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Question No 1:

Demonstrating Collaborative Skills:

(1) Why is it difficult for public university graduates to get a job compared to IPTS?

According to the statistical report of 2017, the total unemployment of graduates from the private university is 48% and the total unemployment of graduates from the

public university is 52%. So employment for public university graduates is less the private university graduates. Public university graduates usually struggle to secure a

job. Due to some reasons, public university graduates have fewer chances to get a job as compared to IPTS. The main reason is that most public universities have their

learning focused on theories on the other hand private universities focused on practical study. The courses offered the public universities are not following the current

job market. And private universities offered such courses that are in line with the needs of the current job market. At public universities mostly Bahasa Melayu is used

as the language of instruction and communication and also in exams students have the flexibility to answer the question in Bahasa Melayu. On the other hand, private

universities focused on the English language. Due to such reasons, public university graduates have fewer chances to get a job as compared to IPTS. (Jeong, 2019)

(2) Do you think higher education still prepares people for the job? Why?

I think that higher education still prepares people for the job. Due to higher education, you can move higher up within your field. We cannot become successful

people without higher education degrees. Higher education aware us of the process of editing, proofreading, drafting, and rewriting. If students work on their

skills in college so they preparing their selves for better job opportunities. The people who are more educated so they have fewer chances of being unemployed.

We can say that higher education means better jobs. Due to higher education, we know about new technologies. Due to higher education, you can become an

expert in your field and gain technical skills. Colleges and universities can prepare us for a specific career path. Higher education can broaden our minds and

prepare us for jobs. And in today's life, almost all jobs require higher education degrees. So we should get higher education because it is very important for our

life and it prepares us for better job opportunities. (Crawford, 2020)

Question No 2

(1) How good are your communication skills?

Communication is an important skill that needs to succeed in the workplace. I have strong communication skills due to my work experience and education. If we

want to be expert communicators, we need to be effective at all points in the process of communication from the sender to the receiver. If you are a poor

communicator you struggle to develop careers beyond a certain point. By understanding the process of communication we become good communicators. Good

communicators always use the KISS principle. KISS stands for "keep it simple and straightforward". A good communicator always creates a clear and well-

crafted message.

Write a report:

Communication skills are very important in communicating with other people. From this communication quiz, I learn about the answer to the question in the

right way. I know about the basic statements of communication skills. I learn about the methods of sending messages. I learn how to choose the correct answer

in the five options. For this communication quiz, I know how good my communication skill is. I learn about the many important points of communication skills.

Communication skills help us to deal with others properly. Communication skills quizzes are important for improving your communication skills. Good

communication skills help us to manage the business and to deal with other companies. This communication skills quiz is very informative for me and due to
this communication quiz, I get a chance to boost my communication skills. Communication skills play important role in our daily life. Communication skills are

included in one of the important skills that a normal person must have. So we should work on our communication skills. (Kerr, 2020)
Question 3

Demonstrate Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills

(1) In your opinion, what are Samila’s problems? How could she solve these problems?

In my opinion, Samila has many problems. She sells vegetables and earns money in very small quantities. She wishes that she know knowledge of sewing clothes

because by sewing clothes she earns more money. There are jobs for domestic workers in town but she did not want to leave her children. Camila's problems can be

solved when she gets the skill of sewing clothes. By sewing the clothes she earns more money and also takes care of her children and mother-in-law.

(2) Write a report:

Here is the problem in Samila's life. Samila is the mother of three children so taking care of the children is her responsibility so she does not go to the town for working

as a domestic worker. Another problem of Samila is that she sells vegetable and earn less money by selling vegetables. She wants to earn more money to fulfill her

household easily. She also has many little skills in sewing clothes, so she wants to sew the clothes and earn more money but she does not have full skill in sewing

clothes. She does not go to town for doing work as a domestic worker because she does not leave her children behind in the village. The issues that Samila faces in

solving her problems. The main issue is that Samila wants to do work in town but she is also not ready for leaving her children and mother-in-law in the village.

Another issue is that Samila does not have the proper skill of sewing clothes so she is not able to sew clothes and earn more money. The perfect decision for solving

problems of Samila is that she should join the classes sewing clothes and boost her skill. If she became perfect in her skill she will be able to sew clothes and earn more

money. It is a good decision for Samila's life because when Samila becomes able to sew clothes she starts sewing clothes for other women and earns more money. And

Samila also takes care of her children and mother-in-law easily. So it is the perfect decision for life of Samila. For deciding for Samila I understand all their problems

of Samila and make a reasonable decision for Samila. In making this decision I think that if Samila gives the classes on sewing clothes, she boosts her skill and also

earns money for the skill. So we can conclude that skill does not waste and help us in life. (Ulger, 2018)
Question 4:

Demonstrate Creativity and Innovative Skills.

(1) Write a report.

Creativity is the ability to make something new such as a new solution to a problem, a new artistic form, or a new device. Creativity is the ability to think about

a problem in a different way or the ability to use the imagination to generate new ideas. Creativity skills were able to solve complex problems. If we have

creativity skills so we look at things from a unique perspective. Creativity thinking is the ability to solve a problem in a new way. Creative thinking includes

problem-solving, analysis, open-mindedness, etc. creative thinking means thinking about the problem outside the box. A person with creative thinking can

perceive patterns that are not obvious. Creative thinking might mean that carry out tasks in new ways. Creativity is the way of thinking that helps organizations

to be more productive. Creativity is somehow related to imagination. Creativity is the act of doing something in the real world. On the other hand, imagination is

related to unreal thoughts that are not happening in reality. Imagination is seeing that thing that is impossible or unreal. Creativity uses the imagination to

imagine a new and valuable thing in mind. Imagination is a powerful thing. For creativity imagination is necessary. First, the person imagines the thing and then

creates that thing. So imagination comes first. (Walia, 2019)

The word innovation is related to the invention which refers to something new. Innovation means the practice of introducing or developing new things.

