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Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


08/ 15 Human sexuality is defined as the characteristics

NCM 107 | CONCEPT OF UNITIVE AND that make a man, a man, or a woman, a woman
PROCREATIVE HEALTH • Include the man or woman’s capability for
sexual feelings and behavior
UNITIVE • Includes his or her total personality
• Union of two individuals that is mutually (personality encompasses individuals
agreed to become one characteristics)
• Create and produce another life Human sexuality is complex, it goes beyond mere
• Thus, unitive, and procreative are sacred physical expressions and sexual organs
• Man and woman unite as one flesh (sex is 5 MAJOR COMPONENTS
unitive) 1. BIOLOGICAL SEX – this pertains to being
• Needs to be open to possibility of having a male or female; includes biological
children (sex is procreative) concerns on reproductive anatomy and
PURPOSES • Humans have 2 sexes – male and female
1. Strengthen the couple and allows them to • Men’s sperm has 2 types of chromosomes
express their love in a powerful way (X and Y) that determines the sex of the
(unitive) baby | XX – female; XY – male
2. Leads to the creation of new life 2. SEXUAL ORIENTATION – sexual
(procreation) preference of an individual with regards
to the sex of a person he/ she is attracted
to or the sex of his/ her partner in a
SEXUALITY | the whole you sexual relationship
• Is the totality of each individual’s • Many scientists share the view that sexual
personhood orientation is shaped for most people at
• This encompasses the individual’s total an early age through complex interactions
personality, way of thinking, behaving, of biological, psychological, and social
loving, and relating with God and other factors (these 3 interacts with each other
individuals to shape one’s sexual orientation thus
BEING ABLE TO TALK OPENLY AND HONESTLY early age is a critical age)
1. Help us sort our feelings pertains to a person’s feelings about the
2. Develop our own personal sexual body and being a man or woman
standards • It includes concerns on relationships and
3. Enable us to understand others point of intimacy, sexual response, sexual
view awakening, and other sexual concerns,
4. Obtain information needed to make such as frigidity and impotence
responsible sexual decisions • Two major questions associated with
sexual identity
Ignorance on sexuality or lack of information a. Who am I sexually?
about your body can also cause disappointments b. How do I relate to others as a sexual
and inability to give and receive sexual pleasure partner?
• Our body is a gift from God | it is 4. GENDER IDENTITY – psychological sense
something to be appreciated and should of being male or female, and personal
not be ashamed of and or social norms for feminine or
masculine behavior

Sophia Lynre Celestial 1

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


a.Is about an individual’s sex roles – social • For male

norms and values that develop the a. Distention of the penis
relative power, responsibilities, and b. Heart rate increases to 100 to 175 beats
behavior of women and men per minute
b. Prescribed gender roles, however, can be c. RR 40 per minute
influenced and changed 3. Orgasm (shortest stage)
5. VALUES AND ATTITUDES, FEELINGS, AND • Usually experienced as intense pleasure
EMOTIONS – about life, love, and people affecting the whole body | highly
each individual life has touched personal experience: descriptions of
HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE orgasms vary greatly from person to
• Sexual experience is unique to each person
individual but sexual physiology has • Occurs when stimulation proceeds
common features through the plateau stage at which the
SEXUAL RESPONSE CYCLE: 4 STAGES body suddenly discharges accumulated
1. Excitement sexual tension
2. Plateau • Vigorous contraction of muscles in the
3. Orgasm pelvic area; expels or dissipates blood
4. Resolution and fluid from the area of congestion
a. For female: average number of
1. Excitement contractions: 8 to 15 at intervals of 1 q
• Occurs with physical and psychological 0.8 seconds
stimulation b. For male: muscle contraction surrounding
the seminal vessels and prostate project
semen-followed by 3 to 7 propulsive
ejaculatory contractions
4. Resolution
• The period during which the external and
internal genital organs return to an
unaroused state
• For female • For female
a. Clitoris increases in size a. Do not go through this refractory period;
b. Mucoid fluid to appear on vaginal walls possibly for women who are interested
as lubrication and properly stimulated to have
c. Vagina widens in diameter and increase additional orgasms immediately after the
in length first
d. Nipples become erect • For male
• For male a. Refractory period occurs during which
a. Penile erection scrotal thickening further orgasm is possible
b. Elevation of testes • Here, both men and women have a 30-
• For both sexes – increase in heart and minute resolution period
respiratory rates and blood pressure
2. Plateau
• Is reached before orgasm MATERNAL CHILD NURSING | anatomy and
• For female physiology; male and female reproductive system
a. Clitoris is drawn forward and retracts
under the clitoral prepuce
b. Lower part of vagina becomes extremely
c. Increase nipple elevation

Sophia Lynre Celestial 2

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


h. CERVIX – narrow opening of the vagina;

