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Uniclass L512 CI/SfB (42) August 2007 Sg3

Epic E223

art ceramics

art ceramics index

04 ARTILE 06 08 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 CUT TILES 26 28 30 TECHNICAL 32

introduction artile production fractals education commercial underpasses street art health/leisure/pools domestic water-jet cutting murals strips & shapes technical installation and cleaning


artile 06 fractals 10 commercial 14 street art 20 domestic 24 murals 28 technical 32

production 08 education 12 underpasses 16 health/leisure 22 water-jet cut 26 strips & shapes 30

introduction company credentials

Founded in 1901 H & R Johnson Ltd. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of ceramic tiles in the UK, with a long history of market leadership and industry production development. Part of the Norcros Group we have sister manufacturing bases in South Africa, Greece and India with additional ofces in Dubai, USA and Australia. In 2001 an investment in excess of 35 million allowed us to develop a new fully automated production facility on a single integrated site in Stoke-on-Trent. Our UK factory produces over 5 million square metres of ceramic tiles for use in the UK and overseas markets. H & R Johnson products are used in a wide range of commercial and non commercial projects and we supply ceramic tiles to almost every country of the world. Our strength is based on a comprehensive portfolio of leading edge quality products combined with very high levels of customer service. As manufacturers we have extremely stringent quality and environmental control standards.

In 2006 we created and opened the award winning Material Lab design resource centre at 10 Great Titcheld Street, London, offering designers and architects an environment where products such as ceramics, glass, wallpaper, carpet tiles, trims, eco-resins, fabrics and many more materials can be explored. We have a longstanding commitment to environmental management and have had a formal environmental policy since 1992. Our environmental management system is certied against the ISO14001 standard. We were the rst ceramics company within the whitewares sector to gain certication against the ISO14001 standard in 1998 and have since successfully upgraded our certication to meet the latest requirements of ISO14001:2004. We are the only UK wall tile manufacturer to have ISO14001 accreditation. The company has never been subject to any prosecutions or formal environmental regulatory action for any breaches of environmental legislation.

To our knowledge we are the only manufacturer in the world to operate such a scheme. This scheme which has been in continuous use since 1992 also enabled H & R Johnson to win the Manufacturing Industry Achievement Award for Environmentalist of the Year in 1997. Approximately 25% of the material used to produce our wall tiles comes from recycled ceramic materials from our own and other local companies. Various recycling and energy saving schemes throughout our production and ofce processes allow us each year to:Save 20,000 tonnes of ceramic landll from our own and local ceramic factory waste saving 360 tonnes of CO2 in transportation on materials Save 1250 tonnes of virgin timber Use 92% recycled materials in our packaging Re-use 32 million litres of water (30% of the total factory usage) Save 42 million kWh of energy

In 1997 H & R Johnson were awarded the Queens Award for Environmental Achievement for our ceramic waste recycling scheme. Save 2400 tonnes of CO2 Our energy and material savings are detailed in our Ceramic Tile Environmental Strategy document.


Recycling - responsible manufacturing

Material Lab - London

Material Lab - London

Artile offers designers the opportunity to create bespoke ceramic wall, external cladding and swimming pool tiles using photographic images, paintings, pencil sketches, computer generated designs and many other image types. Sizes range from 100 x 100mm up to 330 x 250mm. Frost resistant porcelain cladding and swimming pool tiles are available in 250 x 125mm and 200 x 200mm formats. The nished products are fully fade/UV and scratch resistant and perform as a standard glazed ceramic tile.

artile production

Original images can be supplied or we can create a design from your brief. Most industry standard PC and Mac formats can be accepted including eps, tiff, jpeg and pdf images or Autocad and Microstation CAD les. We can also create Artile from paper and transparency originals or digital photographs. Your design can either be applied to a single tile, small mural or a large mural comprising many thousands of individual tiles. All murals over 1m2 are supplied with a detailed keyplan which clearly identies each individual tile by its unique reference number. For murals over 1m2 or for 50 repeating tiles we supply a free of charge colour proof tile if requested. This sample not only acts as the colour approval tile but also the colour master for production and reference. After approval of the colour proof tile we will artwork the design into the required format and allocate each tile a unique reference number which will be clearly marked on the back of the tile and on the installation keyplan. The reference number is used to ensure that the tiles are installed in the correct location and orientation. It also facilitates identication of any tiles that are accidentally damaged in the future. The design is digitally printed and applied onto the glazed tile. The tiles are then red in our state of the art UK manufacturing plant at over 800C to fuse the design with the glaze, resulting in a product that is fully fade/UV and scratch resistant.

