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Argumentative essay: Employees should be allowed to work from home.

Do you
agree or disagree?
I. Outline:
1. Introduction: Working from home has increasingly popular and necessary
since the worldwide breakout of Covid-19 pandemic. Some people argue
that there is no reason to decline this type of working trend and employees
should be given the freedom to work from home. Personally, I cast no
doubt on that statement.
2. Body paragraph:
- Convenience & Flexibility (don’t have to commute, not wearing polite or
company uniform,...)
- Raising productivity:
+ home is quieter than office, not having social distractions from
colleague => increasing attention level
+ taking breaks when needed, which psychologists said it benefits the
overall performance with the innovation, creativity and motivation of
- Have more work-life balance:
+use the time to commute to do their recreational activitities after
working hours
+ especially people have small child, employees will be able to spend
more time with their babies
- Concession: although it is true that working from home does not suit
everyone because the isolation they may feel, such kind of working can
actually increase productivity.
- Refutation: A significant problem of many occupants in modern times,
notably those in competitive office environment, is that they devote
most of their time to career and can not have enough time take care of
their family.
3. Conclusion:
In summary, working from home is considered to be a free choice of
employees for 3 main reasons: productivity boost, convenience and work-
life balance.
Working from home has increasingly popular and necessary since the
worldwide breakout of Covid-19 pandemic. Some people argue that there is
no reason to decline this type of working trend and employees should be
given the freedom to work from home. Personally, I cast no doubt on that
In the first place, employees may enjoy more convenience and flexibiltity
when working from home than siting at offices. They do not have to
commute a long way to their company, especially those who live faraway
from the city centre. Furthermore, if workers are allowed to work from
home, they can wear whatever they want instead of putting on courteous
clothes or company uniforms. Accordingly, workers will save up a lot of
time from commuting and getting dressed.
Secondly, although it is true that working from home does not suit
everyone because the isolation they may feel, such kind of working can
increase productivity. This might be explained by the fact that the working
space at home is often quieter than that at offices. Since occupants may not
have social distractions from colleagues, they can increase significantly
attention level on completing the task. Moreover, they also can take breaks
when needed, which psychologists said benefits the overall performance
with the innovation, creativity, and motivation of homeworkers.
Finally, employees can receive more work-life balance when working from
home. A significant problem of many occupants in modern times, notably
those in competitive office environments, is that they devote most of time
to their career and can not have enough time to take care of their family.
Hence, homeworkers can use the time to commute to do their recreational
activities or family bonding after working hours.
In summary, working from home is considered to be a free choice of
employees for 3 main reasons: productivity boost, convenience, and work-
life balance. It is recommended that companies should contemplate this
type of work.

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