helps to protect the uterus from outside
contaminants; connection between the
uterus and the vagina
i. FALLOPIAN TUBE – an important
passageway for an egg and a sperm to
meet and for a fertilized egg (embryo) to
make its way to your uterus
• These are narrow tubes that are attached
to the upper part of the uterus and serve
as pathways for the ova (egg cells) to
travel from the ovaries to the uterus
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM; GENITALS j. PELVIS (bony pelvis or pelvic girdle) – it
a. VULVA – the outer genital area; includes is a basin-shaped structure that supports
the clitoris, the labia majora, and labia the spinal column and protects the
minora abdominal organs; lower part of the
b. CLITORIS – most sensitive part of the torso; located between the abdomen and
genital area; a pea shaped organ that’s the legs; bony part that will take part
full of nerve endings since its only during pregnancy; abdominal organs are
purpose is to provide sexual pleasure protected by this
c. LABIA MAJORA (outer lips) – surrounds
the opening to the vagina; made out of
fatty tissue that cushions and protects the
vaginal opening | between these outer
lips are labia minora
d. LABIA MINORA (inner lips) – sensitive to
sexual pleasure; as they are stimulated,
they get deeper in color and swell
e. VAGINA – a muscular tunnel that
connects the uterus to the outside of the
body; provides an exit for the menstrual
fluid; and an entrance for the semen
f. UTERUS (the so-called womb) – place PELVIC DIVISIONS
where the fertilized egg grows and 1. FALSE PELVIS
develops into a baby during pregnancy; a
• Shallow upper basin of the pelvis
hollow organ shaped like a pear and
most of the time it is relatively small, • Supports the enlarging uterus but not
about the size of a fist | largest organ in important obstetrically
the female reproductive system; best 2. LINEA TERMINALIS
place where the baby grows; on both • Plane dividing upper of false pelvis from
sides of the uterus are pouches called lower or true pelvis
ovaries 3. TRUE PELVIS
g. OVARIES – contain unfertilized eggs or • Consists of the pelvic inlet, pelvic cavity,
ova; when one of these ova (called an and pelvic outlet
ovum) unites with a man’s sperm, it is • Bony canal through which the infant pass
fertilized and may eventually produce a • Measurements of true pelvis influence the
child conduct and progress of labor and
• Semen – contains sperm delivery
• No ova, no fertilization thus no pregnancy

Sophia Lynre Celestial 3

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


1. They produce, maintain, and transport

sperm (the male reproductive cells) and
semen (the protective fluid around sperm)
2. They discharge sperm into the female
reproductive tract
3. They produce and secrete male sex


a. TESTICLES (pl. testes) – are encased in
the scrotal sac, the testes are oval organs
about the size of very large olives that lie
in the scrotum, secured at either end by a
structure called the spermatic cord |
responsible for making testosterone, the
TYPES OF PELVIS primary male sex hormone, and for
producing sperm
b. SCROTUM (holds the testicles, also called
as testes) – rugated, skin-covered,
muscular pouch suspended from the
• Supports the testes to help regulate the
temperature of the sperm
• Special muscles in the wall of the scrotum
allow it to contract (lighten) and relax,
moving the testicles closer to the body
for warmth and protection or farther away
from the body to cool the temperature
c. PENIS – male organ for sexual
intercourse; contains many sensitive
nerve endings
1. GYNECOID – normal female pelvis, well-
rounded, and most favorable for • The opening of the urethra – the tube
successful labor and birth that transports both semen and urine out
2. ANDROID – wedge-shaped or angulated; of the body is located at the tip of the
seen normal in males; not favorable for glans penis
labor • Semen (contains sperm) is expelled
3. ANTHROPOID – oval shaped and the (ejaculated) through the end of the penis
outlet is adequate with a normal or when a man reaches sexual climax
narrow pubic arch (vertically longer) (orgasm); when the penis erect, the flow
4. PLATYPELLOID – flat in shape with an of urine is blocked from the urethra,
oval inlet (horizontally longer) allowing only semen to be ejaculated at
(external and internal divisions)
• Includes a group of organs that make up
a man’s reproductive and urinary system
| these organs do the following jobs
within your body:

Sophia Lynre Celestial 4

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


• Contributes additional fluid to the

ejaculate; prostate fluids also help to
nourish the sperm
• The urethra, which carries the ejaculate to
be expelled during orgasm, runs through
the center of the prostate gland
• These glands produce a clear, slippery
fluid that empties directly into the
• Hypospadias – abnormal opening on the urethra; this fluid serves to lubricate the
bottom of the urethra urethra and to neutralize any acidity that
• Epispadias – abnormal opening on the may be present due to residual drops of
top of the urethra urine in the urethra
d. EPIDIDYMIS – long, coiled tube that rests f. BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS (Cowper’s
on the backside of each testicle; it carries glands) – are pea-sized structures located
and stores sperm cells that are created in on the sides of the urethra, just below the
the testes prostate gland
• Brings the sperm to maturity – the sperm
that emerge from the testes are immature
and incapable of fertilization; during 08/ 23
sexual arousal, contractions force the NCM 107 | PHYSIOLOGY OF MENSTRUATION
sperm into the vas deferens
MALE INTERNAL STRUCTURES Four body structures are involved:
a. VAS DEFERENS – long, muscular tube a. Hypothalamus
that travels from the epididymis into the b. Pituitary gland
pelvic cavity, to just behind the bladder | c. Ovaries
transports mature sperm to the urethra in d. Uterus
preparation for ejaculation • All structures must contribute their part
b. EJACULATORY DUCTS – are formed by to complete the menstrual cycle
the fusion of the vas deferens and the • Inactivity of any part, incomplete/
seminal vesicles; the ejaculatory ducts ineffective cycle
empty into the urethra
c. URETHRA – tube that carries urine from a. HYPOTHALAMUS
the bladder to outside of your body | in • The release of GnRH (Gonadotropin-
males, it has the additional function of releasing hormone) (also called luteinizing
expelling (ejaculating) semen when you hormone releasing hormone or LHRH) by
reach orgasm; expels urine and semen the hypothalamus initiates the menstrual
d. SEMINAL VESICLES – sac-like pouches cycle
that attach to the vas deferens near the • When the levels of estrogen (produced by
base of the bladder the ovaries) rises, release of the hormone
• Make a sugar-rich fluid (fructose) that is repressed thus no menstrual cycle
provides sperm with a source of energy b. PITUITARY GLAND
and helps with the sperms’ ability to • Under the influence of the GnRH
move (motility); the fluid of the seminal (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone), the
vesicles makes up most of the volume of anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
your ejaculatory fluid or ejaculate | no produces two hormones that act on the
fructose, sperm cannot meet the ovum ovaries to further influence menstrual
e. PROSTATE GLAND – a walnut-sized cycle
structure that’s located below the urinary 1. FSH – active in early cycle; responsible for
bladder in front of the rectum maturation of the ovum