These products achieve a typical Surface Hardness Mohs 5 (pool and cladding products) and Mohs 4 (glazed ceramic wall tiles) which exceeds the standard requirement of Mohs 3 for glazed ceramic wall tiling . For full physical properties please refer to the technical sections of the following literature: External Cladding /Pools - Pools Internal Walls/Showers - Prismatics Tiles are then selected and packed ready for despatch. As the largest producer of ceramic tiles in the UK we only use our own rst quality ceramic tiles in this process. All ceramic production is carried out inhouse by experienced staff. Since its introduction in 2003 Artile has been used to provide ceramics for hundreds of projects around the globe and to date we have produced hundreds of thousands of tiles using this process from individual tiles for domestic customers through to large external murals and swimming pool ceramics located in direct sunlight. For further details or more information on prices, le formats and technical properties please contact

artile - production


Material Lab - London


BLUE 001

BLUE 002


330 x 250 x 6.5mm

250 x 200 x 6.5mm

BLUE 003

BLUE 004

200 x 200 x 6.5mm

150 x 150 x 6.5mm

200 x 100 x 6.5mm

100 x 100 x 6.5mm

Additional sizes available upon request

BLUE 005

BLUE 006

artile fractals




RED 001


330 x 250 x 8mm

250 x 200 x 6.5mm

200 x 200 x 6.5mm

150 x 150 x 6.5mm

200 x 100 x 6.5mm

100 x 100 x 6.5mm

Additional sizes available upon request

PINK 001

PINK 002

Designs on these pages are a small selection of fractal images available. For additional design choice please contact
200 x 200 x 8mm 250 x 125 x 8mm

artile - fractals


artile education

Artile gives children the opportunity to be involved in the design of tiles for their own school. Designs can be converted from paper or digital originals into ceramic wall tiles or murals to enhance their surroundings.

We can also supply alphabet tiles from our own designs or those supplied by the children for nurseries or learning centres. Its so easy, simply produce designs in the same shape and proportions as the chosen tile size or mural and we will do the rest!


330 x 250 x 8mm

250 x 200 x 6.5mm

Primary School - Ilford

200 x 200 x 6.5mm

150 x 150 x 6.5mm

200 x 100 x 6.5mm

100 x 100 x 6.5mm

Additional sizes available upon request

Primary School - Ilford


200 x 200 x 8mm

250 x 125 x 8mm


artile - education


Primary School - Ilford


Material Lab - London

artile commercial

The possibilities for Artile in commercial environments are widespread, offering a surface nish that is hygienic and easy to clean. From store signage, feature walls, counter fronts and display settings to unique restaurant walls, frontages, and open kitchen features, imaginative designs can be created.

Artile products offer the performance of a standard decorated tile, are fully fade and UV resistant in full sunlight and are scratch resistant.


330 x 250 x 8mm

250 x 200 x 6.5mm

200 x 200 x 6.5mm

150 x 150 x 6.5mm

200 x 100 x 6.5mm

100 x 100 x 6.5mm

Additional sizes available upon request

Apartments - Holland

200 x 200 x 8mm

250 x 125 x 8mm

artile - commercial


Merry Street - Motherwell


Our 250 x 125 x 8mm and 200 x 200 x 8mm tiles are fully frost resistant and have very high impact resistance. Removal of grafti is straightforward. Marker pens or spray paint can be removed with a sponge and clean tap water.

artile underpasses

Public art, information tiles or pictures of local interest can be created using Artile. The digital format allows community involvement in the design process, designs from local schools or residents can be reproduced giving the community ownership of the design.

