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NAME: Andrea Maegan A.

Infante RPH - Activity #1


I. Read and answer the following in UNIT 1 (Hulo – RPH Module)

A. Sipat: Watch it Online Activity p. 9
B. Data Retrieval Chart and Process Questions on pp.9 and 12
C. Sipat: How I See it on p. 14

II. Review Essay: Read the Pigafetta’s Chronicle on the First Voyage then answer
the following questions.

1. Introduce Antonio Pigafetta and his significance in the Voyage of Magellan in one
2.How did Antonio Pigafetta describe the way of life of the early Filipinos?
3. Cite and explain three significant events in the First Voyage article that were related to
the image of Ferdinand Magellan as a European explorer.

B. Data Retrieval Chart and Process Questions on pp.9 and 12
Theories on the Peopling of the Philippines
Theories Main Arguments Proofs/ Evidences Critic

Land Bridge & Wave I can say that the H. Otley Beyer I can state that his
Migration Theory theory provided a claims that the theory is not very
(Hotley Beyer) clear explanation for negritos, the concrete, but
Indonesians, and the
how the expansion of because of the
Malay people of the
Austronesian Philippines all came evidences and
speaking occurs, but to the region as part proofs supplied, it
I also believe that it of a wave migration, also provided an
could be a mere and his evidence idea of how or what
coincidence, which is supports this claim. may be used to
why we should The Austronesians explain the origins of
provide more also invented a way our country.
concrete evidence to to travel great According to
distances by sea. In
prove that the theory addition, his Ferdinand
is correct because of argument hinges on Bluementrit's theory,
the similar the idea that our it is because of
information he ancestors traveled to modern civilization
gathered. various parts of the that it is claimed to
country via be the genesis of
watercraft. There man in our country.
was a connection That the Philippines
that prompted the
emergence of has the same genes
Theories Main Arguments Proofs/ Evidences Critic

numerous distinctive and mitochondrial

cultural practices, DNA as the rest of
including language. Asia. They also
imagine the
migration moving
from south Asia to
southeast Asia, to
the Philippine

Austronesian Migration The idea behind this It is proven by the I can say that the
Theory (Peter Bellwood) notion is that about evidence of Peter theory provided a
6,000 years ago, a Bellwood as a result clear explanation for
group of of his research and how the expansion
Austronesians the development of a of Austronesian
migrated from Asia concept by Bellwood speaking occurs, but
into the Pacific wherein it can be I also believe that it
Ocean by way of shown because of could be a mere
Taiwan. This the equipment that is coincidence, which
migration is consistent in different is why we should
considered to have locations. In addition, provide more
taken place. he came to this concrete evidence to
conclusion because prove that the theory
of the belief system is correct because of
that the the similar
Austronesians information he
possessed, which is gathered.
the reason why he
thinks the
language spread. In
addition, Peter
Bellwood, the leader
of a group of
archeologists, is
credited with
discovering in
bananas what is
thought to be the
remains of a jade
workshop that was in
operation at least
3,000 years ago and
Theories Main Arguments Proofs/ Evidences Critic

is also known by the

This workshop was
utilized in the
production of chains
on a linestone meza.
As well as the ling
ling hos, which is a
circular decoration
that was discovered
among the
inhabitants of
Southeast Asia and
which may also be
found in a very
similar form in
Malaysia, Vietnam,
and Taiwan. His
theory was being
tested because there
is empirical evidence
that Austronesian
speakers share a
common cultural
heritage. Moreover,
this is the reason
why his theory was
being testified.

Core Population Theory The primary premise According to this By this theory,
(Felipe Landa Jocano) of Felipe Landa theory, the primary migration did not
Jocanos's argument piece of evidence occur in distinct
was that the people that was discovered waves. Rather, it
who currently live in was a human skull indicates that the
southeast Asia cap and a fragment earliest peoples of
formerly belonged to of a man's jaw. This Southeast Asia were
the same racial discovery was made all part of the same
community and in 1962 at the Ople ethnic group and
shared a similar Cave in Palawan, had a common
culture. It was stating which is located on cultural heritage
that the Philippines the island of before becoming
and other countries Palawan. culturally distinct
in Asia share the over the course of
Theories Main Arguments Proofs/ Evidences Critic

same genes, DNA, time due to

culture, and beliefs, environmental
and that these pressures.
similarities are
widespread. that we
share genetic
characteristics with
individuals located all
around us, and that
Austronesian is the
mother tongue of a
linguistic family that
includes a number of
different languages.
And argues that the
diversity that exists
within arrays is much
greater than the
diversity that exists
between different

Process Question:

1. Why is there a need to find out the origin of the Filipino race?

- It is important to understand the origin because it will teach us how and

what methods our historians and researchers used to prove and reveal the
true history of a person, place, etc. Due to the information we have
obtained, this will be of great advantage to us; therefore, it is necessary for
us to acquire such knowledge, especially if it pertains to our own country.

