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Step 1: Paraphrasing the question:

The figure/ diagram demonstrates the process of chocolate production.

Step 2: The Overview

1. How many step are there?
2. What are the first and the last step?

The figure/ diagram demonstrates the process of chocolate production.

Overall, there are a total of 10 stages, which start with/ starting with
collecting the cacao pods from trees, and ending with the
manufacturing of chocolate in the factory.

Step 3: Writing the Body Paragraphs

1. Signal the stage
At the first stage, At the second stage, next, the next stage on the
process shows that, the next step is…, after that, final stage, then,
moving on to the next stage, after which, …
2. Make sentences with the information that is given about that
stage. Try to paraphrase the given words. THE PASSIVE VOICE
The figure/ diagram demonstrates the process of chocolate production.
Overall, there are 10 stages, which start with/ starting with collecting
the coca pods from tree, and ending with the manufacturing of
chocolate in the factory.

At the first stage, the red and ripe pods of cacao are collected from the
cacao trees which grow in South America, Africa and Indonesia, then
the pods are crushed and the white cacao beans are extracted from
them. At the 3rd stage, the beans go through a process of fermentation,
after which they are laid on a big tray to dry under the heat of the sun.
Next, the beans are placed into big sacks. At the 6th stage, the beans
which were put in sacks are taken to a factory by a lorry/ truck. At the
next stage we see that the beans are heated at a temperature of 350.
Then the heated beans are crushed, and their outer shell is removed. At
the final stage, the extracted parts of the beans are pressed by a
special machine and the final liquid chocolate is manufactured.

Introduction: Paraphrase the Question

The figure given demonstrate two ways of preserving houses which
hare at risk of flooding.

1. Mention the main similarity
2. Mention the difference

The figure given demonstrate two ways of preserving houses which

hare at risk of flooding.
Overall, we can see that the main difference between the two figures is
the existence of a stop bank, and what is similar between the two is
that they are both raised on stilts.

Body 1: The First Diagram

Body 2: The Second Diagram

In the first diagram, we can see that the stop bank prevents the river
from bursting its bank and flooding the house. The stop bank is a
mound of land which is higher than the 100-year flood level. The house
is built on stilts so that the internal runoff does not pose any threats.
Also there is a floodgate beneath the stop bank which can be opened
so that the excess is drained into the river.
Where there is no stop bank, we can see that there is nothing stopping
the river water from flooding the house, in which case the house needs
to be built on higher stilts. Also, The floor of the house should be 30 cm
above the 100-year flood level, which is called freeboard.

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