Innovation usually means an invention of a new product but sometimes innovation means a new way of thing or a new way to do something new. Generally,

innovation means a new method, device, or idea. It means giving the introduction of something new. The person who invents or introduces a new product or

new idea is known as an innovator. Innovation is the creation of something new in the mind or starting something for the first time. Innovation is somehow

related to implementation. Implementation is the method and execution for doing something. Implementation is the process of turning formal plans.

Implementation of putting the project plan into action. Implementing new ideas into the work is known as the implementation of innovation. We should become

more creative by a thought about new technologies and getting information about new technologies. We should make a plan to make something new. (Dallas,

Question 5:

Write a report. Include the following in your report:

Technology-enhanced learning:

The term technology-enhanced learning is used to describe the application of technology to learning and teaching. TEL is a broad category that is not

particularly defined. Technology-enhanced learning is transforming education and institution beyond recognition. That is why TEL is impossible to be ignored.

Technology-enhanced learning is defined as any technology that enhances the learning experience. This is used to describe both analog and digital technologies.

Now digital TEL is present in different types of educational software. TEL is important because it is the standard of education and it also improves education.

Panopto, Mentimeter, Microsoft teams, moodle, etc. are the tools of technology-enhanced learning.

The pollution that is caused by the accumulation of plastic waste in the environment is known as plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is categorized into primary

plastics, such as bottle caps, cigarette butts, etc. The main cause of plastic pollution is negligence. Many campaigns are started to reduce plastic pollution. The

main objective of the plastic waste management campaign is to reduce the use of plastic to a zero level. The campaign aims to establish environment-friendly

plastic waste disposal solutions. Government should ban the use of plastic products and plastic bags. Plastics are corrosion-resistant material, so it is reliable.

Due to plastic pollution most ocean, marine, and coastal ecosystems are highly affected.

Media provide us with information about plastic pollution. Due to the media, we also know about plastic pollution analysis and the effects of plastic pollution.

Media coverage of the effect of plastic pollution. TV shows us about plastic pollution in the news. We can see the effect of plastic pollution on TV. News

anchors cover the effect of plastic pollution and show us on television. Magazines are another media resource through which we know about plastic pollution.

Writers write about plastic pollution in magazines. Writers write all information about plastic information such as causes, effects, etc. we can easily read

information about plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is dangerous for our health. Today is the era of media so update us about everything. So the media is a great

option for getting information about anything. (Nicolaou, 2019)

Question 6:

Awareness of Global Citizenship Education and Environmental Challenges:

GCE stands for “global citizenship education”. Global citizenship education aims to empower learners of all ages to assume active roles, globally and locally,

intolerant and secure societies. Global citizenship education is generally, based on three domains of learning such as emotional, cognitive, and behavioral.

Cognitive learning is the knowledge and thinking skills that are necessary to understand the world and its complexities properly.

Emotional learning is the attitudes and values skills that enable us to develop physically, psychosocially, and affectively and to enable them to live together with

the other peacefully.

Behavioral learning is the performance, engagement, conduct, and practical application. A person who is aware and understands the wider world is known as a

global citizen. Young people get most of the benefits from global citizenship education. It helps young people to take learning into the real world. GCE also

challenges ignorance and intolerance. GEC also help young people to build their understanding of world events. Global citizenship education has become a

universal in the terms of education. Global citizenship education aware people of the global community. Due to global citizenship education, young people can

solve problems and make decisions.

Global citizenship education helps people to see their morals. Global citizenship education also affects plastic pollution. GEC is very effective in reducing

plastic pollution. By following the rules of global citizenship education large quality of plastic pollution is removed from the world. GCE is the best way of

reducing plastic pollution. Awareness of global citizenship education is very important for managing plastic pollution. Global citizenship education affects

plastic pollution and becomes the cause of reducing plastic pollution. So we should follow global citizenship education to make the environment healthy and

overcome plastic pollution.

Global citizenship education aims to empower learners of all ages to assume active roles, globally and locally, intolerant and secure societies. Global citizenship

education is generally, based on three domains of learning such as emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. It helps young people to take learning into the real

world. GCE also challenges ignorance and intolerance. Global citizenship education aware people of the global community. Due to global citizenship education,

young people can solve problems and make decisions. By following the rules of global citizenship education large quality of plastic pollution is removed from

the world. GCE is the best way of reducing plastic pollution. Global citizenship education affects plastic pollution and becomes the cause of reducing plastic

pollution. So we should follow global citizenship education to make the environment healthy and overcome plastic pollution. (Pashby, 2020)

Crawford, J. B.-H. (2020). COVID-19: 20 countries' higher education intra-period digital pedagogy responses. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching,

Dziallas, M. &. (2019). Innovation indicators throughout the innovation process: An extensive literature analysis. Technovation.

Jeong, H. H.-S. (2019). Ten years of computer-supported collaborative learning: A meta-analysis of CSCL in STEM education during. Educational research review.

Kerr, D. O. (2020). The effectiveness of training interventions on nurses' communication skills: a systematic review. Nurse education today.

Nicolaou, C. M. (2019). Technology-enhanced learning and teaching methodologies through audiovisual media. Education Sciences,

Pashby, K. d. (2020). A meta-review of typologies of global citizenship education. Comparative Education,

Ulger, K. (2018). e effect of problem-based learning on the creative thinking and critical thinking disposition of students in visual arts education. Interdisciplinary

Journal of Problem-Based Learning,

Walia, C. (2019). A dynamic definition of creativity. Creativity Research Journal.

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