Social Studies Socialisation Cube Project

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Social Studies Socialisation Cube Project

Instruction :
1. Choose a person (an actor/actress/athlete/public figure/etc)
2. Find out their background story especially how primary & secondary socialisation affect their life.
3. Support your information with at least 2 different sources.
4. Upload your completed project research notes to Acelios.
Rubric Criteria Highly Competent Competent Developing
(90%-100%) (60%-80%) (0-50%)
I can describe the socialisation I can explain in detail about the I can explain briefly about the I can explain briefly about the
process that “my person” had to socialisation process of my topic. socialisation process of my topic. socialisation process of my topic.
go through in his/her life. (Childhood, adolescence, adulthood) (Childhood, adolescence, adulthood) (either Childhood, adolescence,

I can independently make With help, I can make

connections: how the connections: how the
socialisation process shapes my socialisation process shapes my
person’s behaviour/decision in person’s behaviour/decision in
his/her later life. his/her later life.

I can mention main agencies that I can mention both Primary & I can mention both Primary & I can only list down either or
influence the behaviour of my Secondary Agencies as well as Secondary Agencies as well as both Primary & Secondary
topic. how they influence the behaviour how they influence the behaviour Agencies.
of my topic in detail (more than 3 of my topic briefly (3 bullet
bullet points). points).

I can use multiple reliable I use more than 2 reliable sources I use 2 reliable sources to support I use only 1 reliable source to
sources to support my to support my information. my information. support my information.
I can produce creative The information is easy to read, The information is easy to read The information is easy to read
presentations. clear and has supporting and uses minimal decoration or use a few decoration
decorations such as pictures/colours/ornaments. pictures/colours/ornaments.

Project Timeline
Tues/Wed Thursday Friday Monday Wed
(Aug 30/31) (Sept 1) (Sept 2) (Sept 5) (Sept 6)
- Project Introduction - Research: childhood - Research: adolescence - Moving the submission
& Overview socialisation & main socialisation & main information from notes
- Choose 1 person agencies agencies to the cube
- Decorate the cube
- Research: adulthood
socialisation & main

Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress

Project Research Notes
Prompt Information
(Key Words & Bullet Points ONLY)
Who is your person? Giannis Antetokoumpo is a NBA player
How does the socialisation process affect
“your person” to his/her later life?
Childhood Socialisation He raised by his mom and dad as a immigrant so he need to
help the family
Main Agencies
(Who were involved?)
Adolescence Socialisation He didn’t go to college so he straight away went to the nasional
team.His coach from Greece who saw him play.After that,he
got drafted in the NBA on the year 2013
Main Agencies
(Who were involved?)
Adulthood Socialisation He still puts his family first, having good friends in his
team,Then he had a girlfriend and a child.

Main Agencies
(Who were involved?)
Resources Link Finding Giannis | NBA on TNT ,

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