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\ | enerl-purpose computers come in many sizes and capabilities. Traditionally, computers were classified by thei |sze, processing speed, and cost. Based on these factors, computers were classified as microcomPulets, | inicomputers, mainframes, and supercomputers. However, with rapidly changing technology, this classification {sno longer relevant. The problem is that computer technology is changing so swiftly that after every few months, ‘ew models of computers are introduced having much higher performance and costing less than their preceding fodels. Hence, a recently introduced small system can outperform large models of a few years ago, and a new ‘tinicomputer can perform the jobs of an earlier mainframe at much lower cost. Hence, today computers are tassified based on their mode of use. According to this classification, computers are classified as notebook ‘omputers, personal computers, workstations, mainframe systems, supercomputers, client and server computers, ind handled computers. In this chapter, you will learn about these types of computers. | NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS (LAPTOPS) | Notebook computers are portable computers mainly meant for use by people who need computing resource wherever they go. As the name implies, the size of a notebook computer is approximately the same as the size of an 8% x 11 inch notebook, and can easily fit in a briefcase. Since they have to be carried along, notebook computers are light in weight, weighing around 2 Kg, They are also known as laptop PCs (laptop personal computers ot simply laptop) because they are as powerful as a moderate PC, and their size and weight allows them to be used comfortably by placing them on ones lap. ‘Anotebook computer uses an almost full-size keyboard, a flat screen liquid erystal color display, and a trackball, sick, oF touchpad (instead of a mouse because notebook computers are often used without a desk) (see Figure 20:1), It also has a hard disk, a floppy disk drive, a CD/DVD drive, and ports for connecting peripheral devices such as printer, pen drive, etc. The lid with display screen is foldable in a manner that when not in use it can be folded to flush with keyboard to convert the system into notebook form. When in use, the lid with display screen is folded open as shown in the figure. Many models of laptops ean be “docked” on a docking station (device with, —PUters 382 tional battery, hard disk, /O ports, ete.) or port replicator (device with additional VO ports) to take ay 30K aduliiona ar storage space, and other peripherals such asa printer, Most laprops ean be connected tog nataee ett of fers on the network, OF to access the Inga "Ok spi et, ywnload data (read files) from other comput to enable them to download data ( ) their design enables them to establish ysise feant to be mobile and used from anywhere, laptops are m ae {aptoPs ity with other stationary computers using WiFi and Bluetooth. Biuerooth isan industrial specificain 8 spanesange wireless connectivity using globally unlicensed short~range radio frequency. It provides a yayi If cOM laptops, printers, mobile phones, and digital ont? © fon establish wireless connectivity between devices such as PCs, came for exchange of information between them. 95? we Foldable flat screen. ———> ofS unit des Keyboard, trackball, hard — Al ete, are in this unit ed Figure 20.1. A notebook computer (Laptop). ere there is no extemal power source available (for example while traveling We can use laptops even at places wh 0 designed to operate with chargeable batteries. With a fully charged batter, in a train or airplane). Hence, they are a laptop can operate for a few hours. Laptops normally run MS-DOS or MS WINDOWS operating system. With popularity of freely available open source operating systems, some manufacturers are also offering models with GNU/Linux or its distribution. Laptops are commonly used for word processing, spreadsheet computing, data entry, and preparing presentation materials while a person is traveling. They are also used for making presentations by plugging them into an LCD (liquid crystal display) projection system when presentations are to be made at a location away from ones office. Processing capability of a laptop is normally as good as an ordinary PC (personal computer) because both ust same type of processor such as an Intel Pentium processor. However, microprocessors for laptops are designed to dynamically adjust their performance with available power to provide maximum power saving, In fact, each device of laptops are designed to use little power and remain suspended if not used. A laptop generally has less hard disk storage than a PC to keep its total weight to around 2 Kg. Laptops are more expensive (2 to 3 tims) than a normal PC. PERSONAL COMPUTERS (PCs) A.C is a non-portable, general-purpose computer that fits on a normal size office table (leaving some wit spac. to keep writing pads and other office