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‘n Pa vir saterdag

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1. Gee die letterlike en figuurlike betekenisse van die title

 Die letterlike of denotatiewe betekenis is dat Tino ‘n pa nodig het vir die pa-seun-rugbywedstryd
wat Saterdag plaasvind. Die figuurlike of konnotatiewe betekenis is dat Tino lewenslank ‘n behoefte
aan sy pa het
2. Watter soort verteller is daar in hierdie kortverhaal?
 Derdepersoonverteller
3. Lewer kommentaar oor die soorte verteller in hierdie kortverhaal
 Want die storie word deur ‘n derde persoon vertel wat objektief behoorte wees, maar die verteller in
hierde kortverhaal is nie objektief nie, want ons kry die storie vanuit slegs Tino se perspektief
4. Bespreek die TWEE tipes konflik, met voorbeelde, wat in hierdie verhaal voorkom
 Daar is twee tipes konflik wat ‘n mens kryinnerlike en uiterlike (eksterne) konflik. Innerlike konflik
beteken die stryd of probleem is in die karakter se eie kop. Uiterlike konflik beteken die stryd of
probleem is tussentwee of meer karakters
5. Gee DRIE voorbeelde hoe spanning in hierdie kortverhaal opgebou is
 Wanneer ons van Tino se dagdroom aan die begin van die storie lees
 Wanneer ons hoof dat Tino ‘n pa vir die pa-seun-wedstryd in ‘n paar dae moet kry
 Tino lewens aan martin vertel
 Ons lees van Tino wat ‘n leer reem en op die dak van sy huis klim
6. Gee TWEE moontlike redes hoekom Tino eendag ‘n leer gebruik het om bo-op hulle huisdak te klim
 Hy self moord wil pleeg
 Hy wil sien of hy miskien sy pa in die verte kan sien kom
7. Wat, sal jy sê, is die rol van Tino se droom heel aan die begin van die kortverhaal?
 Sy begeerte om sy pa in sy lewe te hê wat hom sal aanspoor en trots op hom sal wees
8. Wie is die protagonis in die kortverhaal en gee ‘n rede vir jou antwoord?
 Tino-hy weet nie wie sy pa is nie en hy soek die hele lewe lank na sy pa
9. Wie is die antogonis in die kortverhaal en gee ‘n rede vir jou antwoord?
 Martin-hy pla Tino en wil hom uitvang want hy weet Tino lieg oor sy pa
10. Tino het ‘n vae idée van waar sy pa is. Motiveer hoekom hierdie stelling ONWAAR is.
 Want hy het hom op die troufoto gesien.
11. Watter rol speel Tino se ma in sy pyn en hartseer
 Hy kan nie vir sy ma oor sy pa vra nie want hy sien hoe sy ma huil wanneer sy na die foto kyk
12. Wat is Tino se ma se beroep?
 Sy is ‘n verpleegster
13. Tino se ma werk gewone werksure soos ander ouers. Motiveer hoekom hierdie antwoord ONWAAR is.
 Onmaar Nagskofte
14. Sal jy sê dat Tino se ma ‘n goeie ma was? Staaf jou antwoord

