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What is Human Resource Management?

Management of marketing activities of an organization

Management of Human resource of an organization

Management of financial activities of an organization

Management of Production activities of an organization

For a business to succeed

Management, Workers, and Society should work without harmony

There has to be harmony among Management, Workers, and Society

There should be harmony only between Management and Workers

There should be harmony only between workers and the society

When employers have responsibilities towards employees

Employees are bound to duties

Employees are bound to wages only

Employees are bound to their self only None of the above

As long as employees are under the contract of the firm

They can easily take any other employment; their loyalty towards firm is not questioned

They cannot indulge in any other employment, nor do anything that will conflict with their loyalty to
the firm.

They can break the contract anytime without putting it in the notice of employer

None of the above

An employer does not have right over the employee for which type things

Things that are relevant to the work

Things that are not relevant to the work Both of the above None of the above
Which among the following is not an employee’s right

Right to either accept or reject employment

Right to reasonable working conditions and safety

Right to just wages without any discrimination of caste, creed, or race

Right to use office resources for personal purposes

If ‘Holidays and Leaves’ are rights of an employee, which of the following is the duty against it


Attendance and Punctuality

Freedom of thought

Privacy and personal information

It consists of providing all the essential information to the prospective candidates, such as
educational qualification, training, and experience

Job enlargement

Job specifications

Job enrichment None of the above

In case of inbreeding moral problems arise

If inbreeding is the fundamental and guiding principle of recruitment and promotion

If inbreeding is not the fundamental and guiding principle of recruitment and promotion

Inbreeding is not related to recruitment and promotions

None of the above

Should they employ someone who is qualified and competent, but comes from outside the firm, or
someone whose loyalty to firm is never doubted, but is an in-house person? The dilemma is related
to which category of managers

Finance managers

Marketing managers

Human resource managers

Production managers

The only claim for promotion is kinship, and the person is recommended or granted a special favour
without actually deserving it and without going through the procedures laid down

Nepotism Bribe Inbreeding None of the above

An Act aimed to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the
protection and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto

Workplace Harassment Act (2013)

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013

Companies act (2013)

None of the above

Who is an Aggrieved Women?

A women of age 25years or above, whether employee or not who alleges to have been subjected to
any act of sexual harassment by the respondent

A women of age 25years or below , whether employee or not who alleges to have been subjected to
any act of sexual harassment by the respondent

A women of any age whether employee or not who alleges to have been subjected to any act of
sexual harassment by the respondent

A women of age 21years or above, whether employee or not who alleges to have been subjected to
any act of sexual harassment by the respondent
According to Sexual Harassment Act (2013) who is an employee

A person employed at a workplace for any work on regular basis only

A person employed at a workplace for any work on regular, temporary, ad hoc or daily wage basis

A person employed at a workplace for any work on regular basis and direct basis only

If the transportation is provided by employer for employee

It will be considered part of workplace

It will not be considered part of workplace

It is not related to workplace None of the above

The two types of committees constituted for redressal of Sexual harassment complaints are

Primary Complaint Committee and Secondary Complaint Committee

Internal Complaint Committee and External Complaint Committee

Internal Complaint Committee and Local Complaint Committee

Government Complaint Committee and Private Complaint Committee

Constitution of which of the following committee is mandatory for establishments or companies

employing ten or more employees

Local Complaint Committee

Internal Complaint Committee

Primary Complaint Committee None of the above

In the structure of Internal Complaint Committee it is provided

That at least one half of the total members so nominated shall be women

That at least 30% of the total members so nominated shall be women

That at least 75% of the total members so nominated shall be women

None of the above

In case the sexual harassment complaint is itself against the employer then which of the following
committee is constituted

Internal Complaints Committee

Local Complaints Committee

Government setup committee

Primary Committee

Provide necessary facility to the Internal committee or Local committee, as the case may be for
dealing with the complaint and conducting inquiry

Duty of an employer

Duty of an employee

Duty of third parties

Duty of external agencies


When investors are induced to make purchase or sale decisions on the basis of false information it is
referred as a

License fraud

Investment fraud

Operations fraud None of the above

Obtaining money by means of deception including fake personalities, fake photos, fake
template letters, non-existent addresses and phone numbers, forged documents

Copyright issue Patents issue Scam None of the above

Which among the following is known as the securities scam of India which completely shook the
Indian stock market?

UTI scam (2001)

DSQ Software scam (2001)

Harshad Mehta scam (1992)

Satyam (2009)

The crucial mechanism through which the Hrshad Mehta scam was affected was

Ready forward (RF) deal

Ready backward deal
Selling shares to foreigners
Buying share from foreigners

What kind of impact financial scams have on societies

Positive impact No impact Negative impact Moderate impact

Governments can …………to bankrupt firms in order to control spreading of impact into other firms
and industries




None of the above

Financial schemes that turn into financial scams are permeated into the fabric of society and destroy
not only wealth, but also the lives of the public.

The above statement is true The above statement is false Neither true nor false None of the

Which discipline of the management is crowded with many ethical dilemmas and scams?


Finance Human Resource Production

Which theory states that individuals use rational calculations to make rational choices and achieve
outcomes that are aligned with their own personal objectives?

Agency theory Behavioral Theory Rational choice theory None of the above

Which of the theory is used to explain and resolve issues in the relationship between business
principals and their agents?