stationary), and is used by one person at a time (single-user-oriemts) As the name implies, users use PCs for their personal computing needs either at thei iy laces or at thelt homes. In fact, PCs have changed the work culture and work habits of numerous onariestiony and indiviil® ‘An increasing proportion of office work now involves use of computers. Hence, Poe so found today on wots desks of several employees in any organization. PCS are also providing cma gag oak tentle wots environments. Those employees who could not work during traditional office Neon de ty nersonal resets now work pat of their time in offie and remainder at home by having a PC at then Canvas Several indiit® 8 wer hme a PC at their homes to run business from hom keer ent, Hence, PCs are now very common every ‘es. Both children and adults use PCs for education and psn spops. clinics, etc ‘where, and can be found in offices, classrooms, homes, jn configuration of PCs varies depending on their gts of a system unit, a monitor (display screen), a <1at of main circuit board (consisting of CPU, mer oy special add-on cards (such as network intert wet pen drive, ete sl usage, However, the keyboard, and a mou: mory, etc.), hard face card), most commonly used configuration ise. System unit, in the form of a box, disk storage, floppy disk drive, CD/DVD ‘and ports for connecting peripheral devices such ,ocommonly used models of PCs are desktop model and tower model. In desktop model, monitor is kept on top tem unit, whereas in tower mode, system unit stands by the side of monitor, Hence, in tower model ster san even be Kept on floor, beside or under working desk ait to save desk space for other purpose. Although gakop model was more popular few years ago, tower model is more popular now. PC has several chips (CPU chip, RAM chips, ROM chips, 1/O handling chips, etc.) neatly assembled on a main reut board called system board or motherboard. Motherboard is what distinguishes one ‘it PC from another. Gometimes, the microprocessor chip used as CPU is also used to differentiate between two PCs, ‘ . —— Monitor —7 System Unit Mouse ae Mouse ——— tL Keyboard (a) Desktop model (b) Tower mode! Figure 20.2. Two most commonly used models of PCs, , Cs are MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Windows-NT, Linux, and UNIX. An OS froi Popular ot ee TEM PCs few years ago. Apple's Macintosh PCs run Apple's propriety OS call IBM, called OS/2, ee oss and Apple's version of Unix called A/UX. Mect of theve operating systems enable Macintosh OS Or Mer cen tasks. This capability is known as multitasking — a single-user variation user to switch concept. Multitasking eases user operation and saves lots of time when a user has to swit multiprogramming © applications while performing a job. For example, let us assume that a user is using a wc between {WO OF or ual report and he/she needs to do some arthinetic caleulatione fer including calcula processor 10 cFeaKe out multitasking, the user would have to close the annual report file and word process results inthe FeO" tor application, make necessary calculations, write down the neva, chee coleal application, OPE" eg processing application with annual report file, and embed ealeulation resulta init W application, reoPe" user simply opens calculator application while word Processing annual report file, ma multitasking, 1 fare ns, and switches back to the annual report file to continue working on it. necessary cal 384 rally cos from a few tens of thousands to about a Takh of rupees depending on configura ame Foor PC aly coe rors are IBM, Lenovo, Apple, Compaq, Dell, Zenith, Siemens, Toshiba, HCL, and Hee oe Packard (HP). eV ha WORKSTATIONS [A workstation is a powerful desktop computer designed to meet computing needs of engineers, architects, ang | other professionals who need greater processing power, larger storage, and better graphics display facility than | one mal PCs provide. For example, workstations are used commonly for computer aided design (C as | want iason of complex scientific and engineering problems, visualization of results of simulation, and multimedy, applications such as for creating special audio-visual effects in movies or television Programs [A workstation is similar to a high-end PC, and is used typically by only one person st & time (like a cy Following are characteristics often used to differentiate between the two 1. Processing power. Processing power of a workstation is more than that 2. Storage capacity. Workstations have larger main memory (typically few GB) a5 compared to PCs (apically few tens or hundreds of MB). Hard disk capacity of a workstation is also much more {picaly several tens of GB) as compared to that of PCs (typically few GB). fave a large-screen monitor (21 inch or more) capable of for and graphics adapter card, optional in PCs, are lly use monitors having smaller screen (19 inch or of an average PC Display facility. Most workstations hi displaying high-resolution graphics. Hence; col available by default in workstations. PCs normal less). PCs normally use CPUs based on CISC technology, whereas workstations use Popular RISC processors used in workstations are ALPHA (used in M workstations), SPARC (used in SUN workstations), 4, Processor design. CPUs based on RISC technology. DEC-ALPHA workstations), RIOS (used in IB} and PA-RISC (used in HP workstations). 