Sophia Lynre Celestial 5

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


2. LH – most active at the midpoint of the within 25-35 days (average cycle), to
cycle; responsible for ovulation, or release more than 36 days (long cycle)
of the mature egg cell from the ovary; • The post-ovulatory days are usually fixed
growth of the uterine lining during the in all of these cycles (11 – 16 days)
second half of the menstrual cycle • It is the pre-ovulatory days that vary in
c. OVARY length
• One of the ovary’s primordial follicles is PHASES OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE
activated by FSH to begin to grow and a. MENSTRUAL PHASE
mature – at the stage of maturation it is • The first day of the cycle is the first day of
termed as Graafian follicle menstruation
• After the upsurge of LH from the • Includes all days of menstrual bleeding
pituitary, prostaglandins are released and • Bleeding: the shredding of the thickened
the Graafian follicle ruptures (termed as uterine lining
Corpus Luteum) b. MENSTRUAL PHASE
• The ovum is set free from the surface of • During menstruation: ovaries are resting,
the ovary, a process termed as ovulation cervix is open
d. UTERUS • Basal body temperature is low, 36 to
• Stimulation from the hormones produced 35.5 degree Celsius when a drop in
by the ovaries causes specific monthly estrogen and progesterone occurs
effects on the uterus • Menstrual flow contains approximately
30-80 ml of blood (Marieb | 50-150 ml)
• Iron loss approximately 11 mg – need to
take iron supplement to prevent iron
c. PROLIFERATIVE PHASE (also called as
estrogenic, follicular, and postmenstrual)
• Immediately after a menstrual flow
endometrium or lining of the uterus, is
very thin (1 cell layer in depth)
• As the ovary begins to produce estrogen
(produced by the growing follicles) – the
endometrium begins to proliferate
• This growth is very rapid and increases
the thickness of the endometrium
approximately eightfold
MENSTRUAL CYCLE d. SECRETORY PHASE (also known as luteal,
• Begins on the first day of menstrual pre-menstrual, and progestational phase)
bleeding and ends on the day before the • Rising levels of progesterone production
next menstrual bleeding begins again by the corpus luteum of the ovary act on
• Menstrual bleeding is due to the the estrogen-primed endometrium and
shedding of the uterine lining previously increase its blood supply even more
prepared for implantation, indicating that • Progesterone causes the endometrium to
no implantation has occurred increase in size and to begin to secreting
• When the menstrual bleeding begins, nutrients into the uterine cavity (e.g.,
several eggs have begun to grow in the glycogen and mucin – proteins)
ovaries • Capillaries of the endometrium increase in
• The fertility cycle of a women varies in amount until the lining takes on the
length from below 24 days (short cycle), appearance of rich, spongy velvet

Sophia Lynre Celestial 6

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


e.ISCHEMIC PHASE • Spinnbarkeit test also known as fibrosity

• If fertilization does not occur, corpus (it can be stretched into long strands) and
luteum degenerates after 8 to 10 days fern test (cervical mucus forms fernlike
• As it regresses, the production of patterns)
estrogen and progesterone decreases CONCEPTION
• With the withdrawal of progesterone 1. Natural conception – interaction of many
stimulation, the endometrium of the factors including:
uterus begins to degenerate (approx. day a. Correct timing between release of mature
24 or day 25 of the cycle) ovum at ovulation
• The capillaries rupture, with minute b. Ejaculation of enough healthy, mature,
hemorrhages, and the endometrium motile sperm into the vagina | although
sloughs off exact viability is unknown, the ovum may
CHARACTERISTICS OF A NORMAL CYCLE survive no longer than 24 hours after its
• Average age of onset is about 12.4 years release at ovulation
average range 9-17 years old • Most sperm survive no more than 24
• Average cycle is 28 days; cycles 23-35 hours in the female reproductive tract
days in length not unusual • Although few may remain fertile in the
• Duration of the average flow is 2-7 days woman’s reproductive tract for as long as
5 days (Guyton and Hall, 2000)
• Average amount of menstrual flow is 30-
80 ml per menstrual period | saturating
pad in less than an hour is heavy • Before ovulation, several oocytes begin to
bleeding mature under the influence of:
1. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone); and
• Color is dark red (blood, mucus, and cells)
2. LH (luteinizing hormone) from the
• Odor resembles a marigold flower woman’s anterior pituitary gland
• Each maturing oocytes is contained within
• Dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation a sac called the graafian follicle, which
• Amenorrhea – absence of menses produces estrogen and progesterone to
• Menorrhagia – excessive blood flow prepare the endometrium for possible
• Metrorrhagia – bloody vaginal discharge pregnancy
between periods (spotting) RELEASE OF THE OVUM
INDICATIONS OF OVULATION • Ovulation occurs approx. 14 days before
• Occurs 12-14 days before the onset of next menstrual period would begin
the next menses • The follicle develops a weak spot on the
• Uterine lining continues to thicken ready surface of the ovary and ruptures,
to receive the fertilized egg releasing the mature ovum with its
• Slight drop of temperature about 0.5 surrounding cells onto the surface of the
degree Celsius ovary
• Cervical mucus is abundant, wet, slippery, • The collapsed follicle is transformed into
stretchy and clear | this mucus helps the corpus luteum, which maintains high
sperms live and swim to reach the egg; it estrogen and progesterone secretion for
nourishes the sperms final preparation of the uterine lining for
• Vaginal sensation is wet a fertilized ovum
• Cervical os (the opening in the cervix at OVUM TRANSPORT
each end of the endocervical canal) • Mature ovum is released where it is
dilates slightly and soft picked up by the fimbriated (fringed) ends
• Estrogen drops a bit, but remains high of the fallopian tube
• Progesterone begins to rise • Ovum – transported through the tube by:

