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An Overview of Art
The Meaning and Importance of Art
Name: _Khen Vince V. Heguerra_______________________________________
Section: ______GE - 4_______________________________

Answer the questions below. Limit your answer to a maximum of five sentences only. 

1. What is your definition of art? 

 The term "art" encompasses a broad range of human pursuits and the products that
demonstrate technical proficiency, aesthetic beauty, emotional impact, or conceptual
depth. Work of art includes all attractive paintings, sculptures, and other pictures or
objects that were created with creativity and talent. The origin of art is typically traced
to the human mind. Any artistic endeavor primarily depends on imagination to be
created. Some individuals think that art results from a solidification of creativity or from
giving something a lot of attention.

2. What are the functions of art in the context of enhancing your personality?

 As a student, with the help of art it can help me enhance my personality in various
ways. For example, through art we gain comprehension of the world and give it
significance and enhance our way of thinking and focus. Also when we create art we
elevate our mood or feelings and open our minds to a new creative idea. We often feel
better at solving issues, and are more open to new ideas when we create art, or how we
express ourselves through art. To conclude, art teaches us how to express ourselves
creatively and thoroughly, we communicate by using that expression to describe our
individual feelings, thoughts, and experiences. 
3. Why is art appreciation an essential subject in the curriculum? 

 Appreciating art is important for many reasons. For instance, understanding every
piece's history and the time period in which it was created is a beneficial method, also it
can help us to be more open to their different perspectives and views on their artworks.
Artists usually address both societal issues and personal struggles in their work.
Knowing how art works encourages us to be attentive and inquisitive, combining each
component to create the artwork or performance. The humanities and the arts have
always been highly valued by human cultures.

4. How can art be an aid to better citizenship? Give an example.

 Through the display of nationalism and patriotism, art may better assist citizenship.
Through art, we may communicate our original thoughts and ideas that set us apart
from everyone else. For instance, we can feel proud of the way our folk dances represent
our culture. Also with the use of art in terms of culture and representation it is a one 
way of showing how patriotic and proud citizens we are in representing our country.
Lastly with the use of art and proper ways of promoting it can boost the culture of that
current community or country. 

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