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Advertising aims to put the product in front of the audience. Advertising is used to take the
attention of consumers for a specific product. It is usually used to promote a specific product or
service. Advertising is most commonly used for commercial advertisement. An advertising
campaign is a specially designed strategy that is used almost all over the world to promote a
specific product or service. Due to the advertising campaign of the product, product awareness is
increased among the public and increased the sales of the product. Some entrepreneurs think that
an advertising campaign means only creating an ad, but it is wrong advertising campaigns are
used to yield the best results. Advertising has many methods such as TV commercials, radio,
digital advertising, billboards, public transit ads, etc. The advertising campaign is used to
increase the awareness of the brand and enable it to reach new customers. The advertising
campaign also informs us about the target market of our latest product. Advertising campaigns
play vital roles in any type of business. One of the main purposes of advertising campaigns is to
capture the feedback of the customers. (Ilhamsyah, 2019)

“Believing is Magic” Campaign:

Here we discuss the advertising campaign of the brand Coca-Cola "Real Magic". "Believing is
Magic" is the campaign of coca-cola. Coca-Cola is a global company of soft drinks. Coca-Cola
starts its marketing campaign to get the fans in the mood. Now Coca-Cola comes to celebrate the
FIFA World Cup 2022. Coca-Cola and FIFA are partners since 1974. And Coca-Cola has
sponsored FIFA events since 1978. Coca-Cola is presenting the FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour
for the fifth time in a row. The most recent campaign of the brand is “Believing is Magic”. The
ad of the campaign is also an interaction. The campaign focuses on the moments of connections
between fans and the values that come with World Cup devotion. In the ad of the campaign, we
see images of celebration, and people hugging. "Tattoo", "Shave", and "Run" are three main
digital films included in the campaign "Believing is Magic". Coca-Cola will also host all digital
events of the World cup.

Target audience:

In the campaign "Believing is Magic" coca cola target a specific group of people who are excited
about the FIFA world cup and football lovers. Through this campaign, coca-cola promotes its
product to football lovers all around the world. Enjoy the FIFA world cup with coca-cola. In the
ad for the "Believing is Magic" campaign we see the image of the celebration of the world cup,
women full of joy, and people hugging bottles of coca-cola in their hands. “Real Magic” is the
tagline of the Coca-cola brand and the meaning of the campaign is similar to the meaning of the
tagline. Defining your product to the audience attracts the audience to your product. This
campaign promotes the coca cola very well and also guides people about the FIFA world cup.
(Lipták, 2020)
The objective of the Campaign:

Coca-Cola launched the advertisement campaign to achieve specific objectives. The main
objective of any campaign of any brand is to the maximization of profit. Creating awareness
among the audience about the company and its products is also the objective of the campaign.
Increasing sales is also the objective of the campaign. The main objective of the "Believing is
Magic" campaign is to promote the coca cola all around the world and also aware people about
the FIFA world cup. Informing the consumers and buyers about the coca-cola and FIFA world
cup. In this campaign coca cola also sponsored the FIFA world cup so it also promotes the FIFA
world cup 2022. Increasing the liking of coca-cola over the competitors of the company.
Increasing the liking of the FIFA world cup is also the objective of the “Believing is Magic”
campaign. The main objective of any advertising campaign for a popular product or brand is to
make new users.

The message of the Campaign:

Coca-Cola marketing campaigns send specific messages to their audiences. The main message of
this campaign is to satisfy the thirst with delicious taste during enjoying the FIFA world cup
2022. Coca-cola tries to communicate that it satisfies the thirst in the best possible manner.
According to scientists, the thirst created by coca-cola is different from the natural thirst for
water. In this campaign, coca-cola conveys a message to the audience that drinking coca cola is
stylish. And drinking coca-cola during the FIFA world cup is a moment of excitement and
enjoying the moment. Through this campaign of "Believing is Magic" coca cola tries to believe
customers that it is a necessary component of daily life. (Raudeliūnienė, 2018)

Marketing Strategy:

Marketing strategy is the process of overall business planning for reaching prospective
consumers and turning them into customers of the products. The marketing strategy is the outline
of the marketing plan. Proper research about the market is also included in the process of
marketing strategy. Advertisement campaigns are also the part of marketing strategy. Coca-Cola
sells its products in almost 200 countries all around the world. About 80% profit of coca cola is
generated from outside of the United States. According to research, about 94% of people around
the world know about the red and white logo of coca cola. Coca-Cola is included in one of the
companies that built a marketing strategy and become famous all around the world. The
marketing strategy of coca cola is that they do proper analysis and research about the factors and
then apply it properly. The marketing strategy of any company depends on the 4Ps of the
marketing strategy. The 4Ps include Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Product is the service
that is marketed to the target audience. If a company working on a product, it is essential to keep
in mind the target audience and their needs. Price is the cost of your product. The price should be
according to the specifications of the product. Pricing plays a vital role in the success of any
product. The place is the location where you sell your product. Correct placement is also
important. Promotion is a way how you advertise your product. Different ways are available for
promoting the product. (Tong, 2020)

Advertising Strategies:

Coca-cola has many advertising strategies and they follow these strategies properly. By
following the advertising strategies coca-cola become a leading brand in the world. Coca-cola
researched different advertising strategies to find its desired target market. Here we discuss the
five basic advertising strategies of Coca-Cola.

The TV commercial is the most popular and common platform for coca cola to increase its
following. TV ads play an important role for coca cola to reach the maximum number of new

Sponsorship is another biggest advertising strategy of Coca-cola. They sponsor different sports
events. Coca-cola is the biggest sponsor of the world cup trophy tour 2014. Coca-cola also
sponsors the Olympic Games for a long time.

Print Media is also included in the advertising strategy of Coca-cola. Their commercials are seen
in different newspapers and magazines all around the world. Coca-cola ads can also be found on
different stickers and posters.

Social Media is the unique advertising strategy of Coca-cola. We can see a lot of ads for coca-
cola on different social media, especially on Facebook. Through Facebook and any other
platform, there is easy to attract lots of fans without giving much effort.
Global Awareness is also included in the advertising strategies of Coca-cola. Coca-cola is always
active during the global crisis which helped them to connect with all around the world. During
the period of COVID-19, coca cola foundation donated about $13.5 million to non-profit
organizations in U.S and Canada. (Yan, 2022)


We can conclude that adverting is used for the promotion of the product. The advertising
campaign is a unique strategy for promoting the product all around the world. Due to the
advertising campaign of the product, product awareness is increased among the public and
increased the sales of the product. Coca-cola recently starts the campaign "Believing is Magic".
This campaign is the sponsor of the FIFA World Cup 2022. Coca-cola is the biggest sponsor of
FIFA. "Tattoo", "Shave", and "Run" are three main digital films included in the campaign
"Believing is Magic". Through this campaign coca cola target the audience of FIFA world cup
fans and football lovers. The main objective of the campaign is to maximize profit and increase
the number of customers. Advertisement campaigns are also the part of marketing strategy.
Complete research about the market is also included in the process of marketing strategy.
According to the survey, all around the world, about 94% of people know about the logo of
Coca-cola. The message of the campaign is to fulfill your thirst with delicious coke and enjoy the
FIFA world cup. TV, Radio, social media, digital platforms, and print media are included in the
main tools of advertising. Coca-cola researched different advertising strategies to find its desired
target market. So "Believing is Magic" is all about sponsoring the FIFA world cup and
promoting Coca-cola. (Uner, 2022)

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