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Mogadishu IDP Influx

1st Quarter
January to March 2011
Total IDP Arrivals in Mogadishu
From other areas of Somalia, not including displacement within Mogadishu.

25 July 2011

UNHCR BO Somalia, Nairobi

2011 has witnessed an unprecedented arrival of IDPs into Mogadishu due to drought related reasons. While the largest influx of IDP occurred in January 2011, trends indicate that since March, the rate of influx has been steadily increasing. Based on IASC Population Movement s Tracking (PMT) data, this analysis aims to identify the key areas receiving IDPs in Mogadishu as well as the source of displacement this year.

2nd Quarter
April to June 2011
Total IDP Arrivals in Mogadishu
From other areas of Somalia, not including displacement within Mogadishu.

3rd Quarter
1 July to Date ( 25 July 2011 )
Total IDP Arrivals in Mogadishu
From other areas of Somalia, not including displacement within Mogadishu.


Arrivals by Month

Arrivals by Month

Arrivals by Month

January February

24,700 5,700
June July




Reason for Displacement

Why did these people travel to Mogadishu?

Source of Displacement
Where are these IDPs coming from?

Reason for Displacement

Why did these people travel to Mogadishu?

Source of Displacement
Where are these IDPs coming from?

Why did these people travel to Mogadishu?

Reason for Displacement

Source of Displacement
Where are these IDPs coming from?



During the first quarter, 2,200 people were reported to have been evicted from IDP settlements in the Afgooye corridor and moved to Mogadishu.
7% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter

0 1 - 2,999


3,000 - 5,999
6,000 - 8,999 9,000 - 11,999

Galgaduud 2,200

100 people were reported to have been evicted from IDP settlements in the Afgooye corridor and moved to Mogadishu. 1% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter Insecurity related displacements to Mogadishu were mainly from Afgooye (848) and Xudur (270) districts. Other districts include Kismaayo, Baydhaba and Warsheikh. 16% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter


No data reported, to date. 0% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter All these 284 cases of security-related movements to Mogadishu were reported from Kurtunwaarey district in 1% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter

1 - 999
1,000 - 1,999 2,000 - 2,999


1 - 999 1,000 - 2,999

3,000 - 5,999 6,000 - 9,999 10,000+


2,300 people were reported to have moved from Afgooye (2,240) and Warshiek (69) districts to Moagdishu due to insecurity related reasons. 7% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter

3,000 - 3,999

Bakool 170


Lack of Livelihood
An estimated 5,920 people moved from Afgooye district to Mogadishu for livelihood -related reasons. Meanwhile, an additional 330 people moved from Bal'cad district. These movements are likely to be

Bakool 1,000

Shabelle Dhexe 550

Bakool 2,900

Galgaduud 100

Hiraan 500
Shabelle Dhexe 6,900 MOGADISHU

Lack of Livelihood

Lack of Livelihood
No data reported, to date.


Bay 1,500 Juba Dhexe 250


No data reported, to date.

0% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this

Bay 4,300

Shabelle Hoose 2,800


Bay 6,800 Shabelle Hoose 14,000

Shabelle Dhexe 900


0% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter

20% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter

Shabelle Hoose 20,000


The first quarter witnessed the largest number of drought-related displacements to Mogadishu in 2011. 5,220 people were reported to have been displaced from Afgooye district. Other drought displaced travelled from Wanla Weyne (2,740), Balcad (2,143) Ceel Dheer (2,220), Jowhar (1,170) amongst other districts. 66% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter

Drought was the leading reason for displacement to Mogadishu in the second quarter. Most people travelled from Diinsoor (1,660), Baydhaba (1,440) and Qansax Dheere (1,060) districts.
83% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter

Juba Hoose 110



Shabelle Hoose region produced the highest number of drought-related displacements to Mogadishu. Its two districts of Qoryooley and Kurtunwaarey were the top contributors with 5,443 and 3,461 respectively. Other contributors are Dinsoor (2,315), Marka (1,893), Baydhaba (1862), Xudur (1528 and Qansax Dheere(1,446) amongst other districts. 99% of all arrivals in Mogadishu this quarter

Areas Receiving IDP Influx

Where did these IDPs travel to in Mogadishu?

Areas Receiving IDP Influx

Where did these IDPs travel to in Mogadishu?

Areas Receiving IDP Influx

Where did these IDPs travel to in Mogadishu?

Haliwaa 40

Hawl Wadaag Hodan 1,000

Hodan 1,500


Kaaraan 120 Hodan 3,800 Shangaani 360

Boondheere 1,200

Kaaraan 100

Wadajir 4,500

Xamar Weyne 150 Xamar Jabjab 100

No arrivals reported
1 - 4,999 Dharkenley

Wadajir 3,600

Waaberi 50

Dharkenley 25,000


Xamar Weyne 600

No arrivals reported

1 - 999 1,000 - 1,999

2,000 - 2,999 3,000 - 3,999

Wadajir 6,100
Dharkenley 12,000

Waaberi 1,100

Shangaani 100
Xamar Weyne 1,600 No arrivals reported

1 - 999 1,000 - 1,999

2,000 - 4,999 5,000 - 11,999

5,000 - 9,999 10,000 - 14,999

15,000 - 19,999

Xamar Jabjab 200




This data has been collected through the IASC Population Movement Tracking (PMT) system. PMT is designed to capture population movement trends, not cumulative population data. Due to the fluid nature of displacement in Somalia and in order to avoid capturing multiple displacements, UNHCR limits the reporting range to a period of three months - these figures should therefore not be added and used cumulatively.

For further information contact: Andreas Needham, Public Information Officer (

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