Learning Homework Activity No. 2020-004

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1. Why do some people become addicted, while others don't?
The usual victim of addiction are those people who felt abandonment and
unloved. Individuals are getting addicted by something they know they can lean on to or
something that they know they can depend with to at least reduce the pain and suffering
they have. People are always feeling pain whether it is inflicted by others to them or
caused by their overthinking and negativities that surrounds them. People also have
their own ways of dealing with their problems in life and different aspects of dealing with
their emotions. If people are acting based on their emotions, they can be greatly
affected by such negativities around making themselves meet their worst counterpart,
the path of getting into something that they afraid to meet. Something that can drawn
them apart from the reality with the help of drugs. People with depressive extent tends
to part themselves away from reality making them feel great as if everything is okay and
wonderful, thus, causing them to get addicted with it. Drug addiction is not only for those
people who are experiencing the hurtful reality but also for those who are getting
dragged by their friends, influences to be exact. People getting turned down tends to
always get mad by the people who turned them down so probably saying “no” is not
useful anymore. This toxic reality can cause innocents to be not so innocent anymore
because of the peers they share experience with. Addiction will rise if an innocent
individual will be carried away by the peers, he considered to be his “friends” to try
some drugs just to relieve his emotional distress or something else.
2. How can I help my friend who is addicted to drugs?
In case of addiction, professional help is necessary. A friend who’s under the
spirit of drugs drives him to make poor decisions that can affect you, he might hurt you
in different ways that he could think of unintentionally. Seeking professionals to help
your friend get over with the drug use could really help if you will motivate your friend
with an idea of drugs are nuisance. Another idea of changing your friend’s perspective
that drugs is the one that could destroy his entire life if he will still depend on it. Talking
about his loved ones who is caring for him all the times could get affected by this
addiction. Mention the negative effect of drugs in his life because your friend has no
care about his health even if drugs are affecting it all throughout its use. Talking these
concerns with your friend who’s addicted to drugs may help. Also, always be positive
and let your friend know that you are always there for them whenever they need help or
emotional support. Do not ever bribe nor guilt-trip them just to get rid of the problem
because it will only cause them to push you away.

3. Do drugs affect relationships? How?

Drugs do affect relationships in a way that a person can be isolated away from
his loved ones once he is dependent on drugs. Addiction to drugs can destroy
everybody’s life on purpose including relationships of the affected individual with his
friends, love life, family and casual people he encounters daily. When drugs already
take effect on the brain of an individual specific relationships can fall drastically.
Realizing such situation can cause a person became guilty and full of shame making
him to become more into drugs because of broken relationship with the one he loves.
Violence and abuse are also possible for those who are out of control of their actions
because of drugs. Relationships that are affected by drug addiction could possibly
cause pain and anxiety for both people involved.
4. How can you tell if a person is on drugs?
Behavior, physical, and paraphernalia evidences can be considered to determine
if a person is on drugs. These clues can be identified by the environment they are in.
Behavioral patterns can be noticed with the sudden change of mood and often sensitive
with his surroundings. Abolition from family members and friends is noticeable from a
person that is on drugs. Personal hygiene is not a thing for a person under the spirit of
drugs, he is even more careful of his vice than anything else. Loss of interest in
hobbies, sports and other favorite activities is observable not only with these but also
the abandonment of responsibilities is present. Physical patterns of a person that is
under drugs can be determined by their eyes, physical appearance, and sudden weight
loss. Drug paraphernalia is the one that can prove that a person is using drugs.

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