5. Operating system. Unlike PCs which can run any of the five major OSs — MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Windows-NT, Linux, and UNIX, all workstations generally run the UNIX operating system or is variant such as AIX (used in IBM workstations), Solaris (used in SUN workstations), and HP-UX (used in HP workstations). Unlike most operating systems for PCs that are single-user oriented, operating systems for workstations support multi-user environment. Workstations generally cost from few lakhs to few tens of lakhs of rupees depending on configuration. Some manufacturers of workstations are Sun Microsystems, IBM, DEC, and Hewlett-Packard (HP). MAINFRAME SYSTEMS There are several organizations such as banks, insurance companies, hospitals, railways, etc., that need on-line processing of large number of transactions, and require computer systems having massive data storage processing capabilities. Mainframe systems are computer systems that are mi used for handling dt processing needs of mid to large size organizations. They are also used in such palace Ns wenere a SE? pevaber of users need to share & common computing facility such as in research prours edhnational institution engineering firms, etc. groups, educational ins ne -——— 385 very nature of usage, a mainfram, 5 yi! Ay Vected t0 it. The user terminals act as a: 8 inals act a lations, and m: aed eG 88 stations, and may or may not b in the same building ‘ne aes, lay or may not be locate winframe system is located. Figure 20.3 shows a typical configuration of « mainframe om. iguration of a mainfra e sme system, It USERS ROOM (Entry restricted to authorized users) SYSTEM ROOM 8 01 (Entry restricted to system administrators and maintenance staff Si staff) Magnetic Tape Library Magnetic ‘Tape Drive Host Processor Printer = User Terminal User Terminal User Terminal Figure 20.3. A typical mainframe system. ‘System room is shaded. 'A mainframe system is usually composed of several the main or host computer. Host computer carries yuters. Other computers relieve the host a front-end computer handles all puter of communications-related data VO operations, thus ‘o/from it. Host and other and back-end computers. ion to of all other comp! ments. For example, Host, front-end, computers (subordinate computers) in addi ‘out most computations, and has direct control computer of certain routine processing require communications to/from all user terminals, thus relieving host comy processing requirements. Similarly, @ back-end computer handles all Felieving host computer of locating an VO device and transferring data t Oe —"enl ‘Chapter 20 ti Classification of Computers cam room to which entry is restricted to system administrators ang sure 20.3), computers are located in Saaintenance staff ony (See ‘One or more console terminals are also located in system TOOT They are connected contin to host computer, and are used mainly Gy system administrators to Monitor the system’ } aieeth or perform some system administration activities uch as changing SYSteM configuration, > installing new software, taking system backup, ete. \ For large volume data storage, there are several Magnet disk drives (located in Sterom room) that are connected directly to back-end compwiet Tost computer accesses data on these PAS via the back-end computer. In addition, there are few tae, Urives and a magnetic tape library for ackuptestoration of data to/from magnetic tapes. Tape bray Tocated in system room, and is used pepe administrators to regularly backup data from maghet disks to magnetic tapes, Tape dives are focated in users room to enable users to bring their put data on tape fOr Processing, OF to take their output data on tape after processing Console(s). Storage devices. 4. User terminals. User terminals serve as access use them to work on the system, In the figure, although all user terminals ate shown © he located in users room, some of them may be located at geographically distributed locations. Since rainframe systems allow multiple users to use the system simultaneously (through user ‘erminals), their operating systems support multiprogramming with timesharing. This enables all users to get good response time, and an illusion that their jobs are being attended to by the system. stations. Users use 5. Output devices. User terminals also serve the purport of soft copy output devices. However, for and copy outputs. there are one or more printers and one more plotters connected to back-end Computer, These output devices are also located in users 190m) so that users can easily aceess them to collect their outputs. exactly same way. Configuration