Sophia Lynre Celestial 7

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


1. Muscular action of the tube; and • Sperm does not immediately ready to
2. Movement of cilia within the tube fertilize the ovum when they are
• Fertilization normally occurs in the distal ejaculated
third of the fallopian tube (ampulla) • During the trip to the ovum, the sperm
• The ovum, fertilized or not, enters the undergo changes that enable one to
uterus approx. 3 days after its release penetrate the protective layers
from the ovary surrounding the ovum, a process called
1. Ejaculation; • During capacitation, a glycoprotein coat
2. Movement of the sperm in the female and seminal proteins are removed from
reproductive tract; and the acrosome (tip of the sperm head)
3. Preparation of the sperm for actual • After capacitation, the sperm look the
fertilization same but are more:
EJACULATION 1. Active; and
• When male ejaculates, average of 2.5 ml 2. Can better penetrate the corona radiata
semen containing 50-200 million (40- and zona pellucida surrounding the ovum
250 million) sperm/ ml • Sperm also undergo an acrosome
• The sperm are suspended in 2 to 5 ml of reaction to further prepare them to
seminal fluid (average: 2.5 ml) which: fertilize the ovum
1. Nourishes; and • Sperm that reach the ovum release:
2. Protects the sperm from acidic 1. Hyaluronidase
environment of the vagina (Blackburn, 2. Acrosin
2003) • To digest a pathway through the corona
• Many sperm are lost as the ejaculate radiata and zona pellucida
drips from the vaginal introitus • Their tails beat harder to propel them
• Other sperm are inactivated by acidic toward the center of the ovum
vaginal secretions • Eventually, 1 spermatozoon penetrates
• Or digested by vaginal enzymes and the ovum
phagocytes FERTILIZATION (e.g., conception, impregnation, or
• The seminal fluid coagulates slightly after fecundation)
ejaculation to hold the semen deeply in • Is the union of an ovum and a
the vagina spermatozoon
• Many sperm are relatively immobile for • Usually occurs in the outer third of a
approx. 15 to 30 minutes until other fallopian tube, the ampullar portion
seminal enzymes dissolve the coagulated • Usually only one ovum reaches maturity
fluid and allow the sperm to begin each month
moving upward through the cervix • Once it is released, fertilization must
TRANSPORT OF SPERM IN THE FEMALE occur fairly quickly because an ovum is
REPRODUCTIVE TRACT capable of fertilization for only 24 hours
• Whiplike movement of the tails of (48 hours at the most)
spermatozoa propels them through the • After that time, it atrophies and becomes
cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes nonfunctional
• Only sperm cells enter the cervix; the • Because the functional life of a
seminal fluid remains in the vagina spermatozoon is about 48 hours,
PREPARATION OF SPERM FOR FERTILIZATION possibly as long as 72 hours, the total
critical time span during which sexual
relations must occur for fertilization to be

Sophia Lynre Celestial 8

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


successful is about 72 hours (48 hours

before ovulation plus 24 hours afterward)
• Live, motile, and normal sperm
• Semen is supportive to pregnancy
• Fallopian tube patent
• Female hormones are present
• Fertilization takes place in the ampulla
• Zygote formation 12-14 days after
fertilization EMBRYONIC STAGE
• The zygote (fertilized ovum) takes 3-4 Week I
days to enter the uterus • Zygote formation
• It takes 7-10 days to complete the • Free flowing blastocysts
process of nidation or implantation Week III
2 FETAL (two chorioamniotic) MEMBRANES • 2 mm. in length
1. Amnion – inner membrane • Midline of the back are formed
2. Chorion – outer membrane • Heart is beginning to beat
Week V
• 4-6 mm. in length
• 4 g in weight
• Budding of limbs occur
Week VI
• 3 cm. in length
• 2 g in weight
• Eyelids begin to appear
• 8 cm. in length
•The two membranes are so close as to be • 45 g in weight
one (the bag of waters), but they can be • Face well formed
separated • Spontaneous movement occur
• If the membranes rupture in labor, FETAL CIRCULATION
amnion and chorion usually rupture • As early as the third week of intrauterine
together, releasing the amniotic fluid life, fetal blood begins to exchange
within the sac nutrients with the maternal circulation
DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE across the chorionic villi
1. Zygote • Fetal circulation differs from extrauterine
• 12-14 days after fertilization circulation in several aspects
• Time the ovum is fertilized until implanted • During intrauterine life, the fetus derives
in the uterus O2 and excretes CO2 not from O2
2. Embryo exchange in the lungs but from the
• 3-8 weeks after fertilization placenta
• Most vulnerable to teratogens • Blood does enter the blood vessels of the
3. Fetus lungs (utero) but this blood flow is to
• 9 weeks from fertilization to term supply the cells of the lungs themselves,
• Up to 38-42 of gestation not for O2 exchange

