Delima Task Performance

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Task Performance
Case Study
Name: Victoria Isidra Delima Section: BSCPE41A
1. Read the following article by Ed K. Usman as posted on Rappler.

DICT launces PH 5-year nat’l cybersecurity plan

The cybersecurity plan is the agency’s initiative to life the Philippines’ cybersecurity capabilities and
know-how to global standards.

MANILA, Philippines – Protecting Filipinos, particularly users of the Internet, just got more serious.

May 2, 2017, the Department of Information and Communications (DICT) formally launched the
government’s National Cybersecurity Plan 2022 designed to protect Internet users from harm.

The DICT crafted the NSCP 2022 in recognition of the “urgency” of protecting every single user of
the Internet among Filipinos, the Philippines’ critical Information infrastructure (CII), government
networks, small and medium enterprises(SMEs), and also big businesses and corporations.

DICT Secretary Rodolfo A. Salalima led the unveiling of the plan, put to paper on a 54-page booklet
distributed to stakeholders and members of the media during the event launch at a hotel in Eastwood
City, Libis, Quezon City.

A work in progress

The plan, which the DICT emphasizes “is still a work in progress,” maps the cyber threat landscape,
envisions strategic solutions, identifies key areas to address, and promotes a whole-of-society
approach to the problem. In a message for the unveiling event, President Duterte cited the DICT’s
“crucial role in the government’s effort to address the challenges brought about by global inter-

The president lauded the DICT for coming up with the cybersecurity plan that “aims to deal with these
challenges and improve our people’s confidence in the ICT sector.”

It is the intention of the NSCP 2022 to shape the policy of the government on cybersecurity and the
crafting of guidelines that will be cascaded to all levels of a government. DICT says the plan is
crucial in fulfilling the agency’s mandate to ensure “the rights of individuals to

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privacy and confidentiality of personal information,” and their ability to guide agencies governing and
regulating the ICT sector.

Consumer protection and welfare, data privacy and security, the fostering of healthy competition in
the sector, and the growth of the ICT sector are some of the other key pillars of the plan.

The DICT, created only recently through Republic Act No. 10844, commits to hitting the ground running
in implementing the plan. And to jumpstart the plan’s implementation, the DICT signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Council of Electronic Commerce
Consultants (EC Council), the world’s largest cybersecurity technical certification body.

2. Give insights and reaction about the article you have read using the following guide questions:
a. Do you think this plan would help our country? In what way?
- The DICT 5-year national cybersecurity plan was mentioned in Ed K. Usman's piece. The
Department of Information and Communication DICT published the government's National
Cybersecurity Plan 2022, which is intended to keep Internet users safe. This cybersecurity
strategy includes safeguarding every Internet user in the Philippines, as well as the country's
critical information infrastructure (CII), government networks, small and medium enterprises
(SMEs), and large firms and corporations. As a result, I was certain that this strategy or
approach would help our country's cybersecurity. Although the DICT's strategy is still in the
works, it aims to influence or has the goal of influencing government cybersecurity policy and
producing regulations that will be adopted at all levels of government. Furthermore, this strategy
intends to address difficulties, map the cyber threat environment, envisage strategic solutions,
identify critical areas to address, and encourage a whole-of-society approach to the problem, as
well as boost our people's trust in the ICT industry. Everyone needs privacy and protection,
especially on the internet, which we all use and on which the majority of us rely - this is the sort
of plan we require. Individuals' privacy and personal information confidentiality must be
protected by governments, and I believe this plan will help us because it includes critical pillars
such as consumer protection and welfare, data privacy and security, the promotion of healthy
competition in the industry, and the expansion of our country's ICT sector.
b. What can you suggest in improving the security in our country?
- Most of us rely on the internet, especially now that we are still in the midst of a pandemic, and
we use it for practically all of our activities: working from home, online classes, delivery, and so
on. The hazards that individuals confront when using the internet rise in tandem with the number
of internet users. Every Filipino must be aware of these cyber threats and have their privacy and
personal information safeguarded, which is why I advocate for increased cybersecurity. More
initiatives like the DICT's 5-year cybersecurity strategy are needed. Governments must pay
attention to events like this in order to assist our country's ICT industry thrive. As time passes,
the number of internet users will grow, and we will need to not only prepare, but also take action
to keep them safe. Our cybersecurity in the Philippines is not as powerful as that of other
countries. As a result, our country requires a specific plan to protect our future on the internet.
We can improve our security by implementing strong cybersecurity that protects both
enterprises and individuals.

3. Submit your output to your instructor.

Criteria/Scoring 0 – 35 36 – 70 71 – 100 Score
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Procedure No output done. Explained the article Provided examples /100

Execution and gave some and explained the
examples. article clearly.
TOTAL /100

Usman, E. (2017, May 2). DICT launches PH 5-year nat’l cybersecurity plan. Rappler. Retrieved from plan on
April 29, 2019

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