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Fill in the blanks:

Lady Mary Wortley
a) Variolation was first performed by …………………. on her children.
Elie Metchnikoffobserved the phenomenon of phagocytosis for the first time.
b) …………………….

a) Rheumatoid arthritis
………................. is an example of autoimmune disease.
Immunological tolerance
b) The ability of T and B cells to ignore or tolerate self-antigens is called as ………................. .

Fill in the blanks

: a) Diphtheria toxin is an ………………….. .
Secondary lymphoid organs
b) B-cell activation takes place in the ……………………….. where it encounters the antigen.
c) ………………….. are roundworms present in the small intestine that cause Ascariasis
d) The endotoxins are usually bacterial cell wall components, like the …………………..., ………………….. .

Fill in the blanks:

Neils Jerne, F. MacFarlane Burnet
David Talmadge
a) The Clonal Selection Theory was put forward by………….., ……......., and ……………………
b) RNAse L that degrades the RNA of the virus is activated by an enzyme called …………………………………………
c) Outside of the host cell, viruses exist as small inactive particles called as…………….

Fill in the blanks

Epstein Barr
a) …………………….virus binds to B-cells via type II complement receptors.

b) Antibody toxin complex formed is cleared by …………………….

Phagocytic cells

c) A chronic, debilitating disease called Schistosomiasis is caused by……………………..
Autoimmune disease
d) An ………………………….occurs when the body attacks its own self-cells, tissues and other body constituents.

State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’:

a) T-cells are formed and mature in thymus. False- olny mature in thymus

b) Endogenous antigens are degraded to smaller fragments in endoplasmic reticulum.

c) APCs express class I MHC molecules on their surface. False- Class II MHC

d) Humoral immunity provides protection against cancerous cells

Expand the following terms:


b) MAC




Fill in the blanks:
a) The …………………… line the conjunctiva, respiratory, gastro-intestinal and the urogenital tracts of the body.
Lysozyme .
b) The antimicrobial substance in tear and saliva is …………………

c) Physical barriers include Anatomical Physiological Barriers.

……………………. and …………………….

Low pH
d) ……………………of sebum discourages microbial growth.
e) Lysozyme cleaves ………………… of bacterial cell wall.

a) The term “complement” was coined by Paul Ehrlich .


b) Binding of C3b exposes site on Factor B

……………………. that allows binding of Factor D.
C1q 2 units of ……………
c) The C1 macromolecular complex has three elements- 6 units of ………., C1r C1s
and 2 units of ……………. .
d) MASP1 and MASP2 (Mannose associated serine- proteases) bind to ……………………… and the complex so formed
leads to the cleavage of C2 and C4 proteins in the Lectin pathway.

i) .……………………… is main cell involved in acute inflammation.
Lymphocyte & plasma cells is secreted by
mast cells,
ii) The main cells involved in chronic inflammation are Macrophage
……………………, …… basophils and platelets and causes
increased vascular permeability and arteriolar dilation.
Epidermis and ………………
……………… Dermis are the layers of the skin.
3-5 pH
The pH of sebum is ……………… which is inhibitory to pathogens.
High body temperature
……………… protects chickens from anthrax

……………… enzyme is in found in tears and saliva and is bacteriolytic

……………… molecules create an antiviral state

a) State whether the following statements are True or False.

False- can be nucleic acid, sugars
i) PAMPs are proteins present in multiple copies on the surface of pathogen. also
False- nucleic acid can also be a
ii) Nucleic acid cannot be recognised by any PRR. PAMP

iii) TLR is a pattern recognition receptor. True

I)The alternative pathway is a part of the innate immune system as it does not need the formation of antigen-
antibody complex for its activation. True

ii) The MAC forms a large pore in the plasma membrane of the target cells that leads to cell division disruption.False

iii) Promotes phagocytosis of various particulate antigens via opsonisation. True

Pathogen Associated
PAMPs Molecular Patterns

Pattern Recognition
PRRs Receptors

DAMPs Damage Associated

Molecular Patterns
MBL Mannan Binding Lectin
State ‘True’ or ‘False’:

i) B lymphocyte maturation in mammals like mice and humans occurs in the bone marrow. True

ii) Redundancy is not a feature of cytokines.False

iii) TCRs do not directly recognise antigens. True

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

i) CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are formed fromT-cell

precursors in the thymus.
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte
ii) The CD8+ T cell transforms into .......................... that are responsible for the destruction of the infected or the
Humoral immunity
cancerous cell. iii) …………………… participates in homografts rejections and in GVHDGraft versus host disease.