Agency Theory Behavioral theory rational choice theory None of the above
Which among the following is the assumption of agency theory?

That the agents do not acts professionally in the interest of the principal

That the agent acts professionally in the interest of the principal

Agents and Principles are not related

Agents and Principles work separate for their own interests

An established general process for capturing financial information related to any entity’s resources
and their use in meeting the entity’s goals.

Accounting Taxation Litigation None of the above

In accounting data collection begins with

Preparation of financial statements Traditional book keeping interpreting the results

None of the above

Accountants customize the accounting system to suit the firm’s needs in taking financial decisions.

The above statement is true The above statement is false Neither true nor false None of the above

Which of the following is not related to accounting?

It maintains accounts accurately monitors the use of assets

It conducts internal audits that help the manager to assess the current financial situation

It checks fraudulent activities, dishonesty of employees and suppliers

It does not follow the law of the land

There are standards set both nationally and internationally to regulate and standardize financial
practices and processes

The statement is true The statement is false Neither true nor false None of the above
What is GAAP?

Generally Accepted Accounting Practices

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Generally Accepted Auditing Principles None of the above

Principle of Consistency in GAAP means

Different methods should be applied in the prescribed period of time

Same methods should be applied in the prescribed period of time

There should be conformity to the enforced rules and laws

None of the above

Which principle of GAAP states that there should be coherence in financial statements published by

Principle of Permanence of methods

Principle of non-compensation

Principle of continuity

Principle of Periodicity

Accountants are responsible for assembling the financial statements scientifically and reporting
them objectively, third parties should be able to rely on such statements and they have a right to be
assured that the data is free from bias and inconsistency

The statement is true the statement is false Neither true nor false None of the above

What is meant by marketing ethics?

Ethics related to buying products from the market

Marketing ethics means a standard by which a marketing action may be judged right and wrong.

Ethics related to auctioning in the market None of the above

Marketing ethics is the area

Applied ethics

Non-applied ethics

Not any ethics

None of the above

Which of the spheres is not included in marketing ethics?

Product Pricing Consuming placing

Product to suit a human need is

Not a duty of the manufacturer

A duty of the manufacturer

Not related to manufacturer

None of the above

In India when was Consumer Protection Act enacted

1982 1985 1986 1988

There are how many rights included in the Consumer Protection Act (1986)

Two Four Six Ten

Which of the following is not a right under Consumer Protection Act (1986)?

Safety Information Very low prices Consumer education

Which one is related to the Safety provided by Consumer Protection act (1986)

Consumer safety means right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services that are
hazardous to life and property

Consumer safety means right to be protected against only the dumping of goods and services that
are hazardous to life and property

Consumer safety means right to be protected against the black marketing of goods and services that
are hazardous to life and property

None of the above

‘Choice’ in Consumer Protection Act (1986) is related to

Right to not access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices

Right to be assured wherever possible of access to a variety of goods and services at competitive

Right to be assured wherever possible of access to only one variety of goods and services not
necessarily at competitive prices

None of the above

Right to consumer education means the right to acquire the knowledge and skill to be an informed
consumer throughout life

The statement is true The statement is false Neither true nor false None of the above
The role of a product manager is to

Only to produce the product

Research, select, develop, place and promote the company’s product

Only to promote the product Only to place the product

In the barrier protection of packaging, which among the following is an ethical relevance?

That if extreme care is not taken, a product could pose a threat to the health, safety, and well-being
of customer

That if extreme care is not taken, a product may not pose threat to the health, safety, and well-being
of customer

No extreme care should be taken in barrier protection

There is not any ethical relevance of the barrier protection

What is deceptive pricing?

Hidden fees and surcharges such as undisclosed service charges, activation charges, installation
charges, taxes, accessories and several other ingenious ones

Disclosed fees and charges related to products and services

Actual price labelled on the product and shown in bill

None of the above

The purpose of advertisement is

To communicate information to potential customers about the goods and services offered by the

To communicate misleading information to potential customers about the goods and services
offered by the marketer

To communicate information to potential sellers about the goods and services offered by the

None of the above

Pricing strategies are the actual plans carried out to fix the price and market the product; these
actions are the immediate subject matter for an ethical evaluation of the actions of the marketer

The statement is true The statement is false Neither true nor false None of the above

Physical protection, Barrier protection, Agglomeration, and Portion Control are terms related to

Pricing Labelling Packaging Advertising

What is labelling?

Immediate communication about what is contained in the package, how to handle it, transport it,
place it, and the conditions under which it has to be stored.

Immediate communication only about how the package is useful in taking care of what is contained

Immediate communication about only costing and pricing of the package and what it contains inside

None of the above

Choose which among the following is correct

Labels are not serving in marketing, customers are not habitual of reading from the labels

Labels are great source of marketing because directly communicate with the customers, the
customer picks the product and reads it.

Labels is not a part of marketing

None of the above

Marketing research is conducted even prior to the creation of the product or service, however,
further marketing research is required to determine when and how to launch the product

The statement is true The statement is false Neither true nor false None of the above

What are the ethical considerations for penetrating pricing strategy?

Penetration pricing can generate a price war and unfair comparisons in publicity

Penetration pricing cannot generate a price war and unfair comparisons in publicity

No ethical consideration in penetration pricing strategy

None of the above

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