Sophia Lynre Celestial 9

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


• Blood arriving at the fetus from the • The heart and blood vessels continue to
placenta is highly oxygenated develop
• Then, this blood enters the uterus thru • And the lungs, stomach, and liver start to
the umbilical vein (called vein even develop
though it carries oxygenated blood • A home pregnancy test is now positive
because the direction of the blood is FETAL DEVELOPMENT AT 8 WEEKS
toward the fetal heart) • The baby is now a little over half an inch
• This vein carries the blood to the inferior in size
vena cava thru the ductus venosus, which • Eyelids and ears are forming, and the tip
allows oxygenated blood to be supplied of the nose is visible
directly to the fetal liver • The arms and legs are well formed
• Oxygenated blood then empties into the • The fingers and toes grow longer and
inferior vena cava more distinct
• Carried to the right side of the heart FETAL DEVELOPMENT AT 12 WEEKS
(right atrium of the heart) • The fetus measures about 2 inches and
• Because there is no need for the bulk of starts to make its own movements
blood to pass thru the lungs since fetal • You may start to feel the top of your
lungs are nonfunctional, it is shunted, as uterus above the pelvic bone
it enters the right atrium, into the left • Your doctor may hear the baby’s
atrium thru the opening in the atrial heartbeat with special instruments
septum, called the foramen ovale
• The sex organs of the baby should start
• From the left atrium, it follows the course to become clear
of normal circulation into the left ventricle FETAL DEVELOPMENT AT 16 WEEKS
and into the aorta
• The fetus now measures about 4.3 to 4.6
• A small amount of blood that returns to inches and weighs about 3.5 ounces
the heart via the vena cava does leave the
• The top of your uterus should be felt
right atrium by the adult circulatory route;
about 3 inches below your belly button
that is, thru the tricuspid valve into the
right ventricle and then into the • The baby’s eyes can blink, and the heart
pulmonary artery and lungs to service the and blood vessels are fully formed
lung tissue • The baby’s fingers and toes should have
• However, the larger the portion of even fingerprints
this blood is shunted away from the lungs FETAL DEVELOPMENT AT 20 WEEKS
thru the additional structure, the ductus • The baby weighs about 10 ounces and is
arteriosus, directly into descending aorta a little over 6 inches long
• Most of the blood flow from the • Your uterus should be at the level of your
descending aorta is transported by the belly button
umbilical arteries (called arteries, even • The baby can suck a thumb, yawn,
though they are now transporting stretch, and make faces
deoxygenated blood, because they are • Soon, if you haven’t already, you will feel
carrying blood away from the fetal heart) your baby move, which is called
• Back through the umbilical cord to the quickening (first fetal movement)
placental villi, where new oxygen TIMES FOR AN ULTRASOUND
exchange takes place • An ultrasound is generally performed for
FETAL DEVELOPMENT AT 4 WEEKS all pregnant women at 20 weeks of
• At this point of development, the gestation
structures that eventually form the face
and neck are becoming evident

Sophia Lynre Celestial 10

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


• The baby’s heartbeat and movement of BIRTH

its body, arms, and legs can also be seen • A mother’s due date marks the end of her
on the ultrasound 40th week
• The gender of the baby can usually be • Pregnancy can last between 38 and 42
determined at 20 weeks weeks with a full-term delivery occurring
• The fetus weighs about 1.4 pounds now • Some post-term pregnancies – those
• It responds to sounds by moving or lasting more than 42 weeks – are not
increasing its pulse truly post-term
• You may notice jerking motions if it • A common cause is an incorrect due date,
hiccups for safety reasons, most babies are
• With the inner ear fully developed, it may delivered by 42 weeks, inducing labor if
be able to sense being upside down in necessary
FETAL DEVELOPMENT AT 28 WEEKS 1. Naegele’s rule – count back 3 months
• The fetus weighs about 2 pounds 6 from the first day of LMP and add seven
ounces and one year (-3+7+1)
• It changes position frequently at this 2. Ultrasonography – estimates fetal age
point in pregnancy from head measurements
3. Fundal height – measurement of fundal
• There’s a good chance of survival if your
height from the top of symphysis pubis to
baby is born prematurely now
the top of the fundus with a flexible, non-
a. Ask your doctor about preterm labor
stretchable tape measure; used as a gross
warning signs
estimate of dates
b. Register for birthing classes; birthing
classes prepare you for many aspects of • Above the level of symphysis (between
childbirth, including labor, and delivery 12-14 weeks)
and parenting the newborn • At the umbilicus (20 cm, about 20 weeks)
FETAL DEVELOPMENT AT 32 WEEKS • Rises about 1 cm/ week until 36, after
• Often moving, the fetus weighs almost 4 which it varies
• Baby’s skin has fewer wrinkles as a layer
of fat starts to form under the skin 09/ 13
• It will gain up to half its birth weight
between now and delivery
• Babies differ in size, depending on many
• Diagnosis of pregnancy is based on
factors (such as gender, the number of
pregnancy-related physical and hormonal
babies being carried, and the size of the
changes and is classified as presumptive,
parents) so your baby’s overall rate of
probable, or positive | we can only
growth is as important as the actual size
diagnose if a patient is pregnant if we see
• On average, it’s about 18.5 inches and different hormonal or physical changes
weighs close to 6 pounds unto a woman
• Brain has been developing rapidly
• Lungs are nearly fully developed PRESUMPTIVE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
• Head is usually positioned down into the • These changes may be noticed by the
pelvis by now mother/ health care provider but are not
• A pregnancy is considered at term once conclusive for pregnancy