Do as directed:
NK cells
i) ………………... have cytolytic effects against tumor cells or virus infected cells. (Fill the blank)

ii) Initially a rise in the serum IgM levels is seen in primary immunity and later it is replaced by IgG antibody.
(True/False) True

iii) IgM has more affinity than IgG. (True/False) False

Antigenic substance
i) A vaccine contains an ………………… that can induce primary immune response without producing any signs or
symptoms of the disease.
ii) The only antibody that can cross the placenta is ……………………...…. .

iii) During primary contact with the antigen, memory of this encounter is generated in our system in the form of
Memory B and T cells.
iv) In …………………… vaccine the potentially pathogenic microorganisms are inactivated/weakened and are no longer
capable of causing infection

i) Activated B cell clones form Memory cells

…………......… and Plasma cells cells.
Bursa of Fabricius
ii) B-cells are called so due to their origin in ……………………. in birds.
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
iii) CD8+ T cell activated transform into ……………………
Bone marrow lymphoid organ.
. iv) B-cells mature in ……………………

(iv) (iii)


(v) (i)



SAQ 1 State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’:

i) Hematopoietic stem cells are pluripotent cells. True

ii) Stromal cells affect hematopoietic stem cell differentiation by providing a hematopoietic- inducing
microenvironment. iii) Necrosis, the cell death-related changes that arise from damage. True

iv) Myeloid stem cells generate progenitor cells of lymphocytes and NK cells. False

v) In humans, during fetal stage hematopoiesis begins in the yolk sac for first weeks of embryonic development.

(i) Eosinophils
……………… cell has bi-lobed nucleus that appears U shape in blood smear
Kuffer cells cell.
. (ii) Macrophage in the liver is called …………………
(iii) ……………… dendritic cells lack MHC class II in its membrane, hence do not participate in antigen presentation.

(iv) Antibodies
…………… act as opsonin which improves the process of phagocytosis by macrophages.

(v) Neutrophils
………………. are the first cells to arrive at infection site.

Fill in the blanks:
i) An antigen soluble in the blood can activate ………………… cells.
ii) The antigen attached to the macrophage will activate …………… cells.
Antibodies are produced when …………………
3)………………… Antigens Adjuvant
is injected with ………………… in the host animal.

Fill in the Blanks:
i) The isotypes have similar ………………… Light
regions of ………………… Heavy
and ………………… Constant
chains but different …………………
region of ………………… chains.
ii) The allotypes may have different amino acids in CDR regions of the ………………… heavy
chain or the ………………… chains.
Specific antibodies
iii) The idiotype provides ………………… antibodies to interact with different ………………… in one’s own body.
iv) The fetus acquires immunity from the mother as ………………… Placenta .
can cross …………………

SAQ 01:

State whether the following statement are ‘True’ or ‘False’

. i) Antigen and antibody reaction product can cause a ‘complement cascade’. True

ii) Neutralization is a very effective means of protection against infection. True

iii) Agglutination assays cannot be performed and analysed easily. False

iv) Co-immunoprecipitaion is a modification of immunoprecipitation technique. True


Fill in the blanks:

i) …………………. vaccine stimulates production of anti-tetanus antibodies that prevents the entry of toxin in neurons.
ii) Affinity can be defined as the strength of non-covalent interaction between single antigen binding site with a single
antigenic determinant

iii) The ability of specific antibodies to initiate membrane damage of the pathogens in association with the
Complement fixation
complement is called ………………… .
iv) …………………. are routinely used for blood typing where human RBCs are mixed with antisera to blood group
antigens (Type A or B)

SAQ 1 State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’:

i) Before birth, the yolk sac, fetal liver and fetal bone marrow are the major sites for B-cell development. True

ii) The maturation of B cells is not dependent on the immunoglobin DNA rearrangement in stem cells. False

iii) Only antigen-activated B cells undergo clonal expression. True

iv) Antigen dependent phase for lymphocytes occurs in secondary lymphoid organs. True

v) Memory B cells release antibodies that circulate in the blood and lymph False

SAQ 2 Fill in the blank:

T-dependent antigens can stimulate B cells to become activated but require cytokine assistance delivered by helper
i) …………………
T cells.
ii) A longer lag phase is observed in ………………… immune response.
Early pro-B
iii) Immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene rearrangement begins in ………………… cells.
iv) The main antibody of secondary responses in the blood is ……………
Class switching
. v) ………………… is the process whereby an activated B cell changes its antibody production from IgM to either IgA,
IgG, or IgE.

SAQ 1 a) Choose whether following sentence are true (T) or False (F):

i) T helper cells possess CD8+ surface markers. False

ii) Cytotoxic T -cells kills the antigen infected cells. True

iii) MHC molecule require to present antigen peptide on the surface of APCs. True

iv) CD8+ marker recognize MHC II complex. Block 3 Working of the Immune System 44 True

v) CD4+ marker recognize MHC I complex. True

vi) All nucleated cells possess MHC I molecule. True

MHC- peptide
i) Antigen presenting cells process and present antigen as ………………. . complex
Antigen stimulation
ii) T cell activation is driven by the ………………..
Antigen presenting
. iii) T cell only recognise antigen peptides that are properly processed by ………………… . cells

T cytotoxic cells & T helper

iv) Activated mature T cells can undergo differentiation process to produce …………………
v) Activated naive T cells secrete ………………… .