The use of 250 x 125mm or 200 x 200mm glazed porcelain tiles offers not only a product that will not be damaged by frost or light but as with all Artiles marker pen or spray paint can simply be wiped from the surface of the tile using a sponge and warm water.

Barrie Street - Motherwell

West Hamilton Street - Motherwell


200 x 200 x 8mm

250 x 125 x 8mm


artile - underpasses


The Pend - Motherwell

street art


330 x 250 x 6.5mm

250 x 200 x 6.5mm

200 x 200 x 6.5mm

150 x 150 x 6.5mm

200 x 100 x 6.5mm

100 x 100 x 6.5mm

Additional sizes available upon request

artile street art

Murals incorporating grafti designs can reduce the likelihood of future vandalism. Artile products are fully fade, UV and scratch resistant. Any post installation spray can or permanent marker grafti can simply be wiped from the face of the tiles using a sponge and clean water. Available in 200 x 200 x 8mm and 250 x 125 x 8mm formats our Architectural porcelain tiles and Artile technology are the perfect combination for frost resistant, heavy duty external cladding tiles. The use of project local grafti artists in creation of the designs gives relevance and ownership to the installation minimising the risk of future vandalism.


200 x 200 x 8mm

250 x 125 x 8mm

artile - street art


artile health/leisure/pools

Artile allows the creation of cost effective bespoke wall and pool tiles or murals that enhance the aesthetics of a building or room. Reception murals, bathroom wall tiling, signage, decorative panels, cafeteria or hydrotherapy pool & hall tiling can be created to add colour or local interest to healthcare or leisure buildings.

All Artile products are fully fade, UV and scratch resistant and perform as a standard decorated wall or swimming pool tile. Our 200 x 200 x 8mm and 250 x 125 x 8mm are glazed porcelain tiles which are perfectly suited to a swimming pool tank environment enabling the creation of cost effective bespoke swimming pool wall and oor designs.


330 x 250 x 8mm

250 x 200 x 6.5mm

Material Lab - London

200 x 200 x 6.5mm

150 x 150 x 6.5mm

200 x 100 x 6.5mm

100 x 100 x 6.5mm

Additional sizes available upon request

Hove Hospital

200 x 200 x 8mm

250 x 125 x 8mm


artile - health / leisure / pools


Material Lab - London


Material Lab - London

artile domestic

The production technique used for Artile allows the manufacture of small quantities of ceramic tiles. We can produce as little as 1 tile or as many tiles as you require. Artile allows the economical manufacture of very small quantities because it removes the need for expensive screens and artwork.


Material Lab - London

330 x 250 x 8mm

250 x 200 x 6.5mm

200 x 200 x 6.5mm

150 x 150 x 6.5mm

200 x 100 x 6.5mm

100 x 100 x 6.5mm

Additional sizes available upon request

Apartments - Holland

200 x 200 x 8mm

250 x 125 x 8mm

artile - domestic


water-jet cutting
We have been creating designs using water-jet cutting for over 10 years, and were the rst company in the UK to offer this service for bespoke commercial applications. H & R Johnson have produced specialist water-jet cut ceramics for both UK and International projects ranging from single tile cuts to murals of many thousands of square metres.

water-jet cutting murals

Water Jet Cutting uses a beam of water and grit at 50,000 psi which is red onto ceramic tiles though a 0.1mm diameter hole in a commercial grade ruby. The result is a cut through a ceramic wall or oor tile which is approx 1mm wide. This process allows the production of curved and complex cuts in the hardest porcelain ceramics and enables the creation of complex designs from standard wall, swimming pool, cladding or oor tiles. Utilising standard tile ranges such as Prismatics, Architectural, Kerastar and Elements along with water-jet cutting we can create designs which can be used as either oor logos, friezes or wall murals.

