Pro Milone Bibliography

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Pro Milone Bibliography

Biographies of Cicero
D. L. Stockton, Cicero: a political biography (Oxford, 1969).
E. D. Rawson, Cicero: a portrait (London, 1983).
T. N. Mitchell Mitchell, Cicero: the ascending years (New Haven, CT, 1979).
—— Cicero: the senior statesman, (New Haven, CT, 1991).

General studies of Cicero’s oratory or aspects of it

A. Corbeill, Controlling laughter: political humor in the late Roman Republic (Princeton,
I. Gildenhard, Creative eloquence: the construction of reality in Cicero’s
speeches (Oxford, 2011).
A.W. Lintott, Ciceroas evidence: a historian’scompanion (Oxford).
J. M. May, Trials of character: the eloquence of Ciceronian ethos (Chapel Hill, 1988).
2001: “Cicero’s Pro Milone: an ideal speech of an ideal orator,” in C. W. Wooten, ed. The
orator in action and theory in Greece and Rome (Leiden) 123–34.

General historical background

P. A. Brunt, ‘The Roman mob’, Past and present 35 (1966), reprinted in M. I. Finley (ed.),
Studies in ancient society (London, 1974), 74–102 [an excellent study of the social conditions
that allowed the violence stirred up by Clodius and Milo] (on JSTOR)
A. W. Lintott, ‘Cicero and Milo’, Journal of Roman Studies 64 (1974), 62–78 [an excellent
study of why Cicero supported the violent Milo] (on JSTOR)
W. J. Tatum, The patrician tribune. Publius Clodius Pulcher (University of North Carolina
Press, 1999) [the fullest study of Clodius]

Commentaries on Pro Milone

L. S. Fotheringham, Persuasive language in Cicero’s Pro Milone: a close reading and
commentary (London, 2013) [Includes stylistic comment on every sentence]
T. Keeline, Cicero Pro Milone (Cambridge, 2021) [the best and recommended edition]

On Asconius
R. G. Lewis, Asconius. Commentaries on speeches by Cicero [translated with introduction and
commentary by R. G. Lewis (Oxford, 2006) [the easiest introduction to Asconius; includes
Latin text and translation]

On Pro Milone
D. H. Berry, ‘Pompey’s legal knowledge – or lack of it: Cic. Mil. 70 and the date of Pro
Milone’, Historia 42 (1993), 502–4 [on revisions for published version of the speech and its
date] (on JSTOR)
—— ‘Clodius, Milo and the battle of Bovillae’, in P. Hatlie, ed., Ancient Bovillae: history, art,
and archaeology of a lost city in the Roman hinterland (forthcoming)
M. E. Clark and J. S. Ruebel, ‘Philosophy and rhetoric in Cicero’s Pro Milone’, Rheinisches
Museum 128 (1985), 51–72 (available online).
Dyck, A. R. ‘Narrative obfuscation, philosophical topoi, and tragic patterning in Cicero’s Pro
Milone’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 98 (1998), 219–41 (on JSTOR).
—— ‘The “other” Pro Milone reconsidered’, Philologus 146 (2002), 182–5.
L. S. Fotheringham, ‘Multiple Readings of Pro Milone 1–4’, Materiali e Discussione 57
(2006), 63–83.
—— ‘Plutarch and Dio on Cicero at the trial of Milo’, in R. Ash, J. Mossman, and F. B.
Titchener (eds.), Fame and infamy: essays on characterization in Greek and Roman biography
and historiography (Oxford, 2015), 193–207.
J. M. May, ‘Cicero’s Pro Milone: an ideal speech of an ideal orator’, in C. W. Wooten, (ed.),
The orator in action and theory in Greece and Rome (Leiden, 2001), 123–34.
A. Melchior, “Twinned fortunes and the publication of Cicero’s Pro Milone,” Classical
Philology 103 (2008), 282–97 (on JSTOR)
J. S. Ruebel, ‘The trial of Milo in 52 B.C.: a chronological study’, Transactions of the
American Philological Society 109 (1979), 231–49 [a full exposition of what happened on what
day between Clodius’ death and Milo’s exile] (on JSTOR)
J. N. Settle, ‘The trial of Milo and the other Pro Milone’, Transactions of the American
Philological Association 94 (1963), 268–80 (on JSTOR).

Style of Cicero
M.von Albrecht, Cicero’s style: a synopsis (Leiden, 2003)
G. O. Hutchinson, ‘Rhythm, style, and meaning in Cicero’s prose’, Classical Quarterly NS 45
(1985), 485–99.
G. La Bua, ‘Cicero’s Pro Milone and the ‘Demosthenic’ style: De optimo genere oratorum 10’,
Greece and Rome 61 (2014), 29–37.

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