SAQ2 State whether the following statement are ‘True’ or

: i) The removal of self-reactive cells within our body

immune system is Tolerance. True
ii) The deposition of antigen-antibody complexes in tissues or
blood vessels causes the activation of complement system (c) along
with recruitment of neutrophils. True
iii) Type-I hypersensitivity is accompanied by clinical
symptoms like: anaphylaxis, angioedema, bronchospasm,
hypotension etc. True

iv) Myasthenia Gravis is a condition of muscular

dysfunction arising from acetylcholine inadequacy not (a) auto-
immunity. False

v) Type-IV hypersensitivity is clinically associated with hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia. False

SAQ 3Fill in the blanks:

initial dose and ………………..
a) Hypersensitivity is composed of two components ……………….. Shocking dose.

b) Autoimmunity is under the regulatory mechanism of ………………..

central and ………………..
peripheral tolerance.
Disregulation of immune system and inappropriate ………………..
c) In systemic autoimmunity there is ……………….. Inflammatory responses.

d) Goodpasture’s syndrome is a condition where auto-antibodies are formed against the basement membrane of
……………….. Lungs
or ………………..
Systemic Lupus
. e)Erythematous
……………….. is a disease condition that causes inflammation of connective tissues that provides flexibility and
strength to the body.

Benign tumor .
i) The primary stage of tumor is also known as …………………….

ii) The process by which tumor spreads from one part to other tissues of the body is called ……………………. . iii) a)
Metaphase b) Anaphase c) Metastasis d) Mitosis

iv) Cancer of lipid tissue is known as ……………………. .

v) a) Myeloma b) Lymphoma c) Leptoma d) Lipoma

vi) Unregulated proliferation of an abnormal cell creates a clone of cells called a tumor or ……………………. . vii) a)
Neoplasm b) Nanoplasm c)Myoplasm d) Myeloma

viii) In which stage of cancer, tumor cells spread from one place to other part of body?
Epidermal growth factor
Platelet-derived growth
SAQ 2 i) Expand the term: EGF ……………………. & PDGF: ……………………
. ii) c-myc is a Proto oncogene gene.
Tumor suppressor
iii) Genes which work opposite in nature to oncogenes are called ………………………. . genes
iv) ………………………. oncogene has role in wide variety of cancers.
Mutation events.
v) Proto-oncogenes convert to oncogenes through …………………
Erythroleukamia in
vi) Mutated form of thyroid hormone receptor ErbA causes ……………….
. vii) The significant tumor suppressor gene that encodes a phosphoprotein and has a multifarious roles in the
growth arrest, DNA repair and apoptosis is named as ………………………. .
viii) The elevated levels of ………………………. apoptotic protein is found in human lymphomas.

SAQ 4 i) Define immunosurveillance.

ii) What is immunoediting?

Recombination Activating
iii) The knockout of 2 (RAG2)
_____________ gene in mice is required for preventing the age related cancers.

iv) One of the major challenges for immune system is not to harm________
Self cells ________.
v) Lack of ___________signalling pathway in mice may cause tumors in transplantations.
Immune escape is the final phase of immunoediting.
SAQ 5 i) ………………………
Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte
ii) Peptides from tumor antigens are administered to induce ……………… activity as a form of immunotherapy.
iii) Trastuzumab is a mAb, that targets ……………………… protein in breast cancer cells
. iv) Immunotherapy can be done using ……………………… monoclonal antibodies.

v) CTLs are ……………………… .

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte

Micronutrients and ………………………

AQ 6 i) Balanced nutrition is a diet that includes ……………………… Macronutrients as well as the gut microbiome.
Peyer's patchesare rich in immune cells.
ii) Specialised immune regions known as ………………………
Vitamin D
iii) Gut permeability may be influenced by micronutrient …………………… status.

AQ 7

i) The process of replacement of diseased/damaged tissue or organs with healthy ones from a donor is known as

ii) Grafting between two different species is called _______________.
iii) The presence or absence of various MHC alleles is tested in the antibody-mediated _____________________ test.
Mixed lymphocyte
iv) The one-way ______________________ is used to quantitate the degree of class II MHC between donor and

. v)Class
I MHC moleculesare the transmembrane glycoproteins expressed on the surface of almost all nucleated
Antigen presenting cells that engulf bacteria,
cells. vi) B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells are the examples of the ____________________
exotoxins and parasites.
AQ 8 i) ……………………… therapy lowers the recipient’s immune response against graft’s alloantigens and prevents its
ii) Failure of tolerance to self leads to ……………………… diseases.
iii) ……………………… acts as a barrier reduces the exposure of fetus to maternal immune cells.

SAQ 1 Answer the following in one word:

i) Name the first disease against which the vaccine was introduced? Small pox

ii) Which scientist created the world's first vaccine? Edward Jenner

iii) Who developed a vaccine against rabies for humans in 1885? Louis Pasteur
iv) The practice of inoculation of dried pustules is called ……………. .

SAQ 2 Read the following statements and write True (T) or False (F).

i) Immunity that an infant receives from the mother is a form of active immunity False

. ii) Protection produced by person’s own immune system is active immunity. True

iii) Innate immunity is antigen independent. True

iv) Adaptive immunity predominates in early stages of infection. False

v) Transfusion of blood products is an example of passive immunity True

. vi) Active immunization elicits immunologic memory. F

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