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The World Within

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Understanding Intrapersonal Intelligence

 Intrapersonal intelligence is defined as the capacity for self-reflection, to be aware of

strengths and weaknesses, feelings, and thought processes that constitute self-
 Intrapersonal Intelligence includes our thoughts and feelings.
 Intrapersonal Intelligence is not necessarily a solemn quality.

Intrapersonal qualities

1. Is aware of range of emotions.

2. Finds approaches and outlets to express feelings and thoughts.
3. Develops an accurate sense of self.
4. Is motivated to identify and pursue goals.
5. Establishes and lives by an ethical value system.
6. Works Independently.
7. Is curious about the “big questions” in life: meaning, relevance, and purpose.
8. Manages ongoing learning and personal growth.
9. Attempts to seek out and understand inner experiences.
10. Gains insights into the complexities of self and the human condition.
11. Strives for self-actualization.
12. Empowers others.

Intrapersonal Learning Processes

Establishing an Environment to Nurture the Sense of self

-Characteristics of Schools that Nurture Self-Esteem

 Equity
 Community
 Participation
 Collaborative Grouping
 Active Learning Processes

Self-Esteem Enhancers: Learning to Love Oneself

 Compliment Circles
- It can serve as morale boosters and self-image transformers
 Individual Acknowledgement
- A teacher can boost a student’s self-esteem by individually communicating concern and
- Success in an academic, social or real-world event can be acknowledged and suggestions
given for transferring such skills or qualities into classroom applications.
 Peer Support
- Support networks can assist students in acknowledging and using skills that are valuable to
others. Through positive interdependence, students not only enhance self-esteem but
improve their academic and social skills as well.
 Guidelines for Enhancing Self-Esteem
1. Each day, acknowledge every student in the classroom either verbally or nonverbally.
2. Maintain and communicate high expectations for each student.
3. Seek student input on ways to make classroom learning more relevant and meaningful.
4. Involve students in establishing classrooms rules, lessons, and assessment approaches.
5. Provide hands-on, multimodal learning experiences.
6. Use a variety of group processes, including pairs and small and large group options.
7. Assist students in identifying their strengths.
8. Acknowledge student’s positive qualities and contributions in ways that are appropriate
for each.
9. Help students understand that setbacks are a part of the learning process and that they
often indicate ways to succeed in the future.
10. Model positive self-esteem for oneself.

Setting and Achieving Goals

- Students can discover aspects of their inner selves by identifying their interests, strengths,
and preferred forms of recognition.
 Challenging Students to Learn
- Teachers who are successful at challenging their students offer feedback that sustain self-
confidence and encourages students to take control of their learning
 Olympian Goal Setting
1st peak- Passion (was defined as “knowing what really matters on a gut level”)
2nd peak- Vision (this referred to envisioning one’s achievement in detail as well as the “how to”
images of attaining the goal.
3rd peak- Action

Another interesting aspect of peak performance consists of social support.

Thinking Skills

Emotionally Intelligent Education

Mclean Asserted that positive emotions such as love and humor facilitate the neocortex’s higher-order
thoughts processes, while negative feelings such as tension, fear, anger, or distrust inhibit learning and
higher order thinking. Emotions are also a key component of intrapersonal intelligence.

 Engaging Feelings in the classroom

As Daniel Goleman (1995) has noted, emotional intelligence enables us to recognize our
feelings, make positive decisions, manage distressing moods, and feel hopeful and optimistic
toward life.
 Establishing an Environment That Permits Emotional Expression
The classroom environment can facilitate emotional expression of both students and teachers.
To determine whether a classroom adequately encompasses the effective domain, teachers can
reflect on their facilitation of emotional expression.

Are lessons taught with emotional expression?

What kind of feelings are encouraged in the classroom? From whom?
What behaviors or feeling are discouraged? Why?
How are emotions expressed—verbally, physically, or visually?
What tools do students possess to express their feelings? What tools might they need?
When are feelings expressed—at lunch or recess, during math?
How might appropriate expression of emotion be encouraged in the classroom?

To create an enhanced affective atmosphere in the classroom, teachers can intentionally

increase the emotional impact of their instruction.

 Identifying Feelings
- By acknowledging and experiencing a variety a feeling, students develop a strong emotional
foundation that enriches their lives.
- Creating an emotional vocabulary helps students name and understand inner experiences.

Expressing Emotion

- students need opportunities to express their feelings and to channel them into constructive outlets.

Expressing Feelings Through The Arts

- visual arts drama dancing or music help students access their feelings while simultaneously relieving
stress hurt or excessive excitement

Educating For Human Values

- teach commonly accepted values that underlie both traditional religious and secular principles.
Journal Writing

- journals can be used to explore thinking about any subject.

- this process can springboard them into accessing feelings insights and connections.

Journals For Personal Insight

- keeping a journal is also one means for probing intrapersonal intelligence.

Getting To Know Oneself Through Others

- observing how others respond to as provide much information that shapes our sense of self.

- interaction with others.

- teachers can also develop activities that encourage students to consider their growing sense of self.

Reflecting On The Wonder Of And Purpose Of Life

- encouraging the expression of students' insight and helping them grapple with meaning.

- holistic teaching also enables children to discover an inherent area of personal interest.

Classroom Activities To Nurture A Sense Of Wonder

• poems, myth, legends and tales

• drawing and composing a song

• create future newspaper

• engagement in classroom

• reflection papers

• write letters to unknown person

• create self portraits

Finding Purpose In School And Life

- should be able to identify one valid reason for investing time, energy and efforts in school.
- students deserve to know the relevance of what they are learning in your life.

" What can i do with this info?"

" Can it be used outside of school?"

" How will it benefit others?"

Self-Directed Learning: An Intrapersonal Learning Approach

- students is the central decision maker.

- students determine what and how to learn a time frame and ways to demonstrate their newly
acquired competence.

Suggestions For Implementing Self-directed Learning

• suggest topics for personal interest

• teach independent learning skills

• assigned independent projects

• long-term concentration, focused interest and imagination are encourage.

Technology That Enhances Intrapersonal Intelligence

- teachers allow students to manipulate ideas in whatever ways best suit their thinking.

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