2. In which theory you are inclined to believe? Why?

- I believed Peter Bellwood's Austronesian Migration theory because it was

supported by strong evidence and because his theory makes sense based
on the consistent equipment found in various areas. In addition, he
reached this conclusion due to the Austronesian belief system, which he
believes contributed to the expansion of the Austronesian language.

C. Sipat: How I See it on p. 14

1. I think the perspective of the historical maker, Cebu City or the Filipino’s rather
described the situation as simple or straight forward unlike the perspective of the
Spaniards, it was well-detailed about how the situations occurred.
2. As a result of the divergent perspectives of the two sources, new conclusions
must be reached about them. As the history of Magellan and Lapu-Lapu is
known, and as time passes, there is a translation of the occurrences, so people
have a new belief about them.
3. The event was inspirational for the Filipino’s at that time and up to now because
it shows how brave we were despite still being conquered years later.


The significance events that I've found in the article of "Antonio

Pigafetta's first voyage around the world by Magellan" is that he is the one who
discovered the "strait of Magellan." While the Strait of Magellan has shipping issues, it
was thought at the time to be far safer than navigating around Cape Horn. And the Cape
route is beset by terrible storms that have caused havoc on sailing ships and taken the
lives of many. Then they discovered the Pacific Oceans, which were far greater than
previously assumed, as well as the fact that the Earth was larger than previously
thought, which the Greeks already understood mathematically. The fact that our world
was in a round shape was also discovered by scientists and sailors. Only one ship and
18 men made the entire journey, so you might say he demonstrated it was a perilous
journey. The rest either died or abandoned the ship. A poisoned arrow in his vulnerable
leg killed Magellan in fight on land. He was slashed to death by some indigenous they
were attempting to pacify after being weakened by the arrow. It allowed them to trade
with a big chunk of the world they had never considered before.

It confirmed that the ancient Spice Islands route was indeed the
shortest. And the author states in his article that the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand
Magellan coordinated Spanish missions to the East Indies to look for a western route to
the Maluku Islands, now known as a spice island, which resulted in him making the first
circuit of the planet. By command of King Charles 1 of Spain, Antonio Pigafetta, an
Italian scholar and explorer from Venice, sailed with the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand
Magellan and his crew on their voyage around the world. And one of the most important
primary materials in the study of precolonial Philippines is his travelogue. And
Magellan's first voyage around the world displays some of his insights of the character
of the Philippines at the time. It was also about this time that Antonio Pigafetta
published his firsthand observations and impressions of the Far East, including their
experiences in the Visayas. And his work became a classic, with notable Western
literary figures like as William Shakespeare, Michel de Montaigne, and Giambattista Vico
citing it in their interpretations of the New World.

However, the text's contribution to our understanding of Philippine history

is that it will state and explain what happened during the era in which Magellan is
credited with commanding his first trip that proved the world is round by sailing from
east to west. Between 1525 and 1542, five additional Spanish expeditions followed,
kicking off Spain's colonization of the Philippines for the next three centuries. The
mission also advanced European understanding of the universe and has left an indelible
influence on the fields of space exploration and astronomy to this day. The explorer and
his crew witnessed two galaxies visible to the naked eye from the southern hemisphere
while crossing the Magellan Strait, which are now known as the Magellanic Clouds. And
to know that Antonio Pigafetta was a young Venetian, perhaps even in his early twenties
when he arrived in the Philippines on March 17, 1521, as part of Magellan's company.
He was the group's geographer and scribe, documenting not only the natives' names
and words, but also their food, clothing, customs, and traditions. And it is because of
these expeditions that we are already familiar with some of the characters of our
country, as a result of the expeditions that they have undertaken, which have
contributed significantly to our historical heritage.

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