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Unlocking Difficulties

40. The EQUINOX usually occurs on or close to March 21 and September 23.
a. Time when days are longer than the nights
b. Time when day and night are equal length all over the earth
c. Time when heavy rains fall
d. Time when days are shorter than the night
41. The usually DOCILE cows become unruly during a storm.
a. Easy to manage c. Helpless
b. Lovable d. Innocent

44. There was a QUEUE at the lunch counter.

a. Line of people awaiting for their turn
b. New service strategy
c. Slow service d. Fast service rendered

1 These two words lack correlation:
A. Angel: spiritual being

A. Chord: small rope*

A. Censor: try

A. Alter: vary

1 These two words lack correlation:

A. Forcible: violent

A. Indicit: to write

A. Formally: conventionally*

A. Fictitious: false


195. “To be or not to be, that is the question,” this is Hamlet’s frame of mind. What is
being portrayed then?
a. Pride b. Pity c. Indecision d. Decisiveness

107. That is the face that caused a thousand ship and men to raise their arms and fight. Who was
referred to by the poet?
a. Helen of Troy c. Helen Keller
b. Mary Magdalene d. Cleopatra of the Nile

6. Don Quixote, hero of Cervantes’ immoral novel, rode forth

a. To see the world and seek a fortune
b. To depend the oppressed and right the wrong
c. In quest of the holy grail
d. To see his king and country

7. In the count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dante was wrongfully imprisoned in:
a. Devil’s Island c. The Castle of Chillon
b. The conciergerie d. The Bastille

22. In Macbeth we see a man whose downfall was caused by:

a. An unfair plot against his life.
b. Supernatural intervention.
c. A naturally blood-thirsty disposition.
d. Overwhelming ambition for power.

3 “the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” has the theme ______. 

A. Eat healthy to live longer.

A. Grasp pleasure whole you can.*

A. Show passionate love for nature

A. Modernity dehumanizes people.

4 She made her mark in Philippine literature because her ‘dead star’ is considered the
6 first successful Filipino modern short story in English.
A. Paz Latorena

A. Paz Marquez Benitez*

A. Aida Rivera Ford

A. Gilda Cordero Fernando

4 He authored the popular short stories, ‘How My Brother Leon brought home a Wife’,
8 and ‘midsummer’, whoch both depict scenes in Barrio Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union,
where he was born.
A. Manuel Arguilla*

A. Ismael Mallari

A. Nick Joaquin
A. Bienvenido Santos


40. President Ramon Magsaysay was chanted a song _______.

a. For Whom the Bell Tolls
b. For Democracy Will Die
c. To Whom it may Deserve
d. For All must die


48. Jose Garcia Villa experimented on the use of form.

a. His poems followed a centipede or a bird
b. His poems followed a structure
c. His poems were of romantic tones.
d. His poems disregarded substance


10. The Philippine Normal University was established ____________ 1901

a. at b. on c. in d. about

3 Marben lives______ Muring Street.

A. At

A. To

A. On*

A. in

1 Of articulators in speech, which does most of the work in sounds like d, t, s, z, I, n and
A. Lips

A. Tongue*

A. Teeth

A. Soft palate
2 Where is the human vocal chord located?
A. Pharynx

A. Esophagus

A. Larynx*

A. Resonator

3 In the speech process, which is concerned with amplifying and enriching

1 the voice, using human amplifiers such as the nose, windpipe and
A. Resonation*

A. Infection

A. Phonation

A. Articulation

Listening (alliteration, rhyming, blending, syllabication)

2. Which of the following lines is an example of iambic pentameter?
a. And this alas is more than we would do
b. Her desk once red with heroes blood
c. I will lament and cry
d. She loves the way I hold her hand

11. Identify the meter and beat of the verse: “For the moon/never beams/ without bring/ ing me
dreams/ of my beau/tiful An/nabel Lee”.
a. iambic octameter c. trochaic trimeter
b. anapestic heptameter d. dactylic hexameter

14. The Nibelungelied is a:

a. Medieval German epic c. Russian folk song
b. Latin myth d. Chinese legend

6. Which of these capitalized words do not rhyme?

a. That’s not easy to BEAR
b. Let’s give a CHEER
c. I know it CLEAR
d. It shows, it’s SHEER truth

3. The policeman is mot angry with the children _________?
a. is he c. isn’t it
b. are they d. aren’t they

2. Mrs. delos Santos told her son to fix the water pump. _________ has not been functioning for a
a. It b. She c. He d. They

8 What error is committed in the sentence: "the man who shoved his way to the platform
angrily addressed the crowd?"
A. Run-on*

A. Run-on mixed construction

A. Squinting modifier

A. Dangling modifier

9 What type of error is shown in this sentence? “Faster than a speeding bullet, the
citizens of metropolis saw superman flying overhead.”
A. Faulty coordination

A. Misplaced modifier*

A. Faulty parallelism

A. Comma splice


20. Jose Abad Santos is often remembered for this quotation- “I regret I have but one life
to give my country.” This is to us.”
a. An act of patriotism
b. A challenge during adversity
c. An act of indecision d. A retreat from destiny

67. Long fellow mentioned life as light as shadow. What figure of speech is it used?
a. Personification c. Simile
b. Argumentation d. Metaphor

26. News travels as fast as the wind. The line is a/an ________?
A. metaphor C. Idiom
B. simile D. antithesis

121. What does this means? Excuses are for losers….. those who take responsibility for their actins are
real winners in life.” This tells of
a. losers who often fail because they find reasons for losing
b. a winner can also be a quiter
c. accountability of ones action tell of bravery
d. excuses are needed to justify any failure

32. He was excused because all he said were white lies. This idiomatic expression means_________?
A. Lies are written in white pages. C. He recited the lines in public.
B. Lies recited are excusable. D. Lies are really not that harmless.

40. What system do student use in capitalization and punctuation rules?

A. Syntactic B. Semantic C. Phonological D. Pragmatic

2 The branch of linguistics that deals with the meaning of words is____.
A. Phonics

A. Semantics*

A. Syntax

A. Vocabulary

4 Danny looked at the ____ to look meanings of words used by the book in its various
A. Glossary*

A. Index

A. Table of contents

A. Title page

7 How will you classify the peculiarity of speech that is more acceptable in ordinary
conversation, but not in formal speech, e.g. “what a close shave?”
A. Solecism

A. Jargon

A. Trite expression*

A. Colloquialism

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