Using our in-house CAD facilities we can convert your ideas and designs into proposal drawings. These drawings are then used to create the cutting programmes. The vibrant Prismatics palette allows the creation of designs using a myriad of colours, from repeating borders to whole wall murals. Our glazed Architectural pool tiles allow the production of colourful water-jet cut murals for underpasses, pedestrian subways and areas subject to frost. Kerastar and Elements offer a range of colours for oor logos or borders enabling the creation of unique features that reect your corporate branding.

Cannock High School

Health Club - Stockport


water-jet cutting - murals


Medigold - Northamptonshire

strips & shapes

Material Lab - London

water-jet cutting strips & shapes

Standard tiles can be water-jet cut into strips of varying or regular widths. Tiles can be cut into widths as narrow as 25mm enabling the production of unique designs. Using varying width strips can also be used to mimic the effect of rock strata or be used to create unusual coloured displays, this can be enhanced when using the varying tones of some of the Elements oor tile ranges such as Marblelux, Ampherstone or Sediments. Water-jet cutting offers designers the opportunity to create dramatic effects with ceramics. Tiles can be cut into almost any shape from simple hexagons to complex tessellations.

Cutting is not limited to straight lines, complex curves can also be created. The accuracy of the cutting process enables the production of shapes of almost any size. Using large format tiles enables large interlocking tessellations to be created, this, along with our experience and expertise of the cutting process enables designs to be created quickly, accurately and economically. By mixing colour from the ceramic tile palette and interlocking tessellations visually complicated designs can be created with a minimum of effort.

water-jet cutting - strips & shapes



installation (artile and water-jet cut walls)

Codes of Practice All xing of glazed tiles should be in accordance with the following codes of practice guidelines: BS5385 Part 1 1995 (Code of practice for the design and installation of internal wall tiling and mosaics in normal conditions) BS5385 Part 2 2006 (Code of practice for the design and installation of external ceramic wall tiling and mosaics) BS5385 Part 4 1992 (Code of practice for ceramic tiling and mosaic in specic conditions) BS8000 Section 11.1 1989 (Workmanship on Building Sites, Part 11, Code of practice for wall and oor tiling). Movement Joints in Wall Tiles The location, type and scope of all movement joints must be ascertained prior to any xing works. All structural joints must be followed through to the face of the tile at full width with intermediate movement joints (minimum 6mm wide) being situated at: Changes of plane (including internal wall corners) Wall/oor junctions Where tiling abuts other materials For walls 3m to 4.5m maximum centres both horizontally and vertically Maximum 6m bays in swimming pools. Movement joints can either be lled with a suitable backer, bond breaker and ller (e.g. silicone please check with manufacturer for suitability) or be of the pre-formed variety. Fixing Tiles All tiles should be xed with a notched bed trowel to achieve the required minimum adhesive coverage for the installation type, this ensures maximum durability and strength within the installation and long term adhesion performance. When xing all tiles care must be taken to ensure that no lipping occurs.** Grouts The choice of grout type should reect the expected service conditions of the installation. For general internal wall tiling in dry conditions grouts should be class CG1 i.e. Johnson Professional Fine Joint Grout. For walls subject to frequent wetting ie showers and pool halls grout should be class CG2 i.e. Johnson Professional No Mould Flexible Grout. For walls where protection from grafti is important i.e. external cladding or underpasses grout should be class RG1 i.e. Johnson Professional Easy Clean Epoxy. For specic adhesive or grout advice please contact Johnson Professional helpline 0870 609 2851 Substrate Concrete Brickwork/Blockwork Sand/Cement Render Plaster Gypsum Plasterboard Johnsons Professional Adhesive One Part Flexible One Part Flexible One Part Flexible One Part Flexible Prime with Johnson Professional Prime & Seal One Part Flexible Prime with Johnson Professional Prime & Seal Adhesives Adhesives should be in accordance with BS EN 12004, Class C1, D1 or D2 for BIII tiles and class C2 for BIa tiles (porcelain). Particular adhesive choice will be governed by the substrate. We do not recommend the use of rapid setting adhesives for bespoke tiling installations as this greatly reduces the re-position time. H & R Johnson recommend the use of Johnsons Professional adhesives and grouts - see below.

