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Background of the Study

Product advertising is understood as any method of communication about the promotion of

a product in an attempt to induce potential customers to purchase the product. Advertisement

usually requires payment or a communication channel. The general objective is to increase brand

awareness or to demonstrate the difference between product and competing products in order to

sell them (Grimsly, 2021).

In the ancient and medieval world such advertising as existed was conducted by word of

mouth. The first step toward modern advertising came with the development of printing in the 15th

and 16th centuries. In the 17th century weekly newspapers in London began to carry

advertisements, and by the 18th century such advertising was flourishing. The great expansion of

business in the 19th century was accompanied by the growth of an advertising industry; it was that

century, primarily in the United States, that saw the establishment of advertising agencies. The first

agencies were, in essence, brokers for space in newspapers. But by the early 20th century

agencies became involved in producing the advertising message itself, including copy and artwork,

and by the 1920s agencies had come into being that could plan and execute complete advertising

campaigns, from initial research to copy preparation to placement in various media. In the 21st

century, with an intensely competitive consumer market, advertisers increasingly used digital

technology to call greater attention to products (Agustyn, 2021).

After these happenings, advertising then became an important area for economist to

research into. An early reflection was given by (Alfred Marshall 1890, 1919). In his works,

“Principles of Economics” and “Industry and Trade”. He marks out two roles played by advertising.

To him, advertising might be useful in providing information to consumers which will help them

satisfy their wants (Mwakaege, 2015).

Today the era of ad-supported television programming is over and there is a need for

advertisers to reinvent the process to fit the new ways of reaching audience members. With VCRs,

TiVo and cable systems the viewer has the option of deleting advertising messages. Viewers are

also able to utilize cable systems for on-line services such as shopping on either TV or the net.

Changes in advertising will affect the way in which it is prepared and delivered to target audiences

(interactively) and major advertisers are participating in integrated programming to better control

the content of new media where viewers can interact with programming to get further information

(Rahmi, 2020).

Product advertising is in any method of communication about the promotion of a product in

an attempt to induce potential customers to purchase the product. Marketers invest in various

media platforms to influence consumer behaviour (CB). Advertisement on every media platform

has a different composition that engages the consumers in a distinct way. Digitalization has led to

changes in consumers’ media habits. In a competitive market, it is important for advertising

managers to grab consumers’ attention through advertisements and sales promotion (Sama,

2019). Advertisement usually requires payment to a communication channel. The general objective

is to increase brand awareness or to demonstrate the differences between product and competing

products in order to sell them (Shawn, 2021). Advertising helps to make consumers aware of a

product and aims to build preference for that product over its competitors. If advertising succeeds

in those two tasks, consumers will choose the advertised product when they make their next

purchase (Taboola, 2022).

The psychology of consumer behavior, including the subconscious factors that drive

consumers’ actions, is nothing short of fascinating. Consumer behavior is the study of the elements

that influence individuals’ purchasing decisions, including environmental, psychological, and

societal factors. Using data, marketers can gain an understanding of how consumers choose

products or services, the thought and/or emotional process behind those decisions, and what

motivates them to choose one product instead of another. All of this can help marketers craft

hyper-targeted advertising campaigns designed to pique the interest of their consumer base.

Consumers of varying age groups are often drawn toward different types of products.

In this study, researchers aim to determine if there was a significant relationship between

product advertising and consumers purchasing behavior among the 3rd year students at Eastern

Samar State University-Guiuan.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship between product advertising and consumer

purchasing behavior.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions;

1. What is the level of effectiveness of product advertising tools along the following:

1.1 social media;

1.2 print media;

1.3 television;

1.4 radio and

1.5 billboard?

2. What are the factors affecting consumers purchasing behavior in terms of:

2.1 personal factors;

2.2 cultural factors and;

2.3 psychological factors?

3. Is there significant relationship between product advertising tools and consumers purchasing


Significance of Study

This research is made with the aim to provide information and knowledge regarding the

chosen topic from the respondents, recent studies, and related sites needed for the expected

importance to the individual as follow.

Business Owners. This study will help them to come up with the product advertising

strategies that will encourage consumers to purchase their product.

Administrator. For he/she will be able to identify the product advertising and consumers

purchasing behavior which will guide them in their decision-making process in purchasing


Teachers. For he/she will be informed about the product advertising and consumers

purchasing behavior which will guide them in purchasing a product.

Students. The students will be able to benefit from this study in improving their product

preference. Thus, a positive consumers purchasing behavior towards the product advertisement

for a brand determines a positive towards the respective brand and eventually, may result in the

formulation of the purchase intent. And determining the inclinations, motivations, as well as buying

behavior of the targeted customers. By helping businesses delve deeper into customer

psychology, also empowers them to build effective purchasing behavior profiles.

Researchers. This study will help them in their near future and to gain knowledge related

their course.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will cover the identification of consumers wants and needs to the evaluation of

consumers satisfaction, and it comprises of research relating to products, sales, advertising,

pricing and sales forecasting in the television. The respondent’s consumers' purchasing behavior

influences their intention to buy, knowledge of different aspects that may help sellers’ market make

a sales forecast of their products. Measuring product advertising and consumer purchasing

behavior may help a marketing executive get a better picture of both present and potential

markets. The identification of consumers wants and needs to the evaluation of consumer

satisfaction. It comprises of research relating to consumers, products, sales, distribution,

advertising, pricing and sales forecasting.

Selected 3rd year CBMA students of Eastern Samar State University –Guiuan are

considered as the respondents of the study.

However, it is limited to the analysis of the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex

and occupation.

The level of effectiveness of product advertising tool was described.

The respondents were classified as the following consumers purchasing behavior.

For deeper analysis of the main problem, product advertising tools and consumers

purchasing behavior of the respondents when grouped according to their personal profile were

taken consideration.

The data will be gathered through a survey questionnaire.

Definitions of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for easy comprehension.

Billboard is a flat surface (as a panel, wall, or fence) on which bills are posted (Merriam

Webster). In this study is a big outdoor advertising structure, similar to an oversized poster used to

promote brand, offering, or a campaign.

Consumer purchasing behavior is about how individuals, groups, and organizations to

select, purchase, use and disposal of products, services, ideas, or experiences to meet the

consumers’ demand (Shih, Yu, & Tseng, 2015). In this study, it refers to a person who purchases a

product according to their behavior towards the product advertised.

Cultural consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behaviour acquired and

transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their

embodiments in artefacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e. historical derived

and selected) ideas and especially their attached values, culture systems may, on the one hand,

be considered as products of action, on the other as conditioning elements of further action

(KROEBER & KLUCKHOHN (1952). In this study it refers to the set of values and ideologies of a

particular community or group of individuals.

Personal means concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and

personality (Gromova Ziata). In this study it refers to as the particular background of an individuals

life and living.

Print media any written or pictorial form of communication produced mechanically using

printing, photocopying, or digital from which multiple can be made through automated processes

(Oxford,2021). In this study refers to communication based on printed materials that have physical


Product advertising tools are the techniques and strategies of advertising a particular

product or service, rather than a company name etc. (Cambridge, 2022). In this study, it refers to

the tools used of advertising certain product.

Psychological deals with responses to any and every kind of situation that life presents

(Charles E. Skinner (1938). In this study it refers to influence on individual that drive his or her

actions to seek satisfaction.

Radio means equipment where the primary function is to transmit and receive intelligence

without the aid of a physical conductor (Law Insider). In this study it refers to promotion of products

or services during radio commercials or programs.

Social Media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and

technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated

Content (Kaplan & Haenlein 2010:61). In this study, it refers as web-sites and technological

applications that allow it users to share content and to participate in social networking.

Television a piece of electrical equipment with a screen on which you can watch

programmes with moving pictures and sounds (Oxford Dictionary). In this study it refers to the

process of creating and airing commercials with the aim to promote a product or service.



This chapter present the important literatures focus on the product advertising and

consumers purchasing behavior. This will also discuss the different studies that are related to the

research problem.

A. Related Literature

Advеrtіѕеmеnt is the mоѕt соmmоn and famous mеаnѕ of popularising a product. Through

аdvеrtіѕіng, a manufacturer trіеѕ to reach an audience and highlight the роѕіtіvе аѕресtѕ of a

product аnd hоw іt іѕ bеnеfісіаl for соnѕumеrs. In соmmоn wоrdѕ, one can ѕау that advertising іѕ

the аrt оf informing people of a product or service and its benefits. A TV commercial is an ad and a

part of a company’s marketing strategy. However, if the company publishes useful articles about

the topic on its site, this is marketing because this content doesn’t actually advertise anything.

Instead, it’s supposed to establish trusting relationships with potential and existing customers, to

provide support, to engage visitors thus turning them into existing and returning customers.

Product advertisement serves as an introduction to the product and spreads the word about the

company. Once your customers are aware of the product, advertising is used to inform customers

about its benefits. This will showcase it in the best way and generate a conversation that will

increase customer awareness (AliDropship, 2022).

Advertising is one of the most important tools being used to motivate the consumers for not

only the product trail but to purchase it again and again. Advertisements are some of the major

factors for market assessment, therefore, considerations need to be taken as to how to manage

advertising (Conchar et al., 2015).The more attractive and colorful an advertisement is, the more it

is appreciated. Recall for print advertisements appears to be extremely even. Major findings of

Gorn (2018) showed that advertising controls product choice and thus creating a positive attitude

towards the advertised products. Colors in ads and packaging and advertisements have strong
impacts on consumers purchase decisions according to a number of researchers. Colors create

brand identity and students could easily identify brands through colors scheming (Clayton, 2015).

Colors indicate the style followed by a consumer who purchases that product. Today the ads are

the things, which hold the young generation’s attention toward any new or preexisting product.

Biehal et al. (2019) said that ads have the first and direct impact on brand image. It is also

observed in daily life experiences that people prefer certain products just for the reason that they

look awesome in the advertisements.