of 3 ely that you would find two mainframe systems configured in cant for. The example of Figure 203 i f usage and kind of users it is m It is unl mainframe system depends a lot on type © just one possible configuration. Mainframe systems are much bigger and several times more expensive than workstations. A typical mainfram system looks like a row of large file cabinets, and needs a Jarge room with closely monitored humidity a temperature. A mainframe system may cost anywhere from few tens of lakhs to few crores of rupees dependi eanesafiguration, Mainframe systems having smaller configuration (slower host and subordinate computers, les storage space, and fewer user terminals) are often referred to as minicomputers However, there is no well-defir boundary for differentiating between the two. Two major vendors of mainframe systems are IBM and DEC. SUPERCOMPUTERS Supercomputers are the most powerful and expensive computers available at any given time. They are primarily for processing complex scientific applications that, require eno r ; ; mous processing power: supercomputing applications (applications that need supercomputers for processing) et eR 1 porien industry uses supercomputers to analyze volumes of seismic data gathered duri ae Serer to identify areas where there is possibility of getting petroleum products ae is helps in more detailed imaging of underground geological structures so that xf s for drilling oil wells and extraction of petroleum products from them can b 387 risteat, effectively ory ‘ely channetize ang Petoleum deposits, “| MOE areas were anal . . ae analysis results show etter c 2. Aerospace industry use, eae altitude, This helps in prescsomPurS © simulate ai Producing effics irflow eee 8 effect round an irra . 3. Automobile i lop aircrafts with super ; 3 manufacturing, Dane 1 do cash ination of en ang for automobile designs that are safer io ride TINE & real mode Th Tepe m pany andi! le. in producing beter peed 4+ Structural mechanics indistey uses Supercomputers to soh Ist end £28 effectiveness, For example, desir large bride ora th ensue safe, : Teron eae us atmospheric conditions and preure Ee se Ht ensure that the ridge ™. In the Sinterent load conditions. Actual constuction and eskec afc cts Sey. te and unde N may most once nd testing OF such expensive structures is pofibtnn | TS 10 us . | |. Meteorological centers us ae 5 Meteorological centers use supercomputers for weather forecasting In wether forecasting, weather 1ineper data supplied by a worldwide network of space satellites, supercomputers. These data are analyzed by analysis involves solving of complex airplanes, and ground stations are fed into 8 series of computer programs to arrive at forecasts. This ‘mathematical equations modeling atmosphere and climate ever, for processes. ack-end them to" There are many more supercomputing applications. It is not possible to cover all of them here. All these applications are impractically time taking, if not impossible, on mainframe or other computer systems. Supercomputers use multiprocessing and parallel processing technologies to solve complex problems faster That aa is, they use multiple processors, and parallel processing enables a complex problem to be divided into smaller problems that canbe asigned 0 diferent process and proses in pr paral prgram is tenn manner to break up an original problem into smaller computational modules that can be allocated to differen 'd multiple processors can work independently and cooperate to solve it, Hence, if the original 7 Se rier elieaddi r by supercomputer having It Ora Computational modules, it ean be theoretically slved in abu i of oe» resonate Hie nding processors. Since modern supercomputers use parallel processing toy they a ao Kom a paral Hel lesser computers or parallel processing systems. They are also known as massively p fined hundreds of processors. cess by i g allowing simultaneous access i mputers also support multiprogramming. al Seo) Lie mini tn, emg at a sen multiple users. meas, mainframe systems are oriented to VO-bound applications. In_ prover ye a applications, es work hat ean be performed by a computer system 8 ied rin ions, the amo ‘ound applications, the amount of wor aed ed wr speed ofits processors), ie er an speedos 10 devices Supecompaters ae my me computer system is limited primi oT eas payroll processing, accounting, or record-keep f cations, saat Graphics, Fujitsu, NEC, Todo so would was ny, IBM, Silicon Graph iF ters include Cray Rear oun veal prowess tan fo de Led sts of enizing the importance i Development of PARAM ser no by the itachi . Reali enw ‘Anupam series of su Hitachi, and Intel. Re’ has been uni (C-DAC). ence Research and of ild ine computers De ‘Computing puters by the Defencé re build indigenons sup etopment of Advanced SOAP ries of supercon by the Centre for De ARC), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (B Chapter 20 EEE Massilication of cy a 388, Compe DRDO), Hyderabad are results of this