Criticisms of Feminist Theory

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Criticisms of Feminist Theory

■ It is a biased approach to understanding social

relations because it begins with patriarchy as a given.

■ Feminist studies tend to be conducted within the

Interpretive Perspective and relies on oral testimony
and personal experiences which make it a subjective
body or research. Those who value empirical data
and objectivity find that this is a biased approach
to research.

■ Feminists claim that gender is the basic and most

significant construct in social relationships but
according to critics this is just one variable in
human interaction.

■ Feminists tend to ignore the social changes taking

place today where more men are involved in the
caring and emotional work in families.

■ The arguments put forward by feminists tend to

portray women as a passive group (victims) which
is at odds with the research framework they usually
adopt, the Interpretive Perspective, and its emphasis
on agency

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