Product advertising also exists in any multimedia presentation that consists of a set of

media objects (such as images, text objects, video clips, and audio streams) presented in

accordance with various temporal constraints specifying when the object should be presented, and

spatial constraints specifying where the object should be presented on a screen (Tamer, 2009).

Just like on billboards along the freeway, in subway and train stations, on benches at bus stops,

and on the frames around car license plates. In shopping malls, there are prominent logos on

designer clothes, moviegoers regularly view advertisements for local restaurants, hair salons, and

so on, and live sporting and cultural events often include signage, logos, products, and related

information about the event sponsors. The pervasiveness of advertising and its creative elements

are designed to cause viewers to take note (Stewart, 2015). Also, features like dynamic

animations, pictures, contrasting colors and interactive links to other websites, have the ability to

enhance the noticeability of an product advertisement (Brookes, 2010; He & Qu, 2018; Sabate et

al., 2017).

Awan and Arif (2015) stress that the use of celebrity endorsement in media advertisement

attract the customers. Awan and Hassan (2015) say that SMS marketing is a new tool of

introducing products and services and attracting new customers. Awan & Shahid conducted study

on green marketing strategies to attract educated customers and conclude that these strategies

have proved successful. Wan and Nayyar Abbas (2015) emphasize that demographic impulse

buying behavior can be generated by using different tools of media Advertisement and consumer’s

buying behavior have a strong relationship regarding the FMCG’s (Fast Moving Consumer Goods)

Olson and Mitchell (2000) contend that mobile phones and tabs are the latest source View

metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by
International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE): E-Journals Journal of

Marketing and Consumer Research ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed

Journal Vol.19, 2016 23 of an advertisement that is also very effective in changing the behavior of

the consumer. Oh & Xu (2003) say that mass media have the vital influence on our lives and

thinking style. We deliberately put the efforts in our thinking, living styles, and our behaviors due to

influence of advertisement.

Haug (2003) studied the relationship between the advertising and mobile services;

customer is just not only the user, also stakeholder (partner). Focus on the two factors of

customer’s behaviour as well as (1) flow of experience and (2) overall satisfaction, Chen et al.

(2008) maintains that informational advertisement provides awareness to the consumers, so that

they’ll prefer to buy desired goods. Crawford and Molnar (2018) state that after influenced by the

advertisement the Sargodha University students (consumers) at least try to buy the product one

time in their life, that’s mostly influenced by celebrities. Bashir and Malik (2019) have opinion that

consumers are price conscious that’s common now days in our society. People are almost

behaving rationally due to the benefits of cost, Ahmetoglu et al. (2020) concludes that

advertisement have a convincing power and having a motivating tool to persuade the audience

including listeners, readers and viewers so that they buy products or services Abideen and Saleem

(2021) say that advertisement has positive effects on the consumer’s behavior, who were in

different ages in the Pakistan’s second largest city Lahore. Flow of advertisement change the

consumer’s buying decision. Rasool, et al (2015) emphasized that brands advertisement play a

vital role to stimulate the consumers to buy the same brands, it enhances the performance of any

business and its image among the rival market stated that the rain of online promotional

advertising is growing significantly on the internet. Now days, that attracts the well-educated

community Bakshi and Gupta (2013). Promotion of the product is very effective on those

consumers who are traveling via tangential route and this can stimulate and guide the consumer’s

for switching one brand to another brand Chakrabortty, et al. (2015)

Advertisement credibility is defined as “the extent to which the consumer perceives claims

made about the brand in the advertisement to be truthful and believable” (MacKenzie & Lutz, 1989,

p. 51). Credibility of advertisements has been always one of the most widely studied concepts in
the advertising literature. This might be attributed to the critical role it plays as one of the main

predictors of advertisement effectiveness (Choi & Rifon, 2020) as well as the formation of attitude

and behavior. Also, the concept of credibility of advertisements appeared in the advertising

literature as one of the most important elements of the advertisement value (Saadeghvaziri &

Hosseini, 2011; Tsang et al., 2018).

Due to the characteristics of the web that allows self-publishing in a largely unregulated

environment, it was found that consumers perceive web advertising as less credible than other

media (Prendergast, Liu, & Poon, 2009). Thus, convincing consumers with the credibility of web

advertising can be very challenging to many companies (Aktan, Aydogan, Aysuna, & Cad, 2016).

Ducoffe (1996) and Brackett and Carr (2021) were among the first authors that highlighted the role

of credibility of advertisements as one of the main sources of advertising value in online

environments. They indicated that credibility of advertisements positively influences consumers’

purchasing behavior. In the context of social media literature, Van-Tien Dao, Nhat Hanh Le, Ming-

Sung Cheng, and Chao Chen (2015) indicated that credibility has positive effects on consumers’

perceived value of social media advertising, which in turn positively influences their online

purchase intention.

The informativeness of an advertisement can be defined as “the ability of the advertising

message to inform the recipient by different product and services alternatives so that the consumer

gets the most satisfaction he wants” (Ducoffe, 1996, p. 22). Bauer, Reichardt, Barnes, and

Neumann (2015) argued that the perceived accuracy, timeliness and usefulness of the information

will have an effect on consumer purchasing behavior towards advertising. Additionally, the

informativeness of the ads can be regarded as an important predictor of its value and it is crucial to

the effectiveness of advertising (Ducoffe, 2016), where consumers, themselves, report that

advertising’s ability to supply information is the primary reason for approving it (Bauer &

Greyser, 1968; Saadeghvaziri & Hosseini, 2021).

The uses and gratifications theory can be useful in explaining the importance of the

availability of informative content in social media advertisements in enhancing consumers’

behavior; where the extant literature highlights the importance of informative advertisements for
engaging consumers with social media advertisements (Wright, Gaber, Robin, & Cai, 2017). Social

media advertisements can include useful information about the brand (Luarn, Lin, & Chiu, 2015).

They can also include information about product specifications and technical knowledge about the

product attributes (Tafesse, 2015). Due to the numerous advertising that consumers are exposed

to, consumers are always looking for informative advertisements that can help them choose the

best product alternatives yielding the greatest satisfaction (Ducoffe, 2020).

Entertainment in the context of advertising refers to the ability of the advertisement to fulfill

an audience’s needs for escapism, diversion, aesthetic enjoyment, or emotional enjoyment

(Ducoffe, 2017). The extant literature highlights the positive role of entertaining advertising on

brand attitudes (Mitchell & Olson, 2014), where the ability of advertising to entertain can enhance

the experience of advertising exchanges for consumers (Alwitt & Prabhaker, 2019).

Stern and Zaichowsky (2017) argued that web advertisements that are entertaining will lead to

more loyalty to the advertised brand and to a better purchase intention. Similarly, entertaining

content was found to be positively related to positive behavior and curiosity for online

advertisements (Ling, Piew, & Chai, 2019).

The uses and gratification theory is useful in explaining why people prefer entertaining

content on social media, where most people have a natural playfulness (Ducoffe, 2016). Thus,

providing games and prizes on social media can yield high participation and is a successful way to

attract and keep customers (Gaber & Wright, 2014). Additionally, funny messages is helpful in

attracting consumers’ attention (Keshtgary & Khajehpour, 2021).

Personalization of advertisements refers to sending advertising messages based on the

customers’ user demographics, user preference, context and content. This aims at making the

advertisement more relevant so as not to disturb and annoy the recipient (Xu, 2006).

Personalization can be defined as “‘the ability of a company to recognize and treat its customers

as individuals through personal messaging, targeted banner ads, special offers on bills, or other

personal transactions” (Imhoff, Loftis, Geiger, & Imhoff, 2015, p. 467). To avoid the advertising

clutter that consumers are exposed to, many advertisers are starting to use customized messages

for individual consumers based on their personal information (Jung, 2017). Customers prefer to

receive a customized content that is relevant to them and matches their interests. If the

advertisement can be somewhat personal, this will allow it to target customers in an individual

manner and improve the relationship with them (Saadeghvaziri & Hosseini, 2021). In research that

examined consumer responses to personalized advertisements in social media, it was found that

perceived ad relevance influences advertising effectiveness such as increased attention to ads and

decreased ad avoidance (Jung, 2017).

B. Related Studies

Advertising is interpretation in terms of audio or visual form of marketing communication

that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product,

service, or idea. Throughout the centuries ago, advertising has been used to promote goods and

services that market wish to sell to the public. Since then, advertising has involved with presenting

messages to attract potential customers. Nowadays, there are a lot of advertising channel which

using a medium used by an organization to advertise their products (MBA Skool, 2017) and inform

the customers about promotion such as print advertising, broadcast advertising, covert advertising,

outdoor advertising, surrogate advertising, celebrity advertising and print service advertising

(Nartey, 2020). These advertising methods do only have two purposes, brand recognition and

promoting goods and services (Porter & Claycomb,1997). As time goes by, advertisers have to

change their methods of advertisement to retain their customers and attract new customers. In the

other hand, they do also have to take note of how consumer behavior is changing over the time.

Consumers are the end user for the products where they keep the production cycle moving which

holds important role in the economic system of any nation (Ampofo, 2015). In order to gain

attention of the consumers, advertisers have to aware the demands of the consumers from time to

time (Ampofo, 2015).

Thus, advertising methods grow as well from print service advertising to social network

advertising. The purpose of advertisement is to increase sales revenue and profits of firms and

increase the demand for goods that has been decreasing gradually (Ampofo, 2015). Advertising

has tremendously changed consumer purchasing behavior by giving the consumers a good

source of information where consumers are more influenced with advertised products (Rashid

& Sidin, 2015). Advertisement with pictures feature in online advertisement has strongest

influence to create purchase intention. Besides that, advertising have significant positive effect on

brand loyalty (Hanaysha, 2016). It also helps the firm to create perceived favorable image which is

likely become a customer value as well (Hanaysha, 2016). The essential part of doing

advertisement is to reach out to consumers and competitors, showing its presence on the market

and is one of a key aspect in marketing communication element (Hanaysha, 2016). Broadcast,

social media, and print advertising should be keep it active to reach out consumers whereas it has

influence towards consumers (Haque, Rahman, Ahmed, Yasmin, & Asri, 2021). Thus, this

research will provide confirmation that advertisement through various channels would be beneficial

to the organization or it is a futile effort. Besides that, this research will show various channel of

advertisement such as broadcasting advertisement, print advertisement and internet advertisement

will be able to influence consumer behavior without consideration of age difference.