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 Nee, sy was onverant woordelik sy het nie vir hom kos gekook nie
15. Wie is Jerome?
 Jerome is ‘n leegleer wat beteken hy is nie ‘n men swat ‘n goeie lewe lei nie
16. Hoekom het Jerome eendag vir Tino R10,00 gegee?
 Hulle was trots op Tino se pretasie op die rugbyveld
17. Hoekom, dink jy, het Tino oor sy prestasies op die rugbyveld vir Jerome gelieg
 Hy wil erkenning van iemand kry wat soos ‘n pa figuur of ouer broer is
18. Hoekom was Tino eendag kwaad vir Jerome?
 Tino het vir Jerome gevra om sy pa te wees vir die pa-seun wedstryd en Jerome het geweir
19. How weet Tino dat hy ‘n pa het?
 Van die troufoto
20. Hoe reageer sy ma elke keer as sy na Tino se pa se foto kyk?
 Sy huil
21. Hoekom, dink jy, reageer sy ma so?
 Sy het dalk ‘n bitter
 Slegte ongelukkige en pynvolle verhouding met hom gehad
22. Watter bewys is daar in die kortverhaal dat Tino se afrigter van hom hou?
 Hy gee hom kans om gedurende die oefening te bewys
23. Hoekom het Tino eendag, toe hy aan sy pa gedink het, ‘n koeldrankblikkie uit sy pad geskop?
 Hy is kwaad sy pa is nie in sy lewe. Hy voel moedeloos
24. Tino was ‘n uitstekende rugbyspeler. Stem jy saam met hierdie stelling? Staaf jou antwoord
 Nee. Hy het op die banke gesit
25. Tino het eendag ‘n leer gaan haal en op die dag van sy huis geklim
25.1. Om watter rede het Tino dit gedoen?
 Om te sien of hy sy pa in die verte kan sien kom
25.2. Hoe het hierdie aksie van Tino spanning in die verhaal opgebou?
 Die leser dink dat hy gaan selfmoord pleeg
26. Wat, sal jy sê, was die klimaks in die verhaal?
 Die klimaks kom op die dag van die pa-seun wedstryd toe Tino aanvaar dat hy nie ‘n pa het nie en
dat hy dit vir almal gaans sê
27. Watter lewensles het jy uit hierdie kortverhaal geleer? Noem DRIE
 Jy moet ‘n goeie ouer wees en liefde en aandag aan jou kinders gee
 Moenie leuens vertel nie
 Wees jouself. Moenie verander om ander mense te vrede te maak nie
 Mense moet jou aanvaar soos jy is
28. Wat, dink jy, is die resep vir ‘n gelukkige gesin?
 Goeie kommunikasie
29. As jy enige raad aan Tino se ma kon gee, wat sou dit wees?
 Jy moet tyd vir jou kind maak

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30. As jy Tino was, hoe kon jy jou pa prober vind, as jy geen hulp van jou ma gekry het nie?
 Aansoek aan sosiale media plaas of so iets

‘n Pa vir Saterdag

1. Give the literal and figurative meaning of the title: The literal or denotative meaning is that
Tino needs a father-son rugby match that takes place on Saturday. The figurative or
connotative meaning is that Tino has a lifelong need for his father
2. What kind of narrator is there in this short story? Third person narrator
3. Comment on the types of narrator in this short story: Because the story is told by a third
person who should be objective, but the narrator in this short story is not objective, because
we get the story from only Tino’s perspective
4. Discuss the TWO types of conflict, with examples, that occur in this story: There are two
types of conflict that one encounters internal and external conflict, inner conflict means the
struggle or problem is in the character’s own head. Outward conflict means the flight or
problem is between two or more characters
5. Give THREE examples of how tension is built up in this short story
 When we read about Tino’s daydream at the beginning of the story
 When we hear that Tino should get a father for the father-son match in a few days
 Tino tells Martin’s lives
 We read of Tino riding a ladder and climbing on the roof of his house
6. Give TWO possible reasons why Tino once used a ladder to climb on top of their roof: He
wanted to commit suicide. He wants to see if he can see his father in the distance
7. What, would you say, is the role of Tino’s dream at the very beginning of the short story?
His desire to have his father in his life that will inspire him and be proud of him
8. Who is the protagonist in the short story and give a reason for your answer? Tino-he does
not know who is father is and he has been looking for his father all his life
9. Who is the antagonist in this short story and give a reason for your answer? Martin- he
bothers Tino and wants to catch him because he knows Tino is lying about his father
10. Tino has a vague idea of where his father is. Motivate why this statement is FALSE:
Because he saw him in the Wedding photo
11. What roles does Tino’s mother play in his pain and sadness? He can not ask his mother
about his father because he sees his mother crying when she looks at the picture
12. What is Tino’s mother’s profession? She is a nurse

