giving mechanism and structure from one drug in
each class. Write mechanism, uses and side effects of spironolactone.
(May 2014, May 2015)
2. Give structure IUPAC name and synthesis of chlorothiazide, furosemide
and acetazolamide. (May 2012, May 2013, May 2015, May 2018, Nov
3. Discuss mode of action of thiazide and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
(May 2012, May 2013, May 2015)
4. Write a note on potassium sparing diuretics. (May 2013, Dec 2015)
5. Structure of spironolactone. (May 2013, Dec 2015)
6. Classify Diuretics. (Nov 2018), Discuss loop diuretics in detail. (Oct 2012)

Chapter 3: Anti-arrhythmic/Anti-hyperlipedemic
agents/Coagulants/ CHF

Anti-arrhythmic agents
1. Define Antiarrhythmic drugs. Give a comprehensive account of
antiarrhythmic agents used as CVS drugs with examples in each
category. (May 2012, May 2014, May 2015)
2. Give structure and synthesis and IUPAC of Disopyramide Phosphate.
3. Classify Antiarrhythmic drugs. Explain mode of action in each class.
(Oct 2012, May 2013, Nov 2014)
4. Write a note on Sodium channel blockers as Antiarrhythmic agents.
(May 2014, Nov 2014, May 2016)
Anti- hyperlipidemic agents
1. Define Atherosclerosis and classify Antihyperlipidemic agents and give
normal values for LDL, HDL, Triglycerides and Total cholesterol. (May
2. Give mode of action, IUPAC name of clofibrate. (Oct 2012, May 2014, May
2015, May 2018)
3. Define and classify lipid lowering agents. (May 2013, May 2018)
4. Classify Antihyperlipidemic agents giving mechanism of action each class
and structure of important drugs from different classes. (Nov 2014, May
Coagulants and anticoagulants
1. Sketch out process of blood clotting schematically and discuss on the
intervention part of anticoagulants. (May 2012)

2. Synthesis and IPUPAC of Warfarin. (May 201 2, May 201 5, Dec 2015, Nov
201 6, Ma y 2018)
3. Discuss coagulants and anticoagulants. (Oct 2012, May 2013, Nov 2014,
Ma y 2018, Nov 2018)
4. Discuss various factors affecting blood coagulation and write a note on
warfarin. (May 2012, May 2015, Dec 201 5, Nov 201 6, Nov 2018)

Drugs Used in congestive heart failure (CHF)

1. Define and classify drugs used in congestive heart failure.

Chapter 4: Drugs acting on endocrine
system/Thyroid-anti-thyroid drugs

Steroids and therapeutically related compounds

1. Write a note on nomenclature and stereochemistry of steroids (May
2012, May 2013, May 2014, May 2015, Nov 2017, May 2018, Nov
2. Give detail note on sex hormones.
3. Write short note on corticosteroids.
4. Write a note on drugs used in erectile dysfunction.
5. Give detail note on oral contraceptives.
Thyroid hormones and Antithyroid Drugs
1. Give detail note on thyroid hormones. (May 2015, May 2016, May 2018)
2. Write a note on antithyroid drugs.

Chapter 4: Anti-diabetic drugs/Local anaesthetics
Antidiabetic agents
1. Define and classify antidiabetic agents with examples. Give synthesis of
tolbutamide. (May 2012, May 2013, May 2014, Nov 2017, May 2018,
Nov 2018)
2. Writ e a note on recent developments in antidiabetic drugs. (Nov 2017)
Local anesthetics
1. Writ e Synthesis & uses of Procaine (May 2014) and Benzocaine (May
2. Provide the mode of action of local anaesthetics. (May 2011)
3. Comment on Benzoic acid and Aniline derivatives as local anaesthetics.
Give one structural example from each class. (Ma y 2012, Dec 2015,
May 2017, Nov 2018)
4. Define and classify Local anaesthetics. (Dec 2011, Dec 2012, May 2017)

5. Define & classify local anaesthetics giving examples for each class with
structures. Explain the SAR of ben zoic acid derivatives. (May 2014, May
2013, May 2016)

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