For the consumers feelings, they can also have positive and negative feelings towards a

brand or its products. These feelings can be connected and can be based on the beliefs that a

consumer has, but on the other hand, feelings can have nothing to do with individual’s beliefs on a

certain product, service or brand. Similarly to beliefs, feelings towards a brand could stop a

consumer from buying anything from it, even if they more or less like the product, when they have

negative feelings to a brand. And of course if the feelings are positive, this is one more thing that

helps a customer to make a purchase from a certain brand. It is hard to change consumer’s

feelings about your brand, but it is still possible. In such case, building trust between consumer and

a brand is crucial. Mostly when a consumer has trust for a brand, he/she has mainly positive

feelings towards it. Of course, building trust is not a fast process, as well as building positive

feelings of a consumers towards your brand. In most of the cases it depends from a certain

consumer, so the research may be conducted on this topic, to understand the feelings of your

customers. And the results should be thoroughly analysed, that’s why constantly getting

consumer’s feedback is crucial for any brand to get better and grow. Nowadays, with the growing

social media industry, it is a lot easier and faster to get feedback from the customers via social

network, than it was before.

When it comes to behavioural intentions, it is a decision that a consumer makes towards a

product/service, meaning decides to buy or not to buy it from a certain brand. In other words, the

intentions that the customer has towards a certain product or service. It is known in literature, that

consumer’s attitude is strongly determined by the favorability of his intentions. (Fishbein & Ajzen,

2019). This decision is usually the result of the beliefs and feelings (or together) that a consumer

has about this product or service. Although, sometimes, the choice is made by the consumer in a

result of other things, depending on the situation and circumstances. According to Fishbein & 19

Ajzen (2015), there are four elements included in the consumer’s intention, which are: behavior,

target object, the situation and the time in which the whole process is performed. There could be a

few reasons standing behind consumer’s choice of buying or not buying. First of all, if the

consumer previously had negative experiences with one or other product or service, it can affect to

his/her will to buy a similar product/service even if it’s totally different brand. Not to mention that

social influence has a great power in influencing the decisions of the consumer. For instance, if

his/her friends bought a highly promoted product, the consumer himself would want to buy it too,

even if before he/she didn’t really want to purchase it. In most of the cases, consumer’s social

environment affects greatly his/her beliefs and feelings, which leads to affecting his behavioural

intentions towards any brand or product. This emphasizes how much easier is it to change

consumer’s attitudes and intentions by positioning a brand and it’s advertising in social media in a

right, suitable to a consumer way, because in social media, there are lots of influencers, for whom

consumers of different needs, beliefs, intentions and attitudes have already built trust. Therefore,

partnering with all the different kinds of influencers will raise the brand’s sales in times.

Consumer Purchasing Behavior

Consumer purchasing behavior is about how individuals, groups, and organizations to select,

purchase, use and disposal of products, services, ideas, or experiences to meet the consumers’

demand (Shih, Yu, & Tseng, 2015). It is a study of ways of buying and disposing of goods

satisfy their needs and wants (Dudovskiy, 2015). Consumer is someone can either be an individual

or an organization who is the end user of the goods or the services whichever available in the

market. A consumer has the right and the power to make the decision about purchasing goods or

services and this action or plan of making the purchase is called consumer behavior. There

are four main factors that influence consumer purchases, which are personal, cultural, social, and

psychological (Educba, 2016). Firstly, personal factors such as age, occupation, income, and

lifestyle are actually will affect consumer behavior. It is obvious that people buy different products

at their different stages of life cycle as singles, married couples, unmarried couples, or senior

citizen. Consumer preference will change with the change of age and the life cycle as time goes by

(Khaniwale, 2015).

Next, the occupation of the individual also influences the individual’s buying behavior. The

buying considerations and decisions are different according to their profession and role in the

society (Brosekhan,Velayutham, & M.Phil, 2020). Moreover, the financial or economic situation of

consumers will affect their purchase power as well because income is an importance source of

purchasing power. The more the income of the person, then the more will be the expenditure on

other items. As the income of the individual is higher, then the spending power of the individual

increases as well. Besides that, the purchase pattern of consumers differs according to their

different lifestyle. Individual who have higher spending power will pursue branded products which

have appeared in various advertising channels (Zhang, 2015). Next, culture of the consumer will

affect the consumer behavior when it makes purchases. A research shows that Muslim culture will

purchase the product based on the advises from other’s opinion while Chinese will make

purchases based on individual opinion without less consulting on other opinion (Lai, Chong, Sia, &

Ooi, 2019). Third, for the social factor, different social class will have different opinion on making

decision to purchase the product whereas higher social class will purchase advertised and

branded products while lower social class will purchase the goods that fulfil the needs of

the individual (Rani, 2019). Finally, for the psychological factors, organization should develop its

social media component as consumers are part of social networks that influence their online

perception and trust in a certain website through word-of-mouth (Cetină, Rădulescu, & Munthiu,

2015). It is important that advertisers have to obtain the knowledge between advertising and

consumer such as how advertising affects and how consumer behavior reacts. Understanding

consumer decision-making is essential for companies and advertisers in coming up with

appropriate marketing strategies by following the regulation to suit their target groups (Muniady,

Mamun, Permarupan, & Zainol, 2015). Yet, one of the essential problems of organizations is the

knowledge of how to tackle consumers that will be used for achieving their ultimate goal of

advertising (Deshwal, 2016). Therefore, based on the above explanation, there is a need to

examine the influence of advertising media towards consumer purchasing behavior.

Print service advertising is the method to promote the product, service or message

via magazine, poster, newspaper, brochure and etc. to reach customers. Throughout the long

history, print service advertising has been used to spread messages to the customers with the

purpose of spreading awareness. It is worth to advertise using paper to give impact to

customer perceptions (Hampel, Heinrich, & Campbell, 2016). As when there is an impact of

advertisement to customer perception for print service advertising, advertising using newspaper,

poster, and magazine is still a demand to give awareness to potential customers (Nayak & Shah,

2015). Newspaper is the media that produce information in many forms of media and it often

rated as less effective marketing tool (Ladd, 2018). Nevertheless,newspapers have been

experiencing declining circulation figure and lessening advertising revenues for several years

where it poses threat to existing newspaper press (Lindstädt & Budzinski, 2022).

Based on the analysis conducted by Lindstädt and Budzinski (2020), some businesses

cannot use newspaper advertising anymore such as business retailers, shopping centers and

catalog showroom. Meanwhile, advertising of some other industries are replaced by other

advertising media such as internet advertisement, television advertisement, or traditional

advertisment (Lindstädt & Budzinski, 2019). In a nutshell, newspaper advertisement will be

served as niche market in current market (Lindstädt & Budzinski, 2016). According to

Cuhadar (2005) advertising effectiveness of internet is lower than newspaper advertising.

However, the awareness spread by internet advertising is much higher than newspaper (Çuhadar,

2005). Internet advertisement was considered more disturbing compared to print advertisement

which explains why effectiveness of internet advertisement is much lower than print advertisement

(Numberger & Schwaiger, 2018).

Therefore, using internet advertisement alone is far less effective than print advertisement

(Numberger & Schwaiger, 2015). Nevertheless, advertising using print service have different effect

from different field of organizations. According to Bansal & Gupta (2015), the effect can be

surveyed from the way that promotions with more educational substance were found to impact

a greater number of clients than ads with less instructive substance. Thus, print service

advertisement is still popular approach for advertisers to use for advertisement. The content in print

service advertisement conveys direct message to consumers and the effectiveness for consumer

to receive the message is also accurate (Manchanda, Dube, Goh, & Chintagunta, 2016). In

addition, consistency of a print advertisement increases purchasing behavior from consumers

(Manchanda, Dube, Goh, & Chintagunta, 2016). Certainly, the arrangement of advertisement such

as verbal or pictorial material is important to form up an advertisement (Janiszewski, 2018). Based

on the above rational explanation, it is hypothesized that:

Broadcast advertising is a method that organization uses to advertise by using television or

radio, and known as air advertising. Goods and services marketers do receive different

responses of effectiveness between promoting products and services (Gauci & Hill, 2018).Today,

advertising companies invest huge amounts of their earnings in advertising in different media such

as television, radio, and magazine as television is one of the widespread media for this purpose

(Ansari & Joloudar, 2021). In broadcast advertising, there are certain regulation needs to be

followed. The regulation is divided into several environmental factors such as types of media,

restriction on certain products, adverting images, social forces, and government restrictions (Waller

D. S., 1993). Thus, advertisers have to consider the environmental factors in order to produce

advertisement to the audience and also able to convey the message to the targeted audience.

Today, advertising companies invest huge amounts of their earnings in advertising in different

media such as television, radio, magazine and etc. that television is one of the prevalent media

for this purpose Many persuasive messages will be created to persuade the audience and it does

not have an initial effect, but changes in behavior take place after a period of time (Gerber,

Terblanche-Smit, & Crommelin, 2014). It was predicted that positive impacts of TV advertisement

are on customers' attention to advertisement, interest for purchasing, desire for purchasing, action

of purchasing and customers' satisfactions. There are some channels that the audience are young

people where it associated with lowered rates if advertising avoidance in broadcast advertising

(Wilbur, 2016).

