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Fourier Series, Fourier

Transform, and
Transmission Line
Submitted to Dr. Ashraf AbdelMoniem

Written By

Mahmoud Arafat
What is the Fourier Series?
A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function f(x) in terms of an infinite sum of sines and cosines. Fourier Series makes use of the
orthogonality relationships of the sine and cosine functions.
Laurent Series yield Fourier Series
A difficult thing to understand and/or motivate is the fact that arbitrary periodic functions have Fourier series representations. In this section,
we prove that periodic analytic functions have such a representation using Laurent expansions.

Fourier Analysis for Periodic Functions

The Fourier series representation of analytic functions is derived from Laurent expansions. The elementary complex analysis is used to
derive additional fundamental results in the harmonic analysis including the representation of C∞ periodic functions by Fourier series, the
representation of rapidly decreasing functions by Fourier integrals, and Shannon’s sampling theorem. The ideas are classical and of
transcendent beauty.

A function is periodic of period L if f(x+L) = f(x) for all x in the domain of f. The smallest positive value of L is called the fundamental period.
The trigonometric functions sin x and cos x are examples of periodic functions with fundamental period 2π and tan x is periodic with
fundamental period π. A constant function is a periodic function with arbitrary period L.
It is easy to verify that if the functions f1, . . . , fn are periodic of period L, then any linear combination
is also periodic. Furthermore, if the infinite series
consisting of 2L-periodic functions converges for all x, then the function to which it converges will be periodic of period 2L. There are two
symmetry properties of functions that will be useful in the study of Fourier series.
Even and Odd Function
A function f(x) is said to be even if f(−x) = f(x).
The function f(x) is said to be odd if f(−x) = −f(x).

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Graphically, even functions have symmetry about the y-axis, whereas odd functions have symmetry around the origin.

Sums of odd powers of x are odd: 5x3 − 3x
Sums of even powers of x are even: −x6 + 4x4 + x2 – 3
Since x is odd, and cos x is even

The product of two odd functions is even: x sin x is even

The product of two even functions is even: x2cos x is even

The product of an even function and an odd function is
odd: sin x cos x is odd

To find a Fourier series, it is sufficient to calculate the integrals that give the coefficients a 0, an, and bn and plug them into the big series
Typically, f(x) will be piecewise-defined.
Big advantage that Fourier series have over Taylor series: the function f(x) can have discontinuities.

Fourier series Formula

The formula for the fourier series of the function f(x) in the interval [-L, L], i.e. -L ≤ x ≤ L is given by:

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The above Fourier series formulas help in solving different types of problems easily.

What is Fourier Transform?

The generalisation of the complex Fourier series is known as the Fourier transform. The term “Fourier transform” can be used in the
mathematical function, and it is also used in the representation of the frequency domain. The Fourier transform helps to extend the Fourier
series to the non-periodic functions, which helps us to view any functions in terms of the sum of simple sinusoids.

Fourier Transform Formula

As discussed above, the Fourier transform is considered to be a generalisation of the complex Fourier series in the limit L→∞. Also,
convert discrete An to the continuous F(k)dk and let n/L→k. Finally, convert the sum to an integral.
Thus, the Fourier transform of a function f(x) is given by:

Applications of Fourier Transform

Fourier transform is used in a wide range of applications, such as:

 Image Compression
 Image Analysis
 Image Filtering
 Image Reconstruction

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What is a Transmission Line?
Transmission line are conductors that serve as a path for electrical waves to be transmitted through them.
This essentially establishes a link between the transmitter and the receiver, allowing for signal transfer.

A transmission line allows electrical impulses to be transferred between two conducting wires separated by
a dielectric medium, which is often air.

Classification of Transmission Line

In general, the transmission line will be classified on the basis of the length they have covered, but in
practice, frequency is also a decisive parameter in the classification of the transmission line. Hence, the
product of the length and frequency of a transmission line (lf) as the basis of the transmission line are
classified into 3 types. They are namely:

 Short transmission line

 Medium transmission line
 Long transmission line

Short Transmission Line

If the product of length (l)and its operating frequency(f)of the transmission line is less than 4000, then the
transmission line is known as a short transmission line. For the operating frequency of 50 Hz, the length of
such a line will be less than 80 km.

Medium Transmission Line

If the product of length (l)and its operating frequency(f)of the transmission line is between 4000 to 10000,
then the transmission line is known as a medium transmission line. For the operating frequency of 50 Hz,
the length of the line lies between 80 km to 200 km. 4000≤lf≤10000

Long Transmission Line

If the product of length (l)and its operating frequency(f)of the transmission line is greater than 10000, then
the transmission line is known as a long transmission line. For the operating frequency of 50 Hz, the length
of the line will be greater than 200 km. lf>10000

Modelling of the Transmission Line

The physical ACSR conductor can be modeled in its electrical equivalent by using its parameters
resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance. Here we will discuss how to model the transmission
line by using the following parameters.

Resistance (R)

Every transmission line has certain values of resistivity (𝜌), length(l), and cross-sectional area (A), then the
resistance of the transmission line is given by R=𝜌l/A

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Inductance (L)

The current flowing through each phase of a transmission line will produce a magnetic flux between the
conductors, the magnetic flux linkages per unit current through the conductor can be modeled as the
inductance of the transmission line(L).

Capacitance (C)

The conductors of each phase are separated by air which is a dielectric material, hence whenever two
current-carrying conductors are separated by a dielectric material there must be some capacitance (C)
between the conductors. The effect of capacitance is significant in a medium and long transmission line
and can be negligible in the analysis of a short transmission line.

Conductance (G)

The leakage current flowing through the insulators due to the insulator imperfections can be represented by
the conductance (G) parameter. The effect of conductance is significant in a long transmission line, we
neglect the effect of conductance in the analysis of short and medium transmission lines.

By using these four parameters the transmission line can be modeled as shown below

By using the R, L, G, and C the transmission line can be modeled as shown above but it is not possible to
analyze the above circuit, hence with some basic assumptions and by using the ABCD or transmission line
parameters we develop some basic models of the transmission line. Before that, we must have some basic
knowledge of the ABCD or transmission line parameters.

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Transmission Line Parameters or ABCD Parameters
If Vs and IS are the voltage and current at the supplying end and VR and IR are the voltage and current at the
receiving end of the transmission line, then the ABCD or transmission line parameters can be represented
by the following equation.

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