Substrates Before tiling is commenced it is important to ensure that the correct minimum curing periods have been observed for all substrates: Concrete 6 weeks Rendering (non modied) 2 weeks Gypsum Plastering 4 weeks Brickwork/Blockwork 6 weeks Accuracy of the substrate must be checked to ensure that the guidance given in BS5385 has been achieved i.e. local variations in level for a nominally at oor or wall should be such that, when checked with a 2m straightedge, any gap under the straightedge between points of contact does not exceed 3mm.

** Prior to installation the tile xers should familiarise themselves with the design and key referencing system. It is advisable to dry lay the mural in sections adjacent to the nal xed location. This dry laying not only ensures a good overall nish but speeds up the installation process.


technical - installation


installation (water-jet cut oor tiles)

Codes of Practice All xing of cut oor tiles should be in accordance with the following codes of practice guidelines:BS5385 Part 3 1989 (Code of practice for the design and installation of ceramic oor tiles and mosaics) BS5385 Part 4 1992 (Code of practice for ceramic tiling and mosaic in specic conditions) BS8000 Section 11.1 1989 (Workmanship on Building Sites, Part 11, Code of practice for wall and oor tiling). Substrates Before tiling is commenced it is important to ensure that the correct minimum curing periods have been observed for all substrates: Concrete 6 weeks Screed (non modied) 3 weeks Rendering (non modied) 2 weeks Accuracy of the substrate must be checked to ensure that the guidance given in BS5385 has been achieved i.e. local variations in level for a nominally at oor or wall should be such that, when checked with a 2m straightedge, any gap under the straightedge between points of contact does not exceed 3mm Fixing Tiles All oor tiles should be xed with a solid bed of adhesive, this ensures maximum durability and strength within the installation and long term adhesion performance. This is achieved with the use of a notched solid bed trowel. When xing all tiles care must be taken to ensure that no lipping of tiles occurs**. Movement Joints The location, type and scope of all movement joints must be ascertained prior to any xing works. All structural joints must be followed through to the face of the tile at full width with intermediate movement joints (minimum 6mm wide) being situated at:Changes of plane Wall/oor junctions Where tiling abuts other materials Additionally at 8 to 10m maximum bay centres for oor tiling (in suspended oors the bay dimensions should be reduced by providing additional joints over supporting walls and beams). Movement joints can either be lled with a suitable backer, bond breaker and ller (e.g. epoxy polysulphide please check with manufacturer for suitability) or be of the pre-formed variety. Adhesives Adhesives should be in accordance with BS EN 12004, Class C2*. Particular adhesive choice will be governed by the substrate. * Check with adhesive manufacturer for additional C1 product suitability. We do not recommend the use of rapid setting adhesives for bespoke tiling installations as this greatly reduces the re-position time. H & R Johnson recommend the use of Johnsons Professional adhesives and grouts, see below**: Grouts The choice of grout type should reect the expected service conditions of the installation. For general oor tiling grouts should be class CG2 ie Johnson Professional Wide Joint Flexible Grout. For specic adhesive or grout advice please contact Johnson Professional helpline 0870 609 2851

Substrate Concrete Sand/Cement Screed Wood Floors

Johnsons Professional Adhesive One Part Flexible One Part Flexible Overlay with minimum 12mm WBP/marine ply and prime joints with Johnson Professional Prime & Seal

** Prior to installation the tile xers should familiarise themselves with the design and key referencing system. It is advisable to dry lay the mural in sections adjacent to the nal xed location. This dry laying not only ensures a good overall nish but speeds up the installation process.