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13. Tinos mother works normal working hours like other parents. Motivate why this answer is
FALSE: Onmaar Night shifts
14. Would you say that Tino’s mother was a good mother? Support your answer: No, she was
irresponsible she did not cook food for him
15. Who is Jerome? Jerome is an empty doctrine which means he is not a man who leads a
good life
16. Why did Jerome one day give Tino R10,00? They were proud of Tino’s performance on the
rugby field
17. Why do you think Tino lied to Jerome about his achievements on the rugby field: He wants
to get recognition from someone who is like a father figure or older brother
18. Why was Tino angry at Jerome oneday? Tino asked Jerome to be his father for the day
19. How does Tino know about his father: from the wedding photo
20. How does his mother react every time she looks at Tino’s father’s photo? She cries
21. Why do you think his mother reacts like that? She may be better. Had a bad unhappy and
painful relationship with him
22. What evidence is there in the short story that Tino’s coach likes him? He gives him a
chance to prove himself during the exercise
23. Why did Tino one day, when he thought of his father, kick a can of soda out of his way/ He
is angry his father is not in his life. He feels discouraged
24. Tino was an excellent rugby player. Do you agree with this statement? Support your answer:
No. He sat on the benches
25. Tino went to fetch a ladder one day and climbed home on the day. For what reason did Tino
do it? To see if he can see his father coming from afar
26. What, would you say, wasthe climax in the story ? The climax comes on the day of the
father-son match when Tino accepts that he does not have a fathe and that he says it to
27. What life lesson did you learn from this short story? Name THREE
 You must be a good parent and give love and attention to your children
 Do not tell lies
 Be yourself. Do not change to make other people happy
 People must accept you as you are
28. What do you think is the recipe for a happy family? Good communication
29. If you could give any advice to Tino’s mother, what would it be? You must make time for
your child

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30. If you were Tino, how could you try to find your father, if you did not get any help from your
mother? Application social media post or something
31. Name the author of the short story: Christo Davids
32. Name three characteristics of a short story: Map, No unnecessary detail, my characters,
usually a life lesson, sometimes a twist/ sting in the tail
33. Who is the main character in the short story? Tino
34. Name four facts that characterize him. Not a good sportsman, Just had a mom- dad
disappeared, still at school/ being teased, li easily
35. Name the rugby team that has Newlands as its home: Western Province
36. Why was the first paragraph written obliquely? Tino is sitting and daydreaming
37. Find four consecutive words on page 114 that show that the coach can be sarcastic. “How
cool of you…”
38. Who was ugly with Tino at the team talk? Martin
39. Find a comparison on page 114: There boys are “like a bunch of sardines”
40. Its Saturday Father’s and Son’s Day. What’s Tino’s problem? He does not have a father
41. What must Tino do to make the team play on Saturday? Hard practice proves itself
42. What do we call someone who is in the team but does not always play? “reserve”
43. How do we know that Tino’s mother is sad? Crying in her room at night/ not wanting to talk
about dad
44. Where is Tinos dad? He disappeared
45. What do you think happened to Tino’s father? Walked away/ divorced/ met other women
46. What is Tino’s moms profession(career)? Nurse
47. Who was “ player of the year” at Tino’s school? Martin
48. Name 4 lies that Tino tells: Dad is a businessman, Dad is coming Saturday, Dad played for
WP, Dad works for a big company, Dad works in Holland
49. Who knows that Tino is lying: The coach and Martin
50. Who is going to know on Saturday that Tino lied about his father? Everyone
51. Where/ when does he decide that he is going to have to tell the truth? In his mother’s room
after he climbed off the roof
52. What is the lesson in life that can be learned here? Your children are bery important and
you have responsibilities as a parent (responsibilities). Tell the truth, lies only make life
53. Place the following in the correct order according to the short story
 Tino’s father disappears

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 Tino dreams he is playing for his school
 Tino mocked at the team talk
 Tino lies to martin about his father
 Tino asks Jerome to be his “dad”
 Tino thinks about the lies he told
 He realizes he needs to tell the truth
 Tino tells the truth

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