Sophia Lynre Celestial 11

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


a. Amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation) POSITIVE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS

b. Urinary frequency (6-12 weeks) • These signs emanate from the fetus, are
c. Breast changes noted by the health care provider, and
d. Skin changes | e.g., melasma or chloasma are conclusive for pregnancy
- darker skin patches, linea nigra - dark a. FETAL HEARTBEAT – audible at 10-12
line that extends from your bellybutton to weeks gestation by Doppler ultrasound,
your pubic area, and striae gravidarum - and 10-20 weeks gestation with a
atrophic linear scars) fetoscope; the normal fetal heart rate is
e. Nausea and vomiting (5-12 weeks) | due 120-160 bpm
to increase of HCG (Human Chorionic b. FETAL MOVEMENTS – palpable by
Gonadotropin) examiner
f. Fatigue c. Palpation of FETAL OUTLINE
g. Weight change
h. Vaginal changes including leukorrhea ANTEPARTUM CARE
(leukorrhea - flow of a whitish, yellowish, • Refers to the medical and nursing care
or greenish discharge from the vagina of given to the pregnant woman between
the female that may be normal or that conception and the onset of labor
may be a sign of infection) • Consideration is given to the physical,
i. Quickening (maternal perception of fetal emotional, and social needs of the
movement occurring between 16-20 woman, the unborn child, her partner,
weeks of gestation) and other family members
• These changes are usually noted by the • GRAVIDA – number of times pregnant,
health care provider but are still not regardless of duration, including the
conclusive for pregnancy | uterine present pregnancy
enlargement; changes in pelvic organs • PRIMAGRAVIDA – pregnant for the first
1. CHADWICK’S SIGN – pinkish to violet time
color; vagina
• MULTIGRAVIDA – pregnant for second or
2. GOODELL’S SIGN – softening of the cervix
subsequent time
3. HEGAR’S SIGN – softening of the lower
uterine segment; uterus
• PARA – any woman who has given birth
once or more; a pregnancy to count as
• BALLOTTEMENT – fetus rebounds against
“birth”; it must go to at least 20 weeks
the examiner’s hand when pushed gently
gestation, regardless of outcome
• NULLIPARA – a woman who has not given
birth to a baby beyond 20 weeks
intermittent contractions of the uterus
occurring throughout pregnancy;
generally painless but may cause • PRIMIPARA – a woman who has given
discomfort late in pregnancy can be felt birth to one baby more than 20 weeks
by the 4th month of pregnancy | how to gestation
know: palpate the abdomen; it is a mild • MULTIPARA – a woman who has had two
discomfort but not painful or more births at more than 20 weeks
• (+) HCG TESTS (hydatidiform moles – H gestation | note: twins or triplets counted
mole) as 1 para
• UTERINE SOUFFLE – soft, blowing sound
at the rate of material pulse (cause by the
increased vascularity of pregnancy)

Sophia Lynre Celestial 12

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


• TPAL – para subdivided to reflect births NUTRITION

that went to term, premature births, • Assess diet, note for malnutrition
abortions, and living children • Teach minimum nutritional increases
• PRETERM – newborn born before 37 • Record recommended weight gain
weeks of gestation • Provide a copy of daily food guide
• TERM – newborn born after 37 weeks to • Iron supplementation is needed
40 weeks of gestation
• POST-TERM – newborn born after 40


• Medical history, obstetric history (TPAL), • FETAL HEART RATE – FHR usually
and history of current pregnancy (e.g., auscultated at the midline of suprapubic
has edema, thus have complication) region with Doppler ultrasound
• Vital signs transducer at 10-12 weeks gestation;
a. Temperature: 97-100-degree Fahrenheit normal FHR is 120-180 bpm | do the
b. P: 60-90 beats leopold’s maneuver first to determine the
c. R: 16-24 breaths position of the fetus; before locating the
d. BP: 90/ 60 – 140/90mmHg FHR; appropriate equipment is very
appropriate management can be provided) | e.g., rushing through the umbilical arteries;
to avoid preeclampsia that complicates severely synchronous with the FHR
the mother and the baby during pregnancy • UTERINE SOUFFLE – caused by the sound
• Cardio-respiratory changes of blood passing through the uterine
• GIT changes vessels; synchronous with the maternal
• Renal system changes pulse
• Reproductive changes
• Skin changes 1. ULTRASONOGRAPHY – transducer on
• Skeletal changes abdomen transmit sound waves that
show fetal image on screen
• Metabolic/ endocrine changes
• Provide useful information when
PRENATAL CARE | SCHEDULE OF VISITS assessing fetal growth and well-being; it
provides direct information about the
• Every 4 weeks, up to 32 weeks
fetus during each trimester
• Every 2 weeks from 32-36 weeks (more a. Assessment of gestational age
frequently if problems exist) b. Evaluation for congenital anomalies
• Every week from 36-40 weeks c. Diagnostic evaluation of vaginal bleeding
d. Confirmation of suspected multiple
• Hemoglobin and hematocrit e. Evaluation of fetal growth
• WBC and differential f. Adjunct to prenatal testing
• Pap smear (amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling)
• Antibody screens
• Tuberculin skin testing PREPARATION
• Rh blood typing and urinalysis a. Client must drink fluids prior to test to
have full bladder to assist in clarity of