technical - installation



Maintaining the appearance and characteristics of ceramic tiles is achieved with the implementation of a suitable cleaning regime. It must be stressed that the cleaning material manufacturers instructions must be followed at all times. Builders Clean This should be undertaken prior to a wall being brought into service. The builders clean removes any residual lm left over from the grouting operation and is a one off cleaning process. It is imperative that this is carried out as any grout residues left behind will act as a key for dirt. Cementitious Grouts The use of a mild acid decementing solution followed by thorough rinsing will remove all but the most stubborn of cement residues. Epoxide Grouts It is essential that ALL residue be removed from the surface of the tile during the grouting process and before the resin cures. Failure to achieve this will result in a very difcult and expensive process using gel-type epoxide removers. Routine Cleaning The regular use of detergents or other cleaning agents which are excessively acidic or alkaline could cause irreversible damage to the tile surface and should not be used. Manual Cleaning Artiles or water-jet cut wall tiles can be wiped with warm water to which a neutral or nearly neutral detergent has been added. Water-jet cut oor tiles require little maintenance and can be easily kept clean by sweeping and then mopping with warm water to which a neutral or nearly neutral detergent has been added. The cleaning solution should remain on the oor for 5 to 15 minutes (see manufacturers instructions) to allow it to penetrate and emulsify the dirt after which it should be removed by rinsing thoroughly with clean water. The rinsing process removes the dirt so the use of clean water is important. Periodic Deep Cleaning Occasionally foreign matter may cause surface marks that cannot be removed with the usual cleaning processes and materials. If the surface mark cannot be removed, other materials should be considered (it is advisable to experiment on a small inconspicuous area) Cleaning of Grafti Occasionally areas such as underpasses, pedestrian subways or external cladding can be subject to grafti. Artiles offer the perfect nish for such areas as they provide a surface which can be easily cleaned: Permanent Marker - Sponge and clean water Spray Paint - Sponge and warm clean water or paint remover Organic Matter - Sponge and warm clean water or bleach Abrasive powders or cleaners should never be used on ceramic tiles.


technical - cleaning


general information
Environmental Management H & R Johnson Tiles Limited, Harewood Street, Tunstall, Stoke on Trent has achieved ISO 14001 for Environmental Management Systems at its Stoke on Trent factory. Fitness for Purpose For specic suitability and tness for purpose details contact the Technical Helpline or visit the website: Tile Sizes All tile sizes in this brochure are nominal metric modular and include a nominal 3mm joint. Cut joints in water-jet murals are approx 1mm. Important During the course of manufacture of all ceramic tiles some variation in shade or pattern can occur. Before xing tiles areas of the mural should be dry laid to ensure that the size, shade, colour and patterning are acceptable. H&R Johnson cannot accept responsibility for any tiles that have been xed. Nothing in these statements does or will affect the statutory rights of the consumer. Samples Tel: 01782 524064 Fax: 01782 524138 Email: Technical Helpline Tel: 0845 210 3000 Fax: 01782 524138 Email: International Technical Helpline: +44 (0) 1782 524067 H & R Johnson recommend the use of adhesives and grouts from the Johnson Professional range. For further information and a detailed xing specication please contact 0870 609 2851. The colours shown on the tile products in this brochure are as accurate as the limitations of the printing process will allow. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information given in this literature. In the interests of progress, however, H & R Johnson reserve the right to change specications and availability without prior notice. Acknowledgements H & R Johnson would like to thank the companies who have helped in the production of this publication. Design & Artwork: Idiom Creative Ltd. Print: Wood Mitchell Printers

FM 26818

technical - general information


technical helpline:

0845 210 3000

H & R Johnson Tiles Limited, Harewood Street, Tunstall, Stoke on Trent ST6 5JZ. T: 01782 575575 F: 01782 577377

10 Great Titcheld Street, London W1W 8BB T: 020 7436 8629 F: 020 7436 9031 E:

Middle East Ofce, H & R Johnson, PO Box 50518, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Tel ++97 14 398 6004 Fax ++97 14 398 7066 Johnson Tiles (Pty) Ltd, Olifantsfontein, South Africa. Johnson Tile (Pty) Ltd, Bayswater, Victoria, Australia. Philkeram Johnson s.a., Thessaloniki, Greece. H & R Johnson (India) Ltd, Mumbai, India. A Norcros company
H & R Johnson, Johnson and Material Lab are registered trade marks. All product names are the trade marks of H & R Johnson Tiles Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Printed in England 2007

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