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Made by 

:Temur Saidazimov
SA Lab Titration

Titratio Burrete Initiall Burrette Final Differenc

n diagram reading diagram reading e
cm3 cm3
1 0.0 0.0 23.80 23.80 23.80

2 17.50 17.50 40.70 40.70 23.2

3 8.90 8.90 32.30 32.30 23.4

Volume of NaOH: 25 cm3/1000 = 0.025 dm3

Concentration of hydrochloric acid = 0.4 mol dm-3

Color change from pink to non-colored

Made by :Temur Saidazimov
SA Lab Titration
Two weakness in the method identified for example:
1. For the color changes of the indicator need to be on time and use
a background that it’s not same color as the method.

2. They need to use best tool for experiment and volumetric pipette
is more accurate.

Conclusion and calculations:

1. Balanced Chemical equation: NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H2O

2. The volume of HCl used – average titration = (23.2 +

23.4+23.80)/2 = 23.5 cm3 /1000 = 0.0235 dm3

3. Moles of HCl are equal to 0.0094 (0.4 mol dm-3 * 0.0235 dm3)
4. Moles of NaOH is equal to 0.0094 ( 0.376mol dm-3 * 0.025 dm3)
5. Concentration of NaOH : moles/volume = concentration = 0.0094/
0.025 = 0.376 mol dm-3

Made by :Temur Saidazimov
SA Lab Titration
concentration 0.376 mol 0.4 mol
dm-3 dm-3

volume 0.025 dm3 0.0235


moles 0.0094 0.0094

Moles of HCl and NaOH are same because the ratio both of them is 1

Two suggested Improvements:

1. Next time we need to do more experiments to be more accurate

2. Wear gloves opfor safety. Really important next time to use
better measuring volumetric pippete to be more accurate.

Comment on validity of results:

1. So we didn’t pass 23 and it didn’t blow it.

2. Actually, we need to check the results and progress of this work,

to get accurate results.

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