Sophia Lynre Celestial 13

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


b. No known harmful effects for fetus or b. A ratio between 1.5:1 and 1.9:1 – this
mother means that your baby may be at risk for
c. Noninvasive immature lungs and breathing problems
c. A ratio of more than 2:1 – this means
2. CHORIONIC VILLI SAMPLING that your baby has mature lungs and is
• Earliest test possible on fetal cells ready for life outside the uterus
alternative to amniocentesis to diagnose • Complications are premature labor,
fetal karyotype and genetic anomalies infection, Rh isoimmunization
(sickle-cell anemia, PKU, down syndrome, • Monitor fetus and uterine contractions
Duchenne muscular dystrophy) after procedure
• Done between 10-12 weeks; before 10 • Teach client to report deceased fetal
weeks, higher incidence of associated movements or increase abdominal
limb defects discomfort
• Complications are bleeding, spontaneous
abortion, premature rupture of PREPARATION
membranes a. Prior to procedure, the patient’s bladder
• Ultrasound used to guide; test results are should be emptied
usually out within 2-10 days b. Ultrasound used prior to procedure to
guide needle to prevent fatal and
3. AMNIOCENTESIS (skin-uterine wall- placental trauma
amniotic cavity) | to detect certain birth c. Test results are usually within 2-4 weeks
• Used to determine fetal maturity and
detect certain birth defects such as down
syndrome, spinal bifida, hemolytic disease
of the newborn, sex and chromosomal
• Amniotic fluid is aspirated by a needle
which is inserted through the abdominal
wall and uterine walls
• Done at 16 weeks to assess L/S ratio
(Lecithin-Sphingomyelin) and detect
genetic disorder; possible after week 14
• This test measures the amount of 2
substances L/S found in the amniotic fluid
during pregnancy
• They are surfactants; without them, the
small air sacs in your lungs (alveoli) would 4. ALPHA-FETOPROTEIN SCREENING |
alpha-fetoprotein is a glycoprotein
• Test results are given as a ratio of lecithin produced by fetal yolk sac, GIT, and liver
to sphingomyelin; the range of results
• Maternal serum screens for open neural
tube defects
a. A ratio of less than 1.5:1 – this means
• Test is done between 16-18 weeks
that your baby’s lungs are immature. If
born now, your baby may have breathing
problems • High levels indicate neural tube defects
and anencephaly and spinal bifida; also
associated with congenital nephrosis,
esophageal atresia, fetal demis

Sophia Lynre Celestial 14

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023



PERFORMED • Evaluates fetal response to stress of
• A healthcare professional will use a small labor; performed after 28 weeks
needle to withdraw blood from a vein, • Can be done either thru nipple
usually in your arm or hand stimulation or oxytocin stimulation
• A laboratory specialist will analyze the • For the preparation, woman in semi-
sample fowlers or side-lying position; monitor for
• Results are typically available within one post-test labor onset
to two weeks a. Positive result: late decelerations with at
least 50% of contractions; potential risks
5. PERCUTANEOUS UMBILICAL BLOOD to the fetus which may necessitate to C-
SAMPLING (an intrusive kind of section | abnormal and known as
evaluation; finding blood sample through positive window
the umbilical cord by inserting a sterile b. Negative results: no late decelerations
needle) with a minimum of 3 contractions lasting
• Involves inserting a needle into the fetal 40-60 seconds in 10-minute period |
umbilical cord and aspirating blood for normal and known as negative window
• The procedure is guided by U/ S and is 9. FETAL ACTIVITY DETERMINATION | kick
used to screen karyotypes counts
(chromosomes), examine antibodies for • Daily recording of fetal movements to
teratogenic viruses and provide assess active and passive fetal states
assessment for fetal blood transfusions • Non-invasive test done while pregnant
woman is side lying
6. ELECTRONIC FETAL HEART MONITORING • Interpretation of results:
• May be used to evaluate fetal status a. Normal or positive: 3 or more movements
• It can demonstrate FHR changes in felt in 1 hour (vary normally especially
response to fetal movement and during fetal sleep and activity)
spontaneous or induced uterine b. Abnormal or negative: 2 or less
contractions movements/ hour with marked decrease
• An increase in FHR with fetal movement from usual pattern of activity
indicates adequate oxygenation, a
functioning neural pathway to the heart MATERNAL ADAPTATIONS TO PREGNANCY
and the ability of the heart to respond to 1. FIRST TRIMESTER
stimuli • Ambivalence, fear, fantasies, and anxiety
• Pregnant woman places main focus on
• Tocodynamometer records fetal 2. SECOND TRIMESTER
movements and Doppler ultrasound • Tranquil period
measures fetal heart rate to assess fetal • Acceptance of the reality of pregnancy
well-being after 28 weeks • Increased interest in fetus
• For the preparation, patient should eat 3. THIRD TRIMESTER
snacks • Anticipates labor and delivery; assumes
• For the favorable results, 2 or more FHR mothering role
accelerations of 15 beats/ minute for 15 • Fantasies and dreams about labor
seconds or more occurring after fetal common
movements in a period of 20 minutes • Nestling behaviors

Sophia Lynre Celestial 15

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS OF PREGNANCY 9-12 WEEKS (all systems are not developed yet
but are working)
“I AM PREGNANT” • Transparency of the heart in ultrasound
Acceptance of the biological fact of pregnancy • Weight is 19-28 grams
“I AM GOING TO HAVE A BABY” • Embryo becomes a fetus
Acceptance of the fetus as a distinct individual • Lower body develops
and a person to care for
• Very productive kidneys
Prepare realistically for the birth and parenting of
the child
• The uterus rises above the pelvic brim
DANGER SIGNS OF PREGNANCY • Braxton hicks contractions are present
• Any bleeding from vagina • Potential for UTI increases
• Gush of fluid from vagina (clear, not • Weight gain 2.5 to 4 lbs. during the first
urine) trimester
• Regular contractions occurring before due • Placenta fully functioning and producing
date hormone
• Severe headaches or changes in vision • Goal: teach prevention of UTI; discuss
• Epigastric pain nutrition and exercise and effects of
pregnancy on sexual relationship
• Vomiting that persists and is severe
17-20 WEEKS
(hyperemesis gravidarum)
• Touch is important
• Change in fetal activity pattern
• Weight is 200-400 grams
• Temperature elevation, chills or sick
feeling • Eyebrows are present
• Swelling in upper body, especially face • Note for vernix
and fingers • Total body functioning
• Young hair present (lanugo)
• The mother experiences increasing
8 WEEKS (abbrev. EIGHT) heartburn
• Ears develop • Weight is 1100 grams or 2.5 lbs.
• Increasing development of limb, brain, • Eyelids open
and facial features • Normal lung surfactant is formed
• Grams is 2 (Lecithin-Sphingomyelin)
• Heart begins to pump • Total discomfort is felt
• Tiny muscles • Young hair is abundant
• Encourage discussions about labor
• Nausea and vomiting persists • Indicate period of rest
• Uterus changes from pear to globular • Good fetal outline
shape • Hearing is possible
• Leukorrhea increases • Treat hemorrhoids of the mother
• Ambivalence noted
• No noticeable weight gain a. MATERNAL CHANGES
• Goal: prevention of nausea, safety, and • The fundus is halfway between umbilicus
preparation for pregnancy and xiphoid
• Thoracic breathing observed