effort. Figure 20.4 shows the pj RAM systems) developed by C-DAC. Development Organization (L RA) supercomputer (one of the PA\ M 0099 Figure 20.4, C-DAC’s PARAM 10000 supercomputer [reproduced with permission from C-DAC] ‘As computer technology’ changes so quickly, advanced capabilities of a supercomputer of today may become standard features of a supercomputer of next year, and next year's supercomputer will be much more powerful than today's. Cost ofa supercomputer may range from few tens of lakhs to few tens of crores of rupees depending on its processing capability and configuration, CLIENT AND SERVER COMPUTERS This is a purely role-based classification of computer systems. With increased popularity of computer networks, it has become possible to interconnect several computers that can communicate with each other over the network. In such a computing environment, several resources/services can be shared among multiple users for cost-effective usage, and can be best managed/offered centrally. A few examples of such resources/services are: Je server. It provides a central storage facility to store files of several users on a network 2, Database server. It manages a centralized database, and enables several users on a network fo have shared access to same database. 3. Print server. It manages one or more printers, and accepts and processes print requests from any user in a network, 4, Name server. It translates names into network addresses enabling different computers on a network to communicate with each other. In these cases, it is usual to have one process that “owns” a resource or service and is in charge of managing it This process accepts requests from other processes that want to use the resource or service. The process that owns the resource and does this management is called a server process, and the computer on which the server proces: runs is called a server computer because it services requests for use of the resource. Other processes that se service requests to the server are called client processes, and computers on which client processes run ar client computers. Note that there may be multiple client computers sending service requests to same 5 computer. Figure 20.5 shows'a generic client-server computing environment, “ and hence be In client-server computing environment, it ent, iis common for a server to use services of another server, and TR, both a client and server a the same time, For example, let us assume that a client-server computing en™™ 389 Sts clients, a file server, and a disk block server, Al ving such @ request, the file server et. ofthe user ve d M 10009 netly reading/writing the file bloc} it sends a request to the di Cocks et However ine locks. Disk block server retums requested data blocks to the file se miata blocks and returns it to the elie In thi the file serv fralients, but a client for the disk block se ie rver. Hence, concept ed, and may change dynamically as the role of a compaee chan, ld vy Any slient can send a file access Tequest to the file server. On Checks access rights, ete cp ks itself; isk block server for accessing requested ver, which then extracts actual data from iis both a server and client. It is a server of client and server computes is purely vole, ges, PC (Client) Pecome | aa Database Server ending Workstation (Client) a — Workstation (Client) Figure 20.8. A generic client-server computing environment. s, it k In ctive HANDHELD COMPUTERS ; 1d (need device that can be used by holding in han ridheld, is small computing de : nd (need ave | A handheld computer, or ae er Obviously, its size, weight, and design are such S Eley a ing in hand. i isalto known as almvop because it can be kept on palm and op holding 7 comfortably by te jiring computing power ny \dually becoming computing device of choice for people rng compating power Handheld computes eee are many types of handheld compulers mateo today. So a shere. ere anytime, any! described below. rk Tapietre lly provides all features of a laptop with following differences ‘aturized laptop. It usually A tablet PC is a minal . enhancements: F weight reduction, few devices that are uch lighter than a laptop. For weight re es oes ate eight. A tablet Pe Tical drives are removed fom ik, bac oust. provided as separ ight w ee 1, Light frequently rea used inl add on Se ean be rotated, turned around, and Mipped over the keyboard are, en of a tablet Pt visible and 2, Seren flip. Seren board and leaves only the screen usable. In thi This configuration hides the 6 board nd can be used as digital tablet. The content onthe seteen blet PC is \de when using keyboard), mal from normal landscape layout mor . ing surface. Usually, a ta i m4 ‘fa tablet PC can be used as writing su y. a tablet pe Ucar weekly es ed pen that can be used to write dies Ot the screen. Underlying os comes ¥ cially comes tes the pen movernents to smooth plot lines ‘hat running application can understand as inp, ranslates n mov‘ handwriting. 