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111-1 歐盟與兩岸政策期中考 序號 42 曾柏翔 歐法一 111509111

1. 請舉例說明主要矛盾和次要矛盾之間的關連性。

In an event, there are always factors affecting how it proceed. Among the numerous
factors, the one and only factor which is decisive for the direction of the event’s
development, is called the “principal contradiction”, while the others are called “non-
principal contradiction.” Controlling the principal contradiction means controlling the
essence of the event, if we want to do away with the principal contradiction, then we need
to ally the non-principal ones. However, once the previous principal contradiction is
removed, it will be replaced by a previously non-principal contradiction which elevated to
be the new principal one.

The example mentioned in class was the situation during the China civil war between
Chinese Nationalist Party(CNP) and Chinese Communist Party(CCP). The follow-up
trouble was the simultaneous invasion from Japan. However, the two parties had different
thoughts on the issue: CNP regarded CCP as the principal contradiction and that Japan was
the non-principal one (攘外必先安內), for CCP it was the opposite(中國人不打中國人).

2. 請論述歐洲聯盟的特色

European Union(EU) is a supranational organization in which member nations give in

their partial sovereignty or decision-making capacity to the organization for the purpose of
shaping political or economical integration, based on Federalism, Functionalism, Neo-
Functionalism, and Communications school. Starting from post WW2, the origin of all,
ECSC was founded intending to restrain the flowing of important war resources, in order
to decrease the possibility of wars. Afterwards, EEC, EAEC, EC and other systems
appeared and eventually became the EU nowadays. It is now the highest-integrated union
with the most participated nations (27 since the Brexit), which are certified by the
Copenhagen criteria. Over the years, EU has been working on finding balance and
narrowing differences between member nations. Features including euro zone, free trade
policy and central bank has been operating under the availability of functionalism. In
addition to economic aspect, EU has also developed a limited Common Foreign and
Security Policy and cooperation in police and judicial matters, both are the two poles of
EU other than the previous EC. On political side, Council of European Union and
European Commission serve as ministerial institution, and European Parliament as semi-
judicial institution. In sum, EU is now one of the existence which obtains the power of
discourse globally, their every single step is connected to the whole world, therefore it is
crucial that we understand its uniqueness.
3. 請敘述開課至今的心得與感想

I have to be honest that for the first few classes, I wasn’t sure what the contents narrated
by professor Tang has to do with “European Union” or “Taiwan Strait Relations.”
But gradually, I found that professor Tang was adopting another way of teaching: Helping
students form the mindset rather than directly telling us all the information we need to
know. And I agree that this did make us started doing research on our own rather than
simply taking notes from lectures. In the class. It is often that professor Tang is the one
who poses questions and we are the ones who have to find the answers ourselves, this way,
we can better memorize these information and further make clearer notes for our own
arrangements. I have realized that this class is not as focused as I thought It would be,
purely explaining historical events or analyzing international trends. Professor Tang covers
a variety of themes in class, from the meaning of Hexagram to different kinds of
Determinism. Our independent thinking ability is slowly being fostered and I think that all
these knowledge can be helpful in the future of my education period. I am looking forward
to continuously enriching myself in the following half semester.

4. 請在課程範圍內,自訂題目,自由發揮。

The intergovernmentalism and supranationalism in EU.

In addition to the supranationalism mentioned in class, EU has actually taken on another

property: internationalism. In brief, supranationalism refers to a large amount of power
given to an authority(EU) which in theory is placed higher than the state, while
intergovernmentalism focuses on the importance of member states in the process of
creating EU-wide regulations. The main continuing divide has been between scholars
convinced that the intergovernmental decision-making of political actors in the Council is
the primary force in EU governance versus those more convinced of the importance of
supranational decision making by the Commission and other technical actors.  I think the
controversy derived from the European Parliament and the Council of the European
Union, which are two of its supranational bodies. To put it simply, after a vote, the
majority result wins and all member states have to implement the decisions that have been
made. However on the other hand, this mechanism is pondered by some regulations
applying intergovernmentalism in some fields such as: taxation, the accession of new
states, and the common foreign and security policy. When it comes to those areas,
unanimity is required and no one decision can be forced upon a state, manifesting the
existence of intergovernmentalism. Therefore, I think that there’s no necessary need to
stiffly define that which single mode of functioning is taken by EU. On the contrary, we
can agree that as time pass by, international situations changes rapidly, organizations must
adapt to new method of governing. There is no denying that EU has gradually combined
both supranationalism and internationalism for the necessary flexibility on dealing
transnational affairs, therefore they can remain elastic for the ever-changing circumstance.

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