Health Promotion, Education and HIV-AIDS AWARENESS

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Health Promotion and Education
At the end of the lecture, students are expected
Identify the different concepts and ideas related
to health, health education, and HIV- AIDS.
Explain the importance of maintaining a
healthy lifestyle and changing their habits that
affect their fitness and healthy life.
Design a Diagram of a Healthy Person with
promotional slogan on HIV-AIDS Awareness.
Create an advocacy for the promotion of a
healthy environment and awareness for HIV-
1. Are you healthy? Why?

2. How do you define a healthy


What are the characteristics of

a healthy person?

3. Have you been sent to the

Health Education
Five Key Areas in Health Promotion
and Education
Five Health Promotion Approach
Outline Medical Approach
Behavior Change Approaches
Educational approach
In Client-Centered Approach
Societal Change Approach
Healthy Lifestyle
Promote a healthy lifestyle
Advocacy for Health R.A. 9163
Health Education
Health Health for All
A state of complete It is the attainment by
physical, social and all the people of the
mental well-being, and world of a level of health
not merely the absence that will permit them to
of disease or infirmity. lead a socially and
economically productive
Health Education
Health Public health
Promotion It is the science and art
of promoting health,
The process of enabling
preventing disease, and
people by strengthening
prolonging life through
their skills and
the organized efforts of
capabilities as well as
changing their social,
environmental and
economic condition.

Health Education
Health education comprises consciously constructed
opportunities for learning how to promote individual
and public health.
1. Promote social responsibility
Five Key Areas for health

in Health 2. Increase investments for

health development
Promotion and
Education 3.Expand partnerships for
health promotion
In the 21st century the Jakarta
Declaration of the World Health
4. Increase community
Organizations (WHO) identifies five capacity and empower the
priorities in health promotion and individual

5. Secure an infrastructure for

health promotion
1. Medical Approach
Five Health the freedom from disease and disability as
Promotion defined by medical, such as infectious diseases,
cancer and heart disease
Approach 2. Behavior Change Approaches
To change community attitudes and individual
Various models of health behavior, so they took this healthy lifestyle.
promotion and health
education are useful
analytical tool, which
can help clarify goals 3. Educational approach
and values of health To provide information and ensure knowledge
promotion. and understanding of the matter of health.

Information about health is presented, and
4. In Client-Centered Approach
Five Health  - This approach is to work with clients to help
Promotion them identify what they want to know and do,
and make their own decisions and choices
Approach according to their interests and values.
-  Self empowered client

Various models of health 5. Societal Change Approach

promotion and health
to make changes in the physical environment,
education are useful
analytical tool, which
social and economic development, in order to
can help clarify goals make it more conducive to a healthy state.
and values of health

According to the World Health

Organization (WHO), Health not
just defined as the absence of
disease it is a state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-
being. Interestingly enough
81% 81%
Healthy lifestyle then are the
steps, actions and strategies one
puts in place to achieve optimum
and maximum health. It is about
making smart and informed
decision in maintaining our
How to promote
a healthy
  Balanced Diet
lifestyle?   Pattern break
  Exercise
  Free from dangerous
addictive substances
  Balancing spirituality
Advocacy for Health
An over-all design for health
promotion and education
which is a combination of
individual and social actions
designed to gain political
commitment, policy support,
social acceptance and
systems support for a
particular health goal or
How can we help in Health
Promotion and Education?
Create living conditions which are conducive to health and the
achievement of healthy lifestyles.
The use of the mass media and available multi-media in
educating our community of the current and updated health
policies of the government
Direct political lobbying to policy makers
Community Mobilization through, coalitions of interest around
defined issues.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Unlike a common cold or flu virus
that stays in the body only for a few
days when a person becomes
infected with HIV, the person
becomes "HIV positive" for a lifetime.

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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
caused by HIV. In simple terms,
people treat AIDS as advanced HIV

The immunity system of a person

with AIDS is weakened by HIV that
the person will get sick easily and
find it difficult to recover from such
simple diseases.
What are the symptoms of HIV infection or AIDS

The first symptoms of HIV infection might resemble

symptoms of common cold or flu viruses.

Other early symptoms of early infection are also

similar to other sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
and other infections like hepatitis and tuberculosis.
HIV and AIDS Symptoms
Those who do have symptoms generally
experience fever, fatigue, and, often, rash.

Yet other HIV infected persons do not

exhibit any of the symptoms above,
as such, the only way to confirm is to test
the presence of HIV antibodies.
How do I get HIV?
 If you are exposed to the body fluids of
a person containing HIV which includes:
  Blood (including menstrual blood)
  Semen and possibly pre-seminal
fluid ("pre-cum")
  Vaginal secretion
  Breast milk
 Sharing needles when shooting drugs
 Home tattooing and body piercing
 Accidental needle sticks
 Blood transfusions
 Childbirth and Breast-feeding
False ideas on the transfer of HIV
from an infected person:

  Saliva, tears, sweat, feces, or urine

  Hugging
  Kissing
  Massage
  Shaking hands
  Insect bites
  Living in the same house with someone who
has HIV
  Sharing showers or toilets with someone with
How should I prevent being infected
with HIV?
  Keeping a strong moral foundation and
spirituality to guide youth and
individuals away from engaging in unsafe sex
and promiscuity
  Avoid or do not try to get a tattoo or body
  Always make sure that syringe used on you
for medical purposes are sanitized and new
  Always make sure that the blood transfused
or donated are HIV free
What are sexually transmitted
disease ad its relation to HIV?

a common sexually transmitted
disease (STD) caused by
Chlamydia trachomatis,
bacteria that can damage a
woman's reproductive organs like
infertility, and can cause foul
discharge from the penis of an
infected patient.
What are sexually transmitted
disease ad its relation to HIV?

§it has no symptoms but may
cause unusual genital discharge
for both men and women. The
disease can also increase a
person’s risk of acquiring HIV and
pregnant women can deliver
premature, low birth weight babies.
What are sexually transmitted
disease ad its relation to HIV?

the disease damages
not just the
reproductive organ of
the infected person
but can affect the
anus, eyes, mouth,
genitals, or throat
What are sexually transmitted
disease ad its relation to HIV?
Human papilloma

virus (HPV)
One silent killer among the list
of sexually transmitted
diseases for it is asymptomatic,
unrecognized, or subclinical
and yet a leading cause of
cervical cancers among
What are sexually transmitted
disease ad its relation to HIV?

Genital herpes
like HIV there is no cure for
Herpes and at an early stage it
doesn’t exhibit symptoms to an
infected person. The swollen
genital may not be enough to
make sure you are inflicted with
herpes, a laboratory test is
needed to validate the
What are sexually transmitted
disease ad its relation to HIV?

one of the most common and
easily diagnose STD is Syphilis
and is easy to cure in its early
stages. Symptoms include a
firm, round, small, and painless
sore on the genitals, anus, or
mouth, or a rash on the body,
especially on the palms of the
hands or the soles of the feet.
What are sexually transmitted
disease ad its relation to HIV?

Hepatitis B
virus (HBV)
Hepatitis could easily be
transferred from an
infected person to
his/her partner thru
sexual intercourse.
The Role of AdU NSTP in Combating HIV
Infection and AIDS

Adamson University Safe sex for AdU NSTP

safeguards the only means marital
sanctity of the family sex within the bound
and marriage life, and parameter of
thus, it has a firm moral and upright
stand against pre- marital life
marital sex and
extra-marital sex .

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