4, Voice recognition. applications to accept a input of voice data. configuration. the tal Sotiso switched in portrait mode ( Usually tablet PCs have voice recognition feature thet allows voice input capable vijigivoive commands. In addition to voice ‘command, this feature also enables ftipped in tablet mode, keyboard is totally hidden ‘When the screen is TPPecognition, some quick access hardware keys Special design for tablet use. cet hiat eet foice and handwritin; and canmot be used, Apar from Sos Gftware key’ are present. These Keys can be used to invoke pen. land some on-screen programmat é : predefined actions that cannot be made, or are difficult to make Fig fee PDA/Pocket PC Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) was initially introduced as a Pe ‘i Mana features include contact list, calendar, task list, e-mail, pocket word-processing application, pocket spreadsheet pplication, presentation viewer, and host of other applications that come in handy while on the move. PDA has a tion. It usually has a PC based synchronization decent size LCD touch screen with a pen for handwriting recogni a between PC and PDA. With add-on memory utility that can be used to transfer and synchronize identified dat P ards ite storage can be increased as required. Some PDAs also provide USB extension port that can be used to Sonnect to extemal devices for extended features like external monitor, LCD Projector, ete. Almost all PDAs have some digital camera capability as well. fersonal Information Manager (PIM) device. PIM Newer PDAs also pack network capability using WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. Due to network connectivity option, PDAs are having several applications in many domains such as medicine, teaching/training, data collection, sports, and Global Positioning System (GPS) based location and route finder. Several PDAs also provide GSM/GPRS service connectivity and, thus, can be used as phone for making and receiving cell phone calls, SMS, etc. PDAs come with several options of operating systems ranging fr Wi i Teles cate ig SYS \ging from MS-Windows Mobile, PalmOS, SymbianOS, Smartphone smanph ai . Sesphone a aly Sinema mobile phone with computing power. The major distinction between a PDA and 7 \ce, smartphone is voice centric wh is data cent yereas, PDA is data centric. Normally, smartphones do not have a touct ‘h screen and are i erating it. 1 areat?!6 shows samples of some handheld com] n this puters. creen t PC z OS nput ible les (c) Smartphone en (b) PDA/Pocket PC ys e Figure 20.6. Samples of hand (a) Table PC held computers. are 20.7 summarizes and presents 4 relative comparison of different types of computers based on some key ‘tues, Personal Notebook cee Client Server Mandela Vex aa] Seat “ Var onal ar Gin tsplios! | gan beat {aay Belge be plac on eames lap) | oman alice table) large room) | itatso plays the ‘ones palm) Stow —— ise sally high iow - — her high To Tighes Generally high ve a Generally wo | Generally wo —\ enero No pity Fay Fatdane fat) Mom sie aenareen caine) Generally] Generally) Medion to large [ Generally wot | Smal display scrcensmall | display semen | monitor that can dsphay | notavailable | nocavalable | serecn monitor | available sis | __| higherestution graphics Sinsle Single ly multiple Malte ine “Generally mullpte _ ‘Single enerally single tultiple fultiple lultiple - ral = Generally sing Maliple Mali Muli | iar operating MEDOS | MEDOS, “variant of | A variant of WindowsNT. | MS-Wadows < MSAWindows, | MS-Windows Unicor | Unix.or Univ its variant, | Moti, Palm Linus Windows-NT proprietary | propriciary | Windows NT. | or proprictary | OS, Symbian | Linus, Linus, 08, Linux, | Unie Unix | Biaitovos Popular use | Wort Personad Computing necisof | Processing | Uarge Provide highly | Manageashared | Computing. | | prcesing: | computingneedsor|enginceraciess, of tO-bound | procesor | useincnaly | rureand | Peron Spreadshect: | individuals either | designers Simulation of | applications. bound imterfaceina | provide asetof | Yaformation jos Faty: | atther workplaces | complex scenic and plications | clenrserver | shared vser | Management Preparing engineering problems and Tike complex | computing | services ina (PIN) cll presentation Visualizing the results of sciemitic | environment | client-server ‘hon. digital materials: and simulation; and simlations computing camera Making children and adults | Multimedia applications environment presentations _ Major vendors [IBM Compas TRE Ae San Microsystems, IBM, | IBM, DEC | Gray, IBM,| Same as PC and [ Same as Nokia, Sony. Siemens, Compaq. Dell, | DEC, Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Workstation | Workstation, Motorola, Dell, Toshiba Zenith, Siemens. | Silicon Graphies Graphics, | vendors Mainframe Hawlet-Packar Toshiba, Hewlett Fujitsa, sicm, and Packard, Lenovo Inve, Supercomputer C-DAC vendors Figure 20.7. Relative comparison of different types of computers based on some key features. elena h we

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