Sophia Lynre Celestial 16

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


• Woman is tired and eager to deliver COMMON DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY |

• Hemorrhoids develop PREGNANCY
• Goal: treat hemorrhoids; teach comfort
measures; teach measures to avoid a. ANKLE EDEMA
heartburn; prepare for delivery and • Rest with your feet elevated
parenthood • Avoid standing for long periods of time
30-32 WEEKS • Avoid restrictive garments on the lower
• Height is 15-17 inches half of your body
• Indicate rest period
• Review signs of labor to the mother b. BREAST TENDERNESS
• Teach comfort measures • Wear a supportive bra
• You advise storage of Ca and Fe • Decrease the amount of caffeine and
carbonated beverages ingested since
• Teach childbirth process
caffeine causes discomfort and pain in the
• Weight is 1800-2200 grams breasts
• Breasts full and tender • Increase fiber in your diet
• Urinary frequency returns • Drink additional fluids
• Swollen ankles may occur • Have a regular time for bowel movements
• Sleeping problems may develop
• Dyspnea may develop d. FATIGUE
• Goal: decrease edema; teach comfort • Schedule rest periods daily; have a
measures; prepare for childbirth regular bedtime routine
38-40 WEEKS (full term) • Use extra pillow for comfort
• The average fetus is 360 mm in length
and weighs 3400-3600 grams e. FAINTNESS
• Has smooth skin • Move slowly
• Immunity for 6 months is present • Avoid crowds
• Restricted activity to the mother • Remain in a cool environment
• The chest is prominent • Lie on your left side when at rest
• You observe for lightening
• Eyes are uniformly slate colored f. HEADACHE
• Increasing bone ossification • Avoid eye strain
• Get ready for labor and delivery • Visit your eye doctor
• Has skill sutures nearly together • Rest with a cool cloth on your forehead
• Take Tylenol in a regular adult dose, as
• Placenta weigh approximately 20 oz. • Report frequent on persistent headaches
• Mother have burst of energy to your primary care provider
• Backache and urinary frequency increases
• Cervix and uterine segment prepare for g. HEARTBURN
labor • Eat small, frequent meals each day
• Goal: teach safety measures for delivery • Avoid overeating, as well as spicy, fatty,
and fried foods

Sophia Lynre Celestial 17

Paseo del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
2nd Year, 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023



• Avoid constipation and straining with a • Wear cotton underwear
bowel movement • Bathe daily
• Take a sitz bath; apply a witch hazel • Avoid tight pantyhose
i. LEG CRAMPS • Walk regularly; rest with feet elevated
• Avoid pointing your toes • Avoid long periods of standing
• Straighten your leg and dorsiflex your • Don’t cross your legs when sitting
ankle • Avoid knee-high stockings; wear support
• Eat 6 small meals/ day rather than 3 q. BACKACHE
• Eat a piece of dry toast or some crackers • Apply local heat
before getting out of bed • Avoid long periods of standing
• Avoid foods or situations that worsen the • Stoop to pick up objects
nausea; if it persist, report this problem • Tylenol in usual adult dose may help
to your primary care provider
• Wear low-heeled shoes
• Drink fluids separately rather than with
• Maintain correct posture
your meals
• Tailor sitting, pelvic rocking and shoulder
• Avoid fried, greasy, gas-producing, or
circling exercises strengthen back
spicy foods, and foods with strong odors
• Variable but a total gain of 24-30 lbs. is
• Use cool air vaporizer or humidifier,
increase fluid intake, place moist towel on
a. 2-4 lbs. in the first trimester
the sinuses, and massage the sinuses
b. 11-14 lbs. in the second trimester
c. 8-11 lbs. in the third trimester (i.e., 0.5lb
• Avoid twisting motions
• Gains mostly reflect maternal tissue in
• Rise to a standing position slowly and first half of pregnancy, and fetal issue in
use your hands to support the abdomen second half of pregnancy
• Bend forward to relieve discomfort
m. SHORTNESS OF BREATH • Increase intake of foods high in iron |
• Use proper posture e.g., fish and dairy products, cereals and
• Use pillows behind head and shoulders at yellow vegetables, green leafy vegetables
night and citrus fruits, egg yolks and dried
• Void as necessary, at least every 2 hours VITAMIN DEFICIENCY
• Increase fluid intake • Increase intake of vitamins
• Avoid caffeine • Increase intake of Ca
• Practice Kegel exercises (contraction of • It is recommended that pregnant woman
the perineal area) drink one quart of milk per day

Sophia Lynre Celestial 18

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