For radio advertising, it is a powerful advertising medium because it is the most assessable

whether in a car, working in a field or cooking dinner (Balya, 2018). Besides that, it is immediate

as they reach faster than newspaper or on television and it is inclusive where it reaches most

people includes poor, marginalized or those who cannot read or write (Balya, 2018). According to

Contemporary Communications (2017), Consumers spent two-and-a-half hours listening to radio a

day where radio has consumed 10% of their time; hence radio advertising is an alternative for

advertiser to consider. Besides that, radio advertising is cost effective compared with newspaper

advertising and radio is an uncluttered medium. Broadcast advertising can help to build brand

introduction and securing brand recognition. Brand introduction should be started early because

time will gradually improve brand recall in consumers (Gerber, Terblanche-Smit, & Crommelin,

2015). Television advertising can maximize brand recognition and influence consumers to know

and remember the brand that was advertised (Gerber, Terblanche-Smit, & Crommelin, 2015).

However, he cost for television advertising is high and the message may not always reach to target

audience where advertisers have to take note between selecting advertising media and approach

(Budacia, 2021). Thus, it is important to create a good advertising as Malaysian consumer agree

with factor that advertisement is proving information about product and purchasing behaviour

(Samy, 2015).

Social Media is a term that is widely used nowadays in connecting people from all

Over the world. Social Media is the democratization of information, transforming people from

content readers into content publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism to a many-to-

many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers. (Neti, 2015). Social

media advertising will have certain impact on consumer’s response on the product. It can be either

positive or negative, depends on ways of the product being presented to consumer. The message

that the advertiser intends to convey will be different as the consumer will have different

perspective. It shows the advertising is getting more essential lately. Social media will definitely

have some impacts to digital environment. Internet, television, and virtual communities have

transformed the consumers with wider choice in been touch with people and products from all over

the world. Same situation happens to household as well. The social media technologies within the

home are leading to increased social isolation and a privatization of people’s lives within the

household (McGrath, 2022). This clearly shows the big impact of the social media on people’s life

and advertisement.

Mobile advertising is one of the technologies which will impact the advertisement as people

no longer need to sit in front of computer to place any booking to any of the product. This can be

done via mobile phone setting, as long as there is an internet connection. This will increase

consumer’s spending as people no longer require checking on the advertisement and

understanding the message sent by advertiser with their desktops. They can do it via mobile

phones. Online WOM is the most-represented topic in digital and social marketing research, which

is unsurprisingly given the consumers’ reliance on socially sourced online information (Stephen,

2015). This is obviously seen as the impact of social media towards digital environment with

technology given the consumers the power to investigate products, label and criticize them

in equal measure and more. Therefore, many companies today have pages on social networks to

complement the information held about the products, held by the feedback of consumers about the

products and tend to relate more to the company after reading various reviews (Ioanăs, 2014). In

a nutshell, social media advertising has impacts on consumer purchasing behavior.

According to “The effect of consumer perceptions on their attitude, behaviour and purchase

intention in social media advertising” article, internet is an irreplaceable tool, which lead people to

using social media. Whenever the consumer is, either at home or at work, in any place he/she

would use internet, in particular social media networks. Hence, advertising in social media is very

effective because at any time and any place the consumer can see a social media ad and get

interested in it. In the stated earlier article, it is referred to understand the perceptions of the

consumers about advertising in social media, the article also evaluates the results of the study. To

start with, as stated in the article, internet and mostly social media allows people to take more

control over some parts of their life, such as: communication, knowledge, decisions and more. By

this, understanding their decisions made because of social media could be very beneficial for

marketers, understanding the knowledge that they got and that can get in future, and give it to

them, because together with the knowledge they are getting more interested in a certain

brand/product/service which is advertised in social media nowadays. What is more, social media

helps to build the trustful relationship between the brand and its customers. Which leads to the

understanding that building trust, is also building stronger customer base and in the end, more

customers and more sales. If they have trust for a brand, they would advise its products to their

friends and family, and this is only beneficial situation to a brand. But not every advertising instils

trust for the product or brand. With social media, it is not only possible to engage new customers to

a brand/company, but also keep track of your competitors.

Moreover, the behaviour of the consumers is tracked much easier through social media

than any other advertisement platform, because of the feedback that the customers, users give

everyday. That is why, it is crucial to have an influencer who already built trust with his/hers

followers and etc. In such case, there a bigger chance that a consumer would be interested in a

product which is advertised by a known person whom he/she can trust than by a person who

he/she sees for the first time. And nowadays, reaching fast a big amount of people is possible with

the social media. 24 Due to increasing usage of social networks, and advertising in them,

customers expectations are also rising and changing, together with the various trends happening in

social media. If before it was quite easy to impress a customer with a simple ads in social media,

especially on Instagram, now it is a lot harder to do. As well as social networks themselves develop

every day, getting new features (which also quite often include business features, which are very

helpful for the brands in advertising their products and ect.), influencers as well improve their blogs

and other in order to reach more people and attract potential consumers to their ads, provided

either by them or brands/companies they partner with.

Today, even Instagram itself can promote your post with advertisement in it. Hence, the

users are used to various ads in social media, and it’s not as easy anymore, to impress and get

them interested, because their expectations are now higher than they used to be a few years ago.

In today’s case, it is crucial to know what your customers already have seen, what the want to see,

what they are interested in. Therefore, following different trends in social media, for example on

Instagram would get any brand to a more beneficial position than their competitors who don’t even

think to do it.

That is why, the study is this article “The effect of consumer perceptions, attitude, behaviour

and purchase intention in social media advertising” was conducted, to understand the consumer’s

perceptions and how they may have changed with time. The one of the thing that also changed in

consumer’s behaviour and attitudes, is that from the position of passive users, the majority

transformed into an active position, taking part in the social media life and reacting actively to

advertising there as well. Therefore, the change in the position of users in social media, changed

also their perceptions as the consumers toward advertising in social media. For a consumer, it is

important to know that his/her opinion was heard, and that according to their feedback, positive or

especially negative and constructive, companies/brands do change the reviewed product or etc.

Like this, consumer sees that what he/she thinks is important to a brand. And that’s why nowadays

people like social networks and use it so frequently. Thus, companies started to use social media

for advertisement, because of the interactivity of this method.

According to the article, there are few consumers’ perceptions which were found in the

study more often. These are: in formativeness (what was pointed out by many respondents is that

the social media advertising was informative, and giving them, modern and up-to-date information

on many topics/products and more), entertainment (research showed that in any case, the

advertisement is better to be more interactive and entertaining, as well as diversity plays the role

too, because of a more positive attitudes toward it from the side of a consumer), reliability ( trust-

building is important between a consumer and a brand, the more reliable the advertisement, the

better for the market), value corruption ( the advertisement can be perceived in a wrong way by the

consumer, so the companies should be very strict with finding a right way to present a

product/service, because it has a big impact on the consumers perception and attitude).

From the research conducted by Zafar and Khan (2021), turned out that the majority of the

students use social media more than 7 times per day, which is relatively is big number. Moreover,

according to a questionnaire, the most used social media was Facebook (40.9 %). What is

interesting, answer to this particular question differs according to the country in which it was asked.

So depending on the country, the most used social network could be different. Which is why it is

important to customize the online advertising according to a target group and a country, and the

easiest and the most effective way to do it is advertise in social media. As already mentioned

before, following the trends to advertise in social media is critical nowadays, moreover, the trends

vary from countries and many other.

Today, one of the most famous, and sales effective trend in social media, especially in

Instagram – is the health products and more or less everything connected to it. Hence, the next

parts is going to review the rising trend of promoting health products, organic food and etc., and

the consumer’s attitude towards advertising it. 26 2.3.1 To conclude: Social media Trends affecting

its advertising and consumer’s attitudes towards it First of all, what is a trend? According to

Cambridge English Dictionary, trend is a direction of changes and development, trend is also

estimated as something fashionable. For the most part, today the word trend is used in the social

media sphere. Where if something is trending, means that it if famous in certain sectors. The

trends on social media are constantly changing, some of them stay longer and some are coming

through very fast. That is why for brands it is important to be aware of the existing trends on the

main social media platforms like: Instagram (the biggest number of trends, and people following

them) and Facebook, etc.

Moreover, social media users, who are at the same time also consumers, mostly follow the

trends, and if not all of them, but the biggest trends are not missed by the majority of them, at least

everyone would have heard about the most popular of them. So, being “in trend” is highly important

for a company in social media, because from tis depends a lot, and on the trends all of the current

advertisements in SM (social media) is built. As mentioned above, trends are changing fast, and

people following those, see the change immediately, which does not leave a chance for a certain

brand to be “out of the game” if they want their ads to be effective. Moreover, with new upcoming

trends, the purchasing power is rising significantly, which means that this topic shouldn’t be

ignored. A human is a social creature, which leads to a fact that he is easily influenced by the

social environment around him.

Theoretical Framework

According to Nelson (1974), cognitive viewpoints are used to investigate the objective,

informational component of advertisement, which is intended to influence the mind and elicit a

logical answer. Advertising promotes the selling of unique selling proposition, which in turn engulfs

customers in their bid to making purchasing decision, given the fact that such decisions are

anchored on information provided on the brands through advertisement Nichifor (2015).

Since the goal of advertising is to form positive attitude towards advertising and the brand, then a

positive behavioral response to an advert may be the best indicator of effective advertising

(Goldsmith & Lafferty, 2017). That is the reason why the basic aim of advertising is to encourage

people to buy product and create awareness (Bymolt, Claasen, & Brus, 2020).

The Engel Kollat Blackwell (EKB) Model is a natural evolution of the ideas found in the

theory of reasoned action. This theory of buyer behavior operates on a four-phase process that

influences how consumers make purchasing decisions: input, processing information, decision

stages, and variables in the decision-making process.

Input is the first phase, which is simply the stage when consumers take in the most

marketing materials either through billboards, online advertisements, or in-person displays.

Through the data collected in these materials, they graduate to information processing, during

which they combine that input with experience and expectations to make the best decision for their

current circumstances. Rational insight leads them to the next step, which is where they actually

make a purchasing decision based on the information they collected. The decision process also

has five phases: recognition of need, information searching, evaluating alternatives, purchasing (or

choosing), and post-purchase outcomes.

During the initial information stage of the EKB model of consumer behavior theory, input is

the most valuable. Consumers receive enough information about the product or service to easily

recall or turn to the company’s products for future needs, and again during the external influence

phase. One industry that has a good grasp of this sequence is the lifestyle industry, where brands

know exactly how to market their products to trigger a desire in the consumer, usually so they look,

smell, or feel better than they would if they used competing brands. (Ohio, 2022)

Conceptual Framework

The main purpose of this study is to determine the product advertising tools and factors on

consumers purchasing behavior of CBMA 3rd year students of Eastern Samar State University.

To analyse more about the effectiveness of advertisement tools and the factors of tthat

influences the consumer buying behaviour, a conceptual framework is built. Thus, this study’s

conceptual framework shows the interrelated relationship between product advertising tools and

factors affecting on consumers purchasing behavior.

Factors Affecting on
Level of Effectiveness of Consumers Purchasing
Product Advertising Behavior

Figure 1: Shows the Presentation of the Conceptual Framework of the Study

The influence of advertisement tools and how advertisements work is a question that most

marketers and managers try to find an answer to. The primary objective of advertisement tools is

usually to impact the consumer’s buying behaviour. Most of the time consumers buying behaviour

is influenced by liking or disliking of consumer towards the advertisement of the product, advertised

(Smith & Neijens, 2006). In the words of Gorn (1982), the consumer behaviour towards a product

is wholly depending on advertising tools used, without any consideration of the features of the


Research Hypothesis

The study considered the following null hypothesis:

There is no significant relationship between product advertising tools and consumers

purchasing behavior.



Research methodologies are essential in gathering the necessary data and information. It

aids in the collection, analysis, dissemination, and utilization of information for the purposes of

improving the case study company’s satisfaction. (Kumar 2018)

This chapter presents the description of the research design, locale of the study, research

instrument, data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment used.

Research Design

The researcher used descriptive-correlational research method that sought to describe and

investigate the current situation on product advertising and consumers purchasing behaviour of the

selected CBMA 3rd students in Eastern Samar State University Guiuan Campus.

This is a quantitative description technique that seeks to answer questions about real life

situations, it collected detailed information and describe existing phenomenon. It systematically

describe the situation on area of interest functional and accurately. It allowed the researcher to

carefully describe and understand the product advertising and the consumers purchasing


The research believed that this kind of method was most appropriate for this study.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in Eastern Samar State University Guiuan-Campus,

which was chosen by the researchers to investigate and also to inquire information about product

advertising and consumer’s behavior. This research has shown that the consumers in the area are

responsible and willing to engage in the study.

Respondent of the Study

The respondent of the study will be gather from College of Business and Accountancy

(CBMA) department taking up the same year level (3rd year) at Eastern Samar State University

Guiuan-Campus. With reference to school records, the researchers will randomly choose 182 3 rd

year students applying the random sampling method. With this method, each undergraduate

programs of the entire population of 3rd year students will have an equal chance of being selected

as respondent.

The total population of the number of CBMA 3rd year students is one hundred eighty two

(182) with one hundred thirty two (132) total Female 3 rd year students and fifty (50) total male 3 rd

year students, with 95% confidence level the researchers only choose 182 3 rd year students taken

as sample size.

Research Instrument

The questionnaire is created in such a way that it will be both interesting and simple to

understand by those who will responded. Furthermore, the questionnaire was designed to collect

only relevant information and also included that were required to achieve the research objectives.

The questionnaire was used as the main data gathering instrument. The instrument to be prepared

focused on answering the statement of the problem. The questionnaire contains of 20 questions.

The questionnaire will be distributed to the respondent in Eastern Samar State University-Guiuan.

The data gathering instrument was structured as a scale ranging 5 - Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 -

Moderately Agree, 2 - Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree. This legend will help the researcher to

analysis the results of conducting data gathering. This questionnaire was adopted from the

different researchers about product advertising tools and factors on consumers purchasing

behavior. It is consisted of two parts Part I was the product advertising tools and the second part

was factors on consumers purchasing behavior.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will administer a survey questionnaire to the selected 3 rd year students of

Eastern Samar State University- Guiuan Campus as there respondent of the study.

A communication letter will be sent to the Campus Administrators office prior to the

research. Following approval, the researcher will submit the survey questionnaire to the chosen

respondents, who were given ample time to complete it. Following the response, the researcher

retrieved the questionnaire and reviewed all of the items to check that the selected respondent had

correctly answered all of them.

After collecting the data collection process the study collected from respondent will be

tabulated, summarize and analyze. In this stage the service of a statistical consultant was needed.

Measurement of Variables

The variables of the study are the following; product advertising and consumers purchasing


The data collection were interpreted on the following:

Product Advertising Tools (Part I). This measured the level of effectiveness of product

advertising tools on the respondents purchasing behavior.

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Consumers Purchasing Behavior (Part II). This measured the factors level of influence on

consumers purchasing behavior on product advertising.

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Sampling Design

A simple random sample strategy will be use in this study. Simple random sampling is a

probability approach in which individuals from a population are picked at random and have an

equal chance of being included in the sample. Because the researchers want to ensure that

everyone in the population has an equal opportunity of participating in the study, they adopted a

basic random sampling procedure.

Analysis of Data

The data obtained from the survey questionnaire was unified, organized and tabulated in

the distribution tables. Using a suitable statistical tool, the data was utilized and interpreted. In

determining the relationship between the product advertising tools and consumers purchasing

behavior the researchers used Pearson Correlation Coefficient being the most appropriate

statistical tool.



This chapter contains the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data obtained in

the study. Questionnaires were given to the College of Business Administration (CBMA) 3rd year

students, a total of 182 students were chosen as respondents but only 168 students respond. After

giving the consent form indicating their willingness to participate in the study, these students

completed the questionnaires.

Profile of the respondents   

The profile of the respondents in terms of Age and Gender, were gathered and analysed to

have an accurate description of the respondents. The table below presents the frequency

distribution of the respondents by Age and Gender.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age


24 and above 4 2.7%

21 – 23 139 93.9%

18 – 20 5 3.38%

TOTAL 148 100%

1. Age; Table 1 show the frequency distribution of the respondents in terms of Age.

Since it is optional for the respondents to indicate their age in the questionnaire 20 out of

168 respondents didn’t state their age. Most of the respondents were 21 to 23 years old, with a

frequency of 139 that comprised 93.9 percent of the respondents. 3.38 percent were 18 to

20 years old with a frequency of 5, then 2.7 percent were 24 and above years old which has the

frequency of 4 for a total of 148.

Table 2. Distribution of Respondents in terms of Gender


FEMALE 119 70.8%

MALE 49 29.8%

TOTAL 168 100%

2. Gender; Table   2   highlights   the   frequency   distribution   of respondents in terms of


It could be seen from the table above that there were one hundred nineteen (119) female

respondents which comprised 70. 8 percent of the total number of population, and forty-nine (49)

male respondents that comprised 29.2 percent in total there are 168 respondents.

Level of effectiveness of Product Mean Description Interpretation

Advertising Tools
Table 3: Level of Effectiveness of Product Advertising Tools.

if they see it on TV than if they see it anywhere

TV ads call out potential customers right 3.76 Agree Acceptable
where they are.
Television remains one of the most popular 3.8 Agree Acceptable
and effective product advertising channels
Customers are more motivated to buy product 4.1 Agree Acceptable

Radio is one of the most straight forward 3.76 Agree Acceptable
formats to utilize high-frequency messaging
especially when it comes to product
Radio ads bring product to life in a matter 3.8 Agree Acceptable
of minute.
The accessibility of radio enables listening occur in 4.11 Agree Acceptable
places that other media may have difficulty in
Radio’s variety of formats allow to pinpoint 3.81 Agree Acceptable
advertising product on the station or stations that
best match customer’s interest.
With radio advertising, products are front and 3.76 Agree Acceptable
center in the listener’s attention span when your ad
is on the air.

Billboards is effective for building brand awareness 3.78 Agree Acceptable
and broadcasting product to as many people as
Billboards is an efficient marketing strategy for getting 3.82 Agree Acceptable
the greatest number of views and long term-brand
For better or for worse billboards are completely 3.77 Agree Acceptable
Many billboards have a message that gives potential 4.1 Agree Acceptable
customers an idea of how to find their destination.
Billboards are a get way to share your brand with the 3.79 Agree Acceptable
world and reach those who need your products
the most.
Mean 3.85 Agree Acceptable

Social Media
The content of social media on a certain 3.8 Agree Acceptable
product is much interesting, easy and enjoyable.
The communicators of product on social media 3.77 Agree Acceptable
are more influential.
Social media allows to target and retarget 3.76 Agree Acceptable
ideal customers.
Most people will pay attention to products 3.82 Agree Acceptable
advertised on social media.
Consumers will be more receptive to your 4.11 Agree Acceptable
messages when product advertising through
social media.

Print Media
It will be more effective if print media are 3.76 Agree Acceptable
more engaging.
Looking and reading products on magazines 3.79 Agree Acceptable
or newspaper is more efficient and stimulates
more brain activity.
Print media has a higher frequency opportunity 3.82 Agree Acceptable
of viewing than online ads.
Print media is a great way to increase brand 3.98 Agree Acceptable
awareness and build trust with potential
Print media have a high recall value as they 3.77 Agree Acceptable
are often seen and read multiple times.

TV ads makes the purchase of the product 3.83 Agree Acceptable
Television advertisement of a product 3.76 Agree Acceptable
Increase the sales of such product.

Table 3 reveals the level of effectiveness of Product Advertising Tools in terms of using

social media, print media, television, radio and billboard. It can be gleaned that mostly of the

respondents are agree with a mean of 3.85. Therefore, it can be noted that these product

advertising tools are acceptable when it comes to product advertisement. Each respondent

corresponds in every statement/questions conform that the use of social media, print media,

television, radio and billboard are effectively useful as a way to a product to be known and to

attract customer’s attention to purchase certain products/services. This conforms to the findings of

Opeodu and Gbadebo (2017) indicated that an advertisement on various media platforms plays a

vital role in influencing consumers choice. This clearly shows a positive outlook toward the

effectiveness of using product advertising tools and hence a good indication for marketers.

Table 3.1 Level of effectiveness in terms of using Social Media

Level of effectiveness of Product Mean Description Interpretation
Advertising Tools
Social Media
The content of social media on a certain 3.8 Agree Acceptable
product is much interesting, easy and enjoyable.
The communicators of product on social media 3.77 Agree Acceptable
are more influential.
Social media allows to target and retarget 3.76 Agree Acceptable
ideal customers.
Most people will pay attention to products 3.82 Agree Acceptable
advertised on social media.
Consumers will be more receptive to your 4.11 Agree Acceptable
messages when product advertising through
social media.
Mean 3.85 Agree Acceptable

As shown in the table 3.1, it simply states that majority of respondents agree that the affectivity

of using social media in advertising products are acceptable with the grand mean of 3.85. This also

shows that the respondents agree on the following views, to wit: The content of social media on a

certain product is much interesting, easy and enjoyable 3.8. The communicators of product on social

media are more influential, 3.77. Social media allows to target and retarget ideal customers, 3.76.

Most people will pay attention to products advertised on social media 3.82. Consumers will be more

receptive to your messages when product advertising through social media, 4.11. This implies that

with the use social media consumers will more likely to purchase product if the content seen in this

platform is eye catchy. Also they agree that it will be easy for such consumer to easily bought some

products because as today’s generation some people are active on social media especially


Level of effectiveness of Product Mean Description Interpretation

Advertising Tools
Table 3.2 Level of effectiveness in terms of using Print Media

Print Media
It will be more effective if print media are more engaging. 3.76 Agree Acceptable
Looking and reading products on magazines or newspaper 3.79 Agree Acceptable
is more efficient and stimulates more brain activity.
Print media has a higher frequency opportunity of viewing 3.82 Agree Acceptable
of viewing than online ads.
Print media is a great way to increase brand awareness 3.98 Agree Acceptable
and build trust with potential customers.
Print media have a high recall value as they 3.77 Agree Acceptable
are often seen and read multiple times.
Mean 3.82 Agree Acceptable

Table 3.2 shows the level of effectiveness in terms of using print media, it can be determined

that the respondents are most likely agree that print media are effective and acceptable with a mean

of 3.82. This insinuates that print media are also an effective tool to endorse or advertise a product.

This means that print media such as magazines, newspapers, flyers etc. still exist even though

generations today are more engaged in social media and internet. Respondents agree that a viewer

has a high chance recalling an ad in print format. Also this print media piles up, creates clutter, and

is thereby reviewed once more, even before recycling or discarding.

Table 3.3 Level of effectiveness in terms of using Television

Level of effectiveness of Product Mean Description Interpretation
Advertising Tools
TV ads makes the purchase of the product easier. 3.83 Agree
Television advertisement of a product increase the 3.76 Agree
sales of such product.
TV ads call out potential customers right where 3.76 Agree
they are.
Television remains one of the most popular and 3.8 Agree
effective product advertising channels worldwide.
Customers are more motivated to buy product if 4.1 Agree
they see it on TV than if they see it anywhere else.
Mean 3.85 Agree Acceptable

In reference to the above table respondents also agree that the effectiveness of product

advertising tools in terms of using television as one of the product advertising tools are acceptable

with a mean of 3.85. This indicate that television advertising still remains one the most effective

forms of advertising as it reaches a larger audience since most household have Television.

Table 3.4 Level of effectiveness in terms of using Radio

Level of effectiveness of Product Mean Description Interpretation
Advertising Tools
Radio is one of the most straight forward formats to 3.76 Agree Acceptable
utilize high-frequency messaging especially when it
comes to product endorsement.
Radio ads bring product to life in a matter of minute. 3.8 Agree
The accessibility of radio enables listening occur 4.11 Agree
in places that other media may have difficulty in
Radio’s variety of formats allow to pinpoint 3.81 Agree
advertising product on the station or stations
that best match customer’s interest.
With radio advertising, products are front and 3.76 Agree
center in the listener’s attention span when your
ad is on the air.
Mean 3.85 Agree Acceptable

Table 3.4 shows the level of effectiveness in terms of using radio it clearly tells that

respondents also agree that radio is also one effective advertising tools when it comes to product

advertisement with a mean of also 3.85 and interpreted as acceptable as one of the effective tools

that can be used in terms of product advertising although most of our respondent don’t use radio at

their homes but with the result as a product advertising it’s still relevant as an advertisement

platform of certain products/services.

Table 3.5 Level of effectiveness in terms of using Billboards

Level of effectiveness of Product Mean Description Interpretation
Advertising Tools
Billboards is effective for building brand awareness 3.78 Agree Acceptable
acceptable and broadcasting product to as many
people as possible.
Billboards is an efficient marketing strategy 3.82 Agree Acceptable
for getting the greatest number of views and long
term-brand impressions.
For better or for worse billboards are completely 3.77 Agree Acceptable
Many billboards have a message that give potential 4.1 Agree Acceptable
customers an idea of how to find their destination.
Billboards are a get way to share your brand with 3.79 Agree Acceptable
the world and reach those who need your products
Mean 3.85 Agree Acceptable
the most

The above table depicts respondents also agree that the use of billboards as product

advertising tools are also an effective way to endorse a certain product with a mean of 3.85 and

interpreted as acceptable. This shows that the respondents agree on the following statement, to wit:

Billboards is effective for building brand awareness and broadcasting product to as many people as

possible, 3.78. Billboards is an efficient marketing strategy for getting the greatest number of views

and long term-brand impressions, 3.82. For better or for worse billboards are completely unavoidable,

3.77. Many billboards have a message that give potential customers an idea of how to find their

destination, 4.1. Billboards are a get way to share your brand with the world and reach those who

need your products the most, 3.79.

Factors influencing Consumers Mean Description
Purchasing Behavior
Table 4. Factors affecting Consumers Purchasing Behavior

Personal Factors
I buy mostly from shops/store that is closest to me. 4.06 Agree Acceptable
Once I find the product I like and also suits to 3.88
my work outfit, I buy it regularly.
I usually buy the lower price product. 3.66 Agree Acceptable
I look very carefully to find the best value for 3.66 Agree Acceptable
I purchase products that I usually needed than 3.61 Agree Acceptable
what I usually wanted.
Cultural Factors
I prefer to buy the best selling products. 3.63 Agree Acceptable
I buy mostly from shop which sells current and 3.7 Agree Acceptable
fashionable or trendy goods.
I like to buy products where customers are 3.81 Agree Acceptable
treated with respect and kindness.
I usually purchase products which my family 3.79 Agree Acceptable
preferred me to buy.
I look first on how the store/products are 3.95 Agree Acceptable
well-organized before I purchase a certain product.
Psychological Factors
I should spend more time deciding on products 4.71 Strongly Agree Highly Acceptable
and brands I buy.
The more I learn the product, the harder it seems 3.85 Agree Acceptable
to choose the best.
I usually shop quickly, buying the first product or 3.89 Agree Acceptable
brand I find that seems good enough
Usually, I really care about the particular product I 3.96 Agree Acceptable
It is funny to buy something new and exciting. 3.96 Agree Acceptable
Mean 3.87 Agree Acceptable

Table 4 convey the factors affecting consumers purchasing behaviour such as personal

factors, cultural and psychological factors, it can be seen that the respondents agree that these

factors affect their purchasing behaviour when it comes to buying a certain product with an overall

mean of 3.87 and interpreted as acceptable. This is similar to the findings of Kotler and Armstrong

2008, that Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behavior which including

the roles of buyers’ culture, subculture and social class. Each culture contains smaller subcultures,

or groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations.

Subcultures include nationalities, religions, racial groups, and geographic regions. A buyer’s

decisions also are influenced by personal characteristics such as the buyers’ age and life-cycle
stage, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, and personality and self-concept. People change

the goods and services they buy over their lifetimes. A person’s occupation affects the goods and

services bought. Similarly, a person’s economic situation affects product choice. A person’s

buying choices are further influenced by four major psychological factors: motivation, perception

and attitudes. Motivation is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action.

Perception is the process by which people select, organize, and interpret information to form a

meaningful picture of the world.

Cultural factors exert a

broad and deep influence on
consumer behavior which
including the roles of buyers’
culture, subculture and social
class. Each culture
contains smaller subcultures, or
groups of people with shared
value systems based on
common life experiences and
situations. Subcultures include
nationalities, religions,

racial groups, and geographic
regions (Kotler and Armstrong
Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behavior which
including the roles of buyers’ culture, subculture and social class. Each culture
contains smaller subcultures, or groups of people with shared value systems based on
common life experiences and situations. Subcultures include nationalities, religions,
racial groups, and geographic regions (Kotler and Armstrong 2008).
Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behavior which
including the roles of buyers’ culture, subculture and social class. Each culture
contains smaller subcultures, or groups of people with shared value systems based on
common life experiences and situations. Subcultures include nationalities, religions,
racial groups, and geographic regions (Kotler and Armstrong 2008).

Cultural factors exert a

broad and deep influence on
consumer behavior which
including the roles of buyers’
culture, subculture and social
class. Each culture
contains smaller subcultures, or
groups of people with shared
value systems based on
common life experiences and
situations. Subcultures include
nationalities, religions, 42
racial groups, and geographic
regions (Kotler and Armstrong
Table 4.1 Factors affecting consumers purchasing behavior in terms of Personal Factors
Factors Affecting Consumers Mean Description Interpretation
Purchasing Behavior
Personal Factors
I buy mostly from shops/store that is closest to me. 4.06 Agree
Once I find the product I like and also suits to my 3.88 Agree Acceptable
work outfit, I buy it regularly.
I usually buy the lower price product. 3.66 Agree Acceptable
I look very carefully to find the best value for 3.66 Agree Acceptable
I purchase products that I usually needed than 3.61 Agree
what I usually wanted.
Mean 3.77 Agree Acceptable

The above table depicts respondents also agree that personal factors such as their age,

lifestyle, personality and occupation affect their purchasing decision on certain products with a mean of

3.77 and interpreted as acceptable. This shows that the respondents agree on the following statement,

to wit: I buy mostly from shops/store that is closest to me, 4.06. Once I find the product I like and also

suits to my work outfit, I buy it regularly, 3.88. I usually buy the lower price product, 3.66. I look very

carefully to find the best value for money, 3.66. I purchase products that I usually needed than what I

usually wanted, 3.61.

Table 4.2 Factors affecting consumers purchasing behavior in terms of Cultural Factors
Factors Affecting Consumers Mean Description Interpretation
Purchasing Behavior
Cultural Factors
I prefer to buy the best selling products. 3.63 Agree Acceptable
I buy mostly from shop which sells current and 3.7 Agree Acceptable
fashionable or trendy goods.
I like to buy products where customers are treated 3.81 Agree Acceptable
with respect and kindness.
I usually purchase products which my family 3.79 Agree Acceptable
preferred me to buy.
I look first on how the store/products are 3.95 Agree Acceptable
well-organized before I purchase a certain
Mean 3.78 Agree Acceptable

The table above indicates that cultures, subcultures and social class somehow affects purchasing

behaviour of such consumers as it states that the majority of the respondents agreed with overall mean

is 3.78 to the following statements given to them and given each statement corresponding weighted

mean and interpreted as acceptable, to wit: I prefer to buy the best selling products, 3.63. I buy mostly

from shop which sells current and fashionable or trendy goods, 3.7. I like to buy products where

customers are treated with respect and kindness, 3.81. I usually purchase products which my family

preferred me to buy, 3.79. I look first on how the store/products are well-organized before I purchase a

certain product, 3.95.

Table 4.3 Factors affecting consumers purchasing behaviors in terms of Psychological Factors
Factors Affecting Consumers Mean Description Interpretation
Purchasing Behavior
Psychological Factors
I should spend more time deciding on products 4.71 Strongly Agree Highly
and brands I buy.
The more I learn the product, the harder it seems 3.85 Agree Acceptable
to choose the best.
I usually shop quickly, buying the first product or 3.89 Agree Acceptable
brand I find that seems good enough.
Usually, I really care about the particular product 3.98 Agree Acceptable
I buy.
It is funny to buy something new and exciting. 3.96 Agree Acceptable
Mean 3.98 Agree Acceptable

Table 4.3 above tackles on the factors affecting consumers purchasing behaviour specifically on

psychological factors, it is clearly seen from the overall weighted mean that is 3.98 where respondents

agreed that consumers purchasing choice are further influenced by motivation, perception, emotions

and attitudes. As on the first statement, I should spend more time deciding on products and brands I

buy, which got a highest weighted mean of 4.71 that is strongly agree and highly acceptable. Then

followed by the following statement, to wit: The more I learn the product, the harder it seems to choose

the best, 3.85.I usually shop quickly, buying the first product or brand I find that seems good enough,

3.89. Usually, I really care about the particular product I buy, 3.98. It is funny to buy something new and

exciting, 3.96.

Relationship between Product Advertising Tools and Consumers Purchasing Behavior

Variable 1 Variable 2
Correlation Interpretation P-Value Interpretation
Product Consumers
Advertising Purchasing .060 Negligible Correlation .443 Not Significant
Tools Behavior
Table 5: Relationship between Product Advertising Tools and Consumers Purchasing Behavior

Table 5 shows the relationship between Product Advertising Tools and Consumers

Purchasing Behavior. It was established that there was no significant relationship between the two

variables which are product advertising tools and consumers purchasing behavior. The result

simply indicate that tools like billboards, television, radio, print and social media used in product

advertising has no significant impact to the personal, cultural and psychological factors affecting

consumers purchasing behavior. Thus, this product advertising tools is not necessarily needed to

attract or convince consumers to purchase certain product that has been endorsed or advertised.

As shown in the table the, it exhibited an index of correlation at .060 and p – value of .443.

Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted, stating that there was no significant relationship

between the two variables which are product advertising tools and consumers purchasing




This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations drawn

from the results of the study.


This study aims to determine the relationship between product advertising and consumer

purchasing behavior.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions;

1. What is the level of effectiveness of product advertising tools along the following:

1.1 social media;

1.2 print media;

1.3 television;

1.4 radio and

1.5 billboard?

2. What are the factors affecting consumers purchasing behavior in terms of:

2.1 personal factors;

2.2 cultural factors and;

2.3 psychological factors?

3. Is there significant relationship between product advertising tools and consumers purchasing


The researcher used descriptive-correlational research method that sought to describe and

investigate the current situation on product advertising and consumers purchasing behaviour of the

selected CBMA 3rd students in Eastern Samar State University Guiuan Campus.

This is a quantitative description technique that seeks to answer questions about real life

situations, it collected detailed information and describe existing phenomenon. It systematically

describe the situation on area of interest functional and accurately. It allowed the researcher to

carefully describe and understand the product advertising and the consumers purchasing


The study will cover the identification of consumers wants and needs to the evaluation of

consumers satisfaction, and it comprises of research relating to products, sales, advertising,

pricing and sales forecasting in the television. The respondents consumers' purchasing behavior

influences their intention to buy, knowledge of different aspects that may help sellers’ market make

a sales forecast of their products. Measuring product advertising and consumer purchasing

behavior may help a marketing executive get a better picture of both present and potential

markets. The identification of consumers wants and needs to the evaluation of consumer

satisfaction. It comprises of research relating to consumers, products, sales, distribution,

advertising, pricing and sales forecasting.

Selected 3rd year CBMA students of Eastern Samar State University –Guiuan are

considered as the respondents of the study.

However, it is limited to the analysis of the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex

and occupation.

The level of effectiveness of product advertising tool was described.

The respondents were classified as the following consumers purchasing behavior.

For deeper analysis of the main problem, product advertising tools and consumers

purchasing behavior of the respondents when grouped according to their personal profile were

taken consideration.

The data will be gathered through a survey questionnaire.

On the basis of the results presented and discussed, the following findings revealed:

From the above results we have observed and analysed that advertisement have its

effects, consumers are familiar with the promotional activities of electronic and print media etc. The

results are also in line with Abideen & Latif (2011) who argued that necessity advertisement,

pleasure of advertisement, give the awareness regarding consumer goods, also described that the

media have an influence on the consumer’s mind and buying behavior it’s said by Haug (2003)

who proved that, this kind of behavior have found simultaneously with different age level people,

whether they belong to the old age, middle age, teen age and even in the university age said by

the Bashir and Malik (2009). The results were also signified by Rasool (2012) who said that

dominance of an advertisement provide the awareness about prices, characteristics, quality,

ingredients and many more things due to this usually consumers has move towards economic

products. We’ve also found that the specific type of advertisement stimulate the consumer’s buying

habit so that buy the goods as soon as possible. The results are proved by Abideen, Z. U., &

Saleem, S. (2011) that on the behalf of necessity, pleasure, dominance, brand recall and

stimulation advertisement can effects the consumers buying behavior.

Convey the factors affecting consumers purchasing behaviour such as personal

factors, cultural and psychological factors, it can be perceived that the respondents agree that

these factors affect their purchasing behaviour when it comes to buying a certain product.This is

similar to the findings of Kotler and Armstrong 2008, that Cultural factors exert a broad and deep

influence on consumer behavior which including the roles of buyers’ culture, subculture and social

class. Each culture contains smaller subcultures, or groups of people with shared value systems

based on common life experiences and situations. Subcultures include nationalities, religions,

racial groups, and geographic regions. A buyer’s decisions also are influenced by personal

characteristics such as the buyers’ age and life-cycle stage, occupation, economic situation,

lifestyle, and personality and self-concept. People change the goods and services they buy over

their lifetimes. A person’s occupation affects the goods and services bought. Similarly, a person’s

economic situation affects product choice. A person’s buying choices are further influenced by four

major psychological factors: motivation, perception and attitudes. Motivation is the driving force

within individuals that impels them to action. Perception is the process by which people select,

organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. The above table

depicts respondents are also agree that personal factors such as their age, lifestyle, personality

and occupation affect their purchasing decision on certain products.

The relationship between Product Advertising Tools and Consumers Purchasing

Behavior. It was established that there was no significant relationship between the two variables

which are product advertising tools and consumers purchasing behavior. The result simply indicate

that tools like billboards, television, radio, print and social media used in product advertising has

no significant impact to the personal, cultural and psychological factors affecting consumers

purchasing behavior. Thus, this product advertising tools is not necessarily needed to attract or

convince consumers to purchase certain product that has been endorsed or advertised. As shown

in the table the, it exhibited an index of correlationat .060 and p – value of .443 thus, the null

hypothesis enunciating that there was no significant relationship between the two variables which

are product advertising tools and consumers purchasing behavior.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

All factors in level of effectiveness of advertising tools are effective and acceptable based

from the response of the respondents. On factors affecting consumers purchasing behavior, the

respondents agreed that personal factors affect their purchasing decision on certain products while

on cultural factors it somehow affects their purchasing behavior on such consumers. Lastly the

psychological factors it is clearly seen that majority of the respondents are agreed that consumers

purchasing choice are further influenced by motivation, perception, emotions and attitudes.

Consequently, the relationship between Product Advertising Tools and Consumers

Purchasing Behavior, it was established that there was no significant relationship between the two

variables which are product advertising tools and consumers purchasing behavior. Therefore,

product advertising tools is not necessarily needed to attract or convince consumers to purchase

certain product that has been endorsed or advertised. There was no significant relationship

between product advertising tools and consumers purchasing behavior. Thus, the null hypothesis

is accepted


Based on the results of the study, the following are the recommendations:

To business Owners the researchers recommend continuing to build trust and attract the

consumers by using effective product advertising tools. This study reveals the level of

effectiveness of Product Advertising Tools in terms of using social media, print media, television;

radio and billboard are effectively useful as a way for a product to be known and to attract

customer’s attention to purchase certain products/services.

To students the researchers recommend to the students that they should explore more learning

on product advertising tools/ materials and how it affects the decision making of the consumers in

purchasing the product.

To teachers the researchers recommend to the teachers that they should asses the knowledge of

the students as consumers for better purchasing experiences.

To administration the researchers also recommend to the school administration to develop

programs or conduct seminars that specifically aims to help learners become more aware of their

purchasing behaviour and how effective is the product advertising tools.

To the future researchers a wider scope of investigation involving product advertising tools and

consumers purchasing behaviour in the different campuses should be conducted to further validate

the study.


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July 13, 2022


Dean, College of Business Management & Accountancy
Eastern Samar State University
Guiuan Campus
Guiuan Eastern Samar


We, the undergraduate students of EASTERN SAMAR STATE UNIVERSITY, taking up the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with major/specialization in Financial
Management request the member of the advisory committee that we will be allowed to administer
our instrument to gather the necessary data for our research.

Major Adviser Name Signature

Ms. Myra Mae Monares
Dr. Teresita Villa G. Lacaba
Dr. Cecilia G. Lagramada
Ms. Elizabeth C. Dañas
Dr. Jeffrey A. Guimbaolibot
The signatures opposite each name of the adviser indicate that our advisory committee is
satisfied with the necessary corrections made during the Pre-oral/Oral examination in the revised
research proposal.

Very truly yours,

Macasa, Analy, G.
Panduma, Vanessa, O.
Gutierrez, Margin, G.
Pagatpat, Michelle, A
Abadilla, Ruby Ann P.
Abrajano, Jonafe, C.



CBMA, Dean

ESSU-ACAD-904 | Version 4
Effective : June 10, 2021


July 13, 2022

Program Head
Eastern Samar State University
Guiuan Campus
Guiuan Eastern Samar

Dear Ma’am Dañas,

The undersigned are presently conducting a research study entitled Product Advertising
Tools and Consumers Purchasing Behavior in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

In this connection, the researchers respectfully request permission to be allowed to

distribute their questionnaire to 3rd year CBMA students. Rest assure that the data/results that will
be gather will be held strictly confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of the study.

Anticipating a favorable action towards our request.

Thank you very much.


Macasa, Analy, G.

Panduma, Vanessa, O.

Gutierrez, Margin, G.

Pagatpat, Michelle, A

Abadilla, Ruby Ann P.

Abrajano, Jonafe, C.



Research Adviser

ESSU-ACAD-904 | Version 4
Effective : June 10, 2021

Research Title: Product advertising tools and consumers purchasing behavior


Dear sir/madam, we, a group of students from EASTERN SAMAR STATE UNIVERSITY GUIUAN


PURCHASING BEHAVIOR. Please help us in this survey process by filling the questionnaire given

below. Your cooperation will be highly obliged and appreciated.

Please put check (/) that corresponds your answer.

Name (optional): _____________________________________ Age: _____

Gender: female male prefer not to say

5 - Strongly Agree 3 - Moderately Agree 1- Strongly Disagree

4 - Agree 2 - Disagree

PART I. Product Advertising Tools

A. Social Media 5 4 3 2 1

1. The content of social media on a certain product is much interesting,

easy and enjoyable.
2. The communicators of product on social media are more influential.

3. Social media allows to target and retarget ideal customers.

4. Most people will pay attention to products advertised on social media.

5. Consumers will be more receptive to your messages when product

advertising through social media.
B. Print Media

1. It will be more effective if print media are more engaging.

2. Looking and reading products on magazines or newspaper is more

efficient and stimulates more brain activity.
3. Print media has a higher frequency opportunity of viewing than online


4. Print media is a great way to increase brand awareness and build trust
with potential customers.
5. Print media have a high recall value as they are often seen and read
multiple times.
C. Television 5 4 3 2 1

1. TV ads makes the purchase of the product easier.

2. Television advertisement of a product increase the sales of such


3. TV ads call out potential customers right where they are.

4. Television remains one of the most popular and effective product

advertising channels worldwide.
5. Customers are more motivated to buy product if they see it on TV than if
they see it anywhere else.


1. Radio is one of the most straight forward formats to utilize high-

frequency messaging especially when it comes to product endorsement.
2. Radio ads bring product to life in a matter of minute.

3. The accessibility of radio enables listening occur in places that other
media may have difficulty in reaching.
4. Radio’s variety of formats allow to pinpoint advertising product on the
station or stations that best match customer’s interest.
5. With radio advertising, products are front and center in the listener’s
attention span when your ad is on the air.

E. Billboard

1. Billboards is effective for building brand awareness and broadcasting

product to as many people as possible.
2. Billboards is an efficient marketing strategy for getting the greatest
number of views and long term-brand impressions.
3. For better or for worse billboards are completely unavoidable.

4. Many billboards have a message that give potential customers an idea

of how to find their destination.
5. Billboards are a get way to share your brand with the world and reach
those who need your products the most.

PART II. Consumers Purchasing Behavior

A. Personal Factors 5 4 3 2 1

1. I buy mostly from shops/store that is closest to me.

2. Once I find the product I like and also suits to my work outfit, I buy it


3. I usually buy the lower price product.

4. I look very carefully to find the best value for money.

5. I purchase products that I usually needed than what I usually wanted.

B. Cultural Factors

1. I prefer to buy the best selling products.

2. I buy mostly from shop which sells current and fashionable or trendy

3. I like to buy products where customers are treated with respect and

4. I usually purchase products which my family preferred me to buy.

5. I look first on how the store/products are well-organized before I

purchase a certain product.

C. Psychological Factors

1. I should spend more time deciding on products and brands I buy.

2. The more I learn the product, the harder it seems to choose the best.

3. I usually shop quickly, buying the first product or brand I find that
seems good enough
4. Usually, I really care about the particular product I buy.

5. It is funny to buy something new and exciting.


ANALY GARCIA MACASA is a native of Brgy. 02 Pob. Salcedo

Eastern Samar, born on April 22, 1998 at Salcedo Eastern

Samar. He is the fourth child among the 5 children of Mr.

Francisco B. Macasa and Mrs. Violenda G. Macasa.

She attended her elementary years at Salcedo Central

Elementary (SCES) School graduated as Second Honorable


She finished her Junior High School at Salcedo National High School (SNHS) and

graduated as With honors, then she continued her Senior High School at Quinapondan National

High School (QNHS) and graduated as With High Honor.

Now, she is pursuing his college years at Eastern Samar State University-Guiuan Campus

with the course of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Management.

While she was still young, he was an aspiring to be a good leader. While she was in

elementary and high school, she was fond in participating extra-curricular activities. Currently, she

is an SK official of their Barangay- Salcedo.

She hopes that from this piece of work, the researcher, among other millennial in the field

will have an advanced perception of the nature of such generation, thereby doing something to

maximize one’s potential as a student for the benefit of the learners.

Gutierrez,Margin G. 21 years old of age was born on September

27, 2001 in Brgy. Hollywood Guiuan Eastern Samar by the loving

parents Gina G. Gutierrez and Marcos L. Gutierrez Jr. She was

the youngest among her 2 siblings.Margin graduated in

Campoyong Elementary School on her primary school and

finished her Junior high school at Immaculate Conception School Guiuan while at Essu-Guiuan

she was completed her finished Senior High School. Currently she is a 4th Year college students

taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management in Essu-

Guiuan Campus.

Vanessa Odevilas Panduma, 21 years old was born on January

4, 2001 in Brgy. Sto. Nino Guiuan Eastern Samar by loving

parents Mrs. Marieta Biong Odevilas and Mr. Danilo Sumpiao

Panduma. She is the second oldest among her seven siblings.

Vanessa finished her primary and elementary education at

Salug Elementary School as with honors. She finished her

junior and Senior High School in Guiuan National National High

School as with honors.  Currently, she is a 4rth year college

taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management at

Eastern Saar State University-Guiuan Campus, Guiuan Eastern Samar.

Michelle A.Pagatpat 22 years of age,she was born on August

13, 2000 in brgy, Hagna Guiuan Eastern Samar. He is the

daughter of Mr. Rogelio Pagatpat Sr. And Mrs. Natividad

Pagatpat. She finished her Elementary Education in Bagua

Elementary School and finished her Junior and Senior high school

in Guiuan National High School.Currently she is 4th year college student taking of Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration at Eastern Samar State University Guiuan Campus.

Ruby Ann P. Abadilla, 22 years old was born on August

26, 2000 in Barangay 01, Giporlos, Eastern Samar by the

loving and supportive parents Romulo F. Abadilla and

Glory P. Abadilla. She is the only one daughter. She

finished his elementary education at Giporlos Central

School and finished his Junior High school Education at

Giporlos National Trade School , She is a member of

Youth Environment in School (YES-O) and Disaster Risk

Reduction Management (DRRM) Organization in Junior high school at Giporlos National Trade

School and Graduated in Senior High at Giporlos National Trade School. Currently she is a 4th year

college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial

Management at Eastern Samar State University- Guiuan Campus, Guiuan Eastern Samar.

Jonafe C, Abrajano, 21 years of age was born on May

02, 2001 in barangay Sulangan Guiuan Eastern Samar by the

supportive and loving parents Ma. Cleofe A, Albao and Joseph R,

Albao. She is the second oldest among the three siblings. She

finished her Elementary education  in Sulangan Elementary

school and finished her Junior high school in Sulangan National

High School and Graduated in Senior high school at Eastern

Samar State University-Guiuan Campus. Currently she is a 4th year college student taking up

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in financial management at Eastern